Create view from data accross multiple databases - sql

After some searching around i couldn't find a good answer that covers my issue.
I am working on the consolidation of around 100 databases. The structure is the same and they are all on the same server. All the databases have a table with login information.
We have created a core database with all the connection information from the other databases.
Now we need to create a view in the core database that contains all the login credentials from all the databases.
This means we need to use a loop to go through all the databases and select the user name and password.
Any ideas or suggestions are welcome

One possible solution is to create a stored procedure
DECLARE #sql varchar(max), #Database1 varchar(300)
set #Database1 = 'tempdb'
SET #sql='
USE '+#Database1+';
DROP VIEW test_view
PRINT #sql
declare #sql1 varchar(max)
// Modify below query as per your requirement its just for an idea
select #sql1 = IsNull(#sql1 + 'union all ','') +
'select * from ' + name + '.dbo.tblUser'
from sys.databases
where name like 'DbNamePrefix%'
set #sql1 = 'create view dbo.YourView as ' + #sql1
exec (#sql1)
Make a database job and schedule it as per your requirement.

To reference to your tables in the second database use this:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ViewName]
from TableA a
join SecondDBName.dbo.Table b
on ... ---Remaining code here...
NOTE: This will work only on the same server - if your databases are on different servers then you will need to create a linked server.

Take a look at this. Can this be one of the answers to your question?


How to find, across multiple databases, a specific table (common to most/all) that is not empty

I am working in an environment where many users have the same (or almost identical) test database set up on a common MSSQL server. We are talking about well over 100 databases for testing purposes. And at the very least, 95+% of them will contain the table I am trying to target.
These test databases are only filled with junk data - I will not be impacting anyone by doing any kind of a search. I am looking at one table, specifically, and I need to determine if any test database has that table actually containing any data at all. It doesn’t matter what the data is, I just need to find a table actually containing any data, so I can determine why that data exists in the first place. (This DB is quite old - almost two decades, so sometimes no-one has a clear answer why something in it exists).
I have been trying to build an SQL statement that iterates through all the databases, and checks that particular table specifically to see if it has any content, to bring back a list of databases that have that table containing data.
So to be specific: I need to find all databases where a specific table has any content at all (COUNT(*) > 0). Right now totally stuck with not much of any clues as to how to proceed.
In both methods replace <tablename> with the table name
Using sp_foreachdb
You can use sp_foreachDb
CREATE TABLE ##TBLTEMP(dbname varchar(100), rowscount int)
DECLARE #command varchar(4000)
SELECT #command =
'if exists(select 1 from [?].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME =''<TABLE NAME>'') insert into ##TBLTEMP(dbname,rowscount) select ''[?]'',count(*) from [?].dbo.<tablename>'
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb #command
CREATE TABLE ##TBLTEMP(dbname varchar(100), rowscount int)
DECLARE #dbname Varchar(100), #strQuery varchar(4000)
DECLARE csr CURSOR FOR SELECT [name] FROM sys.databases
SET #strQuery = 'if exists(select 1 from [' + #dbname +'].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME =''<TABLE NAME>'') INSERT INTO ##TBLTEMP(dbname,rowscount) SELECT ''' + #dbname + '' ', COUNT(*) FROM [' + #dbname + '].[dbo].<table name>'
SELECT * FROM ##TBLTEMP where rowscount > 0
Sp MSforeachDB
Run same command on all SQL Server databases without cursors

SQL OpenQuery variable tablename

I need to transfer data from a linked server to our main SQL server. The issue is, that the table name changes everyday.
I have looked around this site to find out if it is even possible to have a variable database name, which it is, but also to see if it is possible to have variables in a OPENQUERY, which it also is.
But i am struggling to combine those needs, so i have a variable table name in a OPENQUERY.
I need something like this:
Declare #LinkedServer as varchar(max) = 'LinkedServer'
Declare #TName as varchar(max) = 'TName'+substring(cast(cast(getdate() as date) as
varchar(50)),1,4)+substring(cast(cast(getdate() as date) as
varchar(50)),6,2)+substring(cast(cast(getdate() as date) as
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(#LinkedServer, 'SELECT * FROM dbo.#TName')
Is there any way i can make a variable table name in a OPENQUERY ?
Thank you for your help.
I'd write a synonym which gets updated every day before you kick off your data extraction job. Then you don't need to be updating (potentially a tonne of) references.
SELECT * FROM LinkedTableA
The answer i have, is this:
USE [DataBase]
DROP SYNONYM [dbo].[eCallByCallStat]
declare #tablename varchar(50)
set #tablename = 'Server1..dbo.eCallByCallStat'+substring(cast(cast(getdate()-1 as date) as varchar(50)),1,4)+substring(cast(cast(getdate()-1 as date) as varchar(50)),6,2)+substring(cast(cast(getdate()-1 as date) as varchar(50)),9,2)
declare #sql varchar(500)
set #sql = 'CREATE SYNONYM [dbo].[eCallByCallStat] FOR ' + #tablename
exec (#sql)
This will run everymorning updating the table name in the synonym, and then we will insert that data into a prober table so we have all the data.

