Rails + Foundation with only grid and forms - ruby-on-rails-3

I'd like to use foundation in my Rails3 app but only the forms and grid.
When I add #import "foundation"; it all works..
But when I use #import "foundation/forms"; it crashes with the following message:
Undefined variable: "$formSpacing".
Seems like some settings are missing..
Anybody here that has experience with this ?
Thanks in advance!

$formSpacing is a foundation global.
You have to import foundation globals before you import forms.
Put this before your form import.
#import "foundation/globals";


Bridging header doesn't work with two frameworks (Flurry)

I have a bridging header in my project (named "Antoine Bellanger-Bridging-Header.h" if this helps) and then when I import my first framework
#import "SWRevealViewController.h"
everything works.
But when I import the second one
#import "Flurry.h"
I have two errors :
Flurry.h file not found
Swift Compiler Error : Failed to import bridging header "/Path"
I would like to know if the compiler error could be caused by the first error ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
EDIT : I have tried this with another project and I have the same error. May it come from the Flurry files ?
#BC_Dilum : Flurry.h is a file that I want to import and from the documentation of the site, it should be included like that. See https://developer.yahoo.com/flurry/docs/analytics/gettingstarted/ios/
Okay I found the solution. I just made a mistake and #BC_Dilum was right by adding
#import "Flurry/Flurry.h"
and not just #import Flurry.h

Use of unresolved identifier PFImageView

I cannot seem to declare my imageView as PFImageView.
Keeps saying Use of undeclared type 'PFImageView'
In storyboard, I changed the class to PFImageView
I have imported the frameworks in the bridge file
One suggestion on the Parse forum says to do this, but not sure how to with swift:
//In AppDelegate / applicationDidLaunch add:
[PFImageView class];
After searching through the parse framework, I don't actually PFImageView in it.
For those of you still having trouble with this, I actually had to redownload the SDK and import an additional framework ParseUI
Then import into bridger:
#import <ParseUI/ParseUI.h>
Time flies and if right now on the latest Parse version, if you are using cocoaPods, add pod 'Parse/UI' to your Podfile and update.
Then you can use PFImageView again.
Alternatively, just add this to your class:
import ParseUI

Xcode 6 not identifying some Parse 1.6.1 functions

I just updated my Parse frameworks, which now include Parse.framework, ParseUI.framework, ParseFacebookUtils.framework, and ParseCrashReporting.framework. After importing these frameworks into my swift project and importing the following statements into my bridging file:
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
#import <ParseFacebookUtils/PFFacebookUtils.h>
#import <ParseCrashReporting/ParseCrashReporting.h>
#import <ParseUI/ParseUI.h>
I am getting errors that PFImageView does not have a member named loadInBackground(), although loadInBackground with a completion block works. Similarly, PFObject does not have a member named 'deleteInBackground()', althought .delete() works.
Is anyone else having a similar issue with the new Parse iOS SDK? Am I missing something here, or does this seem like a bug with Parse/Xcode? I've tried cleaning, building, and deleting the derived data for my project multiple times with no luck. Please let me know if there is not enough information provided. Thanks for the help.
Try deleteEventually() instead.

Xcode not recognizing CGFloat / UIFont / CGSize while using Objective-C with Swift

I created a new Swift project and tried to import my existing Objective C code into the Swift project. Everything is going fine except, Xcode 6 Beta 5 is complaining about CGFloat UIFont CGSize...The error I see is
Expect a type
Unknown type name 'CGFloat'
right next to some of my methods. I thought Swift should be friendly with Objective C and accept all my Objective C code but unfortunately, this is not the case.
Any Idea?, suggestions, or comments, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
just Add this in which you are facing error
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
import CoreGraphics
import UIKit
If you'd like. (UIKit includes CoreGraphics)
If you tried to import existing Objective-C code than first of all you create one Objective-C header file in your Swift project. . .
after clicking that, editor asked for creating Bridging-Header, you must click yes:
these creates yourSwiftProjectName-Bridging-Header.h file . . .
Now, import your existing objective-c file in your project & simply import your header file in Bridging-Header.h file for example,
if your objective-c file is viewController.h & viewController.m than in Bridging-Header.h file write one line code:
#import "viewController.h"
I think, this code works for you . . .
In multi module envirompment it can be because of wrong setting .modulemap[About] or umbrella header does not include it

How to import QuartCore in iOS5/XCode 4.3?

In iOS4 I used the following import statement
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
Now in iOS5 in XCode 4.3 even though the QuartzCore.framework is included when I type in
#import <
only QuartzCore is displayed in the intellisense whereas QuartzCord/QuartzCore.h was displayed previously. If I type in the full definition everything works fine.
Is this a bug or has the import definition changed in iOS5/XCode 4.3?
EDIT: Just installed XCode 4.3.1 and have the same problem w/ several frameworks.
Yea thats a problem in new xcode.Type #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> and it works fine.
If I include the QuartzCore.framework in the project settings (Top entry in the left sidebar = Project Navigator -> Targets -> BuildPhases -> Link Binary with Library) I can type
#import <Q and QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> is provided by IntelliSense.