Update multiple rows with different values in a single SQL query - sql

I have a SQLite database with table myTable and columns id, posX, posY. The number of rows changes constantly (might increase or decrease). If I know the value of id for each row, and the number of rows, can I perform a single SQL query to update all of the posX and posY fields with different values according to the id?
For example:
id posX posY
1 35 565
3 89 224
6 11 456
14 87 475
SQL query pseudocode:
UPDATE myTable SET posX[id] = #arrayX[id], posY[id] = #arrayY[id] "
#arrayX and #arrayY are arrays which store new values for the posX and posY fields.
If, for example, arrayX and arrayY contain the following values:
arrayX = { 20, 30, 40, 50 }
arrayY = { 100, 200, 300, 400 }
... then the database after the query should look like this:
id posX posY
1 20 100
3 30 200
6 40 300
14 50 400
Is this possible? I'm updating one row per query right now, but it's going to take hundreds of queries as the row count increases. I'm doing all this in AIR by the way.

There's a couple of ways to accomplish this decently efficiently.
First -
If possible, you can do some sort of bulk insert to a temporary table. This depends somewhat on your RDBMS/host language, but at worst this can be accomplished with a simple dynamic SQL (using a VALUES() clause), and then a standard update-from-another-table. Most systems provide utilities for bulk load, though
Second -
And this is somewhat RDBMS dependent as well, you could construct a dynamic update statement. In this case, where the VALUES(...) clause inside the CTE has been created on-the-fly:
WITH Tmp(id, px, py) AS (VALUES(id1, newsPosX1, newPosY1),
(id2, newsPosX2, newPosY2),
......................... ,
(idN, newsPosXN, newPosYN))
UPDATE TableToUpdate SET posX = (SELECT px
WHERE TableToUpdate.id = Tmp.id),
posY = (SELECT py
WHERE TableToUpdate.id = Tmp.id)
(According to the documentation, this should be valid SQLite syntax, but I can't get it to work in a fiddle)

One way: SET x=CASE..END (any SQL)
Yes, you can do this, but I doubt that it would improve performances, unless your query has a real large latency.
If the query is indexed on the search value (e.g. if id is the primary key), then locating the desired tuple is very, very fast and after the first query the table will be held in memory.
So, multiple UPDATEs in this case aren't all that bad.
If, on the other hand, the condition requires a full table scan, and even worse, the table's memory impact is significant, then having a single complex query will be better, even if evaluating the UPDATE is more expensive than a simple UPDATE (which gets internally optimized).
In this latter case, you could do:
WHEN id=id[1] THEN posX[1]
WHEN id=id[2] THEN posX[2]
ELSE posX END [, posY = CASE ... END]
WHERE id IN (id[1], id[2], id[3]...);
The total cost is given more or less by: NUM_QUERIES * ( COST_QUERY_SETUP + COST_QUERY_PERFORMANCE ). This way, you knock down on NUM_QUERIES (from N separate id's to 1), but COST_QUERY_PERFORMANCE goes up (about 3x in MySQL 5.28; haven't yet tested in MySQL 8).
Otherwise, I'd try with indexing on id, or modifying the architecture.
This is an example with PHP, where I suppose we have a condition that already requires a full table scan, and which I can use as a key:
// Multiple update rules
$updates = [
"fldA='01' AND fldB='X'" => [ 'fldC' => 12, 'fldD' => 15 ],
"fldA='02' AND fldB='X'" => [ 'fldC' => 60, 'fldD' => 15 ],
The fields updated in the right hand expressions can be one or many, must always be the same (always fldC and fldD in this case). This restriction can be removed, but it would require a modified algorithm.
I can then build the single query through a loop:
$where = [ ];
$set = [ ];
foreach ($updates as $when => $then) {
$where[] = "({$when})";
foreach ($then as $fld => $value) {
if (!array_key_exists($fld, $set)) {
$set[$fld] = [ ];
$set[$fld][] = $value;
$set1 = [ ];
foreach ($set as $fld => $values) {
$set2 = "{$fld} = CASE";
foreach ($values as $i => $value) {
$set2 .= " WHEN {$where[$i]} THEN {$value}";
$set2 .= ' END';
$set1[] = $set2;
// Single query
$sql = 'UPDATE table SET '
. implode(', ', $set1)
. ' WHERE '
. implode(' OR ', $where);
In MySQL I think you could do this more easily with a multiple INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, assuming that id is a primary key keeping in mind that nonexistent conditions ("id = 777" with no 777) will get inserted in the table and maybe cause an error if, for example, other required columns (declared NOT NULL) aren't specified in the query:
INSERT INTO tbl (id, posx, posy, bazinga)
VALUES (id1, posY1, posY1, 'DELETE'),
ON DUPLICATE KEY SET posx=VALUES(posx), posy=VALUES(posy);
The 'bazinga' trick above allows to delete any rows that might have been unwittingly inserted because their id was not present (in other scenarios you might want the inserted rows to stay, though).
For example, a periodic update from a set of gathered sensors, but some sensors might not have been transmitted:
INSERT INTO monitor (id, value)
VALUES (sensor1, value1), (sensor2, 'N/A'), ...
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value=VALUES(value), reading=NOW();
(This is a contrived case, it would probably be more reasonable to LOCK the table, UPDATE all sensors to N/A and NOW(), then proceed with INSERTing only those values we do have).
A third way: CTE (PostgreSQL, not sure about SQLite3)
This is conceptually almost the same as the INSERT MySQL trick. As written, it works in PostgreSQL 9.6:
WITH updated(id, posX, posY) AS (VALUES
(id1, posX1, posY1),
(id2, posX2, posY2),
UPDATE myTable
posX = updated.posY,
posY = updated.posY
FROM updated
WHERE (myTable.id = updated.id);

