Difference between dot syntax and valueForKey - objective-c

Please note that update 3 is probably most relevant
Im setting a NSTimeInterval property of a managed object with an nsdate object using setValue:forKey:
When i attempt to get the value I get weird stuff, at runtime this
NSLog(#"[managedObject valueForKey:#\"startTime\"] : %#, [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[managedObject startTime]]: %#",
[managedObject valueForKey:#"startTime"],[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[managedObject startTime]]);
[managedObject valueForKey:#"startTime"] : 2012-07-14 08:13:05 +0000,
[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[managedObject startTime]]: 1981-07-14 08:13:05 +0000
Update 1
The value returned by [managedObject valueForKey:#"startTime"] is correct. However I would prefer to use [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[managedObject startTime]] or something similar so that it is more strongly typed.
I believe [managedObject startTime] returns an incorrect value => 363954111.000000 .
However i set it with something like this:
managedObject setValue:1342261311 forKey:#"startTime"
It is worth noting that I am unsure whether this is incorrect because [managedObject valueForKey:#"startTime"] returns a correct NSDate object.
Update 2
I've logged the double values returned by KVC and . syntax.
managedObject.startTime = 363954111.000000
valueForKey timeIntervalSince1970 = 1342261311.000000
Update 3
Okay, I've set up a test, start time is set like this entity.startTime = [[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:1342261311] timeIntervalSince1970]; and end time is set like this [entity setValue:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:1342261311] forKey:#"endTime"];
When i write them to log i get this start = 1342261311.000000, end = 363954111.000000
It seems that the NSDate object is being unwrapped incorrectly, has anyone seen this before?

The problem here is that valueForKey: is intended to be used with object values, in fact it returns an id.
As a convenience, valueForKey: wraps primitive types (such as integers and doubles) in their NSNumber counterparts.
The reason you see two different values is that valueForKey: returns an id, which essentially is a pointer to the position in memory where the NSNumber happens to be stored. Your code then just takes this arbitrary memory address and somehow interprets it as a double and then constructs an NSDate out of that.
Calling the startTime accessor method directly, on the other hand, returns the double without any further ado.
If you want to use valueForKey:, you can do something like this to get the real value:
NSTimeInterval tiv = [[managedObject valueForKey:#"startTime"] doubleValue];
and then work from there.
I am actually a bit surprised that the compiler doesn't emit a warning about this. Apple's latest compilers have become quite adept at catching problems like this one.

It was a problem with the difference in epochs. NSDate uses Jan 1 2001 as an epoch. So when I was getting the value I was using the unix epoch (1970). That gave me a difference in values.
When KVC unwraps and wraps NSTimeInterval with a NSDate object it uses the NSDate 2001 epoch.
So instead of using dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970
I used dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate when getting the value.

NSTimeInterval is a typdef of a double
typedef double NSTimeInterval;
You can not store scalars directly in core data but you either have to wrap them in a NSNumber or in your case it may be easier to use a NSDate.

If startTime is a NSTimeInterval (and not an NSDate), you are comparing two different things there, a double and an NSDAte object.
[managedObject valueForKey:#"startTime"] will return you an NSTimeInterval, a primitive (which you should print with %f by the way).
[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[managedObject startTime]] will return you a NSDate.
If you really want to comare the two, you should use [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:[managedObject valueForKey:#"startTime"]] to properly compare two NSDate objects.


The lifetime of instance of object in ObjC

I'm still little bit perplexed by pointers and memory management (starting out with ObjC and Cocoa). What got me thinking, is this piece of code:
double seconds = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
This is what I understand:
I get value of float type returned from calling method/message on NSDate class
This value gets stored in variable seconds
What I don't understand is am I creating NSDate object (=instance of class NSDate) at all? Is this object only temporary?
I always thought that the way to create an object and have the object to be persistent (at least until ARC steps in or it is destroyed when function ends) is to create a pointer to it. Maybe like this:
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
[now timeIntervalSince1970] // get the value
Does this mean that in my original example, there is some unnamed (no variable pointing to it) instance of NSDate created on the heap and once it returns the float value it gets removed from heap?
Does this mean that in my original example, there is some unnamed (no
variable pointing to it) instance of NSDate created on the heap and
once it returns the float value it gets removed from heap?
Yes, that's exactly right.
ARC will remove the object when it goes out of scope.
Even before ARC, the object would be created as autorelease and be released the next time through the event loop (or whenever the nearest autorelease pool was drained).

Strange apparent type inference by Objective-C compiler

Consider an Objective-C program with the following lines:
NSArray *records = dictionary[string];
NSDate *date = [records.lastObject date];
where records is an array of NSManagedObjects, which possess attributes date of type NSDate.
The compiler (in Xcode 6.1.1) gives the following warning for the 2nd line:
Incompatible pointer types initializing NSDate * with an expression
of type GTLDateTime.
How can this happen? I would not expect the compiler to try any inferences past records.lastObject being of type id. But it seems to try and arrive at an incorrect one.
So what is possibly going on here?
The problem is that somewhere is your project there is a method called date that returns a GTLDateTime object. Since .lastObject is of type id, xcode searches for a selector named "date" to try to infer the return type. If your code is correct, you should just cast [records.lastObject date] to NSDate or whatever the correct return type is, then you should be OK.

