I am running a magento instance with WAMP 2.1 on Windows 7. My goal is to set up one magento store, and one
I followed the tutorial described here and I setup website profi on a subdirectory, but when I accessed the frontend on http://localhost/profi/ the first thing I noticed that the images paths were broken.
Broken: http://localhost/bms/profi/skin/frontend/default/default/images/logo.gif
This is the same for the JS & CSS files. I've made the following modifications to the index.php file in the profi folder:
$mageFilename = MAGENTO_ROOT . '../../app/Mage.php';
/* Store or website code */
$mageRunCode = isset($_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE']) ? $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_CODE'] : 'profi';
/* Run store or run website */
$mageRunType = isset($_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_TYPE']) ? $_SERVER['MAGE_RUN_TYPE'] : 'website';
It was a matter of configuring the second website's URLs.
I went to System > Configuration > General > Web > Unsecure. The Base URL was http://localhost/profi/ and I added ../ to the following the following:
Base Skin URL: {{unsecure_base_url}}../skin/
Base Media URL: {{unsecure_base_url}}../media/
Base JavaScript URL: {{unsecure_base_url}}../media/
That did the trick. I see on the frontend everything looks in order. Hope I won't run into anymore problems with this set-up.
We have a rather standard web app, that consists of a Flask backend and a Vue.js frontend. In production, we use uWSGI to serve that application. We have uWSGI configured to serve frontend pages and access backend calls for their respective routes.
module = app
callable = create_app()
# enable threads for sentry
enable-threads = true
# dont show errors if the client disconnected
; redirect all frontend requests that are not static files to the index
route-host = ^$(FRONTEND_HOST_NAME)$ goto:frontend
; also handle if the host name is frontend, for the dokku checks
route-host = ^frontend$ goto:frontend
; continue if its a backend call
route-host = ^$(BACKEND_HOST_NAME)$ last:
route-host = ^backend$ last:
; log and abort if none match
route-run = log:Host Name "${HTTP_HOST}" is neither "$(FRONTEND_HOST_NAME)" nor "$(BACKEND_HOST_NAME)"
route-run = break:500
route-label = frontend
route-if = isfile:/app/src/backend/public${PATH_INFO} static:/app/src/backend/public${PATH_INFO}
route-run = static:/app/src/backend/public/index.html
This worked perfectly fine and behaved just like our dev setup, where we use containers for both front- and backend. But after the update of some vulnerable dependencies, trying to access the frontend results in a 404.
In the frontend we moved from vue-cli ~4.5.9 to ~5.0.4. We long suspected that this might be the main issue, but we're not so sure about that anymore.
We also upgraded from Flask ~1.1 to ^2.0.3 but we kept the version 2.0 of uWSGI. The configuration of that should therefore probably not have changed.
We're treading in the dark on this one. Does anyone of you have any idea on what might be going wrong in here?
I tried to isolate the problem by creating a rather small setup, but have not been able to track down the underlying issue until now.
I have no idea what it exactly was, but I did in the end upgrade each dependency one by one until all of them were upgraded and things still worked. It must have been something related to the Dockerfile that we use. That one is now slightly more like the old one rather than the one I used previously to doing things one by one.
I've just finished creating my custom error messages in my Nuxt.js application in layouts/error.vue. For the moment I've made it pretty simple as it's just a brochure site for the time being, so I am just handling the errors as shown below as for now I only care about users hitting a page that doesn't exist.
<template v-if="error.statusCode === 404">
<p>We can't find the page you are looking for.</p>
<template v-else>
// Some other message
When running my application locally, and trying to navigate to a route that doesn't exist, this works perfectly and my error message is displayed.
However, my hosted application does not behave how I want it to. I'm hosting the application on IBM Cloud as a Cloud Foundry application. The application uses the static buildpack, and my manifest.yml file looks like so:
- name: name
path: ./dist
buildpack: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/staticfile-buildpack.git
random-route: true
But if I try and navigate to an incorrect route that way, I am displayed the generic nginx 404 error:
I understand that there are 2 ways you can tell Cloud Foundry that the application requires a static buildpack - Declaring the buildpack in the manifest.yml OR adding a file named Staticfile in the dist directory after running npm run generate. Within this file, you can add some configurations, one of which being status codes which:
Allows to define custom pages for HTTP STATUS codes instead of the default NGINX pages.
