SQL WHERE clause needs to be dynamic - sql

I am working on a stored procedure to get accounts for a case. If the #accounts parameter is NULL, I want to get all the accounts for the case. If #accounts is NOT NULL, then it will be a comma separated string of accountid's. I would like to have a single where clause that can handle this. Something that says if #accounts is NULL then grab all the accounts for the case. Otherwise, use the #accounts parameter and grab the accounts with the account id's specified. I would like to avoid a big IF statement that would require me to have the query twice with 2 different WHERE clauses.
DECLARE #accounts VARCHAR(255)
SELECT TOP 1 #userId = userId FROM TblTraceCur t
WHERE caseId = #caseid
ORDER BY processDate DESC
.... (select logic) ...
t.caseId = #caseID AND
t.userId = #userId AND
t.shortStock = 0 AND
... (where I need the new logic) ...
order by t.tracln ASC
Thanks a lot!

This worked for me. Add (#accounts IS NULL OR #accounts LIKE ('%,' + CAST(t.caseId AS VARCHAR(255)) + ',%')) where you indicated in your post. Of course you have to make sure that your first character and last character in #accounts are commas for this to work but it's the easiest I think. Not having the commas would return ids falsely for example: having #accounts = 12 would return ids 1, 2, and 12. Using commas and making sure they're the first and last characters prevent this from happening.


Anything like template literals while writing a search query in SQL?

I am writing a stored procedure to get a particular value.
declare #num int
set #num = (SELECT Id
FROM [sometable]
WHERE Name like '%today%')
-- returns #num = 1
Select Value
FROM [anothertable]
where name like 'days1'
In the last line of the query I want to add "1" or any other number after 'days', depending on the variable #num.
How can I do it, sort of like how we use template literals in Javascript, using the ${} syntax but in SQL?
You can just use the first query as a sub-query of the second:
select [Value]
from anothertable
where [name] = Concat('days', (select Id from sometable where [Name] like '%today%'));

Make SQL SERVER evaluate clauses in a certain order

Take the following table as an instance:
VALUES ('Ken'),('1965'),('Karen'),('2541')
Executing following query throws an exception:
SELECT [name]
FROM dbo.tblNames AS tn
WHERE [name] IN ( SELECT [name]
FROM dbo.tblNames
WHERE ISNUMERIC([name]) = 1 )
AND [name] = 2541
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Conversion failed when converting
the varchar value 'Ken' to data type int.
While the following query executes without error:
SELECT [name]
FROM dbo.tblNames AS tn
AND [name] = 2541
I know that this is because of SQL Server Query Optimizer's decision. but I am wondering if there is any way to make sql server evaluate clauses in a certain order. this way, in the first query,the first clause filters out those Names that are not numeric so that the second clause will not fail at converting to a number.
Update: As you may noticed, the above query is just an instance to exemplify the problem. I know the risks of that implicit conversion and appreciate those who tried to warn me of that. However my main question is how to change Optimizer's behavior of evaluating clauses in a certain order.
There is no "direct" way of telling the engine to perform operations in order. SQL isn't an imperative language where you have complete control of how to do things, you simply tell what you need and the server decides how to do it itself.
For this particular case, as long as you have [name] = 2541, you are risking a potential conversion failure since you are comparing a VARCHAR column against an INT. Even if you use a subquery/CTE there is still room for the optimizer to evaluate this expression first and try to convert all varchar values to int (thus failing).
You can evade this with workarounds:
Correctly comparing matching data types:
[name] = '2541'
Casting [name] to INT beforehand and only whenever possible and on a different statement, do the comparison.
DECLARE #tblNamesInt TABLE (nameInt INT)
INSERT INTO #tblNamesInt (
[nameInt] = CONVERT(INT, [name])
#tblNamesInt AS T
T.nameInt = 2351 -- data types match
Even an index hint won't force the optimizer to use an index (that's why it's called a hint), so we have little control on how it gets stuff done.
There are a few mechanics that we know are evaluated in order and we can use to our advantage, such as the HAVING expressions will always be computed after grouping values, and the grouping always after WHERE conditions. So we can "safely" do the following grouping:
DECLARE #Table TABLE (IntsAsVarchar VARCHAR(100))
INSERT INTO #Table (IntsAsVarchar)
('A') -- Not an INT!
CASE WHEN T.IntsAsVarchar < 15 THEN 15 ELSE 30 END,
#Table AS T
TRY_CAST(T.IntsAsVarchar AS INT) IS NOT NULL -- Will filter out non-INT values first
CASE WHEN T.IntsAsVarchar < 15 THEN 15 ELSE 30 END
But you should always avoid writing code that implies implicit conversions (like T.IntsAsVarchar < 15).
Try like this
SELECT [name]
FROM #TBL_Names AS tn
WHERE [name] IN ( SELECT [name]
WHERE ISNUMERIC([name]) = 1 )
AND [name] = '2541'
AND [name] = convert(varchar,2541 )
Since You are storing name as varchar(32) varchar will accept integer datatype values also called precedence value
What about:
FROM dbo.tblNames AS tn
WHERE [name] = convert(varchar, 2541)
Why do you need ISNUMERIC([name]) = 1) since you only care about the value '2541'?
You can try this
SELECT [name]
FROM dbo.TBL_Names AS tn
WHERE [name] IN ( SELECT [name]
FROM dbo.TBL_Names
WHERE ISNUMERIC([name]) = 1 )
AND [name] = '2541'
You need to just [name] = 2541 to [name] = '2541'. You are missing ' (single quote) with name in where condition.
You can find the live demo Here.
Honestly, I wouldn't apply the implicit cast to your column [name], it'll make the query non-SARGable. Instead, convert the value of your input (or pass it as a string)
SELECT [name]
FROM dbo.TBL_Names tn
WHERE [name] = CONVERT(varchar(32),2541);
If you "must", however, wrap [name] (and suffer performance degradation) then use TRY_CONVERT:
SELECT [name]
FROM dbo.TBL_Names tn
WHERE TRY_CONVERT(int,[name]) = 2541;

