Why is my license not showing up? - wix

In my <Product> I have:
<WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="LICENSE.rtf" />
LICENSE.rtf exists, and is an rtf file (I've tried saving with a few different programs in case it was a problem with one of them).
The file contains text (a whole license!), and the text is sensibly formatted.
Why then, is the License field of my installer blank?

It turns out you basically must generate your rtf with Wordpad, or make a perfect replica. Since mine are generated by scripts, I adjusted my script to insert the Wordpad header to the rtf file, and this fixed it.


How to include hyperlink license in Wix's Product.wxs

How to put the license's hyperlink in the Product.wxs?
I only notice that there are these code below:
<WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="path\License.rtf" />
for including the license from the rtf document.
It does not appear that this is possible
WiX custom license file: setup shows links with < >
MSI does not support hyperlinks. You can modify the text to look like a link but it won't actually work.
That said, the WiX Standard Bootstrapper does support hyperlinks

WiX Minimal UI shows first lines empty with Arabic text

I'm using WiX 3.7 I managed to get WiX Minimal UI to work properly following the instructions from http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/wixui/wixui_dialog_library.html
When I used Arabic Licence file is shown incorrectly (first lines are blank), unless user scrolls the text area in which case the text starts to look as expected.
I already tried the advice from the page http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/wixui/wixui_customizations.html
Open your RTF file in WordPad and save it from there in order to remove the complex RTF content from the file. After saving it, rebuild your MSI.
My current approach is to write a Custom EULA Dialog, but I would prefer to stay with WiX UI Minimal builtin Dialog... Have you experienced this problem? Do you know how to overcome it?

wix specify licence shows nothing

I'm trying to specify the licence for my wix setup project.
I have created a rtf with a few dummy lines in wordpad/notepad/vs tried a few different ways as I read there was an issue with ones created in word but I dont think that should apply here, in any case I also opened it up in notepad++ and verified there is no funky characters hidden in it.
I am specifying the file like so
<WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="$(var.ProjectDir)\Resources\test.rtf" />
And the file exists under the project\Resources directory.
When I run the installer all that is shown in the licence area is a blank text box with no scroll bars etc.
Is there something else I should be doing?
Save the license.rtf from WordPad. See this webpage (http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/wixui/wixui_customizations.html), specifically this section:
There is a known issue with the rich
text control used to display the text
of the license file that can cause the
text to appear blank until the user
scrolls down in the control. This is
typically caused by complex RTF
content (such as the RTF generated
when saving an RTF file in Microsoft
Word). If you run into this behavior
in your setup UI, one of the following
workarounds will fix it in most cases:
Open your RTF file in WordPad and save
it from there in order to remove the
complex RTF content from the file.
After saving it, rebuild your MSI. Use
a dialog set other than the
WixUI_Minimal set. This problem
typically only occurs when the license
agreement screen is the first one
displayed during setup, which only
happens with the WixUI_Minimal dialog
Thanks to #Daniel Powell's decision
Open WordPad
Write your text
Save by default(rtf)
Rebuild your msi
Open trf file in wordpad instead of md-word, It will solve the scroll issue
<WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="test.rtf" />
and include your test.rtf in the Setup project.

Are tables supported when displaying RTF files in Windows Installer

I'm creating a Windows Installer setup file using Wix and the standard UI library. I've supplied my own RTF file for the license agreement, but tables are not displaying correctly. Are tables supported in this case, and if so, what do I need to do to get them to display?
Basically, the cell border is only being drawn around the first line of text in a cell, and text from the 2nd column is flowing into the the first column. Here's a picture:
Badly formatted tables in RTF file displaying in Windows Installer http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/58fc5187b7.png
This thread discusses problems with RTF in installers, Bob Arnson recommends using WordPad to save the file. Apparently, that will create a simpler file which is more likely to display correctly.
The Windows Installer ScrollableText control doesn't support complex RTF, basically try to keep your RTF as simple as possible, always save in Wordpad and if it doesn't look like it's going to work.. it probably isn't.

Reference for possible String ID's in WixLocalization?

I am finding WIX to be nearly impenetrable.
I want to customize the text in various dialogs in the WixUI_FeatureTree.
I've seen Customizing Text in the standard WIX Dialogs, so I get the basic idea that I need a .wxl file, and I need to fill it with <String ...> elements. But what Id's are available?
Q1: where is the list of Id's for the various supported strings?
side comment:
Am I just looking in the wrong place? I'm looking in the Wix doc, but nothing is obvious. Figuring out this Wix stuff is much harder than I expected it to be. It is not easily discoverable, at all.
You basically have to download the WiX source code, and go through it's WXL files, find the text you want to override, then use that ID.
The code is the reference.
Hang in there. WiX/MSI starts to make sense at about your fourth installer.