Just playing around with queries and examples to get a better understanding of joins. I'm noticing that in SQL Server 2008, the following two queries give the same results:
ON TableA.name = TableB.name
ON TableA.name = TableB.name
Are these performing exactly the same action to produce the same results, or would I run into different results in a more complicated example? Is this just interchangeable terminology?

Actually they are the same. LEFT OUTER JOIN is same as LEFT JOIN and RIGHT OUTER JOIN is same as RIGHT JOIN. It is more informative way to compare from INNER Join.
See this Wikipedia article for details.

Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 uses these SQL-92 keywords for outer joins
specified in a FROM clause:
The full outer join or full join returns all rows from both tables, matching up the rows wherever a match can be made and placing NULLs in the places where no matching row exists.

It's true that some databases recognize the OUTER keyword. Some do not.
Where it is recognized, it is usually an optional keyword.
Almost always, FULL JOIN and FULL OUTER JOIN do exactly the same thing. (I can't think of an example where they do not. Can anyone else think of one?)
This may leave you wondering, "Why would it even be a keyword if it has no meaning?" The answer boils down to programming style.
In the old days, programmers strived to make their code as compact as possible. Every character meant longer processing time. We used 1, 2, and 3 letter variables. We used 2 digit years. We eliminated all unnecessary white space. Some people still program that way. It's not about processing time anymore. It's more about fast coding.
Modern programmers are learning to use more descriptive variables and put more remarks and documentation into their code. Using extra words like OUTER make sure that other people who read the code will have an easier time understanding it. There will be less ambiguity. This style is much more readable and kinder to the people in the future who will have to maintain that code.


Using "From Multiple Tables" or "Join" performance difference [duplicate]

