ABCPdf 8.1 webpage to PDF image compression issue - pdf

I've just recently upgraded from ABCPdf 6 to ABCPdf 8.1.
I've got this webpage that I need to convert into PDF format.
The whole reason for the upgrade is because ABCPdf 6 cannot read Chinese characters while version 8.1 could.
I did a test of the page on the ABCPdf demo site ( and things looks fine. (1.2Mb pdf)
However, when I tried to either:
run my own backend codeor run the code provided in the examples (C:\Program Files\WebSupergoo\ABCpdf .NET 8.1 x64\ExampleSite) - Identical to
All PDF generated produces really pixelated/compressed images! (121Kb)
The page that I'm trying to convert is:
As far as I can tell, there is no issue with the code, but I've attached it below anyway...
I'm stuck and can't think of anything else that could make it generate a 1.2Mb PDF document with non-pixelated image as produced by!
I hope I have provided enough information!

Solved, all I need to do is to select the html engine specificly.
theDoc.HtmlOptions.Engine = EngineType.Gecko;


Problems Converting to Evo PDF

I am using version 8.0.0 of "EvoPdf.HtmlToPdf.NetCore" package in my project. When I try to get the radar canvas image as pdf output, I am not successful. The pdf output is blank. I don't think there is any problem in the code we created the canvas. I am using Chart.Js version 2.9.3 for radar canvas.
The same problem exists when I want to convert "" to pdf with "" help. Canvas is not drawn in pdf file.
You can read this official article:
You can download the code samples provided by him according to the core you use.
It currently only seems to support .net core2 and 3 versions.

JPEG RAW images not displaying in Safari on MacOS Sierra or iOS 10

We've recently had some users of our app report that JPEG images aren't displaying properly since they updated to iOS 10.
We've looked into it and found that some JPEG images do work OK, and some don't. There are no errors logged anywhere.
The ones that don't work in our app also don't work in Safari on iOS 10. Not only that, but they also don't work in Safari on MacOS Sierra.
So we've checked the files themselves out and found that the files that don't work begin ÿØÿÛ, while the others that do work OK begin ÿØÿá.
Googling these signatures led us to this page:
Here it states that the images that aren't working are JPEG Raw, as opposed to JFIF or Exif format JPEGs.
So the question is: Why does this no longer work, and what's the best solution to work around it? I don't want to have to re-encode the images because of the lossy nature of JPEGs. We also can't get the source of these images to change, unfortunately.
We've considered a solution for our app, but that won't solve the problem in Safari.
There's always the wonder of why have Apple removed support for this format?

Why do ImageMagick-based thumbnail-images of PDF-files in Typo3 have black background?

Since version 6.7.5, ImageMagick has changed its colorspace from RGB to sRGB. Because of that I also had to change the setting [GFX][colorspace] = sRGB in the configuration of my Typo3 CMS software that makes use of ImageMagick. Everything is working fine again - except thumbnail-creation for PDF-files that now always have a black background (should be white).
It's possible to see all non-black elements of PDF-files (like images etc) on the thumbnails, but all the background that would usually be white is now black. This error only happens for PDF-files. All other image-thumbnails for JPG-, GIF- and PNG-files look as expected (even if they have transparent background).
Does anyone have an idea how I could solve this problem? Is this an ImageMagick-issue or a Typo3-Issue?
Based on Creating JPG thumbnails from PDF causes problems with new version of ImageMagick I was able to answer this question by myself. If your want to apply this solution to Typo3, the following file changes are needed:
Go to your Typo3 directory and open the file ./t3lib/class.t3lib_stdgraphic.php and replace all appearances of
$this->cmds['jpeg'] = '-colorspace ' . $this->colorspace . '
$this->cmds['jpeg'] = '-colorspace ' . $this->colorspace . ' -flatten
Use the ImageMagick convert with the "-flatten" option for the background. The actual "PDF" thumbnail conversion is passed to GhostScript as a delegate which means both must be installed on the server correctly. If done correctly which happens in most cases, the path for GhostScript within your coding is not needed if using ImageMagick. The actual PDF encoding can also be a problem. There are shared hosting accounts running 7 year old versions of both ImageMagick and GhostScript with no problem on PDF conversion to thumbnail within the current stable TYPO3 CMS 6.1.1.
A free direct download PDF test file with detailed instructions to solve a "PDF Thumbnail Generation Problem" in TYPO3 CMS is available at Smargasy, Inc. "". The test file helps isolate the problem on systems that use ImageMagick and GhostScript as the image processing and conversion program in a shared hosting environment.
Best Regards

PDF converter for HTML

I am searching for a product that converts HTML to PDF in VB. I have searched alot for the products, but most of them are very expensive or doesn't work very well. Can anyone suggest me of a good quality, working product?
Try using mPDF. mPDF is a PHP class which generates PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML. Its free and works very good.
I have checked quality and used this tool. This is the good one and Opensource. This is shell utility to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine, and qt.
I use htmldoc
Don't know if it fits your definition of "works very well", but for me, it does the trick.
A different approach is to install a print-to-pdf printer driver (such as freepdf), and print from the browser.

wkhtmltopdf does not apply table-header-group css style

I'm developing an application that converts a web page containing a 1000 elements table to pdf.
I'm trying the wkhtmltopdf version 0.11.0 rc2, the resulting pdf looks great but... the column headers are not repeated on the pages and are visible only on the first page.
This seems to be a problem affecting also chromium engine, see
Does anyone have a solution for this problem?