Best multithreading approach in Objective C? - objective-c

I'm developing an iPad-app and I'm currently struggling with finding the best approach to multithreading. Let me illustrate this with a simplified example:
I have a view with 2 subviews, a directory picker and a gallery with thumbnails of all the images in the selected directory. Since 'downloading' and generating these thumbnails can take quite a while I need multithreading so the interaction and updating of the view doesn't get blocked.
This is what I already tried:
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(displayThumbnails:) withObject:currentFolder];
This worked fine because the users interactions didn't get blocked, however it miserably fails when the user taps on another folder while the first folder is still loading. Two threads are trying to access the same view and variables which results in messing up each others proper execution. When the users taps another folder, the displayThumbnails of the currently loading folder should get aborted. I didn't find any way to do this..
I tried this but struggled with almost the same problems as with the first method, I didn't find a (easy) way to cancel the ongoing method. (Yes, I know about [aThread cancel] but didn't find a way to 'resume' the thread). Maybe I should subclass NSThread and implement my own isRunning etc methods? But isn't there any better way or a third (or even fourth and fifth) option I'm overlooking?
I think this is a fairly simple example and I think there is perhaps a better solution without subclassing NSThread. So, what would you do? Your opinions please!

NSOperationQueue should work well for this task.
Another option would be plain GCD, however, if you've never worked with it, NSOperationQueue is probably the better choice since it pretty much automatically guides you to implementing things "the right way", has obvious ways for cancellation, etc.

You want to use Concurrent NSOperations to download and process images in the background. These would be managed by an NSOperationsQueue. Essentially these operations would be configured to fetch one image per operation, process it, save it in the file system, then message back to the main app in the main thread that the image is available.
There are several projects on github that you can look at that show how to do this - just search github using "Concurrent" or "NSOperation".
iOS has a really nice facility for doing background work. Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) and Blocks, but those don't let you have an object using delegate callbacks - thus NSOperation.
So you need to read up on blocks, GCD, and then look at some open source Concurrent NSOperations code. Using Concurrent NSOperations is not as simple as using blocks.

If I had this problem, I would probably go for an approach like this:
a single thread that will load the images, and causes the main thread to display results (I'm not a big fan of having thread mess around with GUI objects)
when a new directory is requested... well, it depends on how you want to manage things. Basically, a standard queue construct (condition variable and array) could be used for the main thread to tell the thread that "this directory will be needed" by passing it the path name; the thread will check the queue even when it's loading images (like after every image or so), and switch to the new directory whenever one shows up
you could make a directory-reader object that keeps all the state, and store this indexed by the path into a dictionary. When a new directory is requested, check that dictionary first, and only create a new object if there's none for this directory. That way, partially loaded directories would stick around until they are needed again, and can continue to load instead of having to start from scratch.
Pseudocode for the thread:
while (forever)
new element = nil
if we have an active directory loader
tell directory loader to load one image
if false then make directory loader inactive
lock queue condition
if queue has elements
new element = retrieve LAST element (we aren't interested in the others)
empty queue
unlock with status "empty"
unlock queue
lock queue on condition "has elements"
new element = retrieve last element
empty queue
unlock with status "empty"
if new element != nil
if directory loader for new path does not exist
setup new directory loader for new path
store in dictionary
make it the "active" one
make the current one the "active"
As for the directory loader, it might look something like this:
read one image:
if there are still images to read:
read, process and store one
return true
performSelectorOnMainThread with an "update GUI" method and the image list as parameter
return false;
This is just a quick sketch; there's some code duplication in the thread, and the way I wrote it will only update the GUI after all images have been read, instead of making them appear as we read them. You'll have to copy the current image list, or add synchronization if you want to do that.


