Use custom Navigation Bar in iOS - objective-c

I added a Navigation Bar to the .xib.
I did that because I want to customize a lot of things of it. I want my navigation controller to use that navigation bar in that screen.
I created the outlet named navBar and did:
[self.navigationController.navigationBar = navBar;
But it says that navigationBar is readonly. Is it possible to link my existing navigation controller with the navigation bar that I added to the screen?

It sounds to me that you may not actually want to use a UINavigationBar. As it states in the reference documentation:
The UINavigationBar class implements a control for navigating hierarchical content. It’s a bar, typically displayed at the top of the screen, containing buttons for navigating up and down a hierarchy. The primary properties are a left (back) button, a center title, and an optional right button. You can specify custom views for each of these.
So if you're planned customizations go beyond adding buttons, changing it's color / background, opacity, hiding etc.. you might be better off creating a UIView that mimics the look & feel of a navigation bar.
Here's an example of how to give your UIView that gradient look of a navigation bar.
It's far more flexible and actually quite easy to do BUT you've got alot of reading and testing ahead of you :).
Just in case if it's just buttons you're thinking of adding you might be better off using UIToolbar instead

You can't do that. Since the navigation controller's navigation bar has a lot of settings embedded, it's a readonly property and you shouldn't be able to change it.
What exactly are you trying to achieve that you need to do that via interface builder. I mean, with the newest APIs, it should be simple to do everything you want with a few lines of code, by customising the original navcontroller's navbar.

You would not manage a navigation bar in interface builder. Also, you would not try to set the navigationBar property of the navigation controller.
To make changes you would make changes to the navigationItem property of the navigationBar
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setItems:newNavItems];
You can also make other changes to the navigationBar such as setting a background image or making it translucent
self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = true;
[self.navigationController.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:img forBarMetrics:barMetrics];


How can I animate from left to right the searchbar in a searchdisplaycontroller?

I'd like to animate the search bar from left to right in the navigation bar of a SearchDisplayController, as seen in the Periscope app.
It is most probably a custom implementation. You can implement the functionality yourself. You just need to add a textfield and reload the tableview with the appropriate content whenever the text in the textfield changes.

How animate the title / buttons in the UINavigationBar

I have in the UINavigationBar status information about the health of the app. It change the title text color, and one of the buttons there.
The changes work fine, but I wish to provide a smooth animation (because the status update on data changes) but don't know how. I'm not asking about moving to another views, but about how animate only the UINavigationBar titles & buttons.
I don't think you can animate those things without some extra work.
A navigation bar is a complex beast, and by default the UI objects that appear on the screen are private and maintained by the navigation bar or the current navigation item.
There should be a way to make it work however.
The current navigation item has a property titleView. normally it's nil and the navigation bar displays a title string itself. But if you plug a UILabel into the titleView property then you should be able to do animations on the animatable properties of the titleLabel.
Likewise with the bar button items.

Customise UINavigationBar to make it invisible, but keep buttons visible

I know that iOS 5 allows for UINavigationBar customisation, but I'm not sure it does what I need. I want to remove the bar entirely, or at least make it invisible, but keep the buttons (backButton, rightBarButton, etc) and replace them with my own images. I could implement actual buttons, but keeping the navBar is far more convenient as I want to use its behaviour. Is this possible? Many thanks.
You can set the navBar to hidden and handle all of the navigation yourself. The navigation controller is still there, but navigation is overridden with your custom buttons.

How to customize tab bar controller so that tabs appear on the top of the screen?

How to customize tab bar controller so that tabs appear on the top of the screen?Tabs should not appear at bottem of the screen.
Try this,
self.tabBarController.tabBar.frame=CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 70);
You will need to create a custom control. The standard UITabBar does not offer the option to place tabs at the top unfortunately.
Tabs should not appear at bottem of the screen.
Actually, according to the iOS human interface guidelines, they should:
A tab bar appears at the bottom edge of the screen and should be accessible from every location in the application.
If you really wanted to do what you are asking, you could use a UITabBar directly (not touching UITabBarController). That handles drawing the tab bar itself, but doesn't do any view swapping for you. You should then write a custom container view controller using the view controller containment APIs (iOS 5 only) which you set as a delegate method on your tab bar, and then when the user changes tab, you swap in and out the relevant views.
Or you could use this open source version.
Don't make your top tab bar look like a standard Apple tab bar though, because they'll probably reject it from review. If you use a completely custom look you should be fine.

Is there another way than presentModalViewController to show a UITabBarController on just part of the screen?

I have a UITabBarController displaying a number of settings-screens in my app. I want them to be shown on just a part of the screen for layout reasons. In fullscreen, the lists become unreadable (too wide), there are just a few controls per page making the page feel very empty, and the tabbar buttons are far away from the content (Fitts law).
Using presentModalViewController with the UIModalPresentationFormSheet style gives me the size I want. I do this on top of an empty background, since in my case it doesn't make sense to display anything behind it. The "real" working area is displayed with another presentModalViewController in fullscreen mode on top of it all.
This works but feels like a hack. One problem is, I can't make the background behind the settings dialog move in the transition to fullscreen with the UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal style.
Can I embed a UITabBarController non-fullscreen in another "background"-view? I can't find any information of how I would do this.
Can I embed a UITabBarController non-fullscreen in another "background"-view? I can't find any information of how I would do this.
Why don't you try it out?
Create a container view of the size you want the tab bar controller to have.
Create the tab bar controller.
[containerView addSubview:tabBarController.view];