I can understand from this page: https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/groups-api
that it's only possible to retreive information from the Groups API having an authenticated group member to do it through.
What I need to is periodically retrieve the comments to a particular question posted to the group, not necessarily by my own user.
So I was thinking if it was possible to programmatically authenticate a user (that is member of the group) and through that user retrieve the Group information I need.
Do any of you have experience with that or know of any other way of doing this without having a user authenticated through the webbased linkedin login?
Kind regards,
Is there a way that I can use my personal Facebook account to post in multiple groups that I am a member of? I just want to automate posting the same message in multiple groups using the Facebook graph api. I've been reading the documentation and all I am seeing is that you've to be an admin to post in a group. Do anyone have a workaround this?
We would like to develop a survey in which consenting participants would have to give us access to their list of checkins on Foursquare. Currently, we do so via a Foursquare app, but I do not seem to find a way to specify which permissions our application needs.
Whenever a user is asked to grant access to our app, he is informed that we will be able to post checkins on his behalf and do a bunch of other things. This will raise concerns and will likely lower the number of willing participants.
The question would be whether there is a way to restrict the permissions of our app to what we actually need, i.e. the full list of checkins.
As an alternative, we are considering befriending the user from a special account instead. However, does friendship guarantee that we can see all of his checkins?
The Foursquare API currently doesn't support scoped permissions (e.g., seeing check-ins only). You will have to make it clear to your users that you won't post to their accounts.
The only way to see a person's entire history of check-ins is if you have an access token for them, so unfortunately the befriending method won't work.
I am trying to use the Ebay API to get completed transactions for a seller(s) that is using a different account from my developer account. I've looked into GetSellerTransactions and GetOrders. Unfortunately, I am not sure if it's possible to specify a User ID different from mine. Could you point me to working example of how to do this?
To get transactions for a user you should be first authorized by that user.
You will need a developer account for that.
This links will guide you
Once you get the user token for a user you need to send them along with your developer credentials to make the getOrders API call for that particular user.
After getting an access token, I made a request to FB's Graph API for post information from a Facebook page. The number of likes do not match the FB's IDs listed. For example, it may say there are 4 likes for a particular POST, but it only provides me 1 or 2 user information. Why is that? Is there a way to get all the user ID information?
If your access token owner is blocked by a user, you might see that. Or there might be some other of their privacy settings preventing you from seeing them.
Is it possible to have login levels with the facebook authentication? Also, is it possible to only give permission to login in my website if you meet certain requirements, like for example being in a facebook group, or liking a page?
I have a students website, and I want them to be able to login using facebook but not every one can access the information only students form my course. So is it possible to check if they are in the course closed group before letting them login?
Thanks for the help...
No, you cannot do that prior to the login. However, immediately after the login you can validate, by their facebook id, if they're on your list of approved people, and redirect away others who are not. Google for Facebook fan gate examples, there's alot of them out and about.