Something like this might work for you:
"UPDATE myTable SET ... ;
UPDATE myTable SET ... ;
UPDATE myTable SET ... ;
UPDATE myTable SET ... ;"
If any of the posX or posY values are the same, then they could be combined into one query
UPDATE myTable SET posX='39' WHERE id IN('2','3','40');

In recent versions of SQLite (beginning from 3.24.0 from 2018) you can use the UPSERT clause. Assuming only existing datasets are updated having a unique id column, you can use this approach, which is similar to #LSerni's ON DUPLICATE suggestion:
INSERT INTO myTable (id, posX, posY) VALUES
( 1, 35, 565),
( 3, 89, 224),
( 6, 11, 456),
(14, 87, 475)
posX = excluded.posX, posY = excluded.posY

I could not make #Clockwork-Muse work actually. But I could make this variation work:
WITH Tmp AS (SELECT * FROM (VALUES (id1, newsPosX1, newPosY1),
(id2, newsPosX2, newPosY2),
......................... ,
(idN, newsPosXN, newPosYN)) d(id, px, py))
SET posX = (SELECT px FROM Tmp WHERE t.id = Tmp.id),
posY = (SELECT py FROM Tmp WHERE t.id = Tmp.id)
FROM TableToUpdate t
I hope this works for you too!

Use a comma ","
UPDATE my_table SET rowOneValue = rowOneValue + 1, rowTwoValue = rowTwoValue + ( (rowTwoValue / (rowTwoValue) ) + ?) * (v + 1) WHERE value = ?

To update a table with different values for a column1, given values on column2, one can do as follows for SQLite:
"UPDATE table SET column1=CASE WHEN column2<>'something' THEN 'val1' ELSE 'val2' END"

Try with "update tablet set (row='value' where id=0001'), (row='value2' where id=0002'), ...


