Updating a table which was created by a 'AS select' command - sql

I have created a table using a 'AS SELECT' statement.
How do I make sure that updates on any of the table columns go onto TEST as well?
Or do I have to use a VIEW? (which I dont want to as there is a need of a trigger to be working on TEST)
Are any other options available other than using a VIEW ?

You need to create a View.
CREATE TABLE AS SELECT just make a copy of data at the moment of execution.

Look into creating the table test as a materialized view.
Triggers can be placed on these and there are various update options too.

Depending on your database system you could use a Trigger to insert the values in the other table as well. That's if you need something like near-realtime syncronization. Or you might go for a daily/weekly/... batch synchronization.
As I am not so familiar with Oracle you should look at their documentation for a detailed description.


add column to existing table postgres

I have a table1 created in the prod environment. I have to add column to an existing table1.
Im using the function create of replace to create the table with the suitable ddl.
To add the column shall i add it manually on the prod machine and change the ddl.
Or changing only the ddl will do it?
Thank you
As far as i know there is no such thing as a create or replace table syntax. that should only work for functions or views.
Use the ALTER TABLE Table1 ADD NewColumn {DATA_TYPE} command.
The way you phrased your question makes me think you use a 3rd party database version control like liquibase. If that is the case leave the initial create DDL alone and just add it as a separate change. If you change the initial ddl it will only affect new databases.

Retrieve Script used in "Create Table As" Statement

We have a table in our Oracle Database that was created from an actual script.
Create Table AS (Select * from table).
I was hoping to recover the original script the table was created from as the data is quite old in the table, but needs this created table needs to be refreshed. This table is created with data from another live table in our database, so if there is a way to refresh this without the original query - I'm open ears. Any solutions are welcomed!
I suppose you could also do a column by column comparison of this table against all others to see which one (if any) matches it. Of course, this would only be a guess.
It would require that object to actually be a materialized view instead of a table. Otherwise you are probably left off with exploring logs. Beyond that I doubt there is any way to recover the original select statement used to create that table.

How to keep "*" in VIEW output clause so that columns track table changes?

I'm creating an Oracle view like this :
When I create the view, I notice that oracle changes the view query to something like :
My problem is that if I change the TABLE structure, add a new field for instance, the changes are not taken into consideration in the view. I have then to recreate the view, and regrant privileges on this view to the users/roles.
Is there any way to make a view mode generic and keep it as the form of : SELECT * FROM TABLE ?
You cannot define a simple view that would automatically change its structure when the underlying table changes. When new columns are added, you'll need to touch the view. You'll almost certainly need to do as #GordonLinoff suggests and do a CREATE OR REPLACE when the table changes. Given that changes to tables should be rare and should involve proper change control, touching the view as part of the change should be a relatively simple step.
If you're really determined to avoid having to touch the view, there are some alternatives. I generally wouldn't recommend these because they are very likely to increase rather than decrease the complexity of maintaining your system. But if you have a third party system that is generating DDL to add columns on an unpredictable basis, maybe it makes sense.
You could create a DDL trigger that fires in response to statements that ALTER the table and that submits a job using dbms_job that re-creates the view. That's quite a few moving pieces but it's generally workable.
Alternately, instead of a view, you could create a pipelined table function that returns a variable number of columns. That's going to be really complicated but it's also pretty slick. There aren't many places that I'd feel comfortable using that approach simply because there aren't many people that can look at that code and have a chance of maintaining it. But the code is pretty slick.
The * is evaluated when the view is created, not when it is executed. In fact, Oracle compiles views for faster execution. It uses the compiled code when the view is referenced. It does not just do a text substitution into the query.
The proper syntax for changing a view is:
create or replace view v_table as
select *
from table;
I have face this same issue and created a procedure which accepts the name of the table and creates the view:
str := 'create or replace view xyz.'|| tablename_in ||'_v as select * from '|| tablename_in;
execute immediate str;
Then in Toad (not sure if you use Toad), in the schema browser, right click on the table name, and then select 'Custom Queries' --> 'Edit Custom Queries' and then have it call your procedure as:
exec view_create<ObjectList>
Then you can right click on the table name and in one click create the view as Toad will pass the name of the table into the procedure.
Also in the procedure you may want to recompile the schema, so after the view is created do:
sys.utl_recomp.recomp_parallel(4, 'XYZ');
If you develop a script of some sort which can semi automate, it makes things easy.
Hope this helps...

Copying a table in SQL Server

Is it possible to copy a table (with definition, constraints, identity) to a new table?
Generate a CREATE script based on the table
Modify the script to create a different table name
Perform an INSERT from selecting everything from the source table
No, not really, you have to script it out, then change the names
you can do this
select * into NewTable
FROM OldTable
WHERE 1 =2 --if you only want the table without data
but it won't copy any constraints
It's not the most elegant solution, but you could use a tool like the free Database Publishing Wizard from Microsoft.
It creates an SQL script of the table definition including data and including indexes and stuff. But you would have to alter the script manually to change the table name...
Another possibility:
I just found this old answer on SO.
This script is an example to script the constraints of all tables, but you can easily change it to select only the constraints of "your" table.
So, you could do the following:
Create the new table with data like SQLMenace said (select * into NewTable from OldTable)
Add constraints, indexes and stuff by changing this SQL script

Creating table in mysql

Is it possible to create more than one table at a time using single create table statement.
For MySQL, you can use multi-query to execute multiple SQL statements in a single call. You'd issue two CREATE TABLE statements separated by a semicolon.
But each CREATE TABLE statement individually can create only one table. The syntax supported by MySQL does not allow multiple tables to be created simultaneously.
#bsdfish suggests using transactions, but DDL statements like CREATE TABLE cause implicit transaction commits. There's no way to execute multiple CREATE TABLE statements in a single transaction in MySQL.
I'm also curious why you would need to create two tables simultaneously. The only idea I could come up with is if the two tables have cyclical dependencies, i.e. they reference each other with foreign keys. The solution to that is to create the first table without that foreign key, then create the second table, then add the foreign key to the first table with ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT. Dropping either table requires a similar process in reverse.
Not with MS SQL Server. Not sure about mysql.
Can you give more info on why you'd want to do this? Perhaps there's an alternative approach.
I don't know, but I don't think you can do that. Why you want to do this?
Not in standard SQL using just the 'CREATE TABLE' statement. However, you can write multiple statements inside a CREATE SCHEMA statement, and some of those statements can be CREATE TABLE statements. Next question - does your DBMS support CREATE SCHEMA? And does it have any untoward side-effects?
Judging from the MySQL manual pages, it does support CREATE SCHEMA as a synonym for CREATE DATABASE. That would be an example of one of the 'untoward side-effects' I was referring to.
(Did you know that standard SQL does not provide a 'CREATE DATABASE' statement?)
I don't think it's possible to create more than one table with a 'CREATE TABLE' command. Everything really depends on what you want to do. If you want the creation to be atomic, transactions are probably the way to go. If you create all your tables inside a transaction, it will act as a single create statement from the perspective of anything going on outside the transaction.