Apache htaccess 301 redirect - apache

I want to rewrite url from article.php?id=123 to article/123
I added the following rule, it works fine
RewriteRule ^article/(.*) /article.php?id=$1 [PT]
I also want to add a 301 redirect rule to let search engine know article.php?id=123 should move to article/123. I added the following rule but seems not working.
RewriteRule ^article.php?id=(.*)$ /article/$1 [R=301,L]

You need to match against the actual request and not the URI because the URI gets rewritten by other rules:
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /article\.php\?id=([^\ ]+)
RewriteRule ^article\.php$ /article/%1? [R=301,L]
If you don't match against the actual request, a redirect loop will occur:
Browser requests /article.php?id=123
Server redirects to /article/123
Browser requests /article/123
Server rewrites internally to /article.php?id=123
Server internally matches and redirects the browser to /article/123
Browser requests /article/123
repeat from 4.

Try like this:
RewriteRule ^article.php?id=(.*)$ /article/$1 [L,R=301]


External and internal redirection using htaccess

I want to convert http://mywebsite.com/folder/file.html to http://mywebsite.com/file.
I am not using regular expression as first I am only concerned about this one URL only.
I tried this-
Redirect 301 /folder/file.html http://mywebsite.com/file
Using this I am able to externally redirect this URL to the desired one but since the URL doesn't exist so I am getting 404.
Now, in order to internally redirect the new URL to the old one, I am using below command but it doesn't seem to work-
RewriteRule http://mywebsite.com/file http://mywebsite.com/folder/file.html [L]
Use only mod_rewrite directives and use THE_REQUEST variable for external redirection.
# turn on rewrite engine
RewriteEngine On
# external redirect from actual URL to pretty one
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} \s/+/folder/file\.html[\s?] [NC]
RewriteRule ^ /file [R=301,L,NE]
# internal forward from pretty URL to actual one
RewriteRule ^file/?$ /folder/file.html [L,NC]

301 Redirect not working on particular URL

I have a redirect rule set up as below
Redirect /Products.aspx?Category_ID=15 https://www.trainerbubble.com/free-training-resources/
However, when going to the address it attaches itself to an existing page /training-products and results in this
How can I force the original redirect and make it stop thinking its part of the /training-products page?
You cannot match query string in Redirect directive. Use mod_rewrite rules instead:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^Category_ID=15$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^Products\.aspx$ https://www.trainerbubble.com/free-training-resources/? [L,NC,R=301]
? at the end of target URL is to strip off previous query string.

Opencart 301 Redirects

Having a problem with redirect in a .htaccess file on an Opencart store.
It seems that any URL with /index.php?_route_= isn't getting redirected.
For example, this works:
redirect /old-url-here http://example.com/new-url?
This doesn't:
redirect /index.php?_route_=some-url.asp http://example.com
Any idea or suggestions as to what might get this to work?
You can't match against the query string using mod_alias' Redirect directive. You'll need to use mod_rewrite, and if you use mod_rewrite, you're probably going to want to stop using mod_alias altogether.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} route=some-url\.asp
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ http://example.com/
Another thing is - apart from Jon's answer - that URLs like index.php?_route_=some-keyword are used/created only internally and only in case you have the SEO turned on. In this case, you click on a link with URL like http://yourstore.com/some-keyword and this URL is rewritten into index.php?_route_=some-keyword.
Therefore you shouldn't be creating URLs like that on your own nor try to redirect from them. If you need to redirect, catch the first SEO URL to redirect it.
We do not know where did you put your changes into the .htaccess file, but if you take a close look at this rewrite rule
RewriteRule ^([^?]*) index.php?_route_=$1 [L,QSA]
not only you'll find out it is the last rule there, but it also has this L switch which is telling Apache server that if this rule is matched, do a URL rewrite(, attach the query string [QSA] and) stop matching other rules [L] - this is the Last one.
If you need to redirect only a specific URL, do it the same way as redirect for sitemap.xml is done (for example) and place it before the last rewrite rule:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^sitemap.xml$ index.php?route=feed/google_sitemap [L]
# ...
# your new rule here - while the URL in the link is http://yourstore.com/some-url.asp
RewriteRule ^some-url.aspx$ index.php?route=some-folder/some-controller [L]
# ...
RewriteRule ^([^?]*) index.php?_route_=$1 [L,QSA]

Using a .htaccess to RewriteRule and Redirect 301 at the same time?

I have a couple of specific URLs that I want to display differently on my website. For example I want "/contact.php" to become "/contact". So I added this to my .htaccess:
RewriteRule ^contact$ contact.php
And to avoid having 2 different URLS pointing to the same page, I also want to do a 301 redirect between the old URL and the new one:
Redirect 301 /contact.php http://www.example.com/contact
Each of the line above works well separately. But if I add them both in my htaccess, I have a redirect loop. How can I fix that?
In the end, if I either type "/contact" or "/contact.php", I want to see the contact page with the url "/contact".
Edit: I also tried things like that, and it doesn't work:
RewriteRule ^/contact\.php$ http://www.example.com/contact [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^/contact$ /contact.php [L]
Yes it will indeed cause redirection loop since mod_rewrite rules are applied in a loop. Here value of REQUEST_URI changes to contact.php after first rule and to contact by your second rule.
To avoid this looping you need to use %{THE_REQUEST} in your external redirect rule as THE_REQUEST variable represents original request received by Apache from your browser and it doesn't get overwritten after execution of some other rewrite rules. Example value of this variable is GET /index.php?id=123 HTTP/1.1.
Use this:
RewriteEngine On
# external redirect from /contact.php to /contact
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} \s/+(contact)\.php\[\s?] [NC]
RewriteRule ^ /%1? [R=302,L]
# internal forward from /contact to /contact.php
RewriteRule ^(contact)/?$ $1.php [L,NC]
Change 302 to 301 once you make sure it is working fine for you.

Properly 301 redirect an URL with parameters to a different site

Right now I have an outdated URL that is getting 404'd:
It needs to be redirected to:
This doesn't work:
Redirect 301 /category/?tag=blue-example http://subdomain.mysite.com/blue/
How do I properly rewrite this URL?
The mod_alias does only chech the URI path and not the query (the part after the ?). But you can use mod_rewrite for this:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} =tag=blue-example
RewriteRule ^category/$ http://subdomain.example.com/blue/? [L,R=301]