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Closed 9 years ago.
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i work with Oxygen XMLTester for xPath selectors, supporting XPath 2.0 specification. So i wonder if there is any online tester working with XPath 2.0 spec.?[][2][][3]
Those above-mentioned testers failed to take the following XPAth (2.0 rather succeded):/list/sum(item/prices/price[#currency='USD']) with XML:
<item new='true'>
<title lang="en">Pop-Music DVD</title>
<author >K. A. Bred</author>
<price currency="USD">29.99</price>
<price currency="EUR">23.2</price>
<item new='false'>
<title>Gone with the wind</title>
<author>M. Mitchell</author>
<price currency="USD">19.05</price>
<price currency="EUR">15</price>
Since this bubbled up again:
I also made a XPath 2.0 online tester here.
Not so colorful or descriptive, but IMHO easier to use for small queries.
There's now an online XPath 2.0 tester/analyser at:
This actually runs using the Saxon-CE XSLT 2.0 processor under the covers (the app was written in XSLT 2.0). Screenshot showing your expression evaluated:
Here I found useful one more interactive xpath tester.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to learn, is there any toolkit that I use in visual studio web project(MVC). I know some toolkit; such as Telerik, Kendo, Trirand. But all of them need licence. I make web project and need to use dynamic grid etc.
I think a simple googling would answer your question, try searching by grid js or toolkit js or javascript toolkit
also you find in this wikipedia article some comparison between diffrent JavaScript frameworks.
There is the MVC Controls Toolkit. Although I'm not sure if it works with ASP.NET MVC 5, the web site only mentions versions 2 to 4.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Working on building out a Web2Print product I need some kind of editor that will allow a user to manipulate graphics and ultimately generate a PDF. There are plenty of HTML 2 PDF APIs available but I was hoping someone might have experience with something a little more integrated and suited for dealing with graphics/fonts/text?
In PHP the best opensource option is TCPDF
I wanted to answer this and update everyone on the solutions that I found. Through the Magento extension store I was able to find several commercial (although still very reasonably priced) solutions: and look like the most full featured and supported (as well as no up-front licensing.)
Thanks for all of the responses!
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Closed 8 years ago.
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i have to annotate some web pages using particular ontology of a particular domain and generate annotated web pages in RDF format.
so there is any open source tool available which will complete my requirement. i am new in jena programming. so please suggest some links or books.
You can annotate your HTML page using RDFa markup (look at the example in the page) and then
use this library to convert the pages into RDF.
If annotating means some semantic disambiguation, you need to do that manually like #loopasam propoesed. For clear mapping (e.g. <title> tag to dc:title) you might want to use XSLT to add the RDFa tags.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've been having a very difficult time finding an easy to follow tutorial or example of using the interception extension with Ninject, or ideally, a working example.
I've tried the below tutorial, but immediately had problems getting namespaces to work for the Intercept() call:
Have a look at the unittests that come with the source code. There is an example for each feature of the extension:
I ran into this issue with the tutorial you linked as well. I was able to figure out the namespace you need to import is Ninject.Extensions.Interception.Infrastructure.Language;
Also, you need to reference either the
Ninject.Extensions.Interception.DynamicProxy or
Ninject.Extensions.Interception.LinFu implementation as well as the Ninject.Extensions.Interception package (and all dependencies). It worked like a charm after that for me.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a high level overview of how one goes from an AST to working code via the DLR, does anyone have (a link for) something like that?
Here is a good 3 part tutorial about building a basic language from the parsing to the actual tree construction to the dlr mapping.
All the current DLR specs and documents are located here:
This tutorial is the one that I used to learn the DLR:
It builds a custom version of javascript on the DLR.
And if all else fails you can look here:
to see the actual parser implementation, though I would probably recommend using Antlr as your parser. That's what I use, though I've got a fair bit of Antlr experience:)
Here is a link that maybe helps: