Sparql Keys vs distinct values - sparql

I have a sparql query that returns duplicates, and I want it to clean them up on one of the values only (subjectID). Unlike DISTINCT that seems to find a unique value for the combination of values selected, rather than for only one of the parameters.
I saw someone here propose group by, but that only seems applicable if I list all the parameters after group by (my sparql endpoint complains, e.g. Non-group key variable in SELECT: ?occupation).
I tried running an internal select, but it doesn't seem to work for this specific query. So might be an issue with the query itself ( the values of the livedIn optional seem to be causing the duplicate) ?
While happy enough with relational DBs early in the learning curve with SPARQL, so feel free to explain the obvious for the otherwise uninitiated! :)
select distinct
?subjectID ?englishName ?sex ?locatedIn15Name
?dob ?dod ?dom ?bornLocationName ?occupation
where {
?person a hc:Person ;
hc:englishName ?englishName ;
hc:sex ?sex;
hc:subjectID ?subjectID;
optional { ?person hc:livedIn11 ?livedIn11 .
?livedIn11 hc:englishName ?lived11LocationName .
?livedIn11 hc:locatedIn11 ?locatedIn11 .
?locatedIn11 hc:englishName ?locatedIn11Name .
?locatedIn11 hc:locatedIn15 ?locatedIn15 .
?locatedIn15 hc:englishName ?locatedIn15Name .
} .
optional {?person hc:born ?dob } .
optional {?person hc:dateOfDeath ?dod } .
optional {?person hc:dateOfMarriage ?dom } .
optional { ?person hc:bornIn ?bornIn .
?bornIn hc:englishName ?bornLocationName .
?bornIn hc:easting ?easting .
?bornIn hc:northing ?northing } .
optional { ?person hc:occupation ?occupation }
FILTER regex(?englishName, "^FirstName LastName")
?subjectID ?englishName ?sex
?locatedIn15Name ?dob ?dod ?dom
?bornLocationName ?occupation

Re the error message:
Non-group key variable in SELECT: ?occupation
You can avoid this by using the SAMPLE() aggregate - this will allow you to just group on ?subjectID but still select values for the rest of the variables provided you only care about getting one value for those other variables.
Here's a simple example of this:
SELECT ?subjectID (SAMPLE(?dob) AS ?dateOfBirth)
?person a hc:Person ;
hc:subjectID ?subjectID .
OPTIONAL { ?person hc:born ?dob }
GROUP BY ?subjectID

First thing to note is that there is no such thing as a key, really, in RDF/SPARQL. You're querying a graph, and ?subjectID may simply have several possible combinations of values for the other variables you are selecting. This is caused by the shape of the graph you're querying: perhaps your person has more than one english name, or indeed the other way around: the same english name can be shared by more than one person.
A SPARQL SELECT query is a strange beast: it queries a graph structure but presents the result as a flat table (technically, it's a sequence of sets of variable bindings, but it amounts to the same thing). Duplicates occur because different combinations of values for your variables can be found by basically following different paths in the graph.
The fact that you get duplicate values for ?subjectID in your result is therefore unavoidable, simply because these are, from the point of view of the RDF graph, unique solutions to your query. You can not filter out results without actually losing information, so in general it's hard to give you a solution without knowing more about exactly which 'duplicates' you want to discard: do you only want one possible english name for each subject, or one possible date of birth (even though there may be more than one in your data)?
However, here are some tips for handling/procesing such results more easily:
First of all, you could choose to use an ORDER BY clause on your ?subjectID variable. This will still give you several rows with the same value for ?subjectID, but they'll all be in order, so you can process your result more efficiently.
Another solution is to split your query in two: do a first query that only selects all unique subjects (and possibly all other values for which you know, in advance, that they will be unique given the subject), then iterate over the result and do a separate query to get the other values you're interested in, for each individual subjectID value. This solution may sound like heresy (especially if you're from an SQL background), but it might actually be quicker and easier than trying to do everything in one huge query.
Yet another solution is the one suggested by RobV: using a SAMPLE aggregate on a particular variable to just select one (random) unique value. A variation on that is to use the GROUP_CONCAT aggregate, which creates a single value by concatenating all possible values into a single string.


Sparql- Number Of Entities and Instances?