Most SQL dialects accept both the following queries:
SELECT a.foo, b.foo
FROM a, b
WHERE a.x = b.x
SELECT a.foo, b.foo
LEFT JOIN b ON a.x = b.x
Now obviously when you need an outer join, the second syntax is required. But when doing an inner join why should I prefer the second syntax to the first (or vice versa)?
The old syntax, with just listing the tables, and using the WHERE clause to specify the join criteria, is being deprecated in most modern databases.
It's not just for show, the old syntax has the possibility of being ambiguous when you use both INNER and OUTER joins in the same query.
Let me give you an example.
Let's suppose you have 3 tables in your system:
Each table contain numerous rows, linked together. You got multiple companies, and each company can have multiple departments, and each department can have multiple employees.
Ok, so now you want to do the following:
List all the companies, and include all their departments, and all their employees. Note that some companies don't have any departments yet, but make sure you include them as well. Make sure you only retrieve departments that have employees, but always list all companies.
So you do this:
SELECT * -- for simplicity
FROM Company, Department, Employee
WHERE Company.ID *= Department.CompanyID
AND Department.ID = Employee.DepartmentID
Note that the last one there is an inner join, in order to fulfill the criteria that you only want departments with people.
Ok, so what happens now. Well, the problem is, it depends on the database engine, the query optimizer, indexes, and table statistics. Let me explain.
If the query optimizer determines that the way to do this is to first take a company, then find the departments, and then do an inner join with employees, you're not going to get any companies that don't have departments.
The reason for this is that the WHERE clause determines which rows end up in the final result, not individual parts of the rows.
And in this case, due to the left join, the Department.ID column will be NULL, and thus when it comes to the INNER JOIN to Employee, there's no way to fulfill that constraint for the Employee row, and so it won't appear.
On the other hand, if the query optimizer decides to tackle the department-employee join first, and then do a left join with the companies, you will see them.
So the old syntax is ambiguous. There's no way to specify what you want, without dealing with query hints, and some databases have no way at all.
Enter the new syntax, with this you can choose.
For instance, if you want all companies, as the problem description stated, this is what you would write:
FROM Company
Department INNER JOIN Employee ON Department.ID = Employee.DepartmentID
) ON Company.ID = Department.CompanyID
Here you specify that you want the department-employee join to be done as one join, and then left join the results of that with the companies.
Additionally, let's say you only want departments that contains the letter X in their name. Again, with old style joins, you risk losing the company as well, if it doesn't have any departments with an X in its name, but with the new syntax, you can do this:
FROM Company
Department INNER JOIN Employee ON Department.ID = Employee.DepartmentID
) ON Company.ID = Department.CompanyID AND Department.Name LIKE '%X%'
This extra clause is used for the joining, but is not a filter for the entire row. So the row might appear with company information, but might have NULLs in all the department and employee columns for that row, because there is no department with an X in its name for that company. This is hard with the old syntax.
This is why, amongst other vendors, Microsoft has deprecated the old outer join syntax, but not the old inner join syntax, since SQL Server 2005 and upwards. The only way to talk to a database running on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or 2008, using the old style outer join syntax, is to set that database in 8.0 compatibility mode (aka SQL Server 2000).
Additionally, the old way, by throwing a bunch of tables at the query optimizer, with a bunch of WHERE clauses, was akin to saying "here you are, do the best you can". With the new syntax, the query optimizer has less work to do in order to figure out what parts goes together.
So there you have it.
LEFT and INNER JOIN is the wave of the future.
The JOIN syntax keeps conditions near the table they apply to. This is especially useful when you join a large amount of tables.
By the way, you can do an outer join with the first syntax too:
WHERE a.x = b.x(+)
WHERE a.x *= b.x
WHERE a.x = b.x or a.x not in (select x from b)
Basically, when your FROM clause lists tables like so:
tableA, tableB, tableC
the result is a cross product of all the rows in tables A, B, C. Then you apply the restriction WHERE tableA.id = tableB.a_id which will throw away a huge number of rows, then further ... AND tableB.id = tableC.b_id and you should then get only those rows you are really interested in.
DBMSs know how to optimise this SQL so that the performance difference to writing this using JOINs is negligible (if any). Using the JOIN notation makes the SQL statement more readable (IMHO, not using joins turns the statement into a mess). Using the cross product, you need to provide join criteria in the WHERE clause, and that's the problem with the notation. You are crowding your WHERE clause with stuff like
tableA.id = tableB.a_id
AND tableB.id = tableC.b_id
which is only used to restrict the cross product. WHERE clause should only contain RESTRICTIONS to the resultset. If you mix table join criteria with resultset restrictions, you (and others) will find your query harder to read. You should definitely use JOINs and keep the FROM clause a FROM clause, and the WHERE clause a WHERE clause.
The first way is the older standard. The second method was introduced in SQL-92, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL. The complete standard can be viewed at http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~shadow/sql/sql1992.txt .
It took many years before database companies adopted the SQL-92 standard.
So the reason why the second method is preferred, it is the SQL standard according the ANSI and ISO standards committee.
The second is preferred because it is far less likely to result in an accidental cross join by forgetting to put inthe where clause. A join with no on clause will fail the syntax check, an old style join with no where clause will not fail, it will do a cross join.
Additionally when you later have to a left join, it is helpful for maintenance that they all be in the same structure. And the old syntax has been out of date since 1992, it is well past time to stop using it.
Plus I have found that many people who exclusively use the first syntax don't really understand joins and understanding joins is critical to getting correct results when querying.
I think there are some good reasons on this page to adopt the second method -using explicit JOINs. The clincher though is that when the JOIN criteria are removed from the WHERE clause it becomes much easier to see the remaining selection criteria in the WHERE clause.
In really complex SELECT statements it becomes much easier for a reader to understand what is going on.
The SELECT * FROM table1, table2, ... syntax is ok for a couple of tables, but it becomes exponentially (not necessarily a mathematically accurate statement) harder and harder to read as the number of tables increases.
The JOIN syntax is harder to write (at the beginning), but it makes it explicit what criteria affects which tables. This makes it much harder to make a mistake.
Also, if all the joins are INNER, then both versions are equivalent. However, the moment you have an OUTER join anywhere in the statement, things get much more complicated and it's virtually guarantee that what you write won't be querying what you think you wrote.
When you need an outer join the second syntax is not always required:
SELECT a.foo, b.foo
FROM a, b
WHERE a.x = b.x(+)
MSSQLServer (although it's been deprecated in 2000 version)/Sybase:
SELECT a.foo, b.foo
FROM a, b
WHERE a.x *= b.x
But returning to your question. I don't know the answer, but it is probably related to the fact that a join is more natural (syntactically, at least) than adding an expression to a where clause when you are doing exactly that: joining.
I hear a lot of people complain the first one is too difficult to understand and that it is unclear. I don't see a problem with it, but after having that discussion, I use the second one even on INNER JOINS for clarity.
To the database, they end up being the same. For you, though, you'll have to use that second syntax in some situations. For the sake of editing queries that end up having to use it (finding out you needed a left join where you had a straight join), and for consistency, I'd pattern only on the 2nd method. It'll make reading queries easier.
Well the first and second queries may yield different results because a LEFT JOIN includes all records from the first table, even if there are no corresponding records in the right table.
If both are inner joins there is no difference in the semantics or the execution of the SQL or performance. Both are ANSI Standard SQL It is purely a matter of preference, of coding standards within your work group.
Over the last 25 years, I've developed the habit that if I have a fairly complicated SQL I will use the INNER JOIN syntax because it is easier for the reader to pick out the structure of the query at a glance. It also gives more clarity by singling out the join conditions from the residual conditions, which can save time (and mistakes) if you ever come back to your query months later.
However for outer joins, for the purpose of clarity I would not under any circumstances use non-ansi extensions.

