Unable to download google data python library/ links on google sites documentation page not working - api

I am unable to download the client library for java or for python. The link for python libs:
Also, The links
and at developers.google.com/apis/gdata/docs/2.0/reference#Queries
and many other links on the documentation page of Google sites API aren't working. They return "page not found".
Is there a problem with my connection?
Please help

I could download the python client library from http://code.google.com/p/gdata-python-client/downloads/list just fine.
However the https://developers.google.com/apis/gdata/articles/python_client_lib link is broken, "page not found" for me as well...
... however this link works: https://developers.google.com/gdata/docs/directory
Maybe someone at Google just did an update?
You'll have to be more specific about which other links that aren't working.


Duplicate without user-selected canonical" erroe

i am getting "Duplicate without user-selected canonical" error in search console because of mobile version of the blogger i.e google search console is considersing the mobile url of blog as duplicate content.
google selected cononical is: https://sekhoorpakaoo.blogspot.com/2023/01/65-how-to-make-chicken-65-recipe-in-urdu.html
and it is the desktop version of the blog.
Do i have to index mobile version of the website along with desktop version of the bolg?
Please guide me about it.How can i remove this error.
i have read different blogs and tried to use code in head section of blog but sitll getting this error. google search console consider the desktop version as canonical .
i also have placed the given below code in head section of the blog
And i have read about google mobile first indexing topic and i understood that i have to indexed mobile version of blog too,am i right?

How can i call the opencart api to get all products and orders?

I was having a hard time figuring out on getting the product list and order list through postman. I tried to refer on this site site and also all the apis on this site site but its not working, it always shows "The page you requested cannot be found!" (please see attached file).screenshot error
Hoping for your help.
Thank you,
Ryan Jayme
Yea, you can't without a plugin from marketplace. And that documentation is outdated and that API is meant to be used by website admin not by other services/scripts

How to implement Google authentication using Xamarin.Forms?

I am developing a login feature in that user can login into the application using the Google account and get user profile detail. For that, I am creating a project in google developers and it's verified by me.
I try with this reference here but when I try with this that is give me the error of "Disallowed user agent" and gives me the error of the open in safari or chrome when I try with the iPhone(iOS devices).
I also go through some other references like "Xamarin. Auth" but it doesn't work for me. When I set a redirection URL with clientId:/oauth2redirect or the Package Name(Bundle Identifier):/oauth2redirect . It gives me an exception of Not valid redirect Uri.
I also try to add JSON and p12 file on respective device-specific projects and set bundle resource but it doesn't work me.
If anyone has solution to this without using WebView than help me.
You can try this plugin from CroosGeeks
Here is the sample app:
This is not using the WebView. The documentation is also quite good.

Can we use Angular (or similar frameworks) for development of Google Sheets Addon?

I've tried to search for an answer in the official documentation but didn't find. Also, we'd like to publish our addon in the official Chrome Store. So I guess it's not forbidden to use a single app framework, right?

google now integration on website for Websiteupdates in Google Now

I am working on some integrations for Google Now.
The Schemas for Email-Notifications are clear,...
But bow I am searching for integrating our Website-News as well.
(I always get "website update-cards from Ryanair on my GNow)
But I cant seem to find the right schemas for it,... I dont even know if it is done by schema-markup-micromarkup-whatever lol
Any help or idea?
Thank you lots
Okay I have been wondering this same question for a while and these are what I have found.
Google Now doesn't support my PHP site but it does support another Drupal site of mine.
The only page that Google Now provides integration is here: https://www.google.com/landing/now/integrations.html
I found that quite some of the supported websites have rss.xml on its root.
So here's what I recommend to do: (I'm still trying so I'm not certain if the following methods are worth trying)
Use Drupal or other well-known CMS in case Google Now only supports a few kinds of websites.
Go to that page and try to get in contact with Google. (I haven't got replies yet though)
Try to add an rss.xml on your site's root and add a link to it at your default page. (I haven't got time to try it yet)