I'm doing small task on Sparql Query. I want to get the number of entities and number of instances. I have basic knowledge of Sparql and rdf. So I wrote sparql query to get the number of entities but i'm not 100% sure it's right. The endpoint i'm using is Dbpedia. Here's the query.
#Number of Entities
SELECT (count(?entity) AS ?Entities)
WHERE{ ?entity rdf:type ?type.
The output above me gives me big number. I'm just wondering is that the right query to get the number of entities?
Also I have to get the number of Instances. I'm not sure what 'instances' means. I assume that is the subclass or something.
Can anyone help me out with the task?
Hey the problems with the terms entity and instance is they are used often in different meanings. I assume Entity means every uri that can be an subject. While instance means every entity which is an instance of an owl:Class.
For the entities the query would be:
SELECT (count(distinct ?entity) AS ?Entities)
WHERE{ ?entity ?p ?o}
For instances i would write the following query:
select distinct count(distinct ?instance) where {?instance a ?class . ?class a owl:Class}
Maybe you mention the distinct before the variable i want to count? This is very important for you. Because to stick with your try an entity can have multiple types. For each of this types you will get an binding for the combination of entity & type variable. This at least leads to the fact that you will count the entity for each type you found in your query. So an entity with two types is counted twice. But I assume you want to count the entity only once - so you need to use the distinct keyword for the variable you want to count. This ensures that you only count different entities that are bound to this variable.

Is there a way to sort SPARQL query results by relevance score in MarkLogic 8?

We're running SPARQL queries on some clinical ontology data in our MarkLogic server. Our queries look like the following:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX cts: <>
FROM <http://example/ontologies/snomedct>
?s rdfs:label ?o .
FILTER cts:contains(?o, cts:word-query("Smoke*", "wildcarded"))
We expected to get sorted results based off of relevance score, but instead they seemed to be in some random order. Tried many ways with the query but nothing worked. After some research we found this statement in the MarkLogic docs:
When understanding the order an expression returns in, there are two
main rules to consider:
cts:search expressions always return in relevance order (the most relevant to the least relevant).
XPath expressions always return in document order.
Does this mean that cts:contains is a XPath expression that always return in document order? If that's the case, how can we construct a SPARQL query that returns in relevance order?
In the example you have, the language you are using is SPARQL - with a fragment filter of the cts:contains.
IN this case, the cts:contains is only useful in isolating fragment IDs that match - thus filtering the candidate documents used in the SPARQL query. Therefore, I do not believe that the the cts relevance is taken into account.
However, you could possibly get results you are looking for in a different way: Do an actual cts:search on the documents in question - then filter them using a cts:triple-range-query.

Mapping DBpedia types to Wikipedia Categories

I am trying to map DBPedia types to Wikipedia Categories, a simple example would be the following SPARQL query
select distinct ?cat where {
?s a dbpedia-owl:LacrossePlayer; dcterms:subject ?cat . filter(regex(?cat,'players','i') )
} limit 100
But this is highly inefficient as it has to first map the DBpedia types to DBpedia Named Entities(resources) and then extract their corresponding Wikipedia categories. I am trying to do this mapping for a lot of other DBpedia types.
Is there a direct or more efficient way to do this?
Improving the filter may help…
As an initial note, you may get some speedup if you remove or improve your filter. You can, of course, just remove it, but you could also make it more efficienct, since you're not really using any special regular expressions. Just do
filter contains(lcase(str(?cat)),'players')
to check whether the URI for ?cat contains the string players. It might even be better (I'm not sure) to grab the English rdfs:label of ?cat and check that, since you wouldn't have to do the case or string conversions.
… but there are lots of results.
But this is highly inefficient as it has to first map the DBpedia
types to DBpedia Named Entities(resources) and then extract their
corresponding Wikipedia categories. I am trying to do this mapping for
a lot of other DBpedia types. Is there a direct or more efficient way
to do this?
I'm not sure exactly what's inefficient in this. The only way that DBpedia types and categories are associated is that resources have types (via rdf:type) and have categories (via dcterms:subject). If you want to find the connections, then you'll need to find the instances of the type and the categories to which they belong. There may be some possibility that you can look into whether any particular infoboxes provide categories to articles and are used in the infobox mapping to provide DBpedia types. That's the only way to get category/DBpedia-types directly, without going through instances that I can think of, and I don't know whether the current dataset has that kind of information.
In general, since Wikipedia categories are not a type hierarchy, there will be lots of categories with which instances of any particular type are associated. For instance, we can count the number of categories associated with the types Fish and LacrossePlayer with a query like this:
select ?type (count(distinct ?category) as ?nCategories) where {
values ?type { dbpedia-owl:Fish dbpedia-owl:LacrossePlayer }
?type ^a/dcterms:subject ?category
group by ?type
SPARQL results
type nCategories 346 2375
That query responds pretty quickly, and you can even get those categories pretty easily, too:
select distinct ?type ?category where {
values ?type { dbpedia-owl:Fish dbpedia-owl:LacrossePlayer }
?type ^a/dcterms:subject ?category
order by ?type
limit 4000
SPARQL results
When you start using types that have many more instances, though, these counts get big, and the queries take a while to return. E.g., a very common type like Place:
select ?type (count(distinct ?category) as ?nCategories) where {
values ?type { dbpedia-owl:Place }
?type ^a/dcterms:subject ?category
group by ?type
type nCategories 191172
I wouldn't suggest trying to pull all that data down from the remote server. If you want to extract it, you should load the data locally.