Optimizing SQL query to return Record with tags

I was looking for help to optimize a query I am writing for SQL Server. Given this database schema:
TradeLead object, a record in this table is a small article.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TradeLeads]
Title nvarchar(250),
Body nvarchar(max),
CreateDate datetime,
EditDate datetime,
CreateUser nvarchar(250),
EditUser nvarchar(250),
Here's the cross reference table to link a TradeLead article to an Industry record.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TradeLeads_Industries]
Finally, the schema for the Industry object. These are essentially just tags, but a user is unable to enter these. The database will have a specific amount.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Industries]
IndustryID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY identity(1,1),
Name nvarchar(200)
The procedure I'm writing is used to search for specific TradeLead records. The user would be able to search for keywords in the title of the TradeLead object, search using a date range, and search for a TradeLead with specific Industry Tags.
The database will most likely be holding around 1,000,000 TradeLead articles and about 30 industry tags.
This is the query I have come up with:
DECLARE #Title nvarchar(50);
SET #Title = 'Testing';
-- User defined table type containing a list of IndustryIDs. Would prob have around 5 selections max.
DECLARE #Selectedindustryids IndustryIdentifierTable_UDT;
SET #Start = NULL;
SET #End = NULL;
-- Subquery to return all the tradeleads that match a user's criteria.
-- These fields can be null.
FROM TradeLeads
WHERE(#Title IS NULL OR Title LIKE '%' + #Title + '%') AND (#Start IS NULL OR CreateDate >= #Start) AND (#End IS NULL OR CreateDate <= #End)) AS FTL
-- Subquery to return the TradeLeadID for each TradeLead record with related IndustryIDs
FROM TradeLeads_Industries TI
-- Left join the selected IndustryIDs to the Cross reference table to get the TradeLeadIDs that are associated with a specific industry.
LEFT JOIN #SelectedindustryIDs SIDS
ON SIDS.IndustryID = TI.IndustryID
-- It's possible the user has not selected any IndustryIDs to search for.
-- Group by to reduce the amount of records.
GROUP BY TI.TradeLeadID) AS SelectedIndustries ON SelectedIndustries.TradeLeadID = FTL.TradeLeadID
With about 600,000 TradeLead records and with an average of 4 IndustryIDs attached to each one, the query takes around 8 seconds to finish on a local machine. I would like to get it as fast as possible. Any tips or insight would be appreciated.
There's a few points here.
Using constructs like (#Start IS NULL OR CreateDate >= #Start) can cause a problem called parameter sniffing. Two ways of working around it are
Add Option (Recompile) to the end of the query
Use dynamic SQL to only include the criteria that the user has asked for.
I would favour the second method for this data.
Next, the query can be rewritten to be more efficient by using exists (assuming the user has entered industry ids)
dbo.TradeLeads t
Title LIKE '%' + #Title + '%' and
CreateDate >= #Start and
CreateDate <= #End and
exists (
dbo.TradeLeads_Industries ti
inner join
#Selectedindustryids sids
on ti.IndustryID = sids.IndustryID
t.TradeLeadID = ti.TradeLeadID
Finally you will want at least one index on the dbo.TradeLeads_Industries table. The following are candidates.
(TradeLeadID, IndustryID)
(IndustryID, TradeLeadID)
Testing will tell you whether one or both is useful.

