How to access a Service Reference from JavaScript? - wcf

(WCFDS = WCF Data Services 5,backed by Entity Framework, using oData v3, formatted as JSON, served up via IIS7 and protected by Windows authentication.)
The crux is accessing the WCFDS in an authenticated manner from an AJAX call.
To this end, I have a client as an ASP.Net Web Application with Windows authentication set in Web.config and a Service Reference pointing to the WCFDS.
I want to use client-side JavaScript to access the Service Reference. How can I do this?
I thought about creating an aspx page, hosting in the client and direct calls from JavaScript code to this page, which would then retrieve data through the Service Reference - but I'm at a loss over how to expose the full functionality of the Service Reference in this manner (there are dozens of entities).
Can anyone help with advice?

The Windows authorization settings in web.config are not directly related to WCF Data Services, so you probably won't need to set anything there. You WILL need to set your settings up properly in IIS.
There are a number of good articles out there about using Windows authorization over WCF Data Services; in a nutshell you have a wide degree of freedom in how you choose to expose authorization (ranging from filtering out individual entities from a feed to throwing 401/403s).
A couple of good articles to read through: (yes, I know that's forms auth but the auth part of this is entirely orthogonal to what the code looks like in your WCF Data Services)
The simplest code you could possibly write would be something along the lines of:
namespace Scratch.Web
[ServiceBehavior(IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true)]
public class ScratchService : DataService<ScratchContext>
public Expression<Func<Product, bool>> ProductsAuthorization()
if (!HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated)
return (p) => false;
return (p) => HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("AllowAccessToProducts");
// of service code...
Note that everything on the client side is controlled by the browser, so you don't really need to do anything there (the biggest step might be to add the site to Trusted Sites so it doesn't prompt you for your credentials if you're on a domain-joined machine).


Multi-tenant .Net Core Web API

I have a requirement to build a Web API for an existing system. There are various agencies throughout the country, and each agency has its own database. All databases are on one single server. All databases are identical in structure. All databases have their own username and password. An agency has one or more users. A user can belong to one or more agencies. There is also one special database which contains a table of all users, a table of all agencies, and user-agencies bridge table.
Currently they are using a traditional Windows desktop application. When a user sets up this Windows program, they log in with a username and password. The system then displays for them a list of all the agencies that they belong to (normally just one, but some "power users" can belong to a few). They pick an agency, and then the program connects to the correct database. For the remainder of the session, everything that the user does will be done on that database.
The client wants to create a web app to eventually replace the Windows program (and the two will be running side by side for a while). One developer is creating the front end in Angular 5, and I am developing the API in ASP .Net Core 2.1.
So the web app will function in a similar manner to the Windows app. A user logs in to the web app. The web app, which consumes my Web API, tells the API which user just logged in. The API then checks which agency(s) this user belongs to from that database that stores that data. The API returns the list of agencies the user belongs to to the web app. There, the user picks an agency. From this point on, the web app will include this Agency ID in the header of all API calls. The API, when it receives a request from the web app, will know which database to use, based on the Agency ID in the header of the request.
Hope that makes sense...
Obviously this means that I will have to change the connection string of the DbContext on the fly, depending on which database the API must talk to. I've been looking at this, firstly by doing it on the controller itself, which worked but would involve a lot of copy-and-paste anti-patterns in all my controllers. So I am trying to move this to the DbContext's OnConfiguring event. I was thinking it'd be best to create a DbContext Factory to create the DbContexts, using the appropriate connection string. I'm just a bit lost though. You see, when the web app calls an end point on the web api (let's say an HTTP GET request to get a list of accounts), this will fire the HttpGet handler in the Accounts controller. This action method then reads the Agency ID header. But this is all happening on the controller.... If I call the DbContext Factory from the DbContext's OnConfiguring() event, it would have to send the Agency ID (which was read in the controller) to the factory so that the factory knows which connection string to create. I'm trying not to use global variables to keep my classes loosely coupled.
Unless I have some service running in the pipeline that intercepts all requests, reads the Agency ID header, and this somehow gets injected into the DbContext constructor? No idea how I would go about doing this...
In summary, I'm a bit lost. I'm not even sure if this is the correct approach. I've looked at some "multi-tenant" examples, but to be honest, I've found them a bit hard to understand, and I was hoping I could do something a bit simpler for now, and with time, as my knowledge of .Net Core improves, I can look at improving the code correspondingly.
I am working on something similar you describe here. As I am also quite at the start, I have no silver bullet yet. There is one thing where could help you with your approach though:
firstly by doing it on the controller itself, which worked but would involve a lot of copy-and-paste anti-patterns in all my controllers.
I took the approach of having a middleware being in charge of swapping the dbconnection string. Something like this:
public class TenantIdentifier
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
public TenantIdentifier(RequestDelegate next)
_next = next;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext, GlobalDbContext dbContext)
var tenantGuid = httpContext.Request.Headers["X-Tenant-Guid"].FirstOrDefault();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tenantGuid))
var tenant = dbContext.Tenants.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Guid.ToString() == tenantGuid);
httpContext.Items["TENANT"] = tenant;
await _next.Invoke(httpContext);
public static class TenantIdentifierExtension
public static IApplicationBuilder UseTenantIdentifier(this IApplicationBuilder app)
return app;
Here I am using a self-created http-header called X-Tenant-Guid to identify the tenants GUID. Then I make a request to the global Database, where I do get the connection string of this tenants db.
I made the example public here. (it's not yet updated to asp net core 2.1 but it should not be a problem to do so quickly)