SQL request over multiple databases and tables

I'm having quite the problem.
The process data from our machines is stored in multiple MS SQL Databases.
It is possible to mount and unmount data which is no longer used or which should be archived.
Thats the reason, why there are multiple databases.
In each Database there exists multiple tables with the data values for one or more measuring points.
Which a JOIN Query i can get the values from one table with the corresponding table and tagname:
> SELECT HA_DATA_yyyy.R_xxxxx.time HA_DATA_yyyy.R_xxxxx.value, HA_DATA_yyyy.tags.tagname FROM HA_DATA_yyyy.R_xxxxx
> INNER JOIN HA_DATA_yyyy.RI_xxxxx ON =
> INNER JOIN HA_DATA_yyyy.tags on HA_DATA_yyyy.RI_xxxxx.tag_uuid = HA_DATA_yyyy.tags.tag_uuid
> WHERE (HA_DATA_yyyy.tags.tagname like 'tagname')
yyyy - represents a number for the database
xxxxx - represents a number which is unique on the database-server, but differents in each database.
But now I'm looking for a solution to get this for all R_xxxxx tables of a database and for all mounted databases.
Is there any way to do this without external software? Just with the right query request or user defined function / stored procedure?
maybe dynamic sql is an option.
as a starting point you could use the list of databases:
insert into #dblist (dbname)
select from sys.databases d where like 'HA_DATA_%'
then for each database gather the list of tables to read data from (you can go with cursors or other loop as you prefer):
declare #dbname varchar(128) = ''
declare #dynsql nvarchar(max)
create table #listoftables (name varchar(128), db varchar(128))
while exists(select top 1 dbname from #dblist where dbname > #dbname order by dbname)
set #dynsql = 'insert into #listoftables(name,db) select name,''' + #db + ''' from '+ #db +'.sys.tables'
exec sp_executesql #statement = #dynsql
-- move on to next db
select top 1 #dbname = dbname from #dblist where dbname > #dbname order by dbname
now you have a table list to loop onto to build a dynamic query to read all the data at once.
beware of the many issues you may incur using dynamic sql; here and there you can find just the first 2 results gathered with some explanations on why you have to be careful using dynamic sql.
Please have a look at the answer of this Stackoverflow question:
Archiving large amounts of old data in SQL Server
I think it might be what you need.
You can query the mounted databases by using the SQL query:
select Name into #myDatabases -- get all mounted databases into #myDatabases
from sys.databases
where (has_dbaccess(name) > 0)
and name not in ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb')
order by 1
select * from #myDatabases -- list all mounted databases
drop table #myDatabases -- don't forget to drop it at the end
This can be used to create a dynamic SQL statement, which you execute via the sp_executesql command:
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SQL_String, #Parameter_Definition, #Param1, ..., #ParamN
The parameter definition is a string containing the list of parameter names and their datatypes.
So you can build up your own query based on the database list above and then execute it.

Get list of all databases that have a view named 'foo' in them

I have a few servers that have a bunch of databases in them.
Some of the databases have a view called vw_mydata.
What I want to do is create a list of all databases containing a view named vw_mydata and then execute that view and store it's contents in a table that then contains al the data from all the vw_mydata.
I know I can find all the databases containing that view using
sp_msforeachdb 'select "?" AS dbName from [?].sys.views where name like ''vw_mydata'''
But then I have as many recordsets as I have databases. How do I use that to loop through the databases?
What I would preferis a single neat list of the databasenames that I then can store in a resultset. Then it would be pretty straightforward.
I have thought about running above TSQL and storing the results in a table but I would like to keep it all in one SSIS package and not having all kind of tables/procedures lying around. Can I use a #table in a Execute SQL Task in SSIS?
SET #Tsql = ''
SELECT #Tsql = #Tsql + 'SELECT ''' + + ''' AS dbName FROM [' + + '].sys.views WHERE name LIKE ''vw_mydata'' UNION '
FROM master.sys.databases d
--"trim" the last UNION from the end of the tsql.
SET #Tsql = LEFT(#Tsql, LEN(#Tsql) - 6)
--Uncomment when ready to proceed
--EXEC (#Tsql)
To use a temp table in SSIS, you'll need to use a global temp table (##TABLE).
On the properties for the connection, I'm pretty sure you'll need to set RetainSameConnection to TRUE.
On the SQL task after you create the temp table, you'll need to set DelayValidation to TRUE.

SQL Dynamic SELECT statement from values stored in a table

I have been researching this for a couple of days and feel like I am going around in circles. I have basic knowledge of SQL but there are many areas I do not understand.
I have a table that stores the names and fields of all the other tables in my database.
TableName FieldName BookmarkName
Customer FirstName CustomerFirstName
Customer LastName CustomerLastName
Customer DOB CustomerDOB
I want to write a SELECT statement like the following but i am unable to get it work:
SELECT (SELECT [FieldName] FROM [TableName]) FROM tblFields
Is this possible? The application I have developed requires this for user customization of reports.
If i understand what you are trying to do, i think this will help you. It is not pretty and it works for SQL Server 2005 and above, but maybe this is what you are looking for:
declare #tableName nvarchar(100)
declare #sqlQuery nvarchar(max)
declare #fields varchar(500)
set #tableName = 'YourTableName'
set #fields = ''
select #fields = #fields + QUOTENAME(t.fieldname) + ',' from (
select distinct fieldname from tblfields where tablename = #tableName)t
set #sqlQuery = 'select ' + left(#fields, LEN(#fields)-1) + ' from ' + QUOTENAME(#tableName)
execute sp_executesql #sqlQuery
Edit: As Martin suggested, i edited so that the columns and tablename are using QUOTENAME
If I understand correctly what you are trying to do, you are probably better off doing this as two separate queries from your program. One which gets the fields you want to select which you then use in your program to build up the second query which actually gets the data.
If it must be done entirely in SQL, then you will need to tell us what database you are using. If it is SQL Server, you might be able to user a cursor over the first query to build up the second query which you then execute with the sp_executesql stored procedure. But doing doing it outside of SQL would be recommended.