Suddenly timeout when connecting via SSL/Https with some browsers - apache

The https-version of my website suddenly is not reachable any more from Firefox or Chrome (chrome shows ERR_TIMED_OUT). Both browsers behave as if the site was down. With Internet Explorer is working all right.
This happens on multiple computers since yesterday. I use a signed certificate.
Wireshark shows:
TLSV1 Client Hello
TLSV1 Server Hello
Server Key Exchange, Server Hello Done
Client Key Exchange, Change cipher spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
Encrypted Handshake Message, Change cipher spec, Encrypted Handshake Message
Encrypted Alert
A bit later there is a request from User-Agent: Microsoft-CryptoAPI/6.1 to
Any help appreciated.

This may be caused by different behaviour when checking for certificate revocation (via CRLs) doesn't work. It seems that StartSSL has had some problems recently, and is quite slow to respond.
You can check whether it's enabled in your browser.
In IE: Internet Options -> Advanced -> Security -> Check for server certificate revocation
In Firefox, in about:config -> see the options that contain the text crl (and ocsp).


sending xmlhttprequest to javame securesocketserver

I've written a MIDlet server that handle tcp inputstream. I send xmlhttprequest with an http:// url from a html web page and it works fine. I want to do the same with an https url.
with my secureserverconnection instancied by a the accecptandopen() method return an exception.
handshake client send
As you can see the xmlhttprequest send an handshake hello but I've notices tls1.2 protocol then tls1.0 protocol and finally tls1.2.
Is it normal having 2 different protocol sent by the client. It is the first phase of the handshake protocol.
My Midlet java server respond with an Alert and a a "ssl3_get_client_hello:no shared cipher" error (IOException)
IOexception capture
I've specified the connector options like this : cipher : TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 and TLSv1.2 protocol
tlsv1.2 server response
Have someone ever done it or can explain me why the cipher handshake is in error?
Yes it is normal for the client to try both protocols. The most likely scenario is that your device simply lacks any valid certificates, since J2ME devices are so old.
"ssl3_get_client_hello:no shared cipher" in server depending on server certificate and key

TLS handshake of clients

I'm working on an academic project about TLS handshakes and i have captured some TLS traffic generated by multiple clients (google chrome, firefox...) and I want to see if for a given browser the client hello message will always be the same or no (I have removed the GREASE extensions because they are added in a random way to the client hello message and I omitted the SNI). I found that the same browser generate multiple client hello messages.
Is it normal to see such behavior or I'm doing something wrong?
A TLS handshake is done for each TCP connection involved in HTTPS and it is common that the browser uses multiple TCP connections in parallel. This is probably what you see. Multiple TLS handshakes within the same TCP connection are uncommon but might happen if a server requires a client certificate only for a specific path and thus triggers a renegotiation.

Misdirected redirect with 3 domains on EV SSL

The client needs a new connection for this request as the requested host name does not match the Server Name Indication (SNI) in use for this connection.
I recently purchased a EV SSL certificate from Comodo, installed it on my VPS (cPanel/WHM) and everything worked great. I then upgraded to http2 and am now receiving the error when switching between each website on the certificate. The 3 websites share the same IP address. From what I can tell, this may be the issue. I do not want to reissue a SSL cert for each domain as I paid for the EV multi domain cert. Is the answer to purchase 2 additional IPs and make sure each domain has its own IP? Or is there a way I can edit the virtual hosts so that I can maintain the same setup I have now?
I should mention, this is only happening on Safari, not chrome.
SSL Labs Report
EasyApache HTTP vhost configuration
EasyApache HTTPS vhost configuration
You have enabled HTTP/2 on only two of the three sites.
HTTP/2 will try to reuse the connection for multiple domains if both the IP address matches and the certificate covers all the necessary domains. This is the case here and so HTTP/2 is reused.
However if you run SSLLabs on all three domains you see a slight difference in the protocol used for Chrome (for example):
Chrome 70 / Win 10 RSA 2048 (SHA256) TLS 1.2 > h2
Chrome 70 / Win 10 RSA 2048 (SHA256) TLS 1.2 > http/1.1
Chrome 70 / Win 10 RSA 2048 (SHA256) TLS 1.2 > h2
And similarly further down in the ALPN setting:
ALPN Yes h2 http/1.1
ALPN Yes http/1.1
ALPN Yes h2 http/1.1
So going to the middle domain first will work as it will connect via HTTP/1.1 and so not reuse the connection. However going to the middle domain after initiating a request to either the first or last domain will attempt to reuse the HTTP/2 connection and fail as the middle domain doesn't support HTTP/2.
Web servers should return a 421 Misdirected Request status code for any requests when the browser attempts to reuse the connection when it shouldn't, to say "Yeah you really shouldn't be attempting to reuse the connection here! Can you try again on another connection please?". The same thing happens if there are different SSL/TLS setup (e.g. the cipher suite used for the connection is not accepted on the other domain).
Chrome and Firefox correctly handle the 421 response and transparently resend the requests over a new connection, which in this case then uses HTTP/1.1 (check out developer tools in the browser and you'll see this is true). Other browsers, including Safari used by iOS, have not implemented support of the relatively new 421 status code yet and so fail with an error like below:
Misdirected Request
The client needs a new connection for this request as the requested
host name does not match the Server Name Indication (SNI) in use for
this connection.
I presume there is no reason not to enable HTTP/2 on all domains and this was a misconfiguration error? If so enable HTTP/2 in all domains and your issue should be sorted.
If you do not want HTTP/2 on all domains, then you ensure the browser doesn't think it can reuse the connection. That means either using a separate IP address for that domain, or getting the certificate reissued for only two domains, and a separate certificate for the other than shouldn't share connections.

