Using KNSemiModal or MJPopUpView with storyboard - objective-c

Whenever I try and dismiss the semi modal view, I am left with a crashed app. I think I've properly set up the dismiss modal view but it doesn't seem to be working. Here's what it looks like in the demo app using XIB files:
MJDetailViewController *detailViewController = [[MJDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"MJDetailViewController" bundle:nil];
[self presentPopupViewController:detailViewController animationType:MJPopupViewAnimationSlideBottomBottom];
Here's what I am trying to replace it with:
[self presentPopupViewController:[self.storyboard instantiateViewCOntrollerWithIdentifier:#"example"] animationType:MJPopupViewAnimationSlideBottomBottom];
The [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:NSString] doesn't seem to be replacing the instWithNib (or whatever function that is) properly.
Any ideas why?

I did something similar.
I would just delete all the init methods in MJDetailViewController and also added "example" in the 'Storyboard ID' attribute of identity inspector then called
[self presentPopupViewController:[self.storyboard instantiateViewCOntrollerWithIdentifier:#"example"] animationType:MJPopupViewAnimationSlideBottomBottom];


Can't modal to next viewcontroller

I feel like I am just missing something simple here. I am trying to modal to my next view controller. I imported the next view controller in my first .m file first. After I did that I wrote this code
CRHViewController *nextViewController = [[CRHViewController alloc]init];
[self presentModalViewController:nextViewController animated:NO];
Also, I am working with storyboard and not nibs.
What happens when I run this is as soon as it goes to modal to the next viewcontroller it just goes black.
Am I missing something simple? Does anyone have an suggestions to fix this problem?
Probably you're not initialising it correctly. For testing purposes I would try to display CRHViewController as first root viewController from AppDelegate and find if it is initialising at all. Then check if it gets to its methods:
In this order. Its 90% certain that one of them fails. Check if it gets to every method you have implemented correctly in this order.
If your CRHViewController is in your storyboard, then you should be instantiating it with:
UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:#"yourStoryboardName" bundle:nil];
[storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"myIdentifier"];
You should give your view controller an identifier in IB to pass in as the identifier parameter in the above method.

presentViewController - view solid black, viewDid___ methods not called

SecondViewController *svc = [SecondViewController new];
[self presentViewController:svc animated:YES completion:NULL];
This code is exactly the same as what I used in another app, but here I'm using presentViewController rather than presentModalViewController
(completion:NULL makes them effectively identical. Same result, at least.)
Both attempts at creating a modal view are structured the same way. Those lines in the main view, a view controller in the Storyboard, and matching .h and .m files. The only difference is that here I want a programmatic trigger, so it's impossible to drag a segue and be done with it.
I have an object set to recognize a gesture and call the transition method. That's probably what's causing the problem (part of it, at least), but it is necessary.
Using a UIButton would be cheating. No deadline, no shortcuts.
EDIT: NSLog output shows something odd.
2012-04-05 10:41:12.047 MyApp[5962:707] <SecondViewController: 0x1d8c130>
2012-04-05 10:41:12.479 MyApp[5962:707] <SecondViewController: 0x1d8e360>
So I'm doing something stupid again that happens to have a very simple fix, right?
Edit again: presentViewController… was being called more than once. Fixed it. Still black, though.
Back to performSegueWithIdentifier:sender: instead of the much easier presentViewController:animated:completion:
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException", reason: 'Receiver … has no segue with identifier …'
I told it to perform a segue, but there isn't one in the Storyboard (I can't add one, there is no Storyboard Segues section under 'Connections inspector' for the object I'm attempting to use), so it crashes. This is normal behavior.
What I want is to have a modal view without needing to create a segue. I've done it, so I know it's possible.
All I need is a bit of help getting it to work.
performSegueWithIdentifier:#"Identifier" sender:nil NSSInvalidArgumentException
presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:NULL Empty View
Got it.
Replace the lines in the question with this:
UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:#"Storyboard"
SecondViewController *viewController =
[storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"SecondView"];
[self presentViewController:svc animated:YES completion:NULL];
Credit for this solution goes to IturPablo's self-answered question:
TabBarController, overwriting shouldSelectViewController to do a segue
Are you looking for performSegueWithIdentifier:sender:? The docs seem to match your description:
"you can call this method to trigger a segue programmatically, perhaps
in response to some action that cannot be specified in the storyboard
resource file"

storyboard and programic modal changes

starting a new project and want to try using the storyboard feature of xcode 4.2. i got the basics of how to do transitions within the story board, but how do i do it in the code (load a new view w/out the use of a button)?
do i just use the old method,
mapViewController *mapView = [[mapViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"mapViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
[self presentModalViewController:mapView animated:YES];
the old way doesn't work. also tried:
MapViewController *mapView = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"MapView"];
self presentModalViewController:mapView animated:YES];
with no success.
If you want to load a view controller you made in a storyboard create a segue to this view controller, give it an identifier and call: performSegueWithIdentifier:sender:.
ok, i figured out the issue. i had uncommented the method "loadView" in the mapViewController so xcode did not use my storyboard layout.
also, both above methods do work to do a modal switch.

pushViewController iphone not working

i am unable to get the pushViewController to work on a View Based Application on the iPhone. On my 'ProjectViewController' i have a IBAction with the following code :
ARViewController *viewController = [[ARViewController alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:viewController animated:YES];
[viewController release];
When i run the program and press ibaction nothing happens. Besides that statement above do i need to do anything else to make the view appear? what am i missing?
(...) on a View Based Application (...)
You just have no UINavController! Try to embed your main view in UINavigationController and everything will start working.
Double check to make sure that the button you are pressing is connected to the right method in interface builder. Also try putting an NSLog statement in the switchAugmented to see if the method is getting called.
You also have to check and see if you have a UINavigationController instance, otherwise you won't be able to push a new view controller.
You won't be able to push a new view controller in a View Based Project. You need to create a Navigation Based Project or add an instance of the UINavigationController in your Main.nib (if your using a nib file) only then will the push view controller will work

Create UINavigationController programmatically

Just because I am unable to find a secure way (in a sense that it can be rejected by Apple guys) to customize UITabbar, in particular UITabBarItem I am trying some workaround.
I have a main view on which I recreate a kind of UITabBar, a normal view with two buttons inside. This is (roughly) the current hierarchy:
--fakeTab (UIView)
What I want to do is, after tapping a button in fakeTab, build a UINavigationController and add it to "placeholder" view so that the fakeTab remain on top and the whole navigation happens on the placeholder level.
I already tried with this piece of code in the method that it's intercepting tap button, and it works, I can see the ipvc.view added to placeholder.
IPPlantsViewController *ipvc = [[IPPlantsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"IPPlantsView" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
UINavigationController *nav = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:ipvc];
UIView *placeholder = [self.view viewWithTag:200];
[placeholder addSubview:ipvc.view];
But later when I call from inside ipvc, then nothing happens:
IPAttributes *ipas = [[IPFactory findPlantByIndex:indexPath.row] attrs];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:ipa animated:YES];
I find the solution myself. What I was doing wrong is to attach the ipvc controller view to placeholder. Instead of doing this:
[placeholder addSubview:nav.view];
and everything works as expected, with my fake tabbar fully customized :-)
But, as a side note, the viewWillAppear seems to be never called.
It would be interesting to know why. I partially solved by making IPPlantsViewController the delegate of the UINavigationController.