Broadcasts vs Handlers for data transfer - android-handler

First, I am new to Android and Java, but making steady progress.
I have a question about the use of BroadCast Receivers Vs Handlers for data transfer for Andriod 3.0 +
I currently have handlers embedded inside a run thread which receives data over a USB-Serial link into my Acer A200 tablet.
These handlers (7 at this time) explictedly transfer the received data to several activities which use Fragments to display the data for several views.
Since some of the data is used on multiple displays/views, my question is whether it would be better to simply "Broadcast" the data from the run thread and let each activies' Broadcast receiver deal with the capture and display of the data or is the use of a Handler explictedly sending the data to each activity preferrable?
Any pros/cons for either approach would be appreciated.


Windows KMDF driver, Informing application of a change via a notification, is it possible

I have built a simple PCI driver for reading and writing data to a PCI device. I have also added interrupt support, so when there is a PCI interrupt an ISR is called. This all seems to work.
I would like to inform an external application of the interrupt. So far I haven't found a suitable mechanism. The interrupt could come at any time, and is dependent on Sensors connected to the PCI device.
I have found the following:-
1 Event objects which can be passed to the KMDF driver via read, write, iocontrol commands (Overlapped object)
2 Plug and Play notifications, which can be use used by (Toaster example code) the driver to inform the app of PNP events.
A notification method would be ideal, however it doesn't look like one exists for my particular use case.
There are at least 2 ways to achieve what you are looking for
Inverted call model - send IOCTL(s) to the driver which the driver will keep pending and will complete them as and when it needs to notify the user mode about the occurrence of the event that it is interested in. You can read more about this approach here.
Use shared event handles. A user mode application communicates the event handle(s) to kernel mode using an IOCTL. The kernel mode increments the reference count to ensure that the handle remains valid when it needs to use it and then signals the event when necessary. You can read more about this approach here.
The first approach is more preferred for various reasons that you will find while reading the linked articles. If your use case requires the kernel mode to not only indicate the occurrence of an event but also send some data back to user mode then the second approach is not suitable for your requirement and you should focus on the first approach alone.

Handling RFID time response functions in C

I'm developing an embedded app, written in C, using a M16C/28 uC from Renesas.
The app manages two simple task:
RFID for detection and reading MIFARE tags. ( Using HW: Mf500 from NXP ). The uC handles whole FW implementation.
To deal with a RS485 frame protocol as slave. ( This app, have to be able to process RS485 frames every 10ms ).
The RFID implementation contains blocking code and the time response to detect a RFID tag is about 15ms. This causes RX reception buffer overflows on the RS485 processing.
My questions are as follows:
Is it normal to deal with such time responses in the RFID world?
Should I use a RTOS to preempt RFID task to meet RS485 frames requirements?
Should I use an external uC acting as host controller to release the load of the RFID manager uC?
Thanks in advance
To answer your questions:
You could use a RTOS.
You could use an additional uC.
Better options would be to:
Use DMA on serial communications.
Make the RFID code non blocking.
Do more in your serial interrupt.
The response time varies depending on the type of card/rfid that your are communicating with. I don't know the timings of Mifare RFIDs but 15 ms does not seem to be bad.
In your situation, you may have more requests coming from RS485 than you can handle on the RFID part. You can use queues or FIFOs to store the input requests so that you can treat them later on, according to the physical limitations of your system.
Using an RTOS can help but usually, they are not free. Plus, you may have to port it to your platform if it is not already supported. If all your firmware does is handling RS485 requests and communicating with the RFID, you should sort this out with interruptions to store the incoming commands and a loop to process them separately.
And for the second uC, it's like the RTOS. It can help but might not be the right solution in this scenario (you will have to manage 2 firmwares, a communication protocol or a FIFO between uCs, it will cost twice the price, ...).

Serial communication and richtextbox?

