Please put me on the right track with Drag Drop on IOS - objective-c

I am creating a bit of a video mash up app (like imovie) and the first function I am tackling is the ability to drag a thumbnail from a video library and drop it on a time line. I was able to add the drag code to the video thumbnail class so when you touch it, it creates a drag proxy view which moves around when you move your finger. Next I want to be able to drop it on the time line.
My Timeline is also a uiview and I am unsure of how it can receive notification that the thumbnail is being dragged over it! It will need the position of the thumbnail so that it can show it on the timeline and the duration of the clip and such (information that I have attached to my video thumbnail object)
How would you approach this issue? The App is for ipad and is on ios 5.
Thanks for any pointers!

You will most likely want to subclass the UIView. You can look at this post:
Mainly you will want to see if the My Timeline view is being touched, and then see if you are in the middle of a drag or not.


codename one how to place component on an image viewer that capture camera?

I have a GUI Builder created form in codename one, how can i open the camera in a resizable view at the show() of the form and place container like text area or anything else on it?
I saw the camera demo but i don't understand it very well because on the simulator it open a file picker.
My purpose is to create a form with a camera resizable capture when you have two labels and you can also write or paint on your photo used in background, I do this only for hobby and fun, i do what i can, Any advice is well accepted, thank you for the attenction
You can now place a component on top of a camera view with a new cn1lib:
Original answer below:
I'm assuming you mean overlay on a live camera view. While this is possible it's not supported at this time in the Java API layer.
If you mean grabbing a photo and setting it as a background for the form for overlay you can create an image with the result of the Capture API and use setBgImage() to set that image to the background of a component or form.

swift adding zoom to container view

I have a page view controller embedded inside a container view in order to swipe between images. But now I am trying to add a touch that will make the image go full screen "lightbox" with zoom available and also swipe through the images while in full screen mode.
I can get it to work, and messing around with auto layout seems to be much work consider I have a lot of other stuff in that VC.
So does anyone know a good image slider from github written in swift? - without the need of cocopods.
It's easy enough to write one yourself. In full-screen mode, use another UIPageViewController, because it already has the swipe left & right support built in.

Is it possible to programmatically force an ios ap in split view to go full screen in ios9?

I am developing this app for ipad and ios9 and at some point the user will click on a button to watch a video. But I wouldn't want the user to just see it in the split view size he's currently on (like 1/3rd or 14th) instead I would like the app to close the other open app and for it to take over the entire screen.
Does anyone know if that's possible? Thanks.
By-default, the video always get played in full-screen mode. When video playing is finished, the player gets dismissed and you will see your screen (from where you played the video). In your case, in split view controller.
Do let me know if you need further details.

How to recreate Jetsetter's iOS teaser photo & photo viewer slideshow transition?

One of the more impressive iOS app that I've come across is Jetsetter's due to its great design, incredible interface, and creative uses of animation. One of my favorite components of the app is the teaser photo interface they have for the hotels/venues. They provide a minimized photo slideshow, but if you want the full view you can click it and it expands to expose a larger version of the image. You can see a blurry video of this in action here.
I'm interested in recreating something similar. I'm well aware of the paged galleries like MHPagingScrollview (which is how the larger photo viewer functions), yet what I'm trying to figure out is the proper way to handle the transition. I've also seen libraries that handle the Ken Burns effect for images. However what is not clear is whether or not there are separate view controllers.
Is this a transition between two separate view controllers? Or would the minimized and maximized photo viewer be part of the same controller? How would you most efficiently replicate something similar? I've embedded a screen shot below to illustrate the before and after. The video linked above however most effectively illustrates this transition.
Mobile engineer from Jetsetter here. They are two separate controllers, but the transition animation occurs in the first. Here's the flow:
A user taps the smaller photo.
A transition view containing the full size image is placed directly on top of the smaller image.
The transition view animates to the bounds of the screen.
The photo viewer controller is presented as a modal without animation, completing the effect in one seamless animation.
The effect is reversed when the modal controller is dismissed.
The trick lies in your transition view. We created a UIView subclass (with clipsToBounds enabled) that contains an imageView. The bounds of the transition view expands to reveal the imageView, resulting in no distortion of the final image during the animation.

UITableView - after didselect row to play Youtube video

Has anybody any idea how to make UITableView the way how it is done with Youtube app?
I mean, in the cells there are thumbnails and some text. This part I have already done.
But still cannot realize how to trigger video. I know how to trigger it from web view, but this is different case.
any help will be appreciated.
EDIT: My observation is that the cells behave like UIWebViews in the native YT app.
Did you have use UITableViewCell for the cell template?
There is MPMoviePlayerController
A movie player (of type MPMoviePlayerController) manages the playback of a movie from a file or a network stream. Playback occurs in a view owned by the movie player and takes place either fullscreen or inline. You can incorporate a movie player’s view into a view hierarchy owned by your app, or use an MPMoviePlayerViewController object to manage the presentation for you
You can see also in the detail in Apple's Multimedia Programming Guide by using Video .