NHibernate database versioning: object level schema and data upgrades - nhibernate

I would like to approach database versioning and automated upgrades in NHibernate from a different direction than most of the strategies proposed out there.
As each object is defined by an XML mapping, I would like to take size and checksum for each mapping file/ configuration and store that in a document database (raven or something) along with a potential custom update script. If no script is found, use the NHibernate DDL generator to update the object schema. This way I can detect changes, and if I need to make DML changes in addition to DDL, or perform a carefully ordered transformation, I can theoretically do so in a controlled, testable manner. This should also maintain a certain level of persistence-layer agnosticism, although I'd imagine the scripts would still necessarily be database system-specific.
The trick would be, generating the "old" mapping files from the database and comparing them to the current mapping files. I don't know if this is possible. I also don't know if I'm missing anything else that would make this strategy prohibitively impractical.
My question, then: how practical is this strategy, and why?

what i did to solve just that problem
version the database in a table called SchemaVersion
query the table to see if schema is up to date (required version stored in DAL), if yes goto 6.
get updatescript with version == versionFromBb from resources/webservices/...
run the script which also alters the schemaversion to the new version
goto 2.
run app
to generate the scripts i have used 2 options
support one rdbms: run SchemaUpdate to export into file and add DML statements manually
support multiple rdbms: use Nhibernate class Table to generate at runtime ddl to add/alter/delete tables and code which uses a session DML
"what method did you use to store the current version"
small example
something like this
public static class Constants
public static readonly Version DatabaseSchemaVersion = new Version(1, 2, 3, 4);
public class DBMigration
private IDictionary<Version, Action> _updates = new Dictionary<Version, Action>();
private Configuration _config;
private Dialect _dialect;
private IList<Action<ISession>> _actions = new List<Action<ISession>>(16);
private string _defaultCatalog;
private string _defaultSchema;
private void CreateTable(string name, Action<Table> configuretable)
var table = new Table(name);
string createTable = table.SqlCreateString(_dialect, _config.BuildMapping(), _defaultCatalog, _defaultSchema);
_actions.Add(session => session.CreateSQLQuery(createTable).ExecuteUpdate());
private void UpdateVersionTo(Version version)
_actions.Add(session => { session.Get<SchemaVersion>(1).Value = version; session.Flush(); });
private void WithSession(Action<session> action)
public void Execute(Configuration config)
_defaultCatalog = config.Properties[NH.Environment.DefaultCatalog];
_defaultSchema = config.Properties[NH.Environment.DefaultSchema];
_config = config;
_dialect = Dialect.GetDialect(config.Properties);
using (var sf = _config.BuildSessionFactory())
using (var session = sf.OpenSession())
using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
Version dbVersion = session.Get<SchemaVersion>(1).Value;
while (dbVersion < Constants.DatabaseSchemaVersion)
_updates[dbVersion].Invoke(); // init migration, TODO: error handling
foreach (var action in _actions)
dbVersion = session.Get<SchemaVersion>(1).Value;
public DBMigration()
_updates.Add(new Version(1, 0, 0, 0), UpdateFromVersion1);
_updates.Add(new Version(1, 0, 1, 0), UpdateFromVersion1);
private void UpdateFromVersion1()
AddTable("Users", table => table.AddColumn(...));
WithSession(session => session.CreateSqlQuery("INSERT INTO ..."));
UpdateVersionTo(new Version(1,0,1,0));