SQL INNER JOIN implemented as implicit JOIN

Recently, I came across an SQL query which looked like this:
To me, it seems as if this will return exactly the same as an INNER JOIN:
Is there any sane reason why anyone would use a CROSS JOIN here? Edit: it seems as if most SQL applications will automatically use a INNER JOIN here.
The database is HSQLDB
The older syntax is a SQL antipattern. It should be replaced with an inner join anytime you see it. Part of why it is an antipattern is because it is impoosible to tell if a cross join was intended or not if the where clasues is ommitted. This causes many accidental cross joins espcially in complex queries. Further, in some databases (espcially Sql server) the implict outer joins do not work correctly and so people try to combine explicit and implict joins and get bad results without even realizing it. All in all it is a poor practice to even consider using an implict join.
Yes, your both statements will return the same result. Which one is to be used is a matter of taste. Every sane database system will use a join for both if possible, no sane optimizer will really use a cross product in the first case.
But note that your first syntax is not a cross join. It is just an implicit notation for a join which does not specify which kind of join to use. Instead, the optimizer must check the WHERE clauses to determine whether to use an inner join or a cross join: If an applicable join condition is found in the WHERE clause, this will result in an inner join. If no such clause is found it will result in a cross join. Since your first example specifies an applicable join condition (WHERE A.NUM = B.NUM) this results in an INNER JOIN and thus exactly equivalent to your second case.

With SQL, what is the ranking of efficiency for each of the types of join

I'm guessing the size of the datasets on each side of the join may make LEFT vs RIGHT a hard call, but how do the others compare.
Also am I correct in assuming JOIN & INNER JOIN are one and the same? If not, how does this fit into the order/ranking.
Yes, JOIN and INNER JOIN are the same. In general the ranking is JOIN is fastest, followed closely by LEFT JOIN which is equivalent to RIGHT JOIN, and then followed very far in the distance by FULL JOIN.
But this ranking is so variable that it can be largely ignored. Your actual performance is highly dependent upon the size of the datasets, availability of proper indexes, and exact query plan chosen. One LEFT JOIN may be fast and the next INNER JOIN might be glacially slow.
That notwithstanding, I would advise avoiding FULL JOIN unless you absolutely need it. (At least in Oracle, which is where I've had bad experiences with it.)
INNER is an optional word when INNER JOIN is desired => so they are one and the same. This is the same as the word OUTER being optional in LEFT/RIGHT/FULL OUTER JOIN
In terms of efficiency, it completely depends on what else is happening. If it is a LEFT JOIN with a IS NOT NULL test on the right side (anti-semi join) then it is very efficient and works like an EXISTS clause.
Absent other factors, and considering only
SELECT .. FROM A X-JOIN B ON <condition>
If results need to be preserved from A, B or Both, then efficiency is not a factor. You need a LEFT/RIGHT/FULL join because it provides the correct results
If you need results that match on both sides, and not all data is available from either side, then same as the above, you need an INNER JOIN.
Only if the join is bound to find rows on both sides, then LEFT/RIGHT/FULL join becomes an option. In most cases, the INNER JOIN will be faster because it gives the optimizer the option to start from the smaller table (or better indexed) and hash match to the larger table.
"in most cases" in Point #3 because different RDBMS may optimize queries differently.
Ranking them for efficiency would be pointless, as they return different results. If you need a left join, an inner join won't do the job.
Efficiency in a join has more to with the size of the tables, the indexing, and how the rest of the query is written than whether it is an INNER, OUTER, CROSS or FUll JOIN. A CROSS JOIN on two small tables might be fast but a INNER join on two large tables with a WHERE clause that is not sargable would not be.

Is there any difference between using innerjoin and writing all the tables directly in the from segment?

