comparing dataset through - file-io

dasaset (ds) contain value like this comapring two dataset and write the phone number from dataset to notepad which is not equal to dataset1.but am getting the result in notepad like the phone numbers which are equal to both dataset
91 9942321400
91 9865015695
91 9677031515
91 9994828285
91 9688104229
dataset1 values
91 9942321400
91 9865015695
91 9677031515
expected result in notepad
91 9994828285
91 9688104229
my code
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim toggle As Boolean = False
Do While (i <= ds1.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1)
Dim phone As String = ds1.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item(1).ToString
Dim j As Integer = 0
Do While (j <= Ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1)
Dim dumphone As String = Ds.Tables(0).Rows(j).Item(4).ToString
If dumphone <> phone Then toggle = True 'This will set your flag to add the output.
j = (j + 1)
'After we're done checking if there's a match, we decided to add it to the output.
If toggle = True Then
TextBox1.AppendText(a.ToString & "|" & b.ToString & "|" & c.ToString & "|" & d.ToString & "|" & phone.ToString & "|" & e1.ToString & "|" & f.ToString & "|" & g.ToString & "|" & h.ToString & "|" & i1.ToString & "|" & j1.ToString & "|" & k.ToString & "|" & l.ToString & "|" & m.ToString & "|" & n1.ToString & "|" & o.ToString & "|" & p.ToString & "|" & q.ToString & "|" & r.ToString & "|" & s.ToString & "|" & t.ToString & "|" & u.ToString & "|" & v.ToString & "|" & w.ToString & "|" & x.ToString)
TextBox1.Text = ""
toggle = False 'Reset the flag for the next value
End If
i = (i + 1) 'Move to the next value to check against.
but am getting the output in note pad like this
91 9942321400
91 9865015695
91 9677031515

I tried this way and I got the result you were looking for...
For i As Integer = 0 To dataset.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
Dim found As Boolean = False
For j As Integer = 0 To dataset1.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
If dataset.Tables(0).Rows(i)(0).ToString = dataset1.Tables(0).Rows(j) (0).ToString Then
found = True
End If
If found = False Then
'here you are getting the right result in each loop
'in this example i'm showing the result in a textbox
'just change the instruction and write them in your note pad or wherever you want to
End If


Is ther a Join function in vba to combine multiple fields rather than using concatenate function in access?