libspotify: sometimes created playlists get no names

I am using the latest version of the libspotify API (12.1.51). And I am coding using C# and libspotify.NET (a simple interop wrapper library for libspotify). I have built a program that creates playlists using the libspotify API. I am using the latest native Spotify client for Windows for checking my created playlists.
I have built a program that waits for a playlist name and a list of track URIs or one album URI and creates the corresponding playlist. If an album URI is supplied then all the tracks from the album will be added to the new playlist otherwise the supplied list of track URIs will be used to create the new playlist. The program waits until the callback
is called and the done parameter equals true before accepting new playlists to create.
It works well except that sometimes the playlists are created with no names but do have all the tracks. I can just tell the program to create the exact same playlist that got no name and it might work the second time. It happens randomly but I have noticed that if I create about 200 playlists then maybe 5-10 playlists get no names. I can see the playlists being added in your Spotify client as the program is running and creating the playlists and randomly seeing playlists with no names. The playlists appear almost at the same time the callback is called and done equals true (not always of course, there might be a delay). I tried manually renaming the playlists in the Spotify client for Windows with no problems (the playlist name length was 0 or an empty string if you will). The native Spotify client does not even allow empty playlist names.
I use:
to add a new playlist and I have tried using IntPtr and a C# string to pass to it. Tried both:
public static extern IntPtr sp_playlistcontainer_add_new_playlist(IntPtr playlistContainerPtr, string name);
public static extern IntPtr sp_playlistcontainer_add_new_playlist(IntPtr playlistContainerPtr, IntPtr namePtr);
And I have also tried
to rename the playlist several times (as some sort of fix) with no success. I do not know exactly what happens at the server when the playlists are created. Is this a bug or what is going on?
I have really tried a lot of hacks to make this work, but to no avail.
More info about the program:
First it connects to Spotify and then waits for some console input.
It checks the input for the following strings:
To create a playlist using a name and a list of tracks:
createplaylistfromtracks "Tracks playlist" spotify:track:36MuLw248uzLPtrJ6073ZR spotify:track:5WPkvx0MARhlWhXp1sJg4k spotify:track:1VrdbSFVU9wJkuDM2sWYVe spotify:track:66RG0BBwpQqHxZs06UUyeo spotify:track:0zp3uPuhnARR1XYsgg5JLV
and to create a playlist using a name and a list of tracks from an album URI:
createplaylistfromalbum "Album playlist" spotify:album:5rVwDKRKa1FjDlLofDZyRb
And then the program parses the input and creates the playlist and settings a flag Busy = true so that the console will not read any input until Busy = false, which occurs when the playlist_update_in_progress callback is called and done is true. Then it reads input again...
Any help would be highly appreciated.
We have many applications running libspotify both internally and externally and we've had no problems like this with the library, which would suggest this isn't a bug in libspotify.
A few pointers that might cause this to happen:
Make sure you're managing threads properly. When you get a notify_main_thread() call (which arrives on some background thread), you must asynchronously call sp_sesion_process_events() from the main thread, so you need to make sure you're marshalling this over to the main thread properly. If this process isn't working properly, stuff will start acting weird.
Since you're doing many operations, make sure libspotify has time to synchronise all of your changes with the service. The playlist_update_in_progress is designed to notify you when multiple mutations are happening to the playlist, and is typically useful when changes are coming in from elsewhere. Instead, playlist_state_changed is what you need for listening to changes like that (typically, after a rename, I believe the playlists goes into a "loading" state while the change is applied, then back out (that is, sp_playlist_is_loading returns false again) once it's done.
Also, when you're exiting your application, make sure you perform a sp_session_logout() call and wait until the logged_out callback is fired before exiting. If you don't, some changes might not be synchronised with the service.

iOS - wait till a process ends

This is an IOS6 question.
I have an app that is calling a class (A) to check something. Then I want to call a class (B) to do something else
Is it possible to make sure process B doesn't start before process A finishes?
At the moment, I just call one after the other in the RootVC.
Each is showing a modal view, and I only get to see B ..
[self performA];
[self performB];
There are several tools for managing the order of execution of parts of your application available to you. However since you are presenting view controllers you have a couple of constraints; you don't want to block the main thread (or else the app will become unresponsive) and you must perform UI actions on the main thread.
In this case the most common, and probably most appropriate, solution is to setup a callback to trigger action B when action A finishes.
The modal view controller presented as part of A might call a delegate when it has finished its task successfully. That delegate can then begin task B.
Alternately you might pass a block to A which A will execute when it finishes. That block can then perform task B.
I took the dare and failed.
The story: My app has been giving me hell updating from an iOS4 target to iOS6 (with a contingent sub of code for iOS5/3GS). It crashes unless i use #try etc... with a built in delay interval on the reattempt (which is stupid, 'cause I don't know how large a database the users have, nor how long it will take to load them). It's a painful way to get around my real problem: the view loads before the CoreData stack (logs) can be loaded completely and I don't see a way to make the initial view wait until its NSMutableArray (based on the CoreData database of my object) loads. Basically, I keep getting a false error about addObjectsSortedBy: the foremost attribute of my entity.
Threading does seem to be the answer, but I need to load an NSMutableArray and feed it into my initialViewController, which will be visible on every launch (excluding FirstTime initial), but my attempt (okay, 12 attempts) to use threading just made the crash occur earlier in the app launch.
The result: I bow down to those who have wrangled that bull of threads.
My solution has been to build in a notification in the AppDelegate.m, my initialViewController viewDidLoad is told to listen for it before anything else. If it gets the notification it skips ahead and completes the normal process unto [super viewDidLoad]; if not, it executes #try, #catch, #finally. In the #try I attempt to proceed as though the notification arrived (like it was a little late), then I handle (#catch) the error by displaying a "Please Wait" label to the user, then I tell the app to wait .xx and repeat the original addObjectsSortedBy: command as though everything were kösher to begin with.The sweet-spot for my app, with images and data in the logs appears to be .15 for the wait interval #50 test entries, with time to spare and no obvious lag on load. I could probably go down to .10 #50 entries.
BUT: I don't know how to scale this, without having the logs loaded enough to get an object.count! Without that, there is no way to scale my delay, which means it may (read:will) not work for large logs with many entries (200+)!
I have a work-around, but I'm going to keep trying to get a grip on threading, in order to have a solution. And to be honest, once I hit 20 entries, the notification never hits in time for the #try to occur.
If you can, use threads. I painted myself into a corner by failing to do so early on and am paying for it: my app has been in need of an overhaul, but I need this notch in my belt before it will be worthwhile. The earlier you can implement threaded loading the better for your long-term development. In the meantime, you may be able to use my work-around to continue testing other parts of your app.

