Is it safe to use ROWID to locate a Row/Record in Oracle? - sql

I'm looking at a client application which retrieves several columns including ROWID, and
later uses ROWID to identify rows it needs to update:
update some_table t set col1=value1
where t.rowid = :selected_rowid
Is it safe to do so? As the table is being modified, can ROWID of a row change?

"From Oracle 8 the ROWID format and size changed from 8 to 10 bytes. Note that ROWID's will change when you reorganize or export/import a table. In case of a partitioned table, it also changes if the row migrates from a partition to another one during an UPDATE."
I'd say no. This could be safe if for instance the application stores ROWID temporarily(say generating a list of select-able items, each identified with ROWID, but the list is routinely regenerated and not stored). But if ROWID is used in any persistent way it's not safe.

Assuming that you are using the ROWID a short period of time after you SELECT it, that the table is a standard heap-organized table, and that the DBA isn't doing something to the table (which is a reasonably safe assumption if the application is online), the ROWID will be stable. It would be preferable to use the primary key but when the primary key isn't available, plenty of Oracle-developed tools and frameworks will use the ROWID for short periods of time. It would not be safe if you intended to use the ROWID a long period of time after you SELECT it-- for example, if you allow users to edit data locally and then synchronize with the master database some arbitrary length of time later.
The ROWID is just a physical location of a row so anything that causes that location to change will change the ROWID.
If you are using index-organized tables or partitioned tables, updates to the row can change where the row is physically located which will change the ROWID.
If a row is deleted from a heap-organized table, a subsequent INSERT might insert data with completely different data that happens to use the same ROWID the deleted row previously had.
Various administrative tasks can cause the ROWID to change. Exporting and importing the table will change the ROWID for example, but so will doing something like the new-ish online shrink command. These administrative tasks will not normally be done while the application is up, however, and will almost certainly not be done during the day. But it could lead to problems if the application isn't shut down when a DBA does this sort of thing or if the application persists the data.
Over time, it has become more and more common for new features to introduce new possibilities for ROWIDs to change. Index-organized tables and the online shrink option, for example, are relatively new features. In the future, it is likely that there will be more features that will involve the potential at least for a ROWID to change.
Of course, if we're being pedantic, it's also not safe to rely on the primary key. It is perfectly possible that some other session comes along and updates the primary key of the row after you read it or that some other session deletes the row after you select it and inserts a new row with the same data and a different primary key. In either case, it helps to have some local knowledge about what the applications using the database are actually supposed to be doing. It would be extremely uncommon, for example, to allow updates to primary keys or to reuse primary keys so you can generally determine that it's safe to use a primary key. Similarly, it is relatively common to conclude that given the way you're using partitioning or given the way you've defined the index in your index-organized table that updates won't actually change the ROWID. If you know that the table is partitioned by the LOAD_DATE, for example, and that you never update the LOAD_DATE, you won't actually experience changes to the ROWID because of an update. If you know that the table is index-organized but that you're not updating a column that is part of that index, the ROWID won't change on an UPDATE.

I do not think it is safe to do so, in theory it will not change, that is of course until someone "accidentally" deletes something on the actual DB...
I would just use the PK makes a lot more sense.