SQL Delete Where Not In

I have a relation mapping table like this:
attributeid bigint
productid bigint
To clean relations that are not used any more, I want to delete all recors where productid = x and attributeid not in (#includedIds), like the following example:
#attributetypeid bigint,
#productid bigint,
#includedids varchar(MAX)
DELETE FROM reltable
WHERE productid = #productid AND
attributetypeid = #attributetypeid AND
attributeid NOT IN (#includedids);
When running the SQL with the includedids param containing more than 1 id - like this: 25,26 - I get a SqlException saying:
Error converting data type varchar to bigint.
And that is of course due to the , in that varchar(max) param...
How should I construct my delete statement to make it work?
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ListToTable] (
Usage: select entry from listtotable('abc,def,ghi') order by entry desc
PURPOSE: Takes a comma-delimited list as a parameter and returns the values of that list into a table variable.
#mylist varchar(8000)
seqid int not null,
entry varchar(255) not null)
#this varchar(255),
#rest varchar(8000),
#pos int,
#seqid int
SET #this = ' '
SET #seqid = 1
SET #rest = #mylist
SET #pos = PATINDEX('%,%', #rest)
WHILE (#pos > 0)
set #this=substring(#rest,1,#pos-1)
set #rest=substring(#rest,#pos+1,len(#rest)-#pos)
INSERT INTO #ListTable (seqid,entry) VALUES (#seqid,#this)
SET #pos= PATINDEX('%,%', #rest)
SET #seqid=#seqid+1
set #this=#rest
INSERT INTO #ListTable (seqid,entry) VALUES (#seqid,#this)
Run that script in your SQL Server database to create the function ListToTable. Now, you can rewrite your query like so:
#attributetypeid bigint,
#productid bigint,
#includedids varchar(MAX)
DELETE FROM reltable
WHERE productid = #productid AND
attributetypeid = #attributetypeid AND
attributeid NOT IN (SELECT entry FROM ListToTable(#includedids));
Where #includedids is a comma delimited list that you provide. I use this function all the time when working with lists. Keep in mind this function does not necessarily sanitize your inputs, it just looks for character data in a comma delimited list and puts each element into a record. Hope this helps.
Joel Spolsky answered a very similar question here: Parameterize an SQL IN clause
You could try something similar, making sure to cast your attributetypeid as a varchar.
You can't pass a list as an parameter (AFAIK).
Can you rewrite the sql to use a subquery, something like this:
delete from reltable
WHERE productid = #productid AND
attributetypeid = #attributetypeid AND
attributeid NOT IN (select id from ... where ... );
That comma delimited list can be sent to a user defined function which will return it as a simple table. That table can then be queried by your NOT IN.
If you need the fn I can provide.. It's been about 5 yrs since I used sql much and I'll have to dust off that section of my brain..
Erland has the definitive guide for dealing with lists to table in SQL 2005, SQL 2008 gives you table based params.
On a side note I would avoid a NOT IN pattern for large lists, cause it does not scale, instead look at using left joins.

