Nested Insert-Exec [duplicate] - sql

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Errors: “INSERT EXEC statement cannot be nested.” and “Cannot use the ROLLBACK statement within an INSERT-EXEC statement.” How to solve this?
We have a sproc in production which returns a selection. This selection is populated by an INSERT INTO to a temp table, calling a sproc.
So now we now need to produce another sproc, which will be using the data returned by sproc_1.
The problem is that the new sproc also contains a temp table, which is populated by calling sproc_1.
Obviously we get the SQL error complaining about nested insert-exec.
Any ideas how to get past this?
We have spent a day researching the problem, not finding a working solution.

I doubt you would be able to achieve nested insert exec
References :
But I guess this might help you


Pre-execute a query when any Stored Procedure is called

Our enterprise's database is 20+ years old, and it's filled with junk, so we're planning to start deleting tables and Stored Procedures. The problem is that we don't exactly know which of those are unused, so we thought on doing a research to spot them.
I tried this answer's solution, but I think the number of queries returned are the ones in the system cache.
I have an idea of how to do it, but I don't know if it's possible:
- Create a system table with 3 columns: Stored Procedure name, number of executions, and date of last call
- The tricky part: everytime a Stored Procedure is executed, perform a query to insert/update that table.
To avoid having to modify ALL our Stored Procedures (those are easily 600+), I thought of adding a Database Trigger, but turns out it's only possible to link them to tables, not Stored Procedures.
My question is, is there any way to pre-execute a query when ANY Stored Procedure is called?
EDIT: Our Database is a SQL Server
I'm aware that I asked this question a while ago, but I'll post what I've found, so anyone who stumbles with it can use it.
When the question was asked, my goal was to retrieve the number of times all Stored Procedures were executed, to try to get rid of the unused ones.
While this is not perfect, as it doesn't show the date of last execution, I found this query, which retrieves all Stored Procedures on all databases, and displays the number of times it's been executed since it's creation:
Db_name(st.dbid) [Base de Datos],
Object_schema_name(st.objectid, dbid) [Schema],
Object_name(st.objectid, dbid) [USP],
Max(cp.usecounts) [Total Ejecuciones]
sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp
CROSS apply sys.Dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) st
Db_name(st.dbid) IS NOT NULL
AND cp.objtype = 'proc'
Object_schema_name(objectid, st.dbid),
Object_name(objectid, st.dbid)
I found this script on this webpage (it's on spanish). It also has 2 more useful scripts about similar topics.
I used this script (subsequently improved)
To run through all of your objects and find the ones that are no longer valid.
If you want I will post my enhanced version which fixes a few things.
Then create a new schema (I call mine recycle) and move those invalid objects in there.
Now run it again.
You may end up moving a whole bunch on non functional objects out

Why is this Stored Procedure Inserting NULL values into the table? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I am trying to load data (2 columns) from XML_HOURS_LOAD (columns: code,product) to a table called STAGING (columns: code, product) and am getting null values inserted for both columns:
So I have the following stored procedure:
Create or Replace Procedure Cascade_Load (
p_code in XML_HOURS_LOAD.p_code%TYPE,
p_product in XML_HOURS_LOAD.p_product%TYPE
INSERT INTO STAGING(code, product)
VALUES(p_code, p_product)
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
To answer your question of why it's inserting nulls, that is because you aren't providing any values to the procedure parameters when you execute it.
Based on what you stated in the question and your comment above, it seems you are missing some fundamental skills in working with Oracle. The code you wrote is a procedure, not a function, so you can't call it in a SELECT statement. A procedure is called inside of a plsql block. Your procedure as written takes two arguments, which you must pass to the procedure call via the calling code. The procedure code you wrote does not look for data from the XML_HOURS_LOAD table.
We've all been the new person learning Oracle. You'll want to look at some tutorials to get you started on the fundamentals of pl/sql coding to help clear up the differences between functions and stored procedures and how to use parameter arguments.
From what you wrote in your question, I believe this is the code you want:
p_product IS XML_HOURS_LOAD.product%TYPE;
CURSOR cXmlHoursLoadCursor IS (SELECT code, product FROM xml_hours_load); --You can add a WHERE condition to this cursor query
FOR v IN cXmlHoursLoadCursor LOOP
Cascade_Load(v.code, v.product);
COMMIT; --I recommend calling commit here instead of inside your stored procedure so that the calling code has control of the transaction state