avoiding write conflicts while re-sorting a table

I have a large table that I need to re-sort periodically. I am partly basing this on a suggestion I was given to stay away from using cluster keys since I am inserting data ordered differently (by time) from how I need it clustered (by ID), and that can cause re-clustering to get a little out of control.
Since I am writing to the table on a hourly I am wary of causing problems with these two processes conflicting: If I CTAS to a newly sorted temp table and then swap the table name it seems like I am opening the door to have a write on the source table not make it to the temp table.
I figure I can trigger a flag when I am re-sorting that causes the ETL to pause writing, but that seems a bit hacky and maybe fragile.
I was considering leveraging locking and transactions, but this doesn't seem to be the right use case for this since I don't think I'd be locking the table I am copying from while I write to a new table. Any advice on how to approach this?
I've asked some clarifying questions in the comments regarding the clustering that you are avoiding, but in regards to your sort, have you considered creating a nice 4XL warehouse and leveraging the INSERT OVERWRITE option back into itself? It'd look something like:
Assuming that your table isn't hundreds of TB in size, this will complete rather quickly (inside an hour, I would guess), and any inserts into the table during that period will queue up and wait for it to finish.
There are some reasons to avoid the automatic reclustering, but they're basically all the same reasons why you shouldn't set up a job to re-cluster frequently. You're making the database do all the same work, but without the built in management of it.
If your table is big enough that you are seeing performance issues with the clustering by time, and you know that the ID column is the main way that this table is filtered (in JOINs and WHERE clauses) then this is probably a good candidate for automatic clustering.
So I would recommend at least testing out a cluster key on the ID and then monitoring/comparing performance.
To give a brief answer to the question about resorting without conflicts as written:
I might recommend using a time column to re-sort records older than a given time (probably in a separate table). While it's sorting, you may get some new records. But you will be able to use that time column to marry up those new records with the, now sorted, older records.
You might consider revoking INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE privileges on the original table within the same script or procedure that performs the CTAS creating the newly sorted copy of the table. After a successful swap you can re-enable the privileges for the roles that are used to perform updates.

DB schema for updating downstream sources?

I want a table to be sync-able by a web API.
For example,
GET /projects?sequence_latest=2113&limit=10
[{"state":"updated", "id":12,"sequence":2116},
{"state":"deleted" "id":511,"sequence":2115}
{"state":"created", "id":601,"sequence":2114}]
What is a good schema to achieve this?
I intend this for Postgresql with Django ORM, which uses surrogate keys. Presence of an ORM may kill answers like unions.
I can come up with only half-solutions.
I could have a modified_time column, but we cannot convey deletions.
I could have a table for storing deleted IDs, when returning 10 new/updated rows, I could return all the deleted rows between them. But this works only when the latest change is an insert/update and there are a moderate number of deleted rows.
I could set a deleted flag on the row and null the rest, but its kinda bad schema design to set all columns nullable.
I could have another table that stores ID, modification sequence number and state(new, updated, deleted), but its another table to maintain and setting sequence numbers cause contentions; imagine n concurrent requests querying for latest ID.
If you're using an ORM you want simple(ish) and if you're serving the data via an API you want quick.
To go through your suggested options:
Correct, so this doesn't help you. You could have a deleted flag in your main table though.
This seems quite a random way of doing it and breaks your insistence that there be no UNION queries.
Not sure why you would need to NULL the rest of the column here? What benefit does this bring?
I would strongly advise against having a table that has a modification sequence number. Either this means that you're performing a lot of analytic queries in order to find out the most recent state or you're updating the same rows multiple times and maintaining a table with the same PK as your normal one. At that point you might as well have a deleted flag in your main table.
Essentially the design of your API gives you one easy option; you should have everything in the same table because all data is being returned through the same method. I would follow your point 2 and Wolph's suggestion, have a deleted_on column in your table; making it look like:
create table my_table (
id ... primary key
, <other_columns>
, created_on date
, modified_on date
, deleted_on date
I wouldn't even bother updating all the other columns to be NULL. If you want to ensure that you return no data create a view on top of your table that nulls data where the deleted_on column has data in it. Then, your API only accesses the table through the view.
If you are really, really worried about space and the volume of records and will perform regular database maintenance to ensure that both are controlled then maybe go with option 4. Create a second table that has the state of each ID in your main table and actually delete the data from your main table. You then can do a LEFT OUTER JOIN to the main table to get the data. When there is no data that ID has been deleted. Honestly, this is overkill until you know whether you will definitely require it.
You don't mention why you're using an web API for data-transfers; but, if you're going to be transferring a lot of data or using this for internal systems only it might be worth using a lower-level transfer mechanism.

Benefit to keeping a record in the database, rather than deleting it, for performance issues?