Sharing Non-Persistent Objects Between Contexts in Core Data?

I was wondering if there is a way to share an NSManagedObject between two or more NSManagedObjectContext objects running in the same thread.
I have the following problem: I have one main context shared through all my code in the application and several different contexts that are created for each remote fetch request that I issue. (I created a custom class that fetches remotely and inserts all the objects found in the server in his own NSManagedObjectContext). Those fetch requests may run simultaneously since they use NSURLConnection objects that may end at different times. If the same remote object gets fetched by different connections, I will end up with duplicates at the moment of saving and merging the context with the main one. (That is, objects that have the same remote ID but a different objectID).
One possible solution would be to save (and so persist) every object as soon as it is created but I can't do that because it may have some relationships that may still have not been filled and won't validate during the save operation.
I'm really looking forward to a method that allows you to share the same non-persistent instance of an object between context. If anybody has encountered this issue and came up with a solution, I would be pleased to know!
Context cannot communicate between each other save through their stores. However, you can insert a managed object with a nil managed object context and it will be independent (albeit without relationships) of any context. You could pass that independent managed object around however you wished and insert it into a context when you needed to persist it. This is dangerous but possible.
However, if you're not running each connection on a separate thread then you don't gain anything by having multiple context. Each connection object will activate its delegate in sequence on the main thread. In this case, your easiest solution would be to use the same delegate for all the connections and let the delegate handle the insertions into a single context. To prevent duplication, just do a fetch on the remoteID and see if you get back an extant object before inserting a new object for that remoteID.
I don't think what you want to do is possible. I mean if you want to share changes between different contexts, you got to use notifications and merge it whenever did save or did change occur. But in your case, I'd say just use 1 context and save in the end. Or a less elegant way: save all the remote ids temporary in your app and check before inserting new ones. In this case, you can continue use multiple contexts and save after each didfinishloading.

How should one class request info from another one?