IAuthenticationFilter equivalent in MVC6

I'm moving a Web Api 2 project to MVC 6, since Microsoft is merging the two APIs in ASP.NET 5. In my WebApi project I had a custom Attribute Filter class that would authenticate, authorize and prevent transaction replays using a combination of public key, private key and HMAC authentication (basically, doing this with some tweaks to fit into my project).
Now in MVC6, as far as I understand I must stop using anything in the Microsoft.Web.Http namespace and instead use Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc. So I have done that, but the Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Filters doesn't seem to have any equivalent of Web Api 2's IAuthenticationFilter.
This is a problem for me because my customer AuthenticationFilter implemented all of IAuthenticationFilter, with all the logic in there. More importantly, it was using the Context to temporarily store the public key of the account, so my controller could access it to load up the account in turn.
So my question is, what is the proper way to filter requests in MVC6, using an Authentication Filter-like class to intercept the requests and return the appropriate status codes? I can't find any article that goes specifically in these details (they all tend to cover MVC5).
I know it's an older question, but hopefully someone (maybe even yourself) might find value in the answer.
MVC6 does in fact have an alternative. You have an
public abstract class AuthorizationFilterAttribute :
Attribute, IAsyncAuthorizationFilter, IAuthorizationFilter, IOrderedFilter
which basically tells you, that you can create your custom class, derive it from this (namespace of all of these interfaces, btw, is Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.Filters and that should be it. You can either decorate the action with it, or you can do this in Startup.cs, to apply to all actions:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add MVC services to the services container.
services.AddMvc(options =>
// add an instance of the filter, like we used to do it
options.Filters.Add(new MySpecialFilter());
If you want to use a bit more logic in the filter (e.g. my LogFilter above) which is instantiated through DI, you need to use either Service Filters or Type Filters.
You can now decorate the actions with [ServiceFilter(typeof(LogFilter))] or use o.Filters.Add(new ServiceFilterAttribute(typeof(LogFilter))); in the Startup.cs file. But keep in mind, to do this you need to register the type with the DI container, like I did above with the .AddTransient<>() call.
IAuthenticationFilter is no more and IAuthorizationFilter simply does not replace it in MVC 6
Reason: authentication is NOT EQUAL to authorization.
Therefore IMO the authentication filter should stay available!