So I have a client that I am building a Rails app for....I am using PostgreSQL.
He made this comment about preferring to hide records, rather than delete them, and given that this is the first time I have heard about this I figured I would ask you guys to hear your thoughts.
I'd rather hide than delete because deletions in tables eventually lead to table index havoc that causes queries to take longer than expected (much worse than Inserts or Updates). This won't be a problem in the beginning of the site (it gets exponentially worse over time), but seems like an easy issue to never encounter by just not deleting anything (yet) as part of the "everyday" web application functionality. We can always handle deletions much later as part of a Data Optimization & Maintenance process and re-index tables in that process on some (yet to be determined) scheduled basis.
In all the Rails apps I have built, I have never had an issue with records being deleted and it affecting the index.
Am I missing something? Is this a problem that used to exist, but modern RDBMS products have fixed it?
There may be functional reasons for preferring that records not be deleted, but reasons relating to some form of table index "havoc" are almost certainly bogus unless supported by some technical evidence.
You hear this sort of thing quite often in the Oracle world -- that indexes do not re-use space freed up by deletions. It's usually based on some misinterpretation of the facts (eg. that index blocks are not freed for re-use until they are completely empty). Hence you end up with people giving advice to periodically rebuild indexes. If you give these issues some thought, you wonder why the RDBMS developers would not have fixed such an issue, given that it supposedly harms the system performance.
So there may be some piece of Postgres-related, possibly obsolete, information on which this is based, but the onus is really on the person objecting to a perfectly normal type of database operation to come with evidence to support their position.
Another thought: I believe that in Postgres an update is implemented as a delete and insert, hence the advice to vacuum frequently on heavily updated tables. Based on that, updates should also cause the same index problems that are supposed to be associated with deletes.
Other reasons for not deleting the records.
you don't have to worry about cascading a delete through various other tables in the database that reference the row you are deleting
Every bit of data is useful. Debugging and auditing becomes easy.
Easier to rollback if needed.
Create an deleted column in your table and dont index that one.
If you update that record with deleted = 1 or deleted = o only the data needs to be rewriten, the index doesnt have to be updated that saves lots off IO reads and IO writes
This advies goes for all modern RDBMS when they make use of B tree indexes. B tree is an very good algorithm for searching but not for updating and deleting because off high number off IO reads and IO writes thats needed to insert or update node in the node or delete notes from the tree this is also the reason why you should not "over index" your table
"Delete" an record like this
UPDATE table SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = 1 -- if deleted not is indexed assuming id is index as an primary key this also should be fast
Check if an record is deleted
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = 1 and deleted = 1 -- assuming id is index as an primary key this also should be fast
Check if an record not is deleted
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = 1 and deleted = 0 -- assuming id is index as an primary key this also should be fast