404: /404.html
500: /500.html
However, my error handling is done in a layout, not a page. And my generated project folder does not contain a page called error anywhere, so I don't know how to use this method to use my error handling.
If anybody could give me some pointers on how to correctly do it, it would be greatly appreciated!
Steps I followed:
Downloaded the Sabredav zip file - unzipped it.
Downloaded apache webserver 2.2 and PHP 5.3
Then followed the instructions mentioned in the 'get Started' section on Sabredav website.
Created 'data and public' fiels (located them in /sabredav/vendor/)
Created the server.php file (located it in /sabredav/vendor/)
Now tried to open the server.php file in browser -
Here it opens using the file protocol..
Fails to open in expected - 'http ://mydomain/sabredav/server.php
Can anybody please help me on this ?
In server.php, use the browser plugin tu see files in Public folder.
Your server must be like this:
include 'SabreDAV/vendor/autoload.php';
$rootDirectory = new DAV\FS\Directory('public');
// The server object is responsible for making sense out of the WebDAV protocol
$server = new DAV\Server($rootDirectory);
// If your server is not on your webroot, make sure the following line has the correct information
$server->setBaseUri('/server.php'); // if its in some kind of home directory
// The lock manager is reponsible for making sure users don't overwrite each others changes. Change 'data' to a different
// directory, if you're storing your data somewhere else.
$lockBackend = new DAV\Locks\Backend\File('data/locks');
$lockPlugin = new DAV\Locks\Plugin($lockBackend);
$server->addPlugin(new \Sabre\DAV\Browser\GuessContentType());
$plugin = new \Sabre\DAV\Browser\Plugin();
// All we need to do now, is to fire up the server
My site is built on a WebAPI back end...
the issues occurs on deployment, as my Uri wasn't formatted correctly due to our IIS deployment/site structure
So I modified my http helper to include a baseUri
like so
define(function () {
var baseUri = window.AppPath;
return {
baseUri: baseUri,
defaultJSONPCallbackParam: 'callback',
get: function (url, query) {
return $.ajax(baseUri + url, { data: query });
And on my Index.cshtml
added the following to get the set the root/baseUri path:
var AppPath = '#string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Authority, Url.Content("~"))';
console.log('AppPath: '+AppPath);
The baseUri path is correct when I log it to the console from the Index.cshtml: EG.
AppPath: http://itil.mysite.com/TestSite/
But when I do the actual api call (from my deployed instance), it still uses the old Uri..
My next thought was that the files must be cached somehow, so I tried the following:
Restarted IIS numerous times,
Deleted and redeployed files
Disabled Caching in chrome,
Disabled .js caching in IIS (usermode & kernel
Restarted my PC
Modified the ScriptBundle to try and force it
to (for the lack of a better word) go out of sync, then added my
code back
The code works when i use my Visual Studio dev server, but I'm getting the
same issue on my local IIS & Alpha test site... with no luck.
How the hell do i clear the cache on a deployed site :/ This is getting to the point where things seems to be a bit ridiculous. Either I'm losing it, or the "big guy" hates me.
Sigh.. Second time I've been caught out by this. I thought my issue was MVC related, its was Durandal deployment related :P
Note to everyone reading this.
Once you deploy a Durandal project & if you modify ANY of the existing javascript files or main.js. Remember to run optimizer.exe.
I have a very simple question,I created my site unsing symfony 1.4,I also created three applications :
apps/frontend ==> exampel.com
apps/backend ==> example.com/backend.php
apps/mobile ==> mobile.example.com
for frontend and backend works fine on line server but for mobile version I created a subdomain(mobile.example.com) correctly but here is my problem.
How I configure symfony or server on line to access directly to mobile application when I browse the link mobile.exemple.com?
I mean I have all project in example.com folder not in subdomain(mobile.exemple.com) folder.
Any Idea?
Edit :
I hope subdomain for different applications not for different modules in one applicatoion!
The link to symfony blog from this question shows that you can use sfRequestRoute configuration for this.
I find a good solution and simple than using sfRequestRoute configuration,finally for me :
I change subdomain for different symfony applications and just to have one index.php controlling your project.
switch ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
case 'm.example.com': $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration( 'mobile', 'prod', false); break;
case 'backend.example.com'.....
default: $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration( 'frontend', 'prod', false); break;
and It's done.