I have a general question concerning serial port communication and storage of the data. When communicating with a serial port (strictly reading from the port in this case) how would one go about storing and manipulating the data in For my project I'm doing, I need to take strings from the serial port and then pull numbers from those strings and sort them (numerically, i.e. highest number found at the top and lowest number at the bottom) For some reason in my code I get inner exception errors when I try to move the data from strings to string arrays but I'm determined to figure it out.
As a general question in terms of programming in relation to serial port communication, is it intelligent to use backgroundworkers? For example, could/should I use a backgroundworker to handle reading from a serial port and then do arithmetic on my data outside of the backgroundworker?
I'm basically just trying to store my data from my serial port into an array, but I don't know how big the array will be that holds the data (i.e. I don't know how many times I'll have data sent to my serial port)
Any tips/info would be appreciated! Thanks
As a general rule if there is going to be any long running task, you should run it in a seperate thread. You do this so that the user experiance is not affected and the GUI stays responsive.
In the case of serial communications there is usually a poll respond architecture which requires constant event handling.
In my experiance I have had great success handling the Interaction with the serial port in a seperate thread that bubbles up events to the GUI. This way I can then process the data to be displayed or stored in another seperate thread and keep the polling running in almost real time.
When I was consuming registers I would store them many different ways but from what you describe, it sounds like the data you are consuming would be best stored in a List(of String).
This structure can be added to almost infinitly and throught the use of predicates can be sorted. The List structure in .net also has a method to convert itself to an array if necessary.
So here is how I can imagine your interaction:
The GUI thread is started and you initate a connection to your device.
You then set up a thread that will be receiveing the incoming communications from the device
In this thread when data is captured it triggers an event in the GUI.
In the GUI event handler the data is stored in a list and if manipulations need to be preformed on it, they are done in another processing thread that will have a call back handler.
In the call back you can then display or push the data to its final destination.
The key points are that if you are using a GUI you should absolutly have the communication in a seperate thread to maintian stability of the GUI and create a good user experiance.

Why does the Bloomberg API occasionally hang on certain commands?

I'm subscribing to live data with the Bloomberg API. Occasionally, it hangs on the call to session.Cancel(correlationID)
Anyone know why?
Where can I find documentation on the API?
I assume that you are talking about the .NET or Java API. In either case you should be able to find documentation (pdfs) by running WAPI on a Bloomberg terminal.
The Bloomberg API can be run in two modes - synchronous and asynchronous. So if you've taken some code example using WAPI and it happens to have been synchronous, you will face delays in your application.
The mode differs in the way data is accessed, for e.g.
the COM API in asynchronous mode would first send out the request using one procedure and another procedure is called back to execute when the data is fetched and ready, hence enabling the user to continue interacting with the GUI.
The synchronous mode would handle data requests and fetching in the same function with the same thread causing the app to hang. It won't make a big difference for the single value return types, but some large data sets could cause delays depending on your leased-line or internet bandwidth.
Is your question referring to the Bloomberg's Excel Add-In or its API Library releases to access live dataI? In either case, unless the data is not widely available to the public, and unless you have a special subscription arrangement from Bloomberg or other data feeds that can be sourced through the terminal, you are going to run into limits on the amount of live data that you are able to gather in any single interval.
To answer your second question, you can access Documentation for Bloomberg's Developers API here. And you can find Documentation and Resources for Bloomberg's API Libraries / Releases here.

Need a delay to wait for GPS

Using the iPhone and objective C, is there a way to stall or perform a timing loop to allow for the GPS to catch up and return a valid set of coordinates?
Currently, the application runs too quickly and the GPS cannot supply the coordinates fast enough...
Since you said you're on iPhone, you're using CLLocationManager. Just set a delegate on the manager and wait for the locationManager:didUpdateToLocation:fromLocation: message to know when the GPS data is ready.
Assuming your GPS polling is running in a different thread to the User Interface, you can call the static NSThread functions sleepForTimeInterval or sleepUntilDate from the thread that is waiting for the GPS data.
If your mobile application is using GPS, your application should be prepared for location updates, even if your application doesn't track movements..
A common case would be where the user put your application in background and activate it later on a completely different location.
On iOS, create an implementation of CLLocationManagerDelegate like Anomie wrote. And use the timestamp of the update to evaluate the freshness of the location.
Don't sleep & poll like other people suggested.
Either block to wait for data or don't update anything if no data received. There is of course usleep(), but without showing code and specifically how your loop is executed and by what mechanism (threaded or not) we can only answer in general terms.