Convert scientific notation to decimal in multiple fields - awk

The following works great on my data in column 12 but I have over 70 columns that are not all the same and I need to output all of the columns, the converted ones replacing the scientific values.
awk -F',' '{printf "%.41f\n", $12}' $file
This is one line..
This is working for the non converted output. I am having a bit of trouble inserting an else if statement for some reason. Everything seems to give me a syntax error in a file or on cli.
awk -F',' '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if (i <= 9||i == 16||i == 17||i == 19||i == 20||i == 21||i == 22|| i == 40|| i == 43||i == 44||i == 45||i == 46||i >= 51) printf ($i",")};}' $file
I would like to insert the following statement into the code above??
else if (i == 10) printf ("%.41f", $i)
Got it worked out. Thanks for all the great ideas. I can't seem to make it work in a file with awk -f but on the command line this is working great. I put this one liner in my program.
awk -F',' '{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if (i <= 9||i == 16||i == 17||i >= 19&&i <= 22|| i == 40|| i >= 43&&i <= 46||i >= 51&&i <= 70) printf($i","); else if (i == 10||i == 18) printf("%.2f,", $i); else if (i == 11||i == 12) printf("%.41f,", $i); else if (i == 13) printf("%.1f,", $i); else if (i == 14||i == 15||i >= 24&&i <= 46) printf ("%d,", $i); else if (i == 23) printf("%.4f,", $i); else if (i >= 47&&i <= 50) printf("%.6f,", $i); if (i == 71) printf ($i"\n")};}'

You can do regex matching in a loop to choose the format for each field since numbers are also strings in AWK:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
d = "[[:digit:]]"
OFS = FS = ","
delim = ""
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
if ($i ~ d "e+" d d d "$") {
printf "%s%.41f", delim, $i
else {
printf "%s%s", delim, $i
delim = OFS
printf "\n"
I've changed the version above so you can see how it would be used in a file as an AWK script. Save it (I'll call it "scinote") and set it as executable chmod u+x scinote, then you can run it like this: ./scinote inputfile
I've also modified the latest version you added to your question to make it a little simpler and so it's ready to go into a script file as above.
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
plainlist = "16 17 19 20 21 22 40 43 44 45 46"
split(plainlist, arr)
for (i in arr) {
plainfmt[arr[i]] = "%s"
OFS = FS = ","
delim = ""
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
printf "%s", delim
if (i <= 9 || i in plainfmt || i >= 51) {
printf plainfmt[i], $i
else if (i == 10) {
printf "%.41f", $i
else if (i == 12) {
printf "%.12f", $i
delim = OFS
printf "\n"
If you had more fields with other formats (rather than just one per), you could do something similar to the plainfmt array.

You could always loop through all of your data fields and use them in your printf. For a simple file just to test the mechanics you could try this:
awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf("%d = %s\n", i, $i);}' data.txt
Note that -F is not set here, so fields will be split by whitepace.
NF is the predefined variable for number of fields on a line, fields start with 1 (e.g., $1, $2, etc until $NF). $0 is the whole line.
So for your example this may work:
awk -F',' '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) printf "%.41f\n", $i}' $file
Update based on comment below (not on a system test the syntax):
If you have certain fields that need to be treated differently, you may have to resort to a switch statement or an if-statement to treat different fields differently. This would be easier if you stored your script in a file, let's call it so.awk and invoked it like this:
awk -f so.awk $file
Your script might contain something along these lines:
BEGIN{ FS=',' }
{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++)
if (i == 20 || i == 22|| i == 30)
printf( " .. ", $i)
else if ( i == 13 || i == 24)
printf( " ....", $i)
You can of course also use if (i > 2) ... or other ranges to avoid having to list out every single field if possible.
As an alternative to this series of if-statements see the switch statement mentioned above.


awk - ternary conditional expression not working

Input (sample)
=== account ===
#! /usr/bin/awk -f
# Group together lines (records) by account name
BEGIN { FS = ":" }
### generate headers ###
{s = $1}
{if (s != p)
print "\n\n=== ", s " ==="
{p = s}
### process records ###
# print field $2 to last field
{for (i = 2; i <= NF; ++i)
# {if (i!=NF) printf $i":"; else printf $i}
{ i != NF ? printf $i":" : printf $i }
{printf "\n"}
This part works as intended:
{if (i!=NF) printf $i":"; else printf $i}
Why doesn't this work:
{ i != NF ? printf $i":" : printf $i }
Getting the following errors:
awk: scripts/utils/metadata/__collate-by-account.awk:18: { i != NF ? printf $i":" : printf $i }
awk: scripts/utils/metadata/__collate-by-account.awk:18: ^ syntax error
awk: scripts/utils/metadata/__collate-by-account.awk:18: { i != NF ? printf $i":" : printf $i }
awk: scripts/utils/metadata/__collate-by-account.awk:18: ^ syntax error
Solution, thanks to #James Brown:
### process records ###
# print field $2 to last field
{for (i = 2; i <= NF; ++i)
{ printf "%s%s",$i,(i!=NF?":":"") }
{printf "\n"}
First off, note that printf can't be inside the ternary operator, neither the conditional expression to be evaluated (for obvious reasons) nor the resulting if-else expressions that will be executed after evaluation.
printf formats and prints the results
%s%s format specifiers, outputs or substitutes the next 2 arguments as strings:
$i simply output the field that's being looped over, see the above for-loop
output ":" if i is not equal to NF,
otherwise output empty string ""

awk compare adjacent lines and print based on if statements

I have one file with multiple lines (reads from a genome) and they are sorted (based on their locations). Now I want to loop over these lines and if multiple lines have the same ID (column 4), I want to keep either keep the first, if column 3 is a plus or the last, if column three is a minus. This is m code but it seems like my variable (lastID) is not properly updated after each line.
Tips are much appreciated.
awk 'BEGIN {lastline=""; lastID=""}
{if ($lastline != "" && $4 != $lastID)
{print $lastline; lastline=""};
if ($3 == "+" && $4 != $lastID)
{print $0; lastline=""}
else if ($3 == "+" && $4 == $lastID)
else if ($3 == "-")
}' file
To access the value of a variable in awk you just use the name of the variable, just like in C and most other Algol-based languages. You don't stick a $ in front of it like you would with shell. Try changing:
$lastline != "" && $4 != $lastID
lastline != "" && $4 != lastID
This might be what you're trying to do (your BEGIN section was doing nothing useful so I just removed it):
awk '
(lastline != "") && ($4 != lastID) {
print lastline
$3 == "+" {
if ($4 == lastID) {
else {
print $0
$3 == "-" {
{ lastID=$4 }
' file
When formatted sensibly like that you can see that lastli is never used anywhere except where it's set to "" so that's probably a bug - maybe it's supposed to lastline in which case it can be made common rather than being set in both the if and else legs?
you may want to utilize awk's own condition{statement} structure. Note that code layout is not universally accepted but I find it easier to read for short statements.
$ awk '$lastline!="" && $4 != $lastID {print lastline; lastline=""}
$3=="+" && $4 != $lastID {print; lastline=""}
$3=="+" && $4 == $lastID {lastli=""}
$3=="-" {lastline=$0}
{lastID=$4}' file

Remove whitespace after comma using FPAT Var

Here's my code
print "NF = ", NF
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
printf("$%d = <%s>\n", i, $i)}
And the output are :
NF = 3
$1 = <Johny Bravo>
$2 = < Chief of Security>
$3 = < 417-555-66>
There's whitespace before the string. How to remove that whitespace? The whitespace in input are space after ",". The Input from .txt file that contain record like :
Johny Bravo, Chief of Security, 417-555-66
Expected output
NF = 3
$1 = <Johny Bravo>
$2 = <Chief of Security>
$3 = <417-555-66>
Converting my comment to answer so that solution is easy to find for future visitors.
You may call gsub inside the for loop to remove leading and trailing spaces from each field.
s='Johny Bravo, Chief of Security, 417-555-66'
awk -v FPAT='("[^"]+")"|[^,]+' '{
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
gsub(/^ +| +$/, "", $i)
printf("$%d = <%s>\n", i, $i)
}' <<< "$s"
$1 = <Johny Bravo>
$2 = <Chief of Security>
$3 = <417-555-66>