SQL procedure vs. script - terminology [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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When one wants to update records in database using Data Manipulation Language, what would be right terminology to use:
something else...
NOTE: I know that procedure is not same as script, I wrote question in rush. Real question is if you want to write to your DBA that the defect could be fixed by using (1) or (2) or (3) what would be the right choice. Sorry for not being precise.
If you want to DBA fix some defect, best approach is to write a script file with UPDATE statements, and save it for later use.
If you want that someone else (Job, DBA, App Code) frequently execute same code for updating records in table, then write stored procedure.
Good thing is that you can pass a parameter to stored procedure to affect on range of rows which will be updated.
ONE IMPORTANT THING: Stored procedure are optimized from SQL Optimizer and SQL creates most effective execution plan for it. When you execute it again, SQL find cached execution plan for that procedure and apply it. In this way, you achieve better performance when using stored procedure over script.
A "script" sounds to me like one or more statements that are sent to the database, to perform some action.
A "stored procedure" is that same bunch of statements, but already stored in the database so it can be activated with a simple command.
"Update via stored procedure" is not a synonim to "update via script", so why do you choosing either one or another as term?
Stored procedure - is an object (yes, technically it is some kind of scripit) created and stored in database.
Script - is just a script (sequence of statements). It can be stored in file or just created and executed "on the fly".
If you use just one update statement, then the most appropriate expression is "update records in table via update statement". If you use set of update statements, then it will be a script.
Procedure is an another DBMS object, usually called stored procedure. You can also define a procedure that update data in the database.
Non of the options fit me very well. Sure, if you know an update is being made from a Stored Procedure specifically, that would be fine to use. But an update can be done from many other ways and a Stored procedure can do many other things than just update.
I usually talk about queries and statements, for example:
Update records in a table via an update statement within a Stored Procedure
As for the use of script, I'm personally not that fond of it. There are already many more specific ways to talk about scripts, like Stored procedures, user defined functions, etc. That, for me, is a collection of statements and/or queries.

SQL Server multi-part identifier '%1' could not be bound with INSERTED pseudo-table

The situation : I'm writing an AFTER INSERT trigger on a table, so I can access to INSERTED pseudo-table, if I have good memory. The trigger is a bit long, so I can't copy / pasta it here, but basically, I'd like to compare the datas of the row I'm inserting (representing a good) with the rows of another table (very similar, representing the wishes), in order to determine if the good inserted corresponds to someone's wishes.
So, I almost finished my trigger, but an error occurred. At a given point, I wrote :
-- Create and open a cursor
IF (#variable1 = INSERTED.MyField)
-- some code
-- Deallocate and close my cursor
But I have the following error :
The multi-part identifier "INSERTED.MyField" could not be bound
I thought I could do it, as there is only one line in INSERTED as this moment (I'm right, don't I ?), but it seems I can't.
Can someone explain me why I'm wrong ?
PS : Yes, I've seen this link, or this one, or this one, but they all have a problem with JOIN, and I don't have any JOIN in here
That error indicates SQL is trying to read 'INSERTED' as an alias for another table
IF (#variable1 = INSERTED.MyField)
Try the following to reference the inserted table
IF (#variable1 = MyField from inserted)
Using the inserted and deleted Tables:
This fixes the syntax and answers the question of why the error is occurring, but comparing inserted to a scalar variable is not recommended. As HLGEM stated, what if you have multiple values in the insert where some match and some don't.
Additionally, Cursors should be a last resort in SQL. In general, cursors are slower and hold up resources. SQL is a optimized for set-based operations and cursors don't leverage that. Without knowing exactly what you are trying to do in the cursor and how much data you are manipulating, I can't say definitely in this case.
One of the many discussions on StackOverflow about Cursors:

Can I create a new stored procedure with error inside? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to forcibly create stored procedure even if some error occurs?
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
This morning I try to create an stored procedure in SQL Server and I know there's error inside it but for some reasons I want to keep it and fix it in the future. But when I execute "create procedure", it returned error told me that something wrong. And I think because of this, the procedure didn't be created but I want to create this procedure even there's problem.
Any ideas?
If you are getting an error when running the CREATE statement, then you will be unable to create it. You can save it as a .SQL file and fix the error later.
This is different than an error you might get when running the procedure. There is something wrong with the create statement syntax wise, or some other issue such as SP of same name, lack of permissions to create SP's, etc. Either way, you shouldn't be able to CREATE the SP until those problems are fixed.
There's another way.
Instead of saving the .sql File.
You can comment the error part and run the Procedure.
This will store the Procedure in your DB and then you can Fix it later.