Atomic Read and Write with Entity Framework

I have two different processes (on different machines) that are reading and updating a database record.
The rule I need to ensure is that the record must only be updated if the value of it, lets say is "Initial". Also, after the commit I would want to know if it actually got updated from the current process or not (in case if value was other than initial)
Now, the below code performs something like:
var record = context.Records
.Where(r => (r.id == id && r.State == "Initial"))
if(record != null) {
record.State = "Second";
Now couple of questions
1) From looking at the code it appears that after the record is fetched with state "Initial", some other process could have updated it to state "Second" before this process performs SaveChanges.
In this case we are unnecessarily overwriting the state to the same value. Is this the case happening here ?
2) If case 1 is not what happens then EntityFramework may be translating the above to something like
update Record set State = "Second" where Id = someid and State = "Initial"
and performing this as a transaction. This way only one process writes the value. Is this the case with EF default TransactionScope ?
In both cases again how do I know for sure that the update was made from my process as opposed to some other process ?
If this were in-memory objects then in code it would translate to something like assuming multiple threads accessing same data structure
Record rec = FindRecordById(id);
lock (someobject)
if(rec.State == "Initial")
rec.State = "Second";
//Now, that I know I updated it I can do some processing
In general there are 2 main concurrency patterns that can be used:
Pessimistic concurrency: You lock a row to prevent others from unexpectedly changing the data you are currently attempting to update. EF does not provide any native support for this type of concurrency pattern.
Optimistic concurrency: Citing from EF's documentation: "Optimistic concurrency involves optimistically attempting to save your entity to the database in the hope that the data there has not changed since the entity was loaded. If it turns out that the data has changed then an exception is thrown and you must resolve the conflict before attempting to save again." This pattern is supported by EF, and can be used rather simply.
Focusing on the optimistic concurrency option, which EF does support, let's compare how your example behaves with and without EF's optimistic concurrency control handling. I'll assume you are using SQL Server.
No concurrency control
Let's start with the following script in the database:
create table Record (
Id int identity not null primary key,
State varchar(50) not null
insert into Record (State) values ('Initial')
And here is the code with the DbContext and Record entity:
public class MyDbContext : DbContext
static MyDbContext()
public MyDbContext() : base(#"Server=localhost;Database=eftest;Trusted_Connection=True;") { }
public DbSet<Record> Records { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new Record.Configuration());
public class Record
public int Id { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public class Configuration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Record>
public Configuration()
this.HasKey(t => t.Id);
this.Property(t => t.State)
Now, let's test your concurrent update scenario with the following code:
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var context = new MyDbContext())
var record = context.Records
.Where(r => r.Id == 1 && r.State == "Initial")
// Insert sneaky update from a different context.
using (var sneakyContext = new MyDbContext())
var sneakyRecord = sneakyContext.Records
.Where(r => r.Id == 1 && r.State == "Initial")
sneakyRecord.State = "Sneaky Update";
// attempt to update row that has just been updated and committed by the sneaky context.
record.State = "Second";
If you trace the SQL, you will see that the update statement looks like this:
UPDATE [dbo].[Record]
SET [State] = 'Second'
WHERE ([Id] = 1)
So, in effect, it doesn't care that another transaction sneaked in an update. It just blindly writes over whatever the other update did. And so, the final value of State in the database for that row is 'Second'.
Optimistic concurrency control
Let's adjust our initial SQL script to include a concurrency control column to our table:
create table Record (
Id int identity not null primary key,
State varchar(50) not null,
Concurrency timestamp not null -- add this row versioning column
insert into Record (State) values ('Initial')
Let's also adjust our Record entity class (the DbContext class stays the same):
public class Record
public int Id { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
// Add this property.
public byte[] Concurrency { get; set; }
public class Configuration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Record>
public Configuration()
this.HasKey(t => t.Id);
this.Property(t => t.State)
// Add this config to tell EF that this
// property/column should be used for
// concurrency checking.
this.Property(t => t.Concurrency)
Now, if we try to re-run the same Main() method we used for the previous scenario, you will notice a change in how the update statement is generated and executed:
UPDATE [dbo].[Record]
SET [State] = 'Second'
WHERE (([Id] = 1) AND ([Concurrency] = <byte[]>))
SELECT [Concurrency]
FROM [dbo].[Record]
In particular, notice how EF automatically includes the column defined for concurrency control in the where clause of the update statement.
In this case, because there was in fact a concurrent update, EF detects it, and throws a DbUpdateConcurrencyException exception on this line:
And so, in this case, if you check the database, you'll see that the State value for the row in question will be 'Sneaky Update', because our 2nd update failed to pass the concurrency check.
Final thoughts
As you can see, there isn't much that needs to be done to activate automatic optimistic concurrency control in EF.
Where it gets tricky though is, how do you handle the DbUpdateConcurrencyException exception when it gets thrown? It will largely be up to you to decide what you want to do in this case. But for further guidance on the topic, you'll find more information here: EF - Optimistic Concurrency Patterns.