awk totally separate duplicate and non-duplicates

If we have an input:
Now we would like to separate the duplicates and non-duplicates based on the fourth column (smiles)
Now the following attempt could do separate the duplicate without any problem. However, the first occurrence of the duplicate will still be included into the non-duplicate file.
BEGIN { FS = ","; f1="a"; f2="b"}
# Keep count of the fields in fourth column
# Save the line the first time we encounter a unique field
if (count[$4] == 1)
first[$4] = $0;
# If we encounter the field for the second time, print the
# previously saved line
if (count[$4] == 2)
print first[$4] > f1 ;
# From the second time onward. always print because the field is
# duplicated
if (count[$4] > 1)
print > f1;
if (count[$4] == 1) #if (count[$4] - count[$4] == 0) <= change to this doesn't work
print first[$4] > f2;
duplicate output results from the attempt:
non-duplicate output results from the attempt
May I know if any guru might have comments/solutions? Thanks.
I would do this:
awk '
NR==FNR {count[$2] = $1; next}
FNR==1 {FS=","; next}
output = (count[$NF] == 1 ? "nondup" : "dup")
print > output
' <(cut -d, -f4 input | sort | uniq -c) input
The process substitution will pre-process the file and perform a count on the 4th column. Then, you can process the file and decide if that line is "duplicated".
All in awk: Ed Morton shows a way to collect the data in a single pass. Here's a 2 pass solution that's virtually identical to my example above
awk -F, '
NR==FNR {count[$NF]++; next}
FNR==1 {next}
output = (count[$NF] == 1 ? "nondup" : "dup")
print > output
' input input
Yes, the input file is given twice.
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN{ FS="," }
NR>1 {
if (cnt[$4]++) {
dups[$4] = nonDups[$4] dups[$4] $0 ORS
delete nonDups[$4]
else {
nonDups[$4] = $0 ORS
print "Duplicates:"
for (key in dups) {
printf "%s", dups[key]
print "\nNon Duplicates:"
for (key in nonDups) {
printf "%s", nonDups[key]
$ awk -f tst.awk file
Non Duplicates:
This solution only works if the duplicates are grouped together.
awk -F, '
function fout( f, i) {
f = (cnt > 1) ? "dups" : "nondups"
for (i = 1; i <= cnt; ++i)
print lines[i] > f
NR > 1 && $4 != lastkey { fout(); cnt = 0 }
{ lastkey = $4; lines[++cnt] = $0 }
END { fout() }
' file
Little late
My version in awk
awk -F, 'NR>1{a[$0":"$4];b[$4]++}
for(i in a){split(i,c,":");b[c[2]]==1?d=d"\n"i:e=e"\n"i} print e d}' file
Another built similar to glenn jackmans but all in awk
awk -F, 'function r(f) {while((getline <f)>0)a[$4]++;close(f)}
BEGIN{r(ARGV[1])}{output=(a[$4] == 1 ? "nondup" : "dup");print >output} ' file

changing the appearance of awk output

I used the following code to extract protein residues from text files.
awk '{
if (FNR == 1 ) print ">" FILENAME
if ($5 == 1 && $4 > 30) {
printf $3
END { printf "\n"}' protein/*.txt > seq.txt
I got the following output when I used the above code.
I would like to get the output as shown below.How do I change the above code to get the following output?
This might work for you:
awk '{
if (FNR == 1 ) print newline ">" FILENAME
if ($5 == 1 && $4 > 30) {
printf $3
END { printf "\n"}' protein/*.txt > seq.txt
With gawk version 4, you can write:
gawk '
($5 == 1 && $4 > 30) {printf "%s", $3}
ENDFILE {print ""}
' filename ...