I am working on a VB.NET batch PDF exporting program for CAD drawings. The programs runs fine, but the architecture is a mess. Basically, one big function takes the entire process from start to finish. I would like to make a separate class, or several, to do the exporting work.
Here's the problem:
Sometimes the pdf file which will be created by my program already exists. In this case, I would like to ask the user if he/she would like to overwrite existing PDFs. I only want to do this if there is actually something which will be overwritten and I only want to do this once. In other words, "yes" = "yes to all." It seems wrong to have the form (which will be calling this new PDF exporting class) figure out what the PDF files will be called and whether there will be any overwrites. In fact, it would be best to have the names for the PDF files determined as the individual CAD drawings are processed (because I might want to use information which will only become available after loading the files in the CAD program in the background).
Here's the question:
How should I handle the process of prompting the user? I would like to keep all GUI logic (even something as simple as a dialog box) out of my PDF exporting class. I need a way for the PDF exporting class to say, "Hey, I need to know if I should overwrite or skip this file," and the form class (or any other class) to say, "Um, ok, I'll ask the user and get back to you."
It seems there ought to be some pattern to handle this situation. What is it?
Events: It seems like this is a good way to go. Is this about what the code should look like in the PDF exporting class?
Dim e As New FileExistsEventArgs(PDFFile)
RaiseEvent FileExists(Me, e)
If e.Overwrite Then
'Do stuff here
End If
A crazy idea: What about passing delegate functions to the export method of the PDF exporting class to handle the overwrite case?
You could use an Event, create a custom event argument class with a property on it that the application can call. Then when your app is handling the event prompt the user and then tell the exporter what to do. I'm a c# guy so let me give you a sample in there first:
void form_Load(object sender,EventArgs e)
//We are subscribing to the event here. In VB this is done differently
pdfExporter.FileExists+=new FileExistsEventHandler(pdfExporter_fileExists)
void pdfExporter_fileExists(object sender, FileExistsEventArgs e)
//prompUser takes the file and asks the user
if (promptUser(e.FileName))
Your PDF making class should raise an event. This event should have an eventargs object, which can have a boolean property called "Overwrite" which the GUI sets in whatever fashion you want. When the event returns in your PDF class you'll have the user's decision and can overwrite or not as needed. The Gui can handle the event anyway it likes.
Also, I commend you for working to keep the two seperate!
So the appropriate method on your class needs an optional parameter of
[OverwriteExisting as Boolean = False]
However your form will need to handle the logic of establishing whether or not a file exists. It seems to me that this would not be a function that you would want encapsulated within your PDF export class anyway. Assuming that your form or other function/class ascertains that an overwrite is required then the export methos is called passing True as a Boolean to your export class.
You could do a two phase commit type of thing.
The class has two interfaces, one for prepping the filenames and filesystem, and another for doing the actual work.
So the first phase, the GUI calls the initialization interface, and gets a quick answer as to whether or not anything needs over-writing. Possibly even a comprehensive list of the files that will get over-written. User answers, the boolean variable in the other responses is known, and then the exporter gets to the real work, and the user can go do something else.
There would be some duplication of computation, but it's probably worth it to get the user's part of the operation over with as soon as possible.
You can't keep the GUI stuff out of the PDF Exporting Code. but you can precisely define the minimum needed and not be tied to whatever framework you are using.
How I do it is that I have a Status class, and a Progress class. The two exist because Status is design to update a status message, and the Progress Bar is designed to work with a indicator of progress.
Both of them work with a object that has a class type of IStatusDisplay and IPrograssDisplay respectfully.
My GUI defines a object implementing IStatusDisplay (or IProgressDisplay) and registers as the current display with the DLL having Status and Progress. The DLL with Status and Progress also have two singleton called NullStatus and NullProgress that can be used when there is no UI feedback wanted.
With this scheme I can pepper my code with as many Status or Progress updates I want and I only worry about the implementations at the GUI Layer. If I want a silent process I can just use the Null objects. Also if I completely change my GUI Framework all the new GUI has to do is make the new object that implements the IStatusDisplay, IProgressDisplay.
A alternative is to raise events but I find that confusing and complicated to handle at the GUI level. Especially if you have multiple screen the user could switch between. By using a Interface you make the connection clearer and more maintainable in the longe.
You can create a Prompt Class and a IPromptDisplay to handle situation like asking whether you want to overwrite files.
For example
Dim P as New Prompt(MyPromptDisplay,PromptEnum.YesNo)
'MyPromptDisplay is of IPromptDisplay and was registered by the GUI when the application was initialized
If PromptYesNo.Ask("Do you wish to overwrite files")= PromptReply.Yes Then
'Do stuff here
End If

Notifications in wxWidgets?

I'm working on a small application using C++/wxWidgets, where several parts of the GUI need to be updated based on e.g. received UDP datagrams. More specifically, a secondary thread tries to keep a list of available "clients" in the network (which may come and go away) and e.g. corresponding comboboxes in the UI need to be updated to reflect the changes.
The documentation mentions that for this kind of thing EVT_UPDATE_UI would be a good choice. As far as I can understand from the sparse documentation, this event is sent automatically by the system and provides some support for assisted UI change.
However, I'd feel more comfortable using a more direct approach, i.e. where e.g. a window object could register/subscribe to receive notifications (either events or callbacks) upon particular events and another part of the code is sending out these notifications when required. I could do this in C++ using my own code, however I guess if wxWidgets already supports something like that, I should make use of it. However I haven't found anything in that regards.
So, the question is: does wxWidgets support this kind of notification system (or similar alternatives) or would I be best served coding my own?
AFAIK there is nothing directly usable in wxWidgets, but doing it on your own seems easy.
What I would do:
Create a wxEvtHandler-descendent class to hold the list of available "clients" in the network. Let this class have a wxCriticalSection, and use a wxCriticalSectionLocker for that in all methods that add or delete "clients".
Create a worker thread class by inheriting wxThread to handle your UDP datagrams, using blocking calls. The thread should directly call methods of the client list object whenever a client has to be added or removed. In these methods update the list of clients, and ::wxPostEvent() an event to itself (this will execute the whole notification calls in the main GUI thread).
Handle the event in the client list class, and notify all listeners that the list of clients has changed. The observer pattern seems to me a good fit. You could either call a method of all registered listeners directly, or send a wxCommandEvent to them.
Have you tried calling Update() on the widget(s) that change? Once you update the contents of the combo box, call Update(), and the contents should update.