Returning the class which is a foreign key in the database

I want to ask this question and I tried to search for a while without concrete answers.
I have made a database and used LINQ2SQL to auto-generate the classes needed.
I have set the serialization mode to unidirectional to make sure the classes are being serialized and making the datamembers.
Now, what I want to know is, how I can send the references to the other classes (which has been made through LINQ2SQL).
F.x. I have a Class called Scheduler which is referencing Reservation, and Seat, because Reservation and Seat have foreign keys.
You can see the dbml here:
The dbml file. This is the model of our database
Also you can see that when I run the WCF test client it does not return the objects of Seats and Reservation.
Hopefully you can all help.
Here is the snippet of the code provided by LINQ2SQL.
This is the fields for the scheduler
public partial class Scheduler : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
private static PropertyChangingEventArgs emptyChangingEventArgs = new PropertyChangingEventArgs(String.Empty);
private int _SchID;
private System.Nullable<System.DateTime> _Date;
private System.Nullable<System.TimeSpan> _Starttime;
private System.Nullable<int> _MovieID;
private System.Nullable<int> _HallID;
private EntitySet<Seat> _Seats;
private EntitySet<Reservation> _Reservations;
private EntityRef<Hall> _Hall;
private EntityRef<Movie> _Movie;
private bool serializing;
And here is the snippet part of the code where it references to Reservation and Seat:
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AssociationAttribute(Name="Scheduler_Seat", Storage="_Seats", ThisKey="SchID", OtherKey="SchedulerID")]
[global::System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute(Order=6, EmitDefaultValue=false)]
public EntitySet<Seat> Seats
if ((this.serializing
&& (this._Seats.HasLoadedOrAssignedValues == false)))
return null;
return this._Seats;
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AssociationAttribute(Name="Scheduler_Reservation", Storage="_Reservations", ThisKey="SchID", OtherKey="SchedulerID")]
[global::System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute(Order=7, EmitDefaultValue=false)]
public EntitySet<Reservation> Reservations
if ((this.serializing
&& (this._Reservations.HasLoadedOrAssignedValues == false)))
return null;
return this._Reservations;
Update 2
Here is the Reservation class which LINQ2SQL made:
Here is the fields:
public partial class Reservation : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
private static PropertyChangingEventArgs emptyChangingEventArgs = new PropertyChangingEventArgs(String.Empty);
private int _ResID;
private System.Nullable<int> _CustomerID;
private System.Nullable<int> _SchedulerID;
private string _Row;
private string _Seat;
private EntityRef<Customer> _Customer;
private EntityRef<Scheduler> _Scheduler;
And here is the Scheduler reference part of the class
[global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AssociationAttribute(Name="Scheduler_Reservation", Storage="_Scheduler", ThisKey="SchedulerID", OtherKey="SchID", IsForeignKey=true, DeleteRule="SET DEFAULT")]
public Scheduler Scheduler
return this._Scheduler.Entity;
Scheduler previousValue = this._Scheduler.Entity;
if (((previousValue != value)
|| (this._Scheduler.HasLoadedOrAssignedValue == false)))
if ((previousValue != null))
this._Scheduler.Entity = null;
this._Scheduler.Entity = value;
if ((value != null))
this._SchedulerID = value.SchID;
this._SchedulerID = default(Nullable<int>);
All of these things should lead to where I could get the object like this:
Scheduler[] schedulers = client.GetAllSchedulers();
Reservation reservation = schedulers[0].Reservations.First();
But get this error due to WCF not sending the object, (which you could see in picture one).
Which is this error:
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of
the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more
information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains
no elements
Ok so it appears that it works somehow.
I just had to make a join between the Scheduler and Reservation.
Also whenever I debug the code I can see the variables are there. (Due to my reputation I can not post links).
But some of you might recognize the following whenever you try to view a result in debug mode:
"expanding the results view will enumerate the ienumerable c#"
Whenever I do this, it works, but not if I run it in release mode.
Looks like only object types (Reservation,Seat) have null values.
I'm guessing either you are missing DataContract/DataMember attributes in your complex types or you might need to include KnownTypeAttribute
It'd be easier to tell if you could provide some code.
What your are talking about later is deferred loading. See this blog for more information on deferred vs immediate loading.
When you expand the IEnumerable in debug mode, that makes the request to retrieve/load the objects.
What your probably want is to load your Reservation,Seat objects along with your Scheduler object. Something like the following:
YourDatabaseContext database = new YourDatabaseContext ())
DataLoadOptions options = new DataLoadOptions();
options.LoadWith<Scheduler>(sch=> sch.Reservation);
options.LoadWith<Scheduler>(sch=> sch.Seat);
database.LoadOptions = options;
See DataLoadOptions for more details.
If you want to understand deferred execution. See this article for more details.
Quote from the article:
By default LINQ uses deferred query execution. This means when you write a LINQ query it doesn't execute. LINQ queries execute when you 'touch' the query results. This means you can change the underlying collection and run the same query subsequent times in the same scope. Touching the data means accessing the results, for instance in a for loop or by using an aggregate operator like Average or AsParallel on the results.