Thank you to all your responses.
I have a table with one id field and R1-R30 fields.
I was able to concatenate R1-R30 fields in a query using
Route: Trim([R1] & IIf([R2]="",""," ") & [R2] & IIf([R3]="",""," ") & [R3] & IIf([R4]="",""," ") & [R4] & IIf([R5]="",""," ") & [R5] & IIf([R6]="",""," ") & [R6] & IIf([R7]="",""," ") & [R7] & IIf([R8]="",""," ") & [R8] & IIf([R9]="",""," ") & [R9] & IIf([R10]="",""," ") & [R10] & IIf([R11]="",""," ") & [R11] & IIf([R12]="",""," ") & [R12] & IIf([R13]="",""," ") & [R13] & IIf([R14]="",""," ") & [R14] & IIf([R15]="",""," ") & [R15] & IIf([R16]="",""," ") & [R16] & IIf([R17]="",""," ") & [R17] & IIf([R18]="",""," ") & [R18] & IIf([R19]="",""," ") & [R19] & IIf([R20]="",""," ") & [R20] & IIf([R21]="",""," ") & [R21] & IIf([R22]="",""," ") & [R22] & IIf([R23]="",""," ") & [R23] & IIf([R24]="",""," ") & [R24] & IIf([R25]="",""," ") & [R25] & IIf([R26]="",""," ") & [R26] & IIf([R27]="",""," ") & [R27] & IIf([R28]="",""," ") & [R28] & IIf([R29]="",""," ") & [R29] & IIf([R30]="",""," ") & [R30])
My question is if the Join function I found can be applied to a query where the delimeter could be a spare, comma or slash.
Join (source_array,[delimiter])
This would be the code to take all values of 1 single recordset into a bidimensional array, and then take those values into a unidimensional array (excluding null values, because null values cannot be joined with JOIN).
I think it would be better just looping trough every field with the loop, but in case it might help, i'll post it.
To replicate your issue, I just created a database with 1 single table with 2 records:
I'll concatenate all fields, excluding ID field. So with an easy query, I can get a recordset of 1 single record, using ID field as parameter:
SELECT Tabla1.Field1, Tabla1.Field2, Tabla1.Field3, Tabla1.Field4
FROM Tabla1
WHERE (((Tabla1.Id)=1));
And then the VBA code to Msgbox the fields joined, using a comma as delimiter.
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim vArray As Variant
Dim SingleArray() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim MySQL As String
Dim STRJoined As String
MySQL = "SELECT Tabla1.Field1, Tabla1.Field2, Tabla1.Field3, Tabla1.Field4 " & _
"FROM Tabla1 WHERE (((Tabla1.Id)=2));" 'query to get a single recordset.
Set rst = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(MySQL, 2, 4)
If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then
vArray = rst.GetRows
ReDim SingleArray(UBound(vArray))
For i = 0 To UBound(SingleArray)
If IsNull(vArray(i, 0)) = True Then
SingleArray(i) = ""
SingleArray(i) = vArray(i, 0)
End If
Next i
Debug.Print vArray(0, 0) 'Field 1
Debug.Print vArray(1, 0) 'Field 2
Debug.Print vArray(2, 0) 'Field 3
Debug.Print vArray(3, 0) 'Field 4
STRJoined = Join(SingleArray, ",")
Debug.Print STRJoined
End If
Set rst = Nothing
Erase vArray
Erase SingleArray
End Sub
If I execute this code using as WHERE parameter ID=1 , in debugger Window I get:
First Record
My first record. Got a null value in Field 3 (it's empty)
First Record,1,,My first record. Got a null value in Field 3 (it's empty)
With ID=2 I get:
Second Record
Not null
Second Record
Second Record,2,Not null,Second Record
So this kinda works. I hope you can adapt it to your needs. but as i said. looking at the code, I think it would be easier just looping trough fields in a single query with all records. something like this:
Dim RST As Recordset
Dim Joined_Records() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim MySQL As String
Dim STRJoined As String
Dim FLD As Field
MySQL = "SELECT Tabla1.Field1, Tabla1.Field2, Tabla1.Field3, Tabla1.Field4 " & _
"FROM Tabla1;" 'query to get all recordset you want to join
Set RST = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(MySQL, 2, 4)
If RST.RecordCount > 0 Then
i = 0
ReDim Joined_Records(RST.RecordCount)
Do Until RST.EOF = True
For Each FLD In RST.Fields
If IsNull(FLD.Value) = True Then
STRJoined = STRJoined & "" & ","
STRJoined = STRJoined & FLD.Value & ","
End If
Next FLD
Joined_Records(i) = Left(STRJoined, Len(STRJoined) - 1) 'we get 1 minus because there is an extra comma at end
i = i + 1
STRJoined = ""
End If
Set RST = Nothing
Set FLD = Nothing
For i = 0 To UBound(Joined_Records) Step 1
Debug.Print Joined_Records(i)
Next i
Erase Joined_Records
End Sub
I don't know how many records you got. Try both and check how long does each option takes, and then choose 1.
Hope you can adapt all this to your needs. Welcome to SO.

VBA text to columns with "" delimiters

I will be quick.
I have a variable 'strLine' with text:
The exact string will look like that:
So, delimiter in my case is: "
How I can extract text and write it in columns.
Expecting results in cells:
Use Split function, it'll return a 0-based array (ergo +1 in cells) :
Sub test_Andy()
Dim StrLine As String
Dim Str() As String
StrLine = Range("A2").Value 'If your value is in A2
'If you input the value manually, not really practical with so much "
StrLine = Chr(34) & "Text1" & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "Text2" & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "Text3" & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "Text4" & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "Text5" & Chr(34)
Debug.Print StrLine '"Text1","Text2","Text3","Text4","Text5"
Str = Split(StrLine, ",")
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(Str) To UBound(Str)
Cells(1, i + 1) = Str(i)
Cells(2, i + 1) = Replace(Str(i), Chr(34), vbNullString)
Next i
End Sub
You can use Split to split the text into an array, then remove the " from the start and the end of the parts using Mid :
strText = """Text1"",""Text2"",""Text3"",""Text4"",""Text5"""
aSplit = Split(strText, ",")
For Each strCurrent in aSplit
MsgBox Mid(strCurrent, 2, Len(strCurrent) - 2)
Remark : You might want to add some checks to ensure that there is a " at the start and end before removing them.
edited to simulate a StrLine loop:
Dim iRow As Long
irow = 1
For Each StrLine In StrLines '<--' assuming a loop through many StrLines
Str = Split(Replace(StrLine, """", ""), ",")
Cells(iRow, 1).Resize(, UBound(Str) - LBound(Str)).Value = Str
iRow = iRow + 1

