Netbeans 7.2 not reflects modification on html, jsp pages - netbeans-7

Recently i moved from netbeans 6.9 to Netbeans 7.2, while working on 6.9, i have handy functionality of after deployed my project if i do modifications in html or jsp pages i can see when i refresh the page in browser. But while using 7.2 it's not available, so each time i need to build, and deploy for changes get updated.
So i gotta few suggestions like
Check->Compile on save in project properties
Uncheck->Deploy on save in project properties, but still it's not working.
Any idea what i have missed.
Thanks in advance.!

I must say this scenario works fine for me - I don't see any problem. What kind of project are you using - Ant-based or Maven-based? The best thing would be if you can file a P2 issue in the bug database, so we can investigate. Thank you.

This happened to me as well. I tried renaming the project to a new name not the project folder and re run. It worked for me. Try for yourself.


Twitter-Bootstrap 3.3.7- Getting Started

I'm stumped. I cannot understand the Getting Started info. I'm running on Windows 7 Pro. I would like to use Pingendo - which I'm new to - to create my website.
I downloaded the distribution version (pre-compiled) and unzipped it. Then I came to the MaxCDN code. Where do I put that code??
For the source code version, I see references to things I don't know about: Bower, npm, Composer, Grunt, Less, and SASS. All these appear to be Linux based tools - from the command lines shown. How does one accomplish the same thing under Windows without installing yet more tools? Do I even need to compile this code to use the greater features?
You can either add the downloaded bootstrap css and js files to your project and reference them or you can just use the cdn which is just the same files hosted on a server. You do now have to know about any of those to get started with Bootstrap. They are just additional ways to install it, and different preprocessors that you can leverage.

Launch Grails 3 app from IntelliJ w/ auto-reloading enabled

It looks like IntelliJ's (Ultimate EAP 15) support for Grails 3 is in the early stages yet. If I do Run -> Debug 'Grails:My App', I'm able to launch an app from inside IntelliJ, I can set breakpoints and it works as expected.
If I make changes however, I see in the console that the file is recompiled, but when I hit reload in the browser, I don't see the changes reflected there. I have to stop and restart the app in IntelliJ before I see them. Anyone know how I can get the auto-reloading working?
After chasing this for a week, this post finally provided an explanation.
It's actually a Grails issue, not a problem with IntelliJ's Grails integration: spaces in a file's path will break automatic reloading. Renaming my project from Grails Demo to GrailsDemo got everything straighted out. (Storing a project in a folder like My Documents will also cause trouble.) The post's author indicates that this started with version 2.4.4 and it's still happening for me in 3.0.4.

Intellij IDEA 13 - Can't open Project Structure dialog anymore

as already described in title, i'm not able to open the project structure dialog window in intellij anymore.
neither the shortcut (Ctrl+alt+shift+s) nor the menu element under File -> Project Structure nor the little button in the upper right corner do work.
Clarification: Menu element :
This "bug" occured suddenly as I wrote a web (vaadin/maven) project and tried to set up glassfish, where i often had to switch to the project structure dialog.
Since the first occurence i wasn't able to fix it by restarting intellij or switching projects.
This also happened on my laptop running the same intellij and windows version (Ultimate 13.0.1 Build: 133.331 on Windows 7 x64)
i appreciate any help!
This also happened to me, but removing new plugins etc didn't help.
Nor did nuking my project and rebuilding it from scratch.
In the end I deleted all caches, restarted Intellij and at last I could access the project settings again! By the way, I'm using Intellij 11.1 - mainly because I can't get 13 to start up, but that's another story
Your log shows that it is a bug in IntelliJ IDEA - they are trying to create file passing null pathname. Try to delete project files and reopen project from scratch (maybe you've lost some file) - if it won't help then you should create an issue here: - You can even copy-paste text from your question and attach stacktrace
I had the same issue...upon further inspection in the log dump...I noticed the following:
ERROR - llij.ide.plugins.PluginManager - com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooserDescriptor.setTitle(Ljava/lang/String;)V
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.intellij.openapi.fileChooser.FileChooserDescriptor.setTitle(Ljava/lang/String;)V
at com.jetbrains.python.sdk.PythonSdkType.getHomeChooserDescriptor(
Disabled the latest Python Plugin and restarted and everything is working normal again.
I remembered I had recently update my python plugin and am not using it presently so I was able to disable it without issue.
Hope this helps someone else.
This also happened to me. The comment above helped. I had just added some plugins. Disabled them and it started working again. Not sure exactly which one because I disabled all 4 -- Bean Validation Support, Bitbucket, Jelastic Cloud Platform Integration, and Quick Notes.
For me it has been resolved by switching off FindBugs plugin and restart IDEA. So Project Structure is available for me now.
One of the plugins might be causing it. To disable a plugin, go here:
You'll know for sure if a plugin is bad if you see this Exclamation picture:
Clicking on it will bring up a pop-up. To disable the plugin, click on this:
For me it got resolved just by restarting the intelliJ IDEA. I'm using intelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2018.1 edition.

changes to JS file not reflected in VS2012 build in ASP MVC 4

This has happened a few times already and it's pretty frustrating.
I make some changes to one of my Javascript files. Then I save the changes and proceed to test the build in IE.
All my changes are not reflected in the dynamic version of the file.
So far, I have fixed the problem by changing the file name and reincluding it in my bundle.
(The MS forums only tell me that I might be editing a wrong version of the file, which is not the case. See above.)
I am new to Windows so I figure there might be something I'm doing wrong...
Take a look at this solution: Force reload of JS and CSS files with ASP.NET MVC 3.

Weblogic could not find class in WEB-INF->classes directory

I have a very weird problem.That my web project deployed to the Weblogic 10.0,Monday afternoon,and every thing works fine.But the next day morning, i checked the application, it reported could not find class that i write myself below the WEB-INF->classes directory.
I also use ant to build my project,But the same war file works on Weblogic10.3 and Tomcat5.5.So it may be the Weblogic 10.0's issue.But i also test it in another environment which have Weblogic 10.0, and it could not work too.
So could anyone can help with it ? I work a whole day yesterday to figure this out.
Even change the JDK to recompile the code and war file.
Please Help or leave something that helps, Thanks!
i finally figure the issue out. That cause the jdk version matters.
The annotation "#override" in jdk1.5 was not supported as in jdk1.6.
And the Weblogic10.0 still use the jdk1.5, so it matters.