Do these two queries differ from each other?
Query 1:
SELECT * FROM Table1, Table2 WHERE Table1.Id = Table2.RefId
Query 2:
SELECT * FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Id = Table2.RefId
I analysed both methods and they clearly produced the same actual execution plans. Do you know any cases where using inner joins would work in a more efficient way. What is the real advantage of using inner joins rather than approaching the manner of "Query 1"?
The two statements you have provided are functionally equivalent to one another.
The variation is caused by differing SQL syntax standards.
For a really exciting read, you can lookup the various SQL standards by visiting the following Wikipedia link. On the right hand side are references and links to the various dialects/standards of SQL.
These SQL statements are synonymous, though specifying the INNER JOIN is the preferred method and follows ISO format. I prefer it as well because it limits the plumbing of joining the tables from your where clause and makes the goal of your query clearer.
These will result in an identical query plan, but the INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN, CROSS JOIN keywords are prefered because they add clarity to the code.
While you have the ability to specifiy join hints using the keywords in the FROM clause, you can do more complicated joins in the WHERE clause. But otherwise, there will be no difference in query plan.
I will also add that the first syntax is much more subject to inadvertent cross joins as the queries get complicated. Further the left and right joins in this syntax do not work properly in SQL server and should never be used. Mixing the syntax when you add a left join can also cause problems where the query does not correctly return the results. The syntax in the first example has been outdated for 17 years, I see no reason to ever use it.
Query 1 is considered an old syntax style and its use is discouraged. You will run into problems with you use LEFT and Right joins using that syntax style. Also on SQL Server you can have problems mixing those two different syles together in queries that use view of different formats.
I have found a significant difference using the LEFT OUTER JOINS and putting the conditions on the joined table in the ON clause rather than the WHERE clause. Once you put a condition on the joined table in the WHERE clause, you defeat the left outer join.
When I was using Oracle, I used the archaic (+) after the joined table (with all conditions including join conditions in the WHERE clause)because that's what I knew. When we became a SQL Server shop, I was forced to use LEFT OUTER JOINs, and I found they didn't work as before until I discovered this behavior. Here's an example:
select NC.*,
from customer_order CO
F.ID='UDF-0000072' and
F.DOCUMENT_ID is not null
where NC.acct_year=2017

Mixing Left and right Joins? Why?