Trim both newlines and spaces in VBA 7.0

Trim (in VBA for MS-Access 2010) does not remove vbCrLfs, only spaces. In the immediate window, I get
? Len(vbCrLf & "a" & vbCrLf & "b" & vbCrLf)
? Len(Trim(vbCrLf & "a" & vbCrLf & "b" & vbCrLf))
For spaces however:
? Len(" " & "a" & " " & "b" & " ")
? Len(Trim(" " & "a" & " " & "b" & " "))
How to make a trim that removes vbCrLFs on the ends only?
If you don't mind removing ALL new lines (and not just edges) you could just do:
myStr = Application.clean(Application.trim(myStr))
For imitating Trim function, you'd need to test each character in your string's edges:
Function TrimNewLines(mtStr As String) As String
Dim pattern As String, c As String
Dim i As Integer: i = 1
pattern = "[" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & "]"
c = Mid(mtStr, i, 1)
Do While c Like pattern
i = i + 1
c = Mid(mtStr, i, 1)
mtStr = Mid(mtStr, i, Len(mtStr))
i = Len(mtStr)
c = Mid(mtStr, i, 1)
Do While c Like pattern
i = i - 1
c = Mid(mtStr, i, 1)
mtStr = Mid(mtStr, 1, i)
TrimNewLines = mtStr
End Function
This seems to have done the trick:
Public Function trimNewlinesAndSpaces(chaine As String) As String
chaine = Trim(chaine)
Do While (left(chaine, 2) = vbCrLf) Or right(chaine, 2) = vbCrLf
If left(chaine, 2) = vbCrLf Then
chaine = right(chaine, Len(chaine) - 2)
End Ifj
If right(chaine, 2) = vbCrLf Then
chaine = left(chaine, Len(chaine) - 2)
End If
chaine = Trim(chaine)
trimNewlinesAndSpaces = chaine
End Function

VBA, concact 2 values with the same variable in cell

I'm trying to write a VBA script. This script would read 1 column and write the result in another column.
If the values are in bold or if is not blank, I would like to write the data in the column b1.
But if the values are not in bold, I would like to write the data in c1, and concatenate if I have 2 or more non-bold data in the same cell.
My code :
Sub Phone()
Dim valueLogon As String
Dim ValueDevice As String
Dim compteur As Integer
compteur = 1
For i = 1 To 2101
valueLogon = Range("A" & i)
If Range("A" & i).Font.bold = True And IsEmpty(valueLogon) = False Then
compteur = compteur + 1
Range("C" & i) = valueLogon
Range("D" & compteur) = valueLogon & "," &
End If
Next i
End Sub
now, my result is like to the picture, but I would like concactenate the non-bold result in the same cell
Range("D" & compteur) = valueLogon & "," &
Range("D" & compteur).Value = valueLogon & "," & Range("D" & comptuer).Value

Fill a column from a concatenate range

What I have this far is below.
Range("F4").Value = Range("D4").Value & " x " & Range("E4")
This is creating a concatenate in Column F for me. This is working fine for the individual cell but I would like this to continue concatenating down until it hits an empty cell.
I have tried looping without success.
below is an image of the sheet
Set Concat= Rows(4)
concatstring =""
For i = 1 To Concat.Cells.Count
If Concat.Cells(i).Text <> "" Then
Concatstring = concatstring & " x " & Concat.Cells(i).Text
Exit for
End If
Concat.cells(I).text = concatstring
This should do it. Let me know if you still have problem.
Try this...
Do while(Range("D" & i).Value<> "")
Range("F" & i).Value = Range("D" & i).Value & " x " & Range("E" & i)