Query dbpedia with SPARQL for films

I want to get data (movie title, director name, actor name and the wikipedia link) of all movies present on dbpedia.
I tried this query on
SELECT ?film_title ?star_name ?nameDirector ?link WHERE {
SELECT DISTINCT ?movies ?film_title
?movies rdf:type <>;
rdfs:label ?film_title.
?movies dbpedia-owl:starring ?star;
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ?link;
dbpedia-owl:director ?director.
?director foaf:name ?nameDirector.
?star foaf:name ?star_name.
FILTER LANGMATCHES( LANG(?film_title), 'en')
} LIMIT 100
Responses seems correct, but the response time are slow, so I'm wondering if I can improve my query for get a faster response.
There are a couple of things you could change in your query that might make it faster.
Firstly what is the point of your SELECT DISTINCT subquery? Is that merely trying to eliminate duplicate film titles? Removing this may make things faster if you can live with a few duplicates.
Secondly the FILTER clauses requires the database to scan over all the possible matches and evaluate the expression on each possible match to determine whether to keep it or throw it away. Again if you can live with getting some duplicate data and don't mind non-English language tags removing the FILTER may make the query run faster.

DBpedia query returns some musicals more than once despite filters

I'm trying to use a SPARQL query against DBpedia to retrieve a list of musicals and some associated properties. However, despite using the appropriate filters (as far as I can tell), the results include many of the musicals more than once. Here is my query:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX dbpprop: <>
SELECT ?label ?abstract ?book ?music ?lyrics
?play <> <> ;
rdfs:label ?label ;
dbo:abstract ?abstract ;
dbpprop:book ?book ;
dbpprop:lyrics ?lyrics ;
dbpprop:music ?music .
FILTER (LANG(?label) = 'en')
FILTER (LANG(?abstract) = 'en')
FILTER (LANG(?book) = 'en')
FILTER (LANG(?lyrics) = 'en')
FILTER (LANG(?music) = 'en')
The resulting list has many duplicate entries. Pasting the query here:
DBpedia SPARQL Explorer, you'll see that starting with 'Mama Mia!' there are a lot of duplicates in the list.
Any idea what I'm missing to get unique results with no duplicates? Thanks!
[Edited by glenn mcdonald to clarify that it's musicals which are "duplicated" here, not triples.]
SPARQL returns variable-bindings. Your "duplicates" are cartesian products of multiples in your projected properties. Mamma Mia has multiple music writers and multiple lyricists, so you get every possible combination of them that could produce a row in your table.
What a pain, huh? The "solution" is to use CONSTRUCT instead of SELECT, and deal with getting back a graph instead of a table. Maybe like this:
Are the duplicates exact duplicates? i.e. every value for every variable of each duplicate result is identical
If so then add the DISTINCT keyword after SELECT to force the SPARQL engine to discard duplicates solutions.
If not then Glenn is entirely correct that because there are multiple values given for the various properties so you will get multiple results. There are complex workarounds you can do with subqueries, GROUP BY etc. but they would tend to lead to less efficient queries. Sometimes you just have to deal with the duplicates on the client side.