Adding 'GO' statements to Entity Framework migrations

So I have an application with a ton of migrations made by Entity framework.
We want to get a script for all the migrations at once and using the -Script tag does work fine.
However...it does not add GO statements in the SQL giving us problems like Alter view should be the first statement in a batch file...
I have been searching around and manually adding Sql("GO"); help with this problem but only for the entire script. When I use the package console manager again it returns an exception.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not find stored procedure 'GO'.
Is there a way to add these GO tags only when using the -Script tag?
If not, what is a good approach for this?
Note: we have also tried having multiple files but since we have so many migrations, this is near impossible to maintain every time.
If you are trying to alter your view using Sql("Alter View dbo.Foos As etc"), then you can avoid the should be the first statement in a batch file error without adding GO statements by putting the sql inside an EXEC command:
Sql("EXEC('Alter View dbo.Foos As etc')")
In order to change the SQL Generated by entity framework migrations you can create a new SqlServerMigrationSqlGenerator
We have done this to add a GO statement before and after the migration history:
public class MigrationScriptBuilder: SqlServerMigrationSqlGenerator
protected override void Generate(System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Model.InsertHistoryOperation insertHistoryOperation)
then add in the Configuration constructor (in the Migrations folder of the project where you DbContext is) so that it uses this new sql generator:
internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<PMA.Dal.PmaContext>
public Configuration()
SetSqlGenerator("System.Data.SqlClient", new MigrationScriptBuilder());
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
So now when you generate a script using the -Script tag, you can see that the insert into [__MigrationHistory] is surrounded by GO
Alternatively in your implementation of SqlServerMigrationSqlGenerator you can override any part of the script generation, the InsertHistoryOperation was suitable for us.
Turn out the concept exist deep in the SqlServerMigrationSqlGenerator as an optional argument for Statement(sql, batchTerminator). Here is something based on Skyp idea. It works both in -script mode or not. The GOs are for different operations than for Skyp only because our needs are a little different. You then need to register this class in the Configuration as per Skyp instructions.
public class MigrationScriptBuilder : SqlServerMigrationSqlGenerator
private string Marker = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //To cheat on the check null or empty of the base generator
protected override void Generate(AlterProcedureOperation alterProcedureOperation)
protected override void Generate(CreateProcedureOperation createProcedureOperation)
protected override void Generate(SqlOperation sqlOperation)
private void SqlGo()
Statement(Marker, batchTerminator: "GO");
public override IEnumerable<MigrationStatement> Generate(IEnumerable<MigrationOperation> migrationOperations, string providerManifestToken)
var result = new List<MigrationStatement>();
var statements = base.Generate(migrationOperations, providerManifestToken);
bool pendingBatchTerminator = false;
foreach (var item in statements)
if(item.Sql == Marker && item.BatchTerminator == "GO")
pendingBatchTerminator = true;
item.BatchTerminator = "GO";
pendingBatchTerminator = false;
return result;
The easiest way is to add /**/ before the GO statement.
Just replace the current statement with a .Replace("GO", "");