How to Consume MVC 4 WebApi Service

I am new to Web Api world and I see a lot of potential for in the new MVC 4 Web Api. I have generated a WCF Web Service but was planning to get to know Web-APIs and their web service capabilities. Now, is MVC 4 Web-Api Service more as front end? I wrote a sample Service by following some examples online in MVC 4 Web Api but how do I consume the Service in just a basic console app? I have figured out the only way to consume it is by using HttpClient are there other ways? I am used to ASP.NET Web Service and WCF Web Service as where you reference it as a service in your references and then you are able to see all of its objects, properties to make appropriate calls.
What happens if web-api is requesting a object "Task" for post method as an example how am I able to fill an object "Task" and post it back to the web-api? As in WCF I am able to see that "Task" object and its properties because of WSDL so I am able to fill them and send it back to the service how is that done in web-api service?
The webservice would be used internally is it worth it to have an web-api service?
Thank you so much for helping clearing some question of what I have about web-api services.
---Edit as per Comment---
This screenshot shows a possible structure which you can approach. Of course, you can take a design that best suit your application.
So ControllerLib is a separate Class Library project which is brought into the main project as a Service Reference (which is not shown in the screenshot but should be inside the References folder of the SecondMVCApplication project). The two controller file (HomeController.cs and LocationController.cs is a controller file that implemented the Controller class, which is the same thing as a Controller file when you create a new MVC4 application using the template)
So for your question regarding if there is a SVC file. NO. In MVC 4, there is no such thing as a SVC file whether the application is one project or a combination of multiple project (unless I am mistaken). Inside the SecondMVCApplication, there is a file called RouteConfig.cs which holds the routing URL and as long as you add the Service Reference and there controller function exists. The code will run. Also the sample screenshot I showed also includes a WebApiConfig.cs file. You can use that file to do API stuff for mobile if you need. So, the regular RouteConfig.cs handles website request and the WebApiConfig.cs handles API request.
Good to Note: If you are using a Model project as a separate project (which I know you will as it is a M-V-C project...DUH!!). Make sure you put your connection string inside the web.config main project (in this case, the SecondMVCApplication). I remember I was stuck in this problem for 3 days (8 hours each) trying to fix this problem. Hope you don't run into it.
---End Edit---
The following answer to your question is mostly based on my knowledge and may or may not be true to all users.
Is MVC 4 Web-Api Service more as front end?
This depends on how you look at it. Typically, a Web-API service is more suited for creating back-end service to provide a data payload to different platforms, like mobile, desktop apps and so on. However, a MVC4 Internet Application will have front-end aspects in them, namely the Views, which end-users sees.
How do I consume the Service in just a basic console app?
AFAIK, there is two way to do this. One if to consume the APIs as a Service Reference. Another is to use HTTP operation (which I will mention in your question regarding the HTTP client and reserve this answer using the Service Reference method).
This depends on how your application is done. Like I said, if it is a website, your MVC pattern will not need to do anything, but the Models, Views and Controllers all are designed to work together without using any service.
Although, as I mentioned in the comments to the questions, if it is a big application then you will need to break them into different projects that will make the app modular and nimble. So you will end up creating different Service Library. If you go down the Service Library road, then you just make use of the Add Reference option to bring in your API/Projects/Whatever-you-call-it into the project. (For this, I normally put all project inside a single solution and let Visual Studio manage the build order as I am lazy to write up a build script).
Similarly, the same logic could be applied when consuming your web service in a console app.
I have figured out the only way to consume it is by using HttpClient are there other ways?
One way to consume web APIs is using HTTP. Are you aware of how to write http request headers and handle http response. If so, this is the second way I mentioned. You call the web service through it's URL and then get the data and do whatever work. If your answer to use http in console app is NO, then look at this post: Create HTTP post request and receive response using C# console application
What happens if web-api is requesting a object "Task" for post method as an example how am I able to fill an object "Task" and post it back to the web-api?
I think I indirectly answered this in your previous answer (assuming you are going to take the HTTP road). If not, then comment and I'll see if I can find some resource for you.
The webservice would be used internally is it worth it to have an web-api service?
I sort of answered this in the comment to the question. Ask if you need clarification.
Hope all this helps.
you can create your own Client Service class that will serve for every request.
public class ClientService
#region async helper methods
private static string m_mediaTypeHeaderValue= "application/json";
static HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
static HttpClient createHttpClientInstance()
return client ?? new HttpClient();
internal static async Task<T> Get<T>(string endpoint)
client= createHttpClientInstance();
var response = await client.GetAsync(endpoint);
string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content));
static async Task<T> Post<T>(string endpoint, object data)
client = createHttpClientInstance();
var httpContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data));
httpContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(m_mediaTypeHeaderValue);
var response = await client.PostAsync(endpoint, httpContent);
string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content));
static async Task<T> Put<T>(string endpoint, object data)
client = createHttpClientInstance();
var httpContent = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data));
httpContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(m_mediaTypeHeaderValue);
var response = await client.PutAsync(endpoint, httpContent);
string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content));
static async Task<T> Delete<T>(string endpoint)
client = createHttpClientInstance();
var response = await client.DeleteAsync(endpoint);
string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(content));