Some sort of “different auto-increment indexes” per a primary key values

I have got a table which has an id (primary key with auto increment), uid (key refering to users id for example) and something else which for my question won’t matter.
I want to make, lets call it, different auto-increment keys on id for each uid entry.
So, I will add an entry with uid 10, and the id field for this entry will have a 1 because there were no previous entries with a value of 10 in uid. I will add a new one with uid 4 and its id will be 3 because I there were already two entried with uid 4.
...Very obvious explanation, but I am trying to be as explainative an clear as I can to demonstrate the idea... clearly.
What SQL engine can provide such a functionality natively? (non Microsoft/Oracle based)
If there is none, how could I best replicate it? Triggers perhaps?
Does this functionality have a more suitable name?
In case you know about a non SQL database engine providing such a functioality, name it anyway, I am curious.
MySQL's MyISAM engine can do this. See their manual, in section Using AUTO_INCREMENT:
For MyISAM tables you can specify AUTO_INCREMENT on a secondary column in a multiple-column index. In this case, the generated value for the AUTO_INCREMENT column is calculated as MAX(auto_increment_column) + 1 WHERE prefix=given-prefix. This is useful when you want to put data into ordered groups.
The docs go on after that paragraph, showing an example.
The InnoDB engine in MySQL does not support this feature, which is unfortunate because it's better to use InnoDB in almost all cases.
You can't emulate this behavior using triggers (or any SQL statements limited to transaction scope) without locking tables on INSERT. Consider this sequence of actions:
Mario starts transaction and inserts a new row for user 4.
Bill starts transaction and inserts a new row for user 4.
Mario's session fires a trigger to computes MAX(id)+1 for user 4. You get 3.
Bill's session fires a trigger to compute MAX(id). I get 3.
Bill's session finishes his INSERT and commits.
Mario's session tries to finish his INSERT, but the row with (userid=4, id=3) now exists, so Mario gets a primary key conflict.
In general, you can't control the order of execution of these steps without some kind of synchronization.
The solutions to this are either:
Get an exclusive table lock. Before trying an INSERT, lock the table. This is necessary to prevent concurrent INSERTs from creating a race condition like in the example above. It's necessary to lock the whole table, since you're trying to restrict INSERT there's no specific row to lock (if you were trying to govern access to a given row with UPDATE, you could lock just the specific row). But locking the table causes access to the table to become serial, which limits your throughput.
Do it outside transaction scope. Generate the id number in a way that won't be hidden from two concurrent transactions. By the way, this is what AUTO_INCREMENT does. Two concurrent sessions will each get a unique id value, regardless of their order of execution or order of commit. But tracking the last generated id per userid requires access to the database, or a duplicate data store. For example, a memcached key per userid, which can be incremented atomically.
It's relatively easy to ensure that inserts get unique values. But it's hard to ensure they will get consecutive ordinal values. Also consider:
What happens if you INSERT in a transaction but then roll back? You've allocated id value 3 in that transaction, and then I allocated value 4, so if you roll back and I commit, now there's a gap.
What happens if an INSERT fails because of other constraints on the table (e.g. another column is NOT NULL)? You could get gaps this way too.
If you ever DELETE a row, do you need to renumber all the following rows for the same userid? What does that do to your memcached entries if you use that solution?
SQL Server should allow you to do this. If you can't implement this using a computed column (probably not - there are some restrictions), surely you can implement it in a trigger.
MySQL also would allow you to implement this via triggers.
In a comment you ask the question about efficiency. Unless you are dealing with extreme volumes, storing an 8 byte DATETIME isn't much of an overhead compared to using, for example, a 4 byte INT.
It also massively simplifies your data inserts, as well as being able to cope with records being deleted without creating 'holes' in your sequence.
If you DO need this, be careful with the field names. If you have uid and id in a table, I'd expect id to be unique in that table, and uid to refer to something else. Perhaps, instead, use the field names property_id and amendment_id.
In terms of implementation, there are generally two options.
1). A trigger
Implementations vary, but the logic remains the same. As you don't specify an RDBMS (other than NOT MS/Oracle) the general logic is simple...
Start a transaction (often this is Implicitly already started inside triggers)
Find the MAX(amendment_id) for the property_id being inserted
Update the newly inserted value with MAX(amendment_id) + 1
Commit the transaction
Things to be aware of are...
- multiple records being inserted at the same time
- records being inserted with amendment_id being already populated
- updates altering existing records
2). A Stored Procedure
If you use a stored procedure to control writes to the table, you gain a lot more control.
Implicitly, you know you're only dealing with one record.
You simply don't provide a parameter for DEFAULT fields.
You know what updates / deletes can and can't happen.
You can implement all the business logic you like without hidden triggers
I personally recommend the Stored Procedure route, but triggers do work.
It is important to get your data types right.
What you are describing is a multi-part key. So use a multi-part key. Don't try to encode everything into a magic integer, you will poison the rest of your code.
If a record is identified by (entity_id,version_number) then embrace that description and use it directly instead of mangling the meaning of your keys. You will have to write queries which constrain the version number but that's OK. Databases are good at this sort of thing.
version_number could be a timestamp, as a_horse_with_no_name suggests. This is quite a good idea. There is no meaningful performance disadvantage to using timestamps instead of plain integers. What you gain is meaning, which is more important.
You could maintain a "latest version" table which contains, for each entity_id, only the record with the most-recent version_number. This will be more work for you, so only do it if you really need the performance.

Is ROWID internally indexed unique by an SQL DBMS?