SQL Precedence Matching

I'm trying to do precedence matching on a table within a stored procedure. The requirements are a bit tricky to explain, but hopefully this will make sense. Let's say we have a table called books, with id, author, title, date, and pages fields.
We also have a stored procedure that will match a query with ONE row in the table.
Here is the proc's signature:
create procedure match
#pAuthor varchar(100)
,#pTitle varchar(100)
,#pDate varchar(100)
,#pPages varchar(100)
The precedence rules are as follows:
First, try and match on all 4 parameters. If we find a match return.
Next try to match using any 3 parameters. The 1st parameter has the highest precedence here and the 4th the lowest. If we find any matches return the match.
Next we check if any two parameters match and finally if any one matches (still following the parameter order's precedence rules).
I have implemented this case-by-case. Eg:
select #lvId = id
from books
author = #pAuthor
,title = #pTitle
,date = #pDate
,pages = #pPages
if ##rowCount = 1 begin
select #lvId
select #lvId = id
from books
author = #pAuthor
,title = #pTitle
,date = #pDate
if ##rowCount = 1 begin
select #lvId
However, for each new column in the table, the number of individual checks grows by an order of 2. I would really like to generalize this to X number of columns; however, I'm having trouble coming up with a scheme.
Thanks for the read, and I can provide any additional information needed.
Dave and Others, I tried implementing your code and it is choking on the first Order by Clause, where we add all the counts. Its giving me an invalid column name error. When I comment out the total count, and order by just the individual aliases, the proc compiles fine.
Anyone have any ideas?
This is in Microsoft Sql Server 2005
I believe that the answers your working on are the simplest by far. But I also believe that in SQL server, they will always be full table scans. (IN Oracle you could use Bitmap indexes if the table didn't undergo a lot of simultaneous DML)
A more complex solution but a much more performant one would be to build your own index. Not a SQL Server index, but your own.
Create a table (Hash-index) with 3 columns (lookup-hash, rank, Rowid)
Say you have 3 columns to search on. A, B, C
For every row added to Books you'll insert 7 rows into hash_index either via a trigger or CRUD proc.
First you'll
insert into hash_index
FROM Books
Where & is the concatenation operator and HASH is a function
then you'll insert hashes for A & B, A & C and B & C.
You now have some flexibility you can give them all the same rank or if A & B are a superior match to B & C you can give them a higher rank.
And then insert Hashes for A by itself and B and C with the same choice of rank... all the same number or all different... you can even say that a match on A is higher choice than a match on B & C. This solution give you a lot of flexibility.
Of course, this will add a lot of INSERT overhead, but if DML on Books is low or performance is not relevant you're fine.
Now when you go to search you'll create a function that returns a table of HASHes for your #A, #B and #C. you'll have a small table of 7 values that you'll join to the lookup-hash in the hash-index table. This will give you every possible match and possibly some false matches (that's just the nature of hashes). You'll take that result, order desc on the rank column. Then take the first rowid back to the book table and make sure that all of the values of #A #B #C are actually in that row. On the off chance it's not and you've be handed a false positive you'll need to check the next rowid.
Each of these operation in this "roll your own" are all very fast.
Hashing your 3 values into a small 7 row table variable = very fast.
joining them on an index in your Hash_index table = very fast index lookups
Loop over result set will result in 1 or maybe 2 or 3 table access by rowid = very fast
Of course, all of these together could be slower than an FTS... But an FTS will continue to get slower and slower. There will be a size which the FTS is slower than this. You'll have to play with it.
I don't have time to write out the query, but I think this idea would work.
For your predicate, use "author = #pAuthor OR title = #ptitle ...", so you get all candidate rows.
Use CASE expressions or whatever you like to create virtual columns in the result set, like:
SELECT CASE WHEN author = #pAuthor THEN 1 ELSE 0 END author_match,