Postgres: on conflict, summing two vectrors(arrays)

I'm trying to handle an array of counters column in Postgres
for example, let's say I have this table
and now I'm adding 2 values ("Ben", [1,3,1,0]) and ("Joe",[2,0,2,1])
I expect the query to sum between the 2 counters vectors on conflict ([1,3,1,0] + [2,0,2,1] = [3,3,3,1])
the expected result:
I tried this query
insert into test (name, counters)
values ("Joe",[2,0,2,1])
on conflict (name)
do update set
counters = array_agg(unnest(test.counters) + unnest([2,0,2,1]))
but it didn't seem to work, what am I missing?
There are two problems with the expression:
array_agg(unnest(test.counters) + unnest([2,0,2,1]))
there is no + operator for arrays,
you cannot use set-valued expressions as an argument in an aggregate function.
You need to unnest both arrays in a single unnest() call placed in the from clause:
insert into test (name, counters)
values ('Joe', array[2,0,2,1])
on conflict (name) do
update set
counters = (
select array_agg(e1 + e2)
from unnest(test.counters, excluded.counters) as u(e1, e2)
Also pay attention to the correct data syntax in values and the use of a special record excluded (find the relevant information in the documentation.)
Test it in db<>fiddle.
Based on your reply to my comments that it will always be four elements in the array and the update is being done by a program of some type, I would suggest something like this:
insert into test (name, counters)
values (:NAME, :COUNTERS)
on conflict (name) do
update set
counters[1] = counters[1] + :COUNTERS[1],
counters[2] = counters[2] + :COUNTERS[2],
counters[3] = counters[3] + :COUNTERS[3],
counters[4] = counters[4] + :COUNTERS[4]

Merge query inserting but not updating on Oracle

I've got this query in a #SQLInsert annotation in Spring against an Oracle 11g database and, although it's inserting properly it is not updating the values but raising no error.
Any ideas? If not, any alternative ways of obtaining same behaviour?
merge INTO ngram sn
USING(SELECT ? AS frequency,
? AS occurrences,
? AS ngram
FROM dual) src
ON (sn.ngram = src.ngram)
WHEN matched THEN
UPDATE SET sn.occurrences = sn.occurrences + src.occurrences,
sn.frequency = sn.frequency + 1
INSERT (ngram,
VALUES (src.ngram,
Update1: I'm adding the Entity def in Java for clarification.
#Entity(name = "NGRAM")
public class Ngram
private String ngram;
#Column(name = "frequency")
private int frequency;
#Column(name = "occurrences")
private int occurrences;
Update2: Adding a run of the SQL query on an existing Ngram
sql> merge INTO NGRAM sn
USING(SELECT 1 AS frequency,
200 AS occurrences,
'year' AS ngram
FROM dual) src
ON (sn.ngram = src.ngram)
WHEN matched THEN
UPDATE SET sn.occurrences = sn.occurrences + src.occurrences,
sn.frequency = sn.frequency + 1
INSERT (ngram,
VALUES (src.ngram,
[2019-01-29 12:09:10] 1 row affected in 19 ms
This actually modifies the row, but not when I go over them in the code, so it seems the SQL is right...
Update3: So, this is the piece of code that should be inserting or updating but it's only doing the insert:
List<Ngram> lNgrams = new ArrayList<>(lCollocationsMap.size());
lCollocationsMap.forEach((pKey, pValue) -> lNgrams.add( new Ngram(pKey, 1, pValue)));
So I'll be investigating the saveAll behaviour.
Update4: I tried using save one by one which is much slower instead of using saveAll but got same behaviour. Changing ON (sn.ngram = src.ngram) to ON (sn.ngram LIKE src.ngram) makes some of the frequencies to become 2 (so they seem to be updated) but not all of them: 'year' for example appears more than 10 times but it's frequency remains 1 and it's occurrences is just updated with last value found.
So, I'm now completely lost on why this is failing, specially in this way.

