when i update UIMap in coded UI test , the UIMap.Designer.cs file overwrite on my code - automation

when i record a test method for "Login Scenario" with Coded UI test , it generates code like this
Generated Code
public void LoginMethod()
#region Variable Declarations
WinEdit uIItemEdit = this.UIDiagnosoftVIRTUEWindow.UIItemWindow.UIItemEdit;
WinEdit uIItemEdit1 = this.UIDiagnosoftVIRTUEWindow.UIItemWindow1.UIItemEdit;
WinComboBox uIItemComboBox = this.UIDiagnosoftVIRTUEWindow.UIItemWindow2.UIItemComboBox;
WinButton uIConnectButton = this.UIDiagnosoftVIRTUEWindow.UIConnectWindow.UIConnectButton;
// Type 'username' in 'Unknown Name' text box
uIItemEdit.Text = this.LoginMethodParams.UIItemEditText;
// Type '********' in 'Unknown Name' text box
Keyboard.SendKeys(uIItemEdit1, this.LoginMethodParams.UIItemEditSendKeys1, true);
// Select 'facility' in 'Unknown Name' combo box
uIItemComboBox.SelectedItem = this.LoginMethodParams.UIItemComboBoxSelectedItem;
// Click 'Connect' button
Mouse.Click(uIConnectButton, new Point(64, 14));
i update this code to allow Data Driven Source ,CSV file which contains username,password,....
here is the updated code
Updated Code
public void LoginMethod(string username,string password,string facility)
#region Variable Declarations
WinEdit uIItemEdit = this.UIDiagnosoftVIRTUEWindow.UIItemWindow.UIItemEdit;
WinEdit uIItemEdit1 = this.UIDiagnosoftVIRTUEWindow.UIItemWindow1.UIItemEdit;
WinComboBox uIItemComboBox = this.UIDiagnosoftVIRTUEWindow.UIItemWindow2.UIItemComboBox;
WinButton uIConnectButton = this.UIDiagnosoftVIRTUEWindow.UIConnectWindow.UIConnectButton;
// Type 'msameeh' in 'Unknown Name' text box
uIItemEdit.Text = username;
// Type '{Tab}' in 'Unknown Name' text box
// Select 'diagnosoft.com' in 'Unknown Name' combo box
uIItemComboBox.SelectedItem = facility;
// Click 'Connect' button
Mouse.Click(uIConnectButton, new Point(64, 14));
and i run test method and it works well But when i edit the UIMap to add unused controls like "Canncel button" or any other controls
like in this link
the UIMap.Designer.CS file overwrites my Login method Updated code with Genereated code
Thanks in Advance

You should not edit the *UIMap.Designer.cs files. Those are auto generated. That is the purpose of the *UIMap.cs file, for your custom methods and implementations that will not get overridden.
That is why the comment block at the top of the Designer files states not to edit them manually.


Null pointer when adding action listeners in IntelliJ GUI form

I'm using an IntelliJ GUI form to create a toolwindow as part of an IntelliJ plugin. This is some code in the class bound to the form:
private JButton checkNifi;
NifiToolWindow(ToolWindow toolWindow) {
checkNifi.addActionListener(e -> toolWindow.hide(null));
I understand that when this action listener is added the button is still null and this is the issue, however even if I do checkNifi = new JButton("Some text");, the null pointer instead gets thrown on this line.
I should add I also have a ToolWindowFactory class which looks like this:
public void createToolWindowContent(#NotNull Project project, #NotNull com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindow toolWindow) {
NifiToolWindow nifiToolWindow = new NifiToolWindow(toolWindow);
ContentFactory contentFactory = new ContentFactoryImpl();
Content content = contentFactory.createContent(nifiToolWindow.getContent(), "", false);
This is taken from the example here https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-sdk-docs/tree/master/code_samples/tool_window/src/myToolWindow
Any help or ideas would be great.
I found the solution, I had create custom box ticked in the gui designer, but an empty createGuiComponents() method. Therefore it was null.

Notification pop-up add link to settings window

I've following code, this was copied from one of questions here on SOF,
private void showMyMessage() {
ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(() -> {
com.intellij.notification.Notification notification = GROUP_DISPLAY_ID_INFO
.createNotification("<html>TLogin failed", " Go to Settings to setup login data!</html>",
new NotificationListener.UrlOpeningListener(true));
Project[] projects = ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects();
Notifications.Bus.notify(notification, projects[0]);
I would like to have a link instead text "LINK!!!", what can you suggest ?
I think that I need to create action and add this action to my group GROUP_DISPLAY_ID_INFO, but this group is not in xml it's just in code exists.
If take my code above as an example, need to add right after new
addAction(new NotificationAction("Settings") {
public void actionPerformed (#NotNull AnActionEvent anActionEvent,
#NotNull Notification notification){
DataContext dataContext = anActionEvent.getDataContext();
Project project = PlatformDataKeys.PROJECT.getData(dataContext)
Where yourclass.class is a class which implements Configurable interface
And now on click on Settings you will see opened settings window (yourclass.class)
private static void showMyMessage(String LINK) {
ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(() -> {
Notification notification = GROUP_DISPLAY_ID_INFO
.createNotification("<html>TLogin failed", " Go to Settings to setup login data!</html>",
new NotificationListener.UrlOpeningListener(true));
Project[] projects = ProjectManager.getInstance().getOpenProjects();
Notifications.Bus.notify(notification, projects[0]);
Just replace the link as a parameter, and use it like showMyMessage("http://google.com")
Also you don't need to config the group display id in xml, just write the id in code.

