New app won't scaffold with Jade templates - towerjs

When scaffolding a new tower js app i execute
tower new demo --views jade
but i still get the default CoffeeKup layouts.
Any help with this would be great

This feature hasn't been implemented yet, only the command line flags have been setup so far. Here are the generator templates:
To add this feature all that needs to be done is to wire the command line flags to the and files:
view generator script: src/tower/server/generator/generators/tower/view/
the generator object gets passed a program variable: src/tower/server/
and here's the application generator command parser to see the variables set on the program: src/tower/server/command/
So all that needs to be done is modify that script to something like:
for view in views
#template "#{view}.coffee", "app/views/#{}/#{view}.#{#program.engine}"
I would help implement this but don't have the time at the moment, working on merging the dev branch to master. Hope that helps.


Minecraft Modding Using Forge: GradleStart is in default package?

My project runs, and I see my mod populating within Minecraft, but for some reason my code doesn't do anything. I followed a basic tutorial that should be adding an item with a texture. I also set some basic method as such within Main to test whether this is working or not:
public void onPlayerTick(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent tick)
System.out.println("testing 123");
Upon loading of the world, this doesn't output anything.
Any help?
I think it's working now. I made the dev environment again, this time with a different tutorial from the beginning. The main difference was this tutorial used intellij like me, unlike the other tutorial which used eclipse. Seems to be working because something in the init method printed out something in the format that is expected in the console (meaning it is compiling and using the code properly). So it appears to be working... It seems. I used these tutorials, they were very in depth, would recommend regardless. This is the playlist:

Piranha CMS: Problem with custom block in manager interface

I am trying to add a custom block. I followed the steps in following two links:
In the CMS manager, I added the custom block to a page, but the block content is empty. Looks like the Vue.js didn't get associated to the custom block. I have set the block component attribute to the Vue.js.
I added the Vue.js by calling below method in the startup. Did I miss something to create a custom block?
Move your "mycustomblock.js" file to the folder "wwwroot/js/" instead of the default "assets/js/". That way the file will be visible to Vue.js
Something is not working with the assets folder, probably it cannot be reached by Vue.js
after the Project is compiled. I had the same problem and this solution worked for me.
void Configure in Startup.cs will then look something like this (I simplified the syntax a bit compared to the documentation):
Adding a custom block and many other tasks have been difficult for me. Trial and error, and no knowledgebase to fall back on. The documentation is a fantastic start, and "Step by step" guides would be a good idea for the future (but I guess time is very limited).

WhirlyMaply missing MaplyBridge.h

I am trying to use WhirlyMaply for a personal project.
Am trying to follow their tutorial and they mention I have to have a bridge file since the code is written in Objective-C and I am writing my project in Swift.
However there is no MaplyBridge.h file found as per their instructions ...
The following is the link
The description on page is bad.
You need to create MaplyBridge.h yourself. You may decide to not create it in the "BinaryDirectory/WhirlyGlobeMaplyComponent.framework/Headers/" folder but instead create it somewhere in your project. As described in the tutorial, you still need to go to Build Settings and look for “Objective-C Bridging Header” then correctly set the path to your new MaplyBridge.h".
In a later path of the tutorial, such as in, you will add code to MaplyBridge.h. For example, to get the tutorial's swift code to compile you'll add the line "#import " to MaplyBridge.h.
See for some more background information

Monogame and .fx files?

I'm currently following this tutorial but using MonoGame :
As said in the tutorial, my main goal is to render a terrain from an image file.
There is a .fx provided with the tutorial which I included in my project.
I had some issues using MonoGame to load the bmp file for example and now I managed to load it. The problem comes now from the fx file. MonoDevelop tells this : The MGX File is Corrupt !
Here is the original code from the writer of the article :
effect = Content.Load<Effect> ("effects");
And here is how I used it with MonoGame :
effect = Content.Load<Effect> ("effects.fx");
I am really lost about the usage of the effects file in MonoGame. Is there any good tutorial about this ? Anyway I'm really lost with MonoGame. How come there is no clear tutorials for MonoGame has it is widely used ?
You need to convert your shader .fx to appropriate file format for monogame using 2MGFX tool. You can find the tool inside installed monogame directory C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\MonoGame\v3.0
How to use:
Create a .bat file and write code as shown below:
2MGFX.exe effects.fx effects.mgfxo
Execute the .bat file
Note that the shader file, .bat file and 2MGFX.exe must be in same directory.
Here is how to use compiled .mgfxo file as effect:
Put the effects.mgfxo into Assets\Content folder of your project
Load a file as shown below
Stream s = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("ProjectNameSpace.Assets.Content.effects.mgfxo");
BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(s);
Effect effect = new Effect(graphics, Reader.ReadBytes((int)Reader.BaseStream.Length));
If you have problems converting a shader .fx to .mgfxo please leave comments.
I've been trying to follow Riemers tutorial myself, like you, I struggled with the effects.
I had to make a couple changes to the original effects file before I successfully managed to compile and use it without any exceptions.
Renamed the following:
vs_2_0 to vs_4_0
ps_2_0 to ps_4_0
Once these changes were made I used the compile tool like following:
2MGFX.exe effects.fx effects.mgfxo /Profile:DirectX_11
Once compiled I moved the mgfxo file into my contents folder and assigned following parameters:
Build action: Embedded resource
Copy to output directory: Copy always
It took me a couple of attempts until I managed to use the shader without MonoGame throwing any exceptions at me.
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes("Content/effects.mgfxo");
effect = new Effect(GraphicsDevice, bytes);
Using the 2MGFX tool is optional, you can either use the tool or the Content pipeline, personally I prefer the Content pipeline because it will automatically process the shader file everytime I (re)build the Content project.
How to do this?
First: add a MonoGame Content project,
Then add the .FX file in this project
Set the Content processor to: "MonoGame effect content processor" in properties
Then, in your game project Add a Reference to this Content project.
And use the shader like so:
var myEffect = Content.Load<Effect>("shaderFileNameWithoutExtension");
or if you have folders in your content project:
var myEffect = Content.Load<Effect>("FolderName\\shaderFileNameWithoutExtension");
I'm seeing you're working on Linux. Compiling shaders on Linux is a little difficult. In my own projects, I find the following resource especially helpful.
Following this, you're able to build shaders using the MonoGame Pipeline as normal (provided you have added the pipeline reference).
Hope this helps!

Adding custom code generator

When I work with certain types of files, such as: Java file, HTML file or Jasmine Test file I can generate some useful code snippets using Code > Generate option, for example:
if I am working with Java file Code > Generate allows me to insert getter, setter, constructor etc
if I am working with HTML file Code > Generate allows me to insert an XML tag
if I am working with Jasmine Text file Code > Generate allows me to insert a scaffolding of a test suit or a singe test case
I was wondering if (and how) I can add my own 'generator'. I know I can use Live Templates, but I like the fact that Code > Generate gives me a quick list of all available generators.
Yes, you can do it by writing an IntelliJ plugin and extending this class:
If you create an intelliJ plugin project (just google intellij plugin developmentfor information on how to get started), hit alt-enter somewhere in your project source tree and select Action, you will get a dialog which allows you to configure where your action should appear.
You want to place it in relation to another action which already exists, for example right below it. In your case - have a look at the menu group named GenerateGroup (Generate).
Once your action is defined in this manner in your plugin.xml, build and run your plugin in the sandbox.
Now, when your action is triggered, the AnActionEvent will be fired which contains references to all the necessary information you need (current project, file, position of cursor within file, psi tree, etc).
Try to get this working so far and come back with any specific questions.
Good luck!