Print as PDF functionality in Contacts module - pdf

I am using Sugar Enterprise 6.4.0
Is there any way to Add "Print as PDF" like functionality available in Quotes module to the Contacts module. I want to save the contact information into a PDF format by clicking on a button that may appear in the Contact module Detail View.

I know this is an old question but thought would post a related reply, might help out someone.
In the Contacts module there is a Generate Letter option in the actions dropdown on detail view. This option will link to the related templates you create in PDF Templates module.
If you do not have a pre-defined template, you can go to the PDF Templates module build a custom template for the related module with the information you need in the PDF.
Then when you click on the Generate Letter link, it will show you the templates present for the said module, you just have to select the preferred template and it will download the PDF for you.
If I've understood your question correctly this I think might help you.

Check out Synolia PDF Manager....


How do I make a link from a PDF?

I'm doing a project and I need the table of contents to have links so I can be brought to different parts of the same document with this. I know how to make a link in the program I'm using (google docs) but I'm not sure where I find the link to another page in the PDF. I know how to do this on Adobe but I don't have access to the Pro portion of Adobe. Any help would be great!
Select the word or phrase you want to be hyperlinked.
Go to insert link button. Write the destination URL, click Ok.

How to add metadata to sharepoint

I'm very new to Sharepoint and I'm asked to add a metadata to a file.
When you are in a document library you see a lots of uploaded files. the have a type, name, modified and modified by meta data. I would like to add a new metadata field. But I don't know how.
I've downloaded the Microsoft Sharepoint Designer.
And once the have the extra metadata field is added it to needs be filled via the querystring. I found something about that on the Internet, but where I have to add the javascript I don't know, so any help with that would be very appriciated.
Do you want to add fields like type, name, modified and modified by ? and it should be filled
by the uset at the time of upload?
If yes, then you dont have to use javascript or something like that
Just create a new column in the list or library by folllowing the steps given below:
Go to your list or library and click on Library in ribbon
click on list Settings,
Find Create new columns.. Follow the steps and click ok
It will create new field(metadata) in your list / library
Let me know if I wrongly understand your question

cocoa-touch PSPDFKIT How can I get value from PDF files?

Just a quick questions is How can I get delegate, results or call back from buttons, check boxes, text fields... that are located on the PDF file.
To be clearer, I'm working on a project that are PDF test forms with a bundle of multi-chooses questions, some text fields and a button to submit them. I need to get these details that user entered.
It seems to be this delegate, but it doesn't work
- (void)pdfViewController:(PSPDFViewController *)pdfController didShowAnnotationView:(UIView<PSPDFAnnotationView> *)annotationView onPageView:(PSPDFPageView *)pageView;
I am the author of the PSPDFKit PDF SDK. While this framework does support features like text selection and annotation highlighting/drawing, there's no support yet for PDF forms yet. This might change later in 2013.
Update: PSPDFKit v3 now fully supports PDF Forms - you can play around with the demo, no registration required.

How to create switchable multi-language pdf form?

I want to create a pdf form for two language (Chinese/English) UI, and there's a button(s) or somethings on the form for language switch, is there anyway can make it? and how to do?
Thanks for all reply!
Actually I got a sample like this,
PDF Sample
there're two checkbox on the top-left of the form, one is for English UI, the other is Chinese, I just want to know how to make PDF like that sample? (and I don't see any layers on the sample...)
mkl's comment (which he should turn into a full answer, really) already hinted at the option to use different page templates residing in the same file.
Another option you could explore is this:
put the two language versions into 2 different layers (or 'optional content groups' in PDF parlance)
make the visibility of the two layers toggeable
let the user activate that layer which he/she needs.
Layer activation can be handled through normal Acrobat Reader user interface elements.
The layer switching can be made accessible via a "button" on the PDF page too -- but that requires additional JavaScript to be embedded in the PDF (something many people are not particularly keen about).
As Kurt proposed, I make my comment on Frank's answer an answer in its own right:
Actually there is a pdf feature seldomly used nowerdays, page
templates. Thus, those two forms can reside in the same file in
different page templates, and based on some initially present buttons
("English version", ...) the desired form is spawned.
Unfortunately I don't know how to create page templates using some easy-to-use tool, I only came a cross them in the context of integrated PDF signatures (depending on the signature type, page template instantiation is a document change not breaking the signature) and tested them with low-level tools.
Essentially page templates are PDF objects just like page dictionaries of the normal pages, they are not XFA stuff. They merely are not referenced in the pages tree but instead in the name tree.
There is a JavaScript command which creates a visible page based on such a template --- I don't know which anymore; I may be able to find out when I'm back in office next week. This command would have to be bound to the inital language selection button in the file.
The problem will be in switching the static text - PDF does not allow this.
If I were you, I would split the document into two identical forms in the respective languages. You can use bookmarks and links on the first page to navigate to the right part of the document.
Note that it is possible to assign the same field names to the Enlgish/Chinese versions of your fields. This will make it easier to process the submitted form data because the process path would be independent of the chosen language. It will also simplify any JavaScript (validation, summing, etc.) you plan to add.

Is there a way to generate a PDF and PRINT article using the {loadposition} in Joomla?

I would like to create PDF and print article that includes module (I'm using loadposition). Is there a way to do that? How should I create PDF and use print option in module?
I have implemented in my module jspdf (more about it:
I'm not clear on your question...
are you wanting the Print/PDF functions of Joomla! 1.5 to include module content in an article that has been inserted using {loadposition modulename}?
If so, then you're out of luck, the Print/PDF functions are only handed the article content and the defined print.css to generate the view. The other problem with the PDF button was that it didn't use any content plugins that may be used in an article so you would see the {loadmodule modulename} tag rather than the modules content in the PDF.
The only relatively easy work around would be to have a custom button to tell the browser to perform a print page calling the entire view with a print template.
Or do you want to include a module with a PDF + Print button?
Any module that could provide a Print/PDF button would have to do a lot of work to determine which article is was actually printing - I'm not aware of any that do that as Joomla! has built-in buttons for these services in each article view.
In Joomla! 1.5 there is a built-in set of buttons for the Articles (ie. com_content), they include Print, PDF and an Email service. In the Joomla! 2.5 line (ie. 1.6+) PDF generation has been removed.
However, you can add PDF facilities back to Joomla 2.5 by using one of the "Print & PDF" extensions on the Joomla Extension Directory. The most comprehensive one we've used for clients is Phoca PDF, personally we don't provide print to PDF functions on our websites.