Javafx Hyperlink parameters on action

Thank you for reading my question and apologies for the noobness
I am writing my first JavaFX application in which I have an array of hyperlinks which have latitude longitude (e.g. "42N 7E") in the text value of the hyperlink which is being updated every second from another Thread and updates the hyperlink text in the Main Thread. (This works fine)
public static void setPosLatLong(String posLatLong, int SID) {
I am trying to use the value in the hyperlink text when clicking on the hyperlink to dynamically change the destination URL with the latest latlong values... but I get the error 'local variables referenced from a lambda expression must be final or effectively final'
int SID = 'id of the hyperlink corresponding to a machine'
posLatLong[SID] = new Hyperlink();
posLatLong[SID].setOnAction((ActionEvent event) -> {
getHostServices().showDocument("http://maps.google.com/maps?z=17&q=" + posLatLong[SID].getText());
I have tried all kinds of ways to get around this but I am shamefully stuck. If anyone could point me in the right direction so that the last updated value in the hyperlink array is passed as a parameter when opening the browser it would be greatly appreciated.
I think I managed to find a solution myself so I'll post it in case it could be useful to someone
posLatLong[i].setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
String eventLatLong = "";
Object source = event.getSource();
if (source instanceof Hyperlink) {
Hyperlink link = (Hyperlink) source;
eventLatLong = link.getText();
getHostServices().showDocument("http://maps.google.com/maps?z=17&q=" + eventLatLong );
Tada !

How to Capture data, store data, perform math operations and verify data in IBM Mobilefirst TestWorkbench

Tool: IBM Mobilefirst TestWorkbench
OS: Windows 7
Have an app which displays 3 text boxes, two to input numbers and a third displays the sum of numbers
Record a test. (Enter number in each of the two text box; the result is displayed in the third test box)
While playback, is it possible to store the numbers in variables, add them and cross-verify with result that the app displays ?
The above would help us to verify transactions in banking applications
yes, it is possible
First, create a variable in your script (open 'Text Resources' node, right
click on 'Test Variables' and choose 'Add' menu
Then, in the mobile data view, right-click on the element that
contain the number, and choose 'Create a variable assignment from Text' and assign the value to the variable you have just created before
Do the same for the second variable
Then at the point of the script where you want to do the sum, just add a custom code splitting first the script (menu 'Split Mobile or Web UI actions..') and insert a custom code (menu 'Insert > Custom Code' on the 'In application' node that you have just created)
Add the 2 variables as parameters of the custom code and implement the sum
You can find custom code examples here http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSBLQQ_8.7.0/com.ibm.rational.test.lt.common.doc/topics/textndteswcc.html?cp=SSBLQQ_8.7.0%2F0-6-11-0&lang=en
Find below Custon Code i have used for doing the operation i mentioned in the question(Edited a bit)
In "Custom Code Details" Add arguments. args[0] in code refers to the first argument added in "Custom Code Details".
package customcode;
import org.eclipse.hyades.test.common.event.VerdictEvent;
import com.ibm.rational.test.lt.kernel.services.ITestExecutionServices;
* #author unknown
public class Class implements
com.ibm.rational.test.lt.kernel.custom.ICustomCode2 {
* Instances of this will be created using the no-arg constructor.
public Class() {
* For javadoc of ICustomCode2 and ITestExecutionServices interfaces, select 'Help Contents' in the
* Help menu and select 'Extending Rational Performance Tester functionality' -> 'Extending test execution with custom code'
public String exec(ITestExecutionServices tes, String[] args) {
String L4_InitBalance = args[1];
String L1_InitBalance = args[0];
String L4_FinalBalance = args[3];
String L1_FinalBalance = args[2];
if((L4_InitBalance == L4_FinalBalanc)&&(L1_InitBalance == L1_FinalBalance))
tes.getTestLogManager().reportVerificationPoint("SFT PASSED",VerdictEvent.VERDICT_PASS,"SFT has PASSED");
tes.getTestLogManager().reportVerificationPoint("SFT FAILED",VerdictEvent.VERDICT_FAIL,"SFT has FAILED");
return null;

SharePoint 2010 event receiver,List Item Events, Document library,event ItemAdded not firing

in SharePoint Server 2010 i have a document library and i want to create sub-folders every time a folder created, i have a code snippet but it's not working, i tried to debug but also the event isn't firing, could any one help me please and here is my code:
public class EventReceiver1 : SPItemEventReceiver
/// <summary>
/// An item was added.
/// </summary>
private string[] subFolders = new string[] { "sub-folder1", "sub-folder2", "sub folder3" };
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
SPWeb web = properties.OpenWeb();
SPDocumentLibrary ProductsLibrary = (SPDocumentLibrary)web.Lists[properties.ListId];
if (properties.ListItem.ContentType.Name.ToLower() == "new content type" && properties.ListItem.Folder.ParentFolder.ToString() == ProductsLibrary.RootFolder.ToString())
string Url = properties.ListItem.ParentList.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl.ToString();
SPFolder libFolder = ProductsLibrary.RootFolder.SubFolders[properties.ListItem.Name];
string newFolderUrl = (web.Url + "/" + libFolder.ToString());
foreach (string subfolder in subFolders)
SPListItem newSubFolder = ProductsLibrary.Items.Add(newFolderUrl, SPFileSystemObjectType.Folder, subfolder);
thank you
the solution is to opent the elements.xml and replace the
with the and the code will run perfectly.
Make sure
you have added this event receiver as part of a feature
the feature containing this event receiver is activated
Event wont fire, if you have not followed the above steps