Doing some refactoring in some legacy code I've found in a project. This is for MSSQL. The thing is, i can't understand why we're using mixed left and right joins and collating some of the joining conditions together.
My question is this: doesn't this create implicit inner joins in some places and implicit full joins in others?
I'm of the school that just about anything can be written using just left (and inner/full) or just right (and inner/full) but that's because i like to keep things simple where possible.
As an aside, we convert all this stuff to work on oracle databases as well, so maybe there's some optimization rules that work differently with Ora?
For instance, here's the FROM part of one of the queries:
FROM Table1
ON Table1.T2FK = Table2.T2PK
ON Table4.T3FK = Table5.T3FK
AND Table4.T2FK = Table5.T2FK
ON Table6.T6PK = Table7.T6FK
ON Table8.T8PK= Table9.T8FK
ON Table7.T9FK= Table9.T9PK
ON Table4.T7FK= Table7.T7PK
ON Table3.T3PK= Table4.T3PK
WHERE ( TableA.PK = #PK )
AND ( TableA.Date BETWEEN #StartDate
AND #EndDate )
) Table10
ON Table4.T4PK= Table10.T4FK
ON Table2.T2PK = Table4.T2PK
One thing I would do is make sure you know what results you are expecting before messing with this. Wouldn't want to "fix" it and have different results returned. Although honestly, with a query that poorly designed, I'm not sure that you are actually getting correct results right now.
To me this looks like something that someone did over time maybe even originally starting with inner joins, realizing they wouldn't work and changing to outer joins but not wanting to bother changing the order the tables were referenced in the query.
Of particular concern to me for maintenance purposes is to put the ON clauses next to the tables you are joining as well as converting all the joins to left joins rather than mixing right and left joins. Having the ON clause for table 4 and table 3 down next to table 9 makes no sense at all to me and should contribute to confusion as to what the query should actually return. You may also need to change the order of the joins in order to convert to all left joins. Personally I prefer to start with the main table that the others will join to (which appears to be table2) and then work down the food chain from there.
It could probably be converted to use all LEFT joins: I'd be looking and moving the right-hand table in each RIGHT to be above all the existing LEFTs, then you might be able to then turn every RIGHT join into a LEFT join. I'm not sure you'll get any FULL joins behind the scenes -- if the query looks like it is, it might be a quirk of this specific query rather than a SQL Server "rule": that query you've provided does seem to be mixing it up in a rather confusing way.
As for Oracle optimisation -- that's certainly possible. No experience of Oracle myself, but speaking to a friend who's knowledgeable in this area, Oracle (no idea what version) is/was fussy about the order of predicates. For example, with SQL Server you can write your way clause so that columns are in any order and indexes will get used, but with Oracle you end up having to specify the columns in the order they appear in the index in order to get best performance with the index. As stated - no idea if this is the case with newer Oracle's, but was the case with older ones (apparently).
Whether this explains this particular construction, I can't say. It could simply be less-thean-optimal code if it's changed over the years and a clean-up is what it's begging for.
LEFT and RIGHT join are pure syntax sugar.
Any LEFT JOIN can be transformed into a RIGHT JOIN merely by switching the sets.
Pre-9i Oracle used this construct:
WHERE table1.col(+) = table2.col
, (+) here denoting the nullable column, and LEFT and RIGHT joins could be emulated by mere switching:
WHERE table1.col = table2.col(+)
In MySQL, there is no FULL OUTER JOIN and it needs to be emulated.
Ususally it is done this way:
FROM table1
ON table1.col = table2.col
FROM table1
ON table1.col = table2.col
WHERE table1.col IS NULL
, and it's more convenient to copy the JOIN and replace LEFT with RIGHT, than to swap the tables.
Note that in SQL Server plans, Hash Left Semi Join and Hash Right Semi Join are different operators.
For the query like this:
FROM table1
WHERE table1.col IN
FROM table2
, Hash Match (Left Semi Join) hashes table1 and removes the matched elements from the hash table in runtime (so that they cannot match more than one time).
Hash Match (Right Semi Join) hashes table2 and removes the duplicate elements from the hash table while building it.
I may be missing something here, but the only difference between LEFT and RIGHT joins is which order the source tables were written in, and so having multiple LEFT joins or multiple RIGHT joins is no different to having a mix. The equivalence to FULL OUTERs could be achieved just as easily with all LEFT/RIGHT than with a mix, n'est pas?
We have some LEFT OUTER JOINs and RIGHT OUTER JOINs in the same query. Typically such queries are large, have been around a long time, probably badly written in the first place and have received infrequent maintenance. I assume the RIGHT OUTER JOINs were introduced as a means of maintaining the query without taking on the inevitable risk when refactoring a query significantly.
I think most SQL coders are most confortable with using all LEFT OUTER JOINs, probably because a FROM clause is read left-to-right in the English way.
The only time I use a RIGHT OUTER JOIN myself is when when writing a new query based on an existing query (no need to reinvent the wheel) and I need to change an INNER JOIN to an OUTER JOIN. Rather than change the order of the JOINs in the FROM clause just to be able to use a LEFT OUTER JOIN I would instead use a RIGHT OUTER JOIN and this would not bother me. This is quite rare though. If the original query had LEFT OUTER JOINs then I'd end up with a mix of LEFT- and RIGHT OUTER JOINs, which again wouldn't bother me. Hasn't happened to me yet, though.
Note that for SQL products such as the Access database engine that do not support FULL OUTER JOIN, one workaround is to UNION a LEFT OUTER JOIN and a RIGHT OUTER JOIN in the same query.
The bottom line is that this is a very poorly formatted SQL statement and should be re-written. Many of the ON clauses are located far from their JOIN statements, which I am not sure is even valid SQL.
For clarity's sake, I would rewrite the query using all LEFT JOINS (rather than RIGHT), and locate the using statements underneath their corresponding JOIN clauses. Otherwise, this is a bit of a train wreck and is obfuscating the purpose of the query, making errors during future modifications more likely to occur.
doesn't this create implicit inner
joins in some places and implicit full
joins in others?
Perhaps you are assuming that because you don't see the ON clause for some joins, e.g., RIGHT OUTER JOIN Table4, but it is located down below, ON Table4.T7FK= Table7.T7PK. I don't see any implicit inner joins, which could occur if there was a WHERE clause like WHERE Table3.T3PK is not null.
The fact that you are asking questions like this is a testament to the opaqueness of the query.
To answer another portion of this question that hasn't been answered yet, the reason this query is formatted so oddly is that it's likely built using the Query Designer inside SQL Management Studio. The give away is the combined ON clauses that happen many lines after the table is mentioned. Essentially tables get added in the build query window and the order is kept even if that way things are connected would favor moving a table up, so to speak, and keeping all the joins a certain direction.