How to compile a program under windows vista that runs on windows 7 / VB 2010 -

I have created an application with VB 2010. My computer runs under Windows Vista. I created the .EXE file as well; simulated an installation and everything works fine. But when I try to install the application in a computer that runs under Windows 7, I get an error message and the application won't install. How can I get the application to run under Win7?

You want to be sure you have the .NET Framework installed on the PC, since VB.NET (and C#, etc.) use the .NET Framework to interact with the CLR, which is not included with Windows by default.
You can either set-up your installer to install the .NET Framework on its own or download the framework separately.


VB application built using visual studio 2015 installation to windows xp

I updated a vb windows forms application using visual studio 2015. I need to install this on a windows xp machine.
I updated my application to run using .net framework 4.0, the same as the one installed in the xp machine.
When I tried to install it the first time, it asked me to restart the machine, which I did. after restarting it gave me the error that installation is incomplete.
I have been researching all morning on how to fix it, i tried the dpca.dll solution, i tried restarting the windows installer service, i used msiexec to view the logs, and now it gives me the error that a dll required for this install to complete could not be run. I have no idea which dll, it doesn't say.
My application is fine. It builds and installs beautifully on windows 7 and above.
Please help me before I smash the windows xp machine into pieces.
I came across a comment that i can run the executable itself, just needed to copy all the dll files and put it in the same folder as the executable. So I just copied the whole folder and run the exe on the xp machine and it works.

Project not working properly after publishing. VB.NET

I have published a mini project in VB.NET 2010, I'm currently using windows 7. The problem is after i transfer it to windows xp(sp2) and install it some of the buttons are not working. It is working properly when I install it to my laptop with windows 7.
Did you try installing .NET Framework 4 on Windows XP? Also you can try to install older versions like 3.5. After installing your program should work.
Download .NET Framework 4 from Microsoft

How to know which .net framework is required for my program?

I devoloped a program for my pharmacy under (windows xp) using (vb 10 express)
i send it to a friend who has a windows 7 computer and it failed to run the program
When i tried to run the program in virtual machine ( windows xp) i found that it required (dotnetfx35.exe) and (dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe) and run succesfully.
my friend installed and and
he was unable to install a 3.5 frame work !!
How do I know what frameworks my application will require when I publish them?
Go to project properties > Application There you see target framework. Target machine should have that version of .Net framework to run the application successfully.

Project stopped running at Windows XP (32-bit)

I'm developing an application for a friend. I use Visual Basic 2012 (64-bit) and Windows 7 (64-bit).
I took a demo down to him to try it out to see what more features he wanted, and it was running ok.
When I got back the next week after implementing the new features, it refused to run on any of his Windows XP (32-bit) machines.
Error code:
MyApplicationName.exe is not a valid Win32 application
I tried it at a computer running Windows 7 (32-bit) which still worked all fine.
So, any ideas why it suddenly stopped running?
VS2012 will not generate an EXE that can run on XP when you use the default project settings. What matters is the .NET Framework version you target. If that's version 4.5 then there are two problems.
First one is that .NET 4.5 is not available for XP. Second one is important for this exception message, the compiler will mark the version of Windows that's required to run the EXE in the file header. That version number has always been set to 4.00. Until VS2012, it is now set to 6.00, the version number of Vista. XP will instantly reject your EXE with the "is not a valid Win32 application" message, even before it will tell you that it doesn't have .NET 4.5 installed.
Fix your problem by targeting .NET 4.0 or earlier. Project + Properties, Application tab, Target framework setting.
Try using corflags with /32bit+ and see if it works.
More information:

.NET framework, Windows XP

We have built an app with Visual Studio 2012 and it runs beautifully on any Windows 7 or Vista machine, 32 or 64 bit. However, when I try to run the app on an Win XP machine, I get this:
Prerequisite check for system component Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
(x86 and x64) failed with the following error message:
"Installation of the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is not supported on
this operating system. Contact your application vendor."
And then of course, when I try to install .NET 4.5 on the Win XP machine, I find out it's not supported.
At this point, I'm just wanting to know what can be done to get this app to run on Win XP. It's a calculator application written in visual basic.
Thanks Guys!
.Net framework 4.5 is not supported in Windows XP. If you're not using any .Net 4.5 features you can rebuild your app using .Net Framework 4 (In the Project properties).
I always hate these kind of answers, but a quick google search indicates that you can't get .net 4.5 to run on Windows XP.
IF you really really need your application to run, you can always use earlier versions of the framework
you can do this by
Right click on your project and go to
target framework
and change that to something elxe