handshake failure(40) and TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV

A client installed on jBOSS is trying to access a secured website configured on DataPower xi50v6.0.0.2 appliance. The connection is getting failed at SSL handshake.
I have taken a packet capture at DataPower and observed that SSL Handshake is failing with the Description:Handshake failure(40).
However, at the Client Hello step, I have observed that, only one Cipher Suite is specified which is : TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV.
The TLS protocol used ( as per packet capture) is TLS1.1. Can this Cipher Suite be a problem?
In the DataPower system logs I can see below error:
Request processing failed: Connection terminated before request headers read because of the connection error occurs
The client application is running on jBOSS7.I have asked our jBOSS administrator to check the configuration at jBOSS end. I somehow got the access to server where jBOSS instance is installed and checked domain.xml where the ssl is configured. Where exactly in domain.xml, ths configuration related to cipher suites can be found?
I have observed that, only one Cipher Suite is specified which is : TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV
This is no real cipher. If no other ciphers are specified then the client does not offer any ciphers at all which means that no shared ciphers can be found and thus the handshake will fail. It looks like the client is buggy. Reason might be a failed attempt to fight POODLE attack by disabling all SSL3.0 ciphers, which in effect disables all ciphers for TLS1 1.0 and TLS 1.1.

403.7 IIS 7.5 SSL client certificate authentication issue

I am testing a web service with an external partner using 2 way SSL under IIS 7.5. I am requiring SSL, requiring a client cert, and using one to one mapping to authenticate to a domain account. I have configured everything and it works fine on our network (I am able to provide a client cert, get authenticated and invoke the service from browser and test harness).
From outside of our network (in most cases, see below), I am getting a 403.7 error. I have gone through the machine level certificate store and made sure the certificates and CAs are trusted.
Here's the weird thing. I obtained a Type I cert to test from home (and got 403.7 like our intended partner is). So I setup Fiddler to debug SSL and send my certificate, and this works for some reason. I setup a test harness to pass the exact same certificate, and got 403.7. I test in my browser (IE 9), don't get a prompt for a client cert, and get 403.7.
Any help appreciated.
Last time I checked, IIS was using re-negotiation (by default) to get the client certificate: there is a first handshake where the server doesn't request a client certificate, followed by another handshake (encrypted this time) where the server requests the certificate (via a TLS CertificateRequest message). This will prevent you from seeing anything from Wireshark, unless you configure it to use the server's private key and decipher the traffic (note that this only works with some cipher suites).
One way to see the client-certificate negotiation is to configure IIS to use initial client certificate negotiation, using netsh and clientcertnegotiation=true (which is about initial negotiation). At least the CertificateRequest and the certificate will be sent in clear during the handshake, so you should be able to see this with Wireshark.
If the client isn't sending a certificate to the server as a response to the CertificateRequest, you'll still see an empty Certificate message from the client.
If you don't export the private key with the certificate to use with Fiddler or whichever other client, there is no chance that it will be able to use the certificate. It may at best try to send the certificate, but the handshake will fail (since the CertificateVerify message needs to be signed by the client's private key).
I guess you may encounter a problem whereby:
not presenting a certificate is accepted by the server (it's effectively optional),
presenting an invalid certificate makes it fail and causes this 403.7 status code (many servers and SSL/TLS stacks would implement this as a fatal error, but TLS specification doesn't say that unsupported_certificate, certificate_revoked, certificate_expired, certificate_unknown should be fatal, so this is at the server's discretion).
Are you using the same physical machine to test both the in-network and external-network connections? If not, are you sure that the external-network client has the private key accessible?
I have not configured Fiddler client authentication before. Does it read the client certificate and key from the standard certificate stores? Does it read directly from a PKCS12?
One other thing that may be helpful is inspecting the TLS handshake in WireShark. Specifically, check out the Server's "Certificate Request" message, as the data here clues the client (IE9) which client certificates it should display in the prompt. Compare this for the internal and external connections.