Then add this order by and get the first row returned:
ORDER BY (author_match+title_match+date_match+page_match) DESC,
author_match DESC,
title_match DESC,
date_match DESC
page_match DESC
You still need to extend it for each new column, but only a little bit.
You don't explain what should happen if more than one result matches any given set of parameters that is reached, so you will need to change this to account for those business rules. Right now I've set it to return books that match on later parameters ahead of those that don't. For example, a match on author, title, and pages would come before one that just matches on author and title.
Your RDBMS may have a different way of handling "TOP", so you may need to adjust for that as well.
author = #author OR
title = #title OR
date = #date OR
pages = #pages OR
CASE WHEN author = #author THEN 1 ELSE 0 END +
CASE WHEN title = #title THEN 1 ELSE 0 END +
CASE WHEN date = #date THEN 1 ELSE 0 END +
CASE WHEN pages = #pages THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC,
CASE WHEN author = #author THEN 8 ELSE 0 END +
CASE WHEN title = #title THEN 4 ELSE 0 END +
CASE WHEN date = #date THEN 2 ELSE 0 END +
CASE WHEN pages = #pages THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC
select id,
CASE WHEN #pPages = pages
+ Case WHEN #pAuthor=author
/* + Do this for each attribute. If each of your
attributes are just as important as the other
for example matching author is jsut as a good as matching title then
leave the values alone, if different matches are more
important then change the values */ as MatchRank
from books
where author = #pAuthor OR
title = #pTitle OR
date = #pDate
When I run this query (modified only to fit one of my own tables) it works fine in SQL2005.
I'd recommend a where clause but you will want to play around with this to see performance impacts. You will need to use an OR clause otherwise you will loose potential matches
In regards to the Order By clause failing to compile:
As recursive said(in a comment), alias' may not be within expressions which are used in Order By clauses. to get around this I used a subquery which returned the rows, then ordered by in the outer query. In this way I am able to use the alias' in the order by clause. A little slower but a lot cleaner.
Okay, let me restate my understanding of your question: You want a stored procedure that can take a variable number of parameters and pass back the top row that matches the parameters in the weighted order of preference passed on SQL Server 2005.
Ideally, it will use WHERE clauses to prevent full tables scans plus take advantage of indices and will "short circuit" the search - you don't want to search all possible combinations if one can be found early. Perhaps we can also allow other comparators than = such as >= for dates, LIKE for strings, etc.
One possible way is to pass the parameters as XML like in this article and use .Net stored procedures but let's keep it plain vanilla T-SQL for now.
This looks to me like a binary search on the parameters: Search all parameters, then drop the last one, then drop the second last one but include the last one, etc.
Let's pass the parameters as a delimited string since stored procedures don't allow for arrays to be passed as parameters. This will allow us to get a variable number of parameters in to our stored procedure without requiring a stored procedure for each variation of parameters.
In order to allow any sort of comparison, we'll pass the entire WHERE clause list, like so: title like '%something%'
Passing multiple parameters means delimiting them in a string. We'll use the tilde ~ character to delimit the parameters, like this: author = 'Chris Latta'~title like '%something%'~pages >= 100
Then it is simply a matter of doing a binary weighted search for the first row that meets our ordered list of parameters (hopefully the stored procedure with comments is self-explanatory but if not, let me know). Note that you are always guaranteed a result (assuming your table has at least one row) as the last search is parameterless.
Here is the stored procedure code:
#SearchParams VARCHAR(2000)
DECLARE #WhereClause NVARCHAR(2000)
DECLARE #OrderByClause NVARCHAR(500)
DECLARE #BinarySearch INT
-- Create a temporary table to store our parameters
BitMask int, -- Uniquely identifying bit mask
FieldName VARCHAR(100), -- The field name for use in the ORDER BY clause
WhereClause VARCHAR(100) -- The bit to use in the WHERE clause
-- Temporary table identical to our result set (the books table) so intermediate results arent output
