What should I prefer to use widget or renderPartial in Yii's view? - yii

I am confused when I should use a custom widget or renderPartial in my view files. Sometimes I use widget and sometimes I use renderPartial.

You use widget when your application logic is defined in a separate CLASS file and the logic is somehow separated and standalone.
Widget's are chosen when the functionality is repeatedly used elsewhere, on lot of pages.
You use renderPartial for VIEW files that you want to embed into something bigger, or when you want to print something without using the application layouts.
renderPartial is chosen when all the variables it need to access are already prepared in the current action.

You can use widget when your site has some common part like header and footer or sometime some kind filter which require on every page of site.
Take example of search form of yii crude which is called by using renderPartial because that serach form is changing according to requirement of pages.
Sorry for english.


how to add autocomplete function to a column in oracle apex tabular form report

i want to add an autocomplete function to work in one of my column suppose name.It is easy to do using items.but how can i do it in the report.
Since a report doesn't contain Apex items, you can't do this with the built in features. Ignoring any possible plugins that may already be available, you can do this with jQuery UI, specifically the Autocomplete widget. Apex already includes some of the jQuery UI suite, but you may need to download the Autocomplete widget from the jQuery website.
This will need some custom work on your end. This really isn't that hard if you know how to use jQuery.
Download the jQuery UI Autocomplete widget and include it on your page. You can put just the .js file for that in your Application Shared Items. I have the whole jQuery UI library in a separate place on the webserver because I use different parts for different projects.
Source in that widget in the page properties.
You'll need to create text items with apex_item.text in your report.
You'll need an On Page Load dynamic action to attach the Autocomplete widget to your text items.
For the autocomplete source, if it's short, you can just use a Javascript variable that you put on the Apex page. If it's longer or you need to find the list at run time, you can use a function that calls apex.server.process.
If your report has Partial Page Refresh turned on, make sure the DA in step 4 has Dynamic scope, not Static.

Efficient way to create pages from multiple similar type links

I have a page where there are about 30 links and those links would have similar page except for a few contents changed(there is also pictuures). Now is there an efficient way to do that without repeating the codes and repeated nestings of the codes. thank you.
Using plain HTML you won't be able to do this.
The most straightforward way to do it, I think, is using server-side scripting to implement a rendering template. You could then have a default "main" template with everything those 30 pages have in common and then in each of those pages use the main template and load the custom content.
So if you want to modify something in the main template you'd only have to modify the main.html (or whatever you called it) page and not each of the 30 pages.
See this.

ASP.NET MVC Set texts in the View or in the Controller

What is the best practice in MVC (for testing, SOC and scaffolding) for setting texts (for exemple page title, h1,h2..)
Is it better to do it in the controlle, fill a viewmodel and send it to the view
or directly typing texts in the view?
Also I will propably use ressouces files for global texts (like button text, menu texts) and local ressouces for view specific texts.
The view is merely to present the output to the user. Depending on your requirement you can either:
1) Type the text in the view directly <h2>Hello World</h2> (for static content that will not change)
The latter two options are for ideal for dynamic content, where the content could be received from a database or some additional input.
2) Use the ViewBag to pass information to the view (in which case you would set it in the controller ie. ViewBag.HelloWorld = "Hello World" : <h2>#ViewBag.HelloWorld</h2>
3) Use a model to pass the information to your view. This should be your preferred option where possible. In your specific case you could use the controller to retrieve the content from your global resources, bind it to the model and pass it to the view.
The logic on where to get the data should come from the controller and the View's function should be to merely display it.
I recommend binding properties on the viewModel to the UI.
This is not only more testable, but it's also more flexible. It makes it easier to implement features like mult language support etc.
I recommend avoiding hard coding text in the markup if you can

separate header, content and footer in yii

I have a login form in my header section of the website. If user is logged in than insted of the login form user profile details will be shown. The question is how to separate header footer and content into different views and call them from one controller? Or maybe there is another solution...Thanks for help.
In your header view you could write something like this.
<?php if(Yii::app()->user->getId()): ?>
<?php $this->renderPartial('//world/_header_user')); ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php $this->renderPartial('//world/_header_guest')); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, the look of a Yii-based site is naturally controlled by the View files. These files are a combination of HTML and PHP that help to create the desired output. Specific pages in a site will use specific View files. In fact, the View files are designed to be broken down quite atomically, such that, for example, the form used to both create and edit an employee record is its own file, and that file can be included by both create.php and update.php. As with most things in OOP, implementing atomic, decoupled functionality goes a long way towards improving reusability. But the individual View files are only part of the equation for rendering a Web page. Individual view files get rendered within a layout file. And although I’ve mentioned layouts a time or two in my writings on Yii, it’s a subject that deserves its own post.
To be clear, layouts are a type of View file. Specifically, whereas other View files get placed within a directory for the corresponding Controller (i.e., the SiteController pulls from views/site), layout files go within views/layouts. But while the other View files are associated with individual Controllers (and therefore, individual pages), layouts are communal, shared by all the pages. Simply put, a layout file is the parent wrapper for the entire site’s templating system. I’ll explain
ypu can see more details
The easiest way is probably to use a different layout, which you just switch on login. If not, showing partials / components based on Yii::app()->user->isGuest also works well.
Your default generated Yii application has a parent Controller in protected/components/Controller.php.
If you need to access additional parameters in layout, add public properties to Controller, set them in your child controller, and use them in your view/layout files.

Need to access the Page object in Global.asax in the PreRequestHandlerExecute

I have a huge website (containing around 5000+) pages. There is a theme functionality in the website where user can choose different colors for their profile. Now i want to use the ASP.net theme feature and put different CSS (for different colors) in the theme folder and in Global.asax i want check the user theme and render appropriate link element with the css. But my problem is, i am not able to access the Page element for adding the link in the page.
Here is my code
Dim page As System.Web.UI.Page = TryCast(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Handler,System.Web.UI.Page)
page.StyleSheetTheme = "Black"
But when i run this code I get a Null reference error.
P.s : My application is very huge so its not possible to have a master page or a base class and inherit it in every page.
Please suggest.
The page is not available in PreRequestExecute. This function is called before asp.net steps in to handle things, and asp.net is responsible for the page. Think of PreRequestExecute as being earlier in the scheme of things, like when IIS is first trying to figure out what to do with this thing it has, the thing is not even a page yet.
You might want to look into some of the other events that you can hook, there are events that would take place after the page has loaded that may allow you to do what you are suggesting.
Rather than going into global.asax for this, consider using master pages. One possibility is to have nested master pages, where the first master page sets up overall layout, and the nested master handles the theme. (Or one of several nested master pages, all referencing the same top-level master page). If necessary, you can use the PreInit event in the page to change master pages, and select the master that matches your theme selection.
You can centralize this function by having your own class that inherits System.Web.UI.Page, and have all your own pages inherit this new class. Handle the PreInit event there. (As well as other useful functions, like page-level handling of unhandled exceptions, general security issues, etc.
EDITED TO ADD: As #aepheus correctly notes, the page hasn't been instantiated at the PreRequestHandlerExecute event. So there's no page class you can access.