consuming wcf service secured by adfs in windows phone application

I have a wcf service secured by ADFS deployed in azure. I am able to consume that service in my console application. But when I am not sure how to consume that service in windows phone 7 application.
In my console application, I am retrieving a security token and passing that token to channelfactory object using CreateChannelWithIssuedToken method. But there is no such method in windows phone app to pass the token to wcf service. Can anyone guide me in this issue?
Thanks in advance.
CreateChannelWithIssuedToken was an extension method added by the WIF assembly in .NET 3.5/4.0 (I believe .NET 4.5 has most of this stuff now built-in to the System.ServiceModel namespace). Since you won't have this on the phone, you're stuck with the regular WCF methods to create and use channels.
This is still the case when working on WinForms/WPF apps, though in that case you have the option of bringing in the WIF assembly. Still, it isn't required, and consuming an ADFS-secured service is perfectly doable with the regular WCF classes.
Windows Phone seems to support this stuff, though with some caveats. Looking at the implementation of the extension method, it doesn't seem like they are doing anything all that fancy really:
public static T CreateChannelWithIssuedToken<T>(this ChannelFactory<T> factory, SecurityToken issuedToken)
return ChannelFactoryOperations.CreateChannelWithParameters<T>(factory, new FederatedClientCredentialsParameters
IssuedSecurityToken = issuedToken
public static T CreateChannelWithParameters<T>(ChannelFactory<T> factory, FederatedClientCredentialsParameters parameters)
T t = factory.CreateChannel();
return t;
The verify method simply performs some diagnostics and throws exceptions (such as if the endpoint isn't set). ChannelParameterCollection is defined in System.ServiceModel.Channels and is supported in Silverlight/WP7. And FederatedClientCredentialsParameters is nothing special either:
public class FederatedClientCredentialsParameters
public SecurityToken ActAs ( get; set; )
public SecurityToken OnBehalfOf ( get; set; )
public SecurityToken IssuedSecurityToken ( get; set; )
It seems like you should be able to create a channel and use your token with it normally, even from WP7, though I'm afraid I don't have the exact steps to do so. Maybe someone else does or maybe this leads you in the right direction.
This article shows how to access a WIF-protected WCF service from Silverlight, which I imagine is nearly identical to how you'd do it on the phone.
There is a training kit ( example ACSAndWindowsPhone7 that may help here (I've not looked at it in detail). I know that Wade Wegner has a number of blog posts on ACS and WP7, but not sure if he's tackled ADFS specifically versus OAuth type mechanisms.

MVC Controllers WCF Service

I am using MVC3 for my presentation layer and my data access and business logic are exposed through a WCF Service. Should my controllers call the WCF service or should there be a further level of abstraction such as a repository which calls the WCF service.
Repository which calls the service
public ProductController(IProductRepository productRepository)
_productRepository = productRepository;
public ProductRepository(ProductServiceClient client)
_client = client;
Service directly in the controllers
public ProductController(ProductServiceClient client)
_client = client;
The repository classes do nothing apart from call the methods exposed via the service.
Sorry I am well confused about your question, but I am sorry if I have misunderstood. Hope my pointers will clear this up.
Repositories related to persistence and define a way to handle the
infrastructure layer i.e. dealing with data (in memory repository,
sql repository or generic one)
Services if you like use these repositories to perform the
contractual operations such as getting the client in your case.
Services are called by clients or someone that requests services and
service in turn calls the repository which in turn calls the data
So you may need to change your wcf to work with repositories and let your controller call services..hope that helps
I would start by doing the exact oposite - the WCF should call methods inside the repository.
The data layer should be universal, and should be able to be accessed through any means (wcf should be one, mvc website should be another, etc).
That way you can also unit test your projects, and it's easier to keep track of it. Wcf should be considered as an extra api to your program in this case.
I am more concerned of where the business rules should be stored, but I would vote for mvc controllers for business logic, and wcf services invoking those internally.