id INT,
author VARCHAR(50),
title VARCHAR(50),
printed DATETIME,
pages INT
-- Ill use tilde ~ as the delimiter that separates parameters
SET #SearchParams = LTRIM(RTRIM(#SearchParams))+ '~'
SET #Pos = CHARINDEX('~', #SearchParams, 1)
SET #NumParams = 0
-- Populate the #params table with the delimited parameters passed
IF REPLACE(#SearchParams, '~', '') <> ''
WHILE #Pos > 0
SET #NumParams = #NumParams + 1
SET #WhereClause = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(#SearchParams, #Pos - 1)))
IF #WhereClause <> ''
-- This assumes your field names dont have spaces and that you leave a space between the field name and the comparator
INSERT INTO #params (BitMask, FieldName, WhereClause) VALUES (POWER(2, #NumParams - 1), LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(#WhereClause, CHARINDEX(' ', #WhereClause, 1) - 1))), #WhereClause)
SET #SearchParams = RIGHT(#SearchParams, LEN(#SearchParams) - #Pos)
SET #Pos = CHARINDEX('~', #SearchParams, 1)
-- Set the binary search to search from all parameters down to one in order of preference
SET #BinarySearch = POWER(2, #NumParams)
SET #Rows = 0
WHILE (#BinarySearch > 0) AND (#Rows = 0)
SET #BinarySearch = #BinarySearch - 1
SET #WhereClause = ' WHERE '
SET #OrderByClause = ' ORDER BY '
SELECT #OrderByClause = #OrderByClause + FieldName + ', ' FROM #params WHERE (#BinarySearch & BitMask) = BitMask ORDER BY BitMask
SET #OrderByClause = LEFT(#OrderByClause, LEN(#OrderByClause) - 1) -- Remove the trailing comma
SELECT #WhereClause = #WhereClause + WhereClause + ' AND ' FROM #params WHERE (#BinarySearch & BitMask) = BitMask ORDER BY BitMask
SET #WhereClause = LEFT(#WhereClause, LEN(#WhereClause) - 4) -- Remove the trailing AND
IF #BinarySearch = 0
-- If nothing found so far, return the top row in the order of the parameters fields
SET #WhereClause = ''
-- Use the full order sequence of fields to return the results
SET #OrderByClause = ' ORDER BY '
SELECT #OrderByClause = #OrderByClause + FieldName + ', ' FROM #params ORDER BY BitMask
SET #OrderByClause = LEFT(#OrderByClause, LEN(#OrderByClause) - 1) -- Remove the trailing comma
-- Find out if there are any results for this search
SET #SQLstmt = 'SELECT TOP 1 id, author, title, printed, pages INTO #junk FROM books' + #WhereClause + #OrderByClause
Exec (#SQLstmt)
SET #Rows = ##RowCount
-- Stop the result set being eaten by the junk table
SET #SQLstmt = REPLACE(#SQLstmt, 'INTO #junk ', '')
-- Uncomment the next line to see the SQL you are producing
--PRINT #SQLstmt
-- This gives the result set
Exec (#SQLstmt)
This stored procedure is called like so:
FirstMatch 'author = ''Chris Latta''~pages > 100~title like ''%something%'''
There you have it - a fully expandable, optimised search for the top result in weighted order of preference. This was an interesting problem and shows just what you can pull off with native T-SQL.
A couple of small issues with this:
it relies on the caller to know that they must leave a space after the field name for the parameter to work properly
you can't have field names with spaces in them - fixable with some effort
it assumes that the relevant sort order is always ascending
the next programmer that has to look at this procedure will think you're insane :)
Try this:
#pAuthor varchar(100)
,#pTitle varchar(100)
,#pDate varchar(100)
,#pPages varchar(100)
-- exec match 'a title', 'b author', '1/1/2007', 15
CASE WHEN author = #pAuthor THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
+ CASE WHEN title = #pTitle THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
+ CASE WHEN bookdate = #pDate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
+ CASE WHEN pages = #pPages THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS matches,
CASE WHEN author = #pAuthor THEN 4 ELSE 0 END
+ CASE WHEN title = #pTitle THEN 3 ELSE 0 END
+ CASE WHEN bookdate = #pDate THEN 2 ELSE 0 END
+ CASE WHEN pages = #pPages THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS score
FROM books
WHERE author = #pAuthor
OR title = #pTitle
OR bookdate = #PDate
OR pages = #pPages
ORDER BY matches DESC, score DESC
However, this of course causes a table scan. You can avoid that by making it a union of a CTE and 4 WHERE clauses, one for each property - there will be duplicates, but you can just take the TOP 1 anyway.
EDIT: Added the WHERE ... OR clause. I'd feel more comfortable if it were
SELECT ... FROM books WHERE author = #pAuthor
SELECT ... FROM books WHERE title = #pTitle