TFS 2012 Backup and Restore BuildDefinitions only

I installed a TFS2012 as a test system and doing some tests before we go productive.
This includes to define many BuildDefinitions which was a lot of work.
After the tests are successful, an new server will be installed with TFS2012 on it.
For this new server - which operates then as the productive system - i would like to restore the BuildDefinitions from the test system. But only the BuildDefinitions, not the whole TeamCollections. Because i ran test checkins and i don`t want these on my productive server.
Now, is it possible to backup and restore BuildDefinitions only?
Maybe it is possible directly throught the Sql database?, but i`am a little affraid of references there, pointing on some other tables.
Best Regards, Peter Bucher
Build definitions are not source controlled. The only option is relying on the TFS database backup where can restore or view the tbl_BuildDefinition* tables in the Tfs_DefaultCollection database.
There is a user voice for this feature and also you can use TFS API to do it.
Add a vote on uservoice:
provide a way to version-control build definitions
How can I copy a TFS 2010 Build Definition?
Finally i decided not to touch the database, because there are references to a lot of other tables.
I used the TFS API v11 (TFS2012) and a bit C# Code, which i fitted to my needs from this base: How can I copy a TFS 2010 Build Definition?
It copies all Build Definitions from one TFS2012 Server to another. For both servers there is the need to specifiy a TeamCollection and a TeamProject.
So, the copy-task has to be done per TeamProject.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client;
namespace TFSBuildDefinitionCreator
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
// Copies build definitions from one server to another.
// Uses the TeamFoundation API V11 (TFS2012).
// Code was used to copy b uild definitions from a test server to a productive.
string sourceServer = "http://testTfs:8080/tfs/MyTeamCollection";
string sourceTeamProject = "MyTeamProject";
string targetServer = "https://productiveTfs:8080/tfs/MyTeamCollection";
string targetTeamProject = "MyTeamProject";
// DropLocation for defininitions: Share on which the build should be dropped.
string defaultDropLocation = "\\\\MyBuildserver\\Builds$";
// Change the DefaultProcessTemplate in the following method below: GetDefaultProcessTemplateByServerPathFromBuildServer.
CopyBuildDefinitions(sourceServer, sourceTeamProject, targetServer, targetTeamProject, defaultDropLocation);
private static IBuildServer GetBuildServerFromServerUrl(string serverUrl)
var tfs = TeamFoundationServerFactory.GetServer(serverUrl);
return (IBuildServer)tfs.GetService(typeof(IBuildServer));
private static IBuildController GetDefaultBuildControllerFromBuildServer(IBuildServer buildServer)
return buildServer.QueryBuildControllers()[0];
private static IProcessTemplate GetDefaultProcessTemplateByServerPathFromBuildServer(IBuildServer buildServer, string teamProject)
var processTemplates = buildServer.QueryProcessTemplates(teamProject);
var result = processTemplates.First(t => t.ServerPath.Contains("/BuildProcessTemplates/MyDefaultTemplate.xaml"));
return result;
private static void CopyBuildDefinitions(string sourceServer, string sourceTeamProject, string targetServer,
string targetTeamProject, string defaultDropLocation)
var sourceBuildServer = GetBuildServerFromServerUrl(sourceServer);
var sourceBuildDetails = sourceBuildServer.QueryBuildDefinitions(sourceTeamProject);
foreach (var sourceBuildDetail in sourceBuildDetails)
CopyBuildDefinition(sourceBuildDetail, targetServer, targetTeamProject, defaultDropLocation);
private static void CopyBuildDefinition(IBuildDefinition buildDefinition, string targetServer, string targetTeamProject, string defaultDropLocation)
var targetBuildServer = GetBuildServerFromServerUrl(targetServer);
var buildDefinitionClone = targetBuildServer.CreateBuildDefinition(targetTeamProject);
buildDefinitionClone.BuildController = GetDefaultBuildControllerFromBuildServer(targetBuildServer);
buildDefinitionClone.ContinuousIntegrationType = buildDefinition.ContinuousIntegrationType;
buildDefinitionClone.ContinuousIntegrationQuietPeriod = buildDefinition.ContinuousIntegrationQuietPeriod;
// Noch ändern.
//buildDefinitionClone.DefaultDropLocation = buildDefinition.DefaultDropLocation;
buildDefinitionClone.DefaultDropLocation = defaultDropLocation;
buildDefinitionClone.Description = buildDefinition.Description;
buildDefinitionClone.Enabled = buildDefinition.Enabled;
//buildDefinitionClone.Name = String.Format("Copy of {0}", buildDefinition.Name);
buildDefinitionClone.Name = buildDefinition.Name;
//buildDefinitionClone.Process = buildDefinition.Process;
buildDefinitionClone.Process = GetDefaultProcessTemplateByServerPathFromBuildServer(targetBuildServer, targetTeamProject);
buildDefinitionClone.ProcessParameters = buildDefinition.ProcessParameters;
foreach (var schedule in buildDefinition.Schedules)
var newSchedule = buildDefinitionClone.AddSchedule();
newSchedule.DaysToBuild = schedule.DaysToBuild;
newSchedule.StartTime = schedule.StartTime;
newSchedule.TimeZone = schedule.TimeZone;
foreach (var mapping in buildDefinition.Workspace.Mappings)
mapping.ServerItem, mapping.LocalItem, mapping.MappingType, mapping.Depth);
foreach (var policy in buildDefinition.RetentionPolicyList)
policy.BuildReason, policy.BuildStatus, policy.NumberToKeep, policy.DeleteOptions);
Hope that helps others.

