Background color of NSSearchfield not working - objective-c

I have a NSSearchField and I want to change its background color but i am not able to do it i tried out few things:
1) I tried to set DrawBackground TRUE and then setBackgroundColor but the value of DrawBackGround is always False either I try to set it trough code or Nib.(i don't know why?)
2)I tried out setting NSText's BackgroundColor but it is not looking good because it is not covering whole NSSearchField the extreme corners where the small search icon and cancel icon is present are left uncolored.
3)I want the searchField to have the color of the view it is lying so i decreased the alpha value of the searchField which looks good but the alpha value of text is also decreased so is there any way to make text's alpha value to remain always 1.
Thanks :)

If you look at the documentation, Apple prevents background color rendering for rounded-rectangle fields:
"In order to prevent inconsistent rendering, background color rendering is disabled for rounded-bezel text fields."

NSSearchField is extension of NSTextField, NSTextField again extension of NSView,
Not sure, but its possible to make a custom clas and overwrite drawRect function and paint with the background color.


What secret things are happening to my NSButtonCell?

I'm writing an OS X app (target 10.10, Xcode 6.1) and I'm really confused by my custom NSButtonCell subclass. It seems like there are things going on here that shouldn't. I'm new to OS X programming, so I'm asking if anyone has insight into the inner workings of NSButtonCell.
First, what seems to be working?
I can set the button's image and title. The image appears normally.
The storyboard sets up the button to be Style: Textured and Type: Momentary Change. It's not Bordered, not Transparent, and doesn't allow Mixed State.
List of complaints:
I override -drawTitle:withFrame:inView: to draw the title in a custom color depending on the cell's highlighted. This color should be #cccccc when the cell is not highlighted, but it's actually #d6d6d6.
The button has both image and alternate image. The image that's drawn is never the alternate image, so I override -drawImage:withFrame:inView: to pick the correct image for cell's highlighted. This appears to work, but what the heck, NSButtonCell? How is on/off state different from highlighted? I've tried many of the Type options and none seem to change the fact that pressing the button will momentarily change highlighted, and toggle state.
Speaking of momentarily changing highlighted, it appears that its duration is about as short as possible, so I had to implement a sort of "debouncer" to prevent -drawWithFrame:inView: from being called more frequently than a specified threshold.
My button cell also has properties myBackgroundColor and myAlternateBackgroundColor. I'm not using backgroundColor because I need to be able to draw a custom background shape (filled rect, filled circle, etc). The alternate background color is used when highlighted. The problem here is that the alternate background color should be #93edbf but appears to be #a1eecb! In order to get it to look like #93edbf, I need to set the color to #84ecb2.
So far this has all been about one particular instance of this button cell. But in another instance, the alternate background isn't drawing at all! I've read through the storyboard code and the buttons are as identical as they can be. My view controller code likewise updates both button cells' properties at the same time. Why would one button behave differently from another?
I want the button to highlight on mouse down instead of "momentarily" after mouse up. I haven't yet implemented this in my custom cell. Man, NSButtonCell is really lacking some things. How does something like that happen? Don't the OS X and iOS teams ever talk to each other?
What could it be?
I've already verified that the cell's controlTint is set to NSClearControlTint. I've checked for background filters, compositing filters and content filters on the off chance they had anything to do with this.
I know Apple really wants us to use their native look and feel for UI elements, but I never thought they'd go so far as to force the use of some highlight tint.

Pixate background-image no-repeat?

I am trying to put a background image into a text-field (it's just a search icon). And it is tiling the image in the text field. Is it possible to turn off the repeating of the image? i don't see anything like that, i'm seeing padding and position for background images but nothing to turn off the tiling of the image. is this not possible in pixate yet?
You should be able to set background-size to the size of your text-field so it won't have anything to repeat.
I battled this same problem, and in the end, I found I got what I wanted by using multiple objects. Even if you get the search icon to work right, you're probably going to notice the UITextField doesn't pad the text away from the icon.
Anyway, here's how I ended up doing it so that I had full control over the style.
So you can put your search icon in the UIImageView and then define your text field's style (border, background color, etc.) with the UIView. The UITextField ends up being plain white/transparent, and positioned so that its text doesn't overrun the search icon.
I hope that helps.

Add / Remove buttons in NSOutlineView

I have a Source-View (NSOutlineView) with two Buttons at the bottom. I added an NSBox so that the items don't "shine through" when they're behind the buttons.
This works fine when the window is active:
But as soon as I deactivate the window the NSBox still has that active color, rather than a dimmed version to match the NSOutlineView's background color:
How can I make sure that those two colors always match. Also using a specific color is a bit of a hack since the color NSOutline uses might change at some point.
Update: Apple's as well as Things seem to have a solution for that problem. :-/
#Neha put me on the right way to find a solution.
I write it in Ruby because I work with Rubymotion but it's easy to translate :)
Assuming you have a box outlet for the NSBox, you can set it to transparent when the window loses the focus and do the opposite when it becomes the key window, using the appropriate delegate methods:
def windowDidBecomeKey(notification)
def windowDidResignKey(notification)
And the result looks fine with the focus:
And without it:
The solution is to keep a reference to the NSOutlineView's backgroundColor property as it is a special NSColor that dynamically changes depending on the key status of the parent window. Set the color of your custom view to that that reference. When the window loses/gains key status, call setNeedsDisplay: on your custom view to redraw it using the new color. Use KVO to observe NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification and NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification. Note that pointer to the color stays the same, but the actual color represented by the reference changes. The solution is explained here.
In the attributes inspector of NSBox,
set display to transparent

Highlighting or filling in empty white spaces of a UIViewController

I have a UIViewController that initially is of a white background and allows the user to color in the UIImageView of a certain color by touch events. When all is done, I would like a way to highlight or show the uncolored areas (the remaining white areas) of the UIImageView. Is there a nice way to implement this. I have tried messing with CGBitMap methods but I have not been successful without any errors in code.
Could you simply change the background color of your UIViewController?

How to customize UISegmentedControl font color and UIToolbar gradient?

It seems Apple's UIToolbar and some of the controls you can place on it, such as UISegmentedControl, allow very limited customization. For example, we want our toolbar to looks something like this mock:
However, UIToolbar only has a single tintColor and 3 built-in barStyle values that you can apply to it, so we can't get the gradient we're after. Is there some way to set the background image like many of the other controls?
Even worse, the UISegmentedControl doesn't let you specify font or font color. It seems to enforce white 11pt Helvetica with a drop shadow, and the white is almost unreadable with the light tintColor we're using.
I'd hate to rewrite UISegmentedControl just to change the text color. But the only solution I've seen is very hacky -- it digs into the subviews of the subviews and changes properties on those -- seems likely to stop working whenever Apple feels like changing or disallowing it.
Is Apple really against us changing the text color on our segmented controls, or is there something I'm missing here?
Update: Apple finally added functions for customizing appearance in iOS 5. See jfortmann's answer.
You want to use the setBackgroundImage:forState:barMetrics: methods (probably on your appearance proxy) to set the background image. The text can be modified with setTitleTextAttributes:forState:. And finally, you'll need to change the divider for the possible states with setDividerImage:...
The docs are very informative as to how the images have to look.