It's my understanding that the quickest way to access a particular row is by its ROWID. In INFORMIX-SE 7.3, when I do a SELECT ROWID FROM table I notice that its values are type SERIAL[INT]. In Oracle, they are SERIAL[HEX]. Has anyone ever used ROWID for any practical use? If I wanted to locate the most recent row added to a table, would SELECT MAX(ROWID) FROM table be quicker and more reliable than say SELECT MAX(pk_id) FROM table, where pk_id is a user-created SERIAL column? What other practical use have you ever put ROWID to work for you?
Your understanding is not necessarily correct. The ROWID property in SQL Server is primarily intended for replication as a way to guarantee that the table has a single-field unique index value. This way the replication system does not have to account for any specific primary key semantics that your design might employ, while still being able to identify every row by a single column. No table is required to have a ROWID column unless it is part of a merge replication publication, so it's not something that every table has, unlike Oracle. It also doesn't serve the same purpose (they're Guid's--or uniqueidentifier in T-SQL parlance--on SQL Server and are random, not sequential integers like they are on Oracle).
The quickest way to retrieve a row from a table is by accessing the row via the clustered index. A table can only have one clustered index, as it's what determines the physical ordering of the rows on the disk. Furthermore, if the table has a primary key, the primary key is the clustered index. While it's possible to declare a table without a primary key and assign the clustered index to something else, I can't (off the top of my head) fathom a reason why you'd want to do this (or, for practical purposes, how you can justify having a table without a primary key).
In short, that means that the quickest way to retireve a row is by using the primary key of the table. Unless the ROWID column is the primary key (which is certainly possible to do), then it isn't the fastest way.
Well, I can only really tell how it works in Oracle, using it for 19+ years :-)
Put simply, ROWID is an internel identification, that acts like an physical address. It can be split into database file no, block no, and row no. So obtaining the ROWID makes the db engine able to look the data up in a single direct IO.
In an index the B* tree will have ROWIDs on the leaf nodes pointing directly the location of the data, e.g. in a primary index.
Being an physical address it is submit to change on relocation on disk, which can happen after restoring a backup, rebuilding a table, or export/import of data.
The db engine can do some tricks, e.g. when moving a pluggable tablespace from one instance to another to avoid rebuilding indexes, however this is strickly db engine internals.
So to keep out of trouble leave the ROWID for internal use for the db engine. Storing the ROWID for your own usage will eventually lead to inconsistency.
In Informix-SE, the ROWID is basically the record number within the C-ISAM file that is used to hold the table. SE only deals in fixed size records, of course (no VARCHAR data).
In Informix Dynamic Server, the ROWID is (a) more complex (page number plus slot number) and (b) not always present (fragmented tables do not expose the ROWID, unless the table was created WITH ROWIDS, in which case the ROWID is a physical column that is indexed after all) - be aware!
If no data is ever deleted and you are using SE, then selecting the row with the maximum ROWID will be the most recently added row. If a row is deleted, then that space will eventually be reused, and then the most recently added row ceases to be the one with the maximum ROWID. (IDS does not make that promise for a variety of complex reasons.)
The SE implementation of ROWID does not store the ROWID in the table, and does not create an index on it, but it does not need an index because it knows the formula for where to go to find the data (offset in data file = ROWID * RowSize), give or take a plus one on RowSize or a minus one ROWID or both.
As to practical use for ROWID, the style that was used before fragmentation was added to IDS was to select a list of ROWID values for the records of interest in the table, maintaining that list in memory:
FROM InterestingTable
WHERE SomeColumn = xxx
AND AnotherColumn < yyy;
Then, the program could present these rows one at time, fetching the current data via the stored ROWID. The ROWID for a record would not change while a program was running. This ensured that the current data - whether edits from the current user or someone else - was shown when the record was displayed.
There's a program you're familiar with, ISQL Perform, that behaves like this. And it does not work with fragmented tables (necessarily in IDS; SE does not support fragmented tables) unless they are created with a physical ROWID column with the WITH ROWIDS clause.
Perhaps the term "RDBMS" rather than "an SQL server"?
Attaching any purpose to a ROWID is a bad idea. Particularly if you're in the habit of dropping and recreating tables. If your table needs a SERIAL PK, then that's what it should have. No good can come of using ROWIDs within your application.