Access SQL Server 2008 Change Tracking Info via Entity Framework

Based on this link it looks like I can get date inserted / date modified information "for free" (without the need for triggers etc.) using Sql Server 2008 by simply enabling Change Tracking. I am using Entity Framework to access the data. My question is, how do I access date modified / date inserted information for the database records via Entity Framework and LINQ?
I'm using VS2008 so I don't have the new EF v4 stuff yet (but if it can be done in the new EF please let me know).
Aw, nevermind. I found it plenty easy to just create the Inserted and LastModified columns in each table myself, set a default value for each, and build an update trigger for LastModified. That seems to be what people do, and the Change Tracking looks like it's mainly set up for sync'ing. Right?
OK, this works beautifully (also see this article)...
public partial class MyEntities
partial void OnContextCreated()
this.SavingChanges += new System.EventHandler(CustomSavingChangesLogic);
/// <summary>
/// Apply timestamps
/// </summary>
public void CustomSavingChangesLogic(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var changedEntities = ((ObjectContext)sender).ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Added | EntityState.Modified);
foreach (var stateEntryEntity in changedEntities)
if(!stateEntryEntity.IsRelationship) {
var entity = stateEntryEntity.Entity;
var lastModifiedPropInfo = entity.GetType().GetProperty("LastModified");
if (lastModifiedPropInfo != null)
lastModifiedPropInfo.SetValue(entity, DateTime.UtcNow, null);
if (stateEntryEntity.State == EntityState.Added)
var createdPropInfo = entity.GetType().GetProperty("Created");
if (createdPropInfo != null)
createdPropInfo.SetValue(entity, DateTime.UtcNow, null);