How to convert NSDecimalNumber to double

I have a value being stored as an NSDecimalNumber and when I convert it to a double it's losing precision.
For the current piece of data I'm debugging against, the value is 0.2676655. When I send it a doubleValue message, I get 0.267665. It's truncating instead of rounding and this is wreaking havoc with some code that uses hashes to detect data changes for a syncing operation.
The NSDecimalNumber instance comes from a third-party framework so I can't just replace it with a primitive double. Ultimately it gets inserted into an NSMutableString so I'm after a string representation, however it needs to be passed through a format specifier of "%.6lf", basically I need six digits after the decimal so it looks like 0.267666.
How can I accomplish this without losing precision? If there's a good way to format the NSDecimalNumber without converting to a double that will work as well.
The NSDecimalNumber instance comes from a third-party framework so I
can't just replace it with a primitive double.
Yes you can. NSDecimalNumber is an immutable subclass of NSNumber, which is a little too helpful when it comes to conversion:
double myDub = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithDecimal:[[NSNumber numberWithDouble:((double)0.2676655)] doubleValue]];
Ultimately it gets inserted into an NSMutableString so I'm after a
string representation, however it needs to be passed through a format
specifier of "%.6lf", basically I need six digits after the decimal so
it looks like 0.267666.
Double precision unfortunately does not round, but getting a string value that's off by one-millionth is not that big of a deal (I hope):
NSDecimalNumber *num = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithDecimal:[[NSNumber numberWithDouble:((double)0.2676655)] decimalValue]];
NSString *numString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.6lf", [num doubleValue]];
I think that your are on a wrong path and somewhere lost in what to do.
First of all, keep in mind that in objective-c lond double is not supported, so you might better want to use something like %f instead of %lf.
[to be found in the documentation library under "Type encodings" of the objective c runtime programming guide]
Then I would rather expect that the value is show as being truncated, as the doubleValue returns an approximate value but the range you are using is still within the correct range.
You should use a simple formatter instead of moving numbers around, like:
// first line as an example for your real value
NSDecimalNumber *value = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:#"0.2676655"];
NSNumberFormatter *numFmt = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[numFmt setMaximumFractionDigits:6];
[numFmt setMinimumFractionDigits:6];
[numFmt setMinimumIntegerDigits:1];
NSLog(#"Formatted number %#",[numFmt stringFromNumber:value]);
This has another benefit of using a locale aware formatter if desired. The result of the number formatter is the desired string.

Copying an NSDate (wanting independent objects)

NSDate conforms to NSCopying protocol. According to the documentation for NSCopying protocol:
a copy must be a functionally independent object with values identical
to the original at the time the copy was made.
But, when I do this:
NSDate *date1 = [NSDate date];
NSDate *date2 = [date1 copy];
NSLog(#"result: date1 0x%x date2 0x%x", (int)date1, (int)date2);
// "result: date1 0x2facb0 date2 0x2facb0"
The two objects are identical (same object id). What am I missing? How do I get an independent object as a copy?
copy does not guarantee different object pointer. “Functionally independent” means that changes to the original object will not be reflected in the copy, and thus for immutable objects copy may work as retain (I don't know if this is guaranteed though, probably not).
Try date2 = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterval:0 sinceDate:date1].
I recently found out, that on iOS 8.1(.0) [NSDate dateWithTimeInterval:0 sinceDate:date1] returns date1! Even the alloc/init returns the same object.
The deep-copy was important for me, as I create copies of objects. Later I compare the timestamps with [date1 laterDate:date2] == date2 which will always be true, if the deep-copy doesn't work.
Same for [date1 dateByAddingTimeInterval:0]
I have no good solution for iOS 8.1, yet, but keep searching and will update here. An emergency-workaround could be to create a date-string with a formatter, and then create a date from the string with the same formatter.
Edit: It get's even worse:
NSString *date1String = [iso8601DateFormatter stringFromDate:date1];
date2 = [iso8601DateFormatter dateFromString:date1String];
(lldb) p date1
(NSDate *) $0 = 0xe41ba06fd0000000 2014-11-03 01:00:00 CET
(lldb) p date2
(NSDate *) $1 = 0xe41ba06fd0000000 2014-11-03 01:00:00 CET
NSDate is abstract class. It often uses 'tagged pointer' trick so it will impossible to get different objects for same dates in most cases. Real class name NSTaggedDate in this case.
Some dates could be real object (if there is no space in tagged pointer for it). Ex:
[[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:1234567890123456]

Calculating time 90 minutes prior to due date/time in Objective C (iPhone app)

This is a completely noobish question, but I spent 2 hours yesterday trying to make it work, and I'm obviously missing something very basic.
What I need to do is take input from user of date/time and count back 90 minutes for an alert.
Could someone please post an example calculation, where you have a var that holds user input and a new var that receives the result of this computation? (all done in Objective C for use in an iPhone app) Thank you!
I suspect you could do something like:
NSDate *alertDate = [userDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:-5400.0];
I think this should work:
NSDate * alarmDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeInterval:5400 sinceDate:userDefinedDate];
NSDate * now = [NSDate date];
NSTimeInterval wait = [now timeIntervalSinceDate:alarmDate];
[self performSelector:#selector(callAlarm) withObject:nil afterDelay:fabs(wait)];
Although I do agree with Nick too, adding your work its much more productive..
Assuming you have a UIDatePicker, your target date will already be in an NSDate object. If it's coming from another source, you're probably ending up with it in an NSDate object, either from a string via an NSDateFormatter or by some other means.
From an NSDate object, you can get an NSTimeInterval relative to some absolute date. That's a C primitive type (it's a double in practice, but obviously don't code to depend on that) that you can do arithmetic directly on. So you can subtract 90 minutes directly from that. There are then various + dateWithTimeInterval... class methods on NSDate that will allow you to get a date from the result.