Creating a new table from grouped substring of existing table

I am having some trouble creating some SQL (for SQL server 2008).
I have a table of tasks that are priority ordered, comma delimited tasks:
Id = 1, LongTaskName = "a,b,c"
Id = 2, LongTaskName = "a,c"
Id = 3, LongTaskName = "b,c"
Id = 4, LongTaskName = "a"
I am trying to build a new table that groups them by the first task, along with the id:
GroupName: "a", TaskId: 1
GroupName: "a", TaskId: 2
GroupName: "a", TaskId: 4
GroupName: "b", TaskId: 3
Here is the naive, slow, linq code:
foreach(var t in Tasks)
var gt = new GroupedTasks();
gt.TaskId = t.Id;
var firstWord = t.LongTaskName.Split(',');
if(firstWord.Count() > 0)
gt.GroupName = firstWord.First();
gt.GroupName = t.LongTaskName;
I wrote a sql function to do the string split:
create function fn_Split(
#String nvarchar (4000),
#Delimiter nvarchar (10)
returns nvarchar(4000)
declare #FirstComma int
set #FirstComma = charindex(#Delimiter,#String)
if(#FirstComma = 0)
return #String
return substring(#String, 0, #FirstComma)
However, I am getting stuck on the real sql to do the work.
I can get the group by alone:
SELECT dbo.fn_Split(LongTaskName, ',')
FROM [dbo].[Tasks]
GROUP BY dbo.fn_Split(LongTaskName, ',')
And I know I need to head down something like this:
DECLARE #RowSet TABLE (GroupName nvarchar(1024), Id nvarchar(5))
insert into #RowSet
select ???
FROM [dbo].Tasks as T
SELECT dbo.fn_Split(LongTaskName, ',')
FROM [dbo].[Tasks]
GROUP BY dbo.fn_Split(LongTaskName, ',')
) G
ON T.??? = G.???
INSERT INTO dbo.GroupedTasks(GroupName, Id)
select * from #RowSet
But I am not quite groking how to reference the grouped relationships and am confused about having to call split multiple times.
Any thoughts?
If you only care about the first item in the list, there's no need really for a function. I would recommend this way. You also don't need the #RowSet table variable for any temporary holding.
INSERT dbo.GroupedTasks(GroupName, Id)
LEFT(LongTaskName, COALESCE(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(',', LongTaskName)-1, -1), 1024)),
FROM dbo.Tasks;
It is even easier if the tasks are 1-character long, you can use LEFT(LongTaskName, 1) instead of the ugly SUBSTRING/CHARINDEX mess. But I'm guessing your task names are not one character long (if this is the case, you should include some data that varies a bit so that others don't make assumptions about length).
Now, keep in mind that you'll have to do something like this to keep dbo.GroupedTasks up to date every time a dbo.Tasks row is inserted, updated or deleted. How are you going to keep these two tables in sync?
More to the point, you should consider storing the top priority task separately in the first place, either by using a computed column or separating it out before the insert. Munging data together is something that you do with hash tables and arrays in application code, but it rarely has any positive attributes inside a database. You almost always spend more time and effort extracting the data apart than you ever saved by keeping it together in the first place. This will negate the need for a second table at all.
Select Id, Split( ',', LongTaskName ) as GroupName into TasksWithGroupInfo
Does this answer your question?

Increment counter or insert row in one statement, in SQLite

In SQLite, given this database schema
CREATE TABLE observations (
src TEXT,
dest TEXT,
verb TEXT,
occurrences INTEGER
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX observations_index
ON observations (src, dest, verb);
whenever a new observation tuple (:src, :dest, :verb) comes in, I want to either increment the "occurrences" column for the existing row for that tuple, or add a new row with occurrences=1 if there isn't already one. In concrete pseudocode:
if (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM observations
WHERE src == :src AND dest == :dest AND verb == :verb) == 1:
UPDATE observations SET occurrences = occurrences + 1
WHERE src == :src AND dest == :dest AND verb == :verb
INSERT INTO observations VALUES (:src, :dest, :verb, 1)
I'm wondering if it's possible to do this entire operation in one SQLite statement. That would simplify the application logic (which is required to be fully asynchronous wrt database operations) and also avoid a double index lookup with exactly the same key. INSERT OR REPLACE doesn't appear to be what I want, and alas there is no UPDATE OR INSERT.
I got this answer from Igor Tandetnik on sqlite-users:
VALUES (:src, :dest, :verb,
(SELECT occurrences FROM observations
WHERE src=:src AND dest=:dest AND verb=:verb),
0) + 1);
It's slightly but consistently faster than dan04's approach.
Don't know of a way to do it in one statement, but you could try
INSERT OR IGNORE INTO observations VALUES (:src, :dest, :verb, 0);
UPDATE observeraions SET occurrences = occurrences + 1 WHERE
src = :src AND dest = :dest AND verb = :verb;

SQL - WHERE clause on each SET command in UPDATE?

I'm trying to create an SQL query in PHP to update a table.
Is it possible to have a different WHERE clause for each affected row?
eg something like:
UPDATE table
SET val=X WHERE someproperty = 1,
SET val=Y WHERE someproperty = 2
Any help appreciated. Thanks
Yes, you can with a CASE statement.
UPDATE table
SET val = CASE someproperty
Now, there is concern that one CASE statement is less readable when compared to several UPDATE statements. There is a valid argument here. For example, when 1000 rows are being updated, it just feels and looks better to use several UPDATE statements rather than 1000 different conditions to a single CASE.
However, sometimes a CASE statement is more appropriate. If, for example, you are updating rows based on some trait, say the even or odd nature of a field's value the table, then a CASE statement is a wonderfully concise and maintainable way to update rows in the table without having to resort to a huge number of UPDATE statements that all share a specific type of logic. Take this for example:
UPDATE table
SET val = CASE MOD(someproperty, 2)
This expression takes the modulus of someproperty and, when 0 (even), assigns value x to val and, when 1 (odd), assigns value y to val. The greater the volume of data being updated by this statement, the cleaner it is compared to doing so by multiple UPDATE statements.
In short, CASE statements are sometimes just as readable/maintainable as UPDATE statements. It all depends on what you are trying to do with them.
EDIT: Added the ELSE clause to be extra safe. The OP may be interested in updating only specific rows so the rest should remain as they prior to the UPDATE.
EDIT: Added a scenario where the CASE statement is a more effective approach than multiple UPDATE statements.
You cannot have multiple WHERE clauses for any SQL statement, however you can use a CASE statement to accomplish what you are trying to do. Another option that you have is to execute multiple UPDATE statements.
Here is a sample using the CASE statement:
UPDATE table
SET val = (
CASE someproperty
ELSE val
Here is a sample using multiple UPDATE statements:
UPDATE table SET val=X WHERE someproperty = 1;
UPDATE table SET val=Y WHERE someproperty = 2;
Nope. Make it two updates:
UPDATE table SET val=X WHERE someproperty = 1;
UPDATE table SET val=Y WHERE someproperty = 2;
On second thought, you could use sub-queries or the case statement...
UPDATE table SET val= ( case when someproperty = 1 then X when someproperty = 2 then Y else val END )
You may need to make that a sub query like this:
UPDATE table t1 SET val = ( select CASE when someproperty = 1 then X when someproperty = 2 then Y ELSE val END from table t2 where t1.primarykey = t2.primary key )
A compact and easily scaleable way:
UPDATE table1 SET val=ELT(FIND_IN_SET(someproperty, '1, 2'), X, Y);
make the query this way:
$condition = array(1, 2);
$newvals = array('X', 'Y');
$query = "UPDATE table1 SET val=ELT(FIND_IN_SET(someproperty, '". implode(',', $condition). "', ". implode(', ', $newvals). ")";
Use prepare_query to avoid SQL syntax errors if you deal with string values.