How do I access the view of a Window from interfacebuilder? - objective-c

I'm trying to make interfaces for a cocoa app in xcode's interface builder. The view of one of the windows I made in Interface builder depends on data from another view, so it is necessary to message this view from the class which must pass it data. However I can't seem to find a way to get a reference for this view object from the owner of the nib file. Here is roughly the code I'm using:
controller = [[NSWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"Somenibname"];
[[controller window] display];
theOtherView = [[[[controller window] contentView] subviews] objectAtIndex:1];
[theOtherView setObjectwhichneedstobemessaged:self];
[theOtherView sendAMessage:self];
The object that this code is in never receives the message. Initially I actually thought that the contentview was the view that appears in interface builder and tried to get a reference to it like this
theOtherView = [[[controller window] contentView]];
but that didn't work either. Thanks for reading.

It sounds like you may need a better understanding of how the View-Controller structures work with nib files and without more code/detail its difficult to know exactly what you are trying to do, but a quick way to solve your problem could be to use NSNotification's instead of trying to locate the other view and instigate a message send via call chain.
You can register to handle a notification from the receiving view and send the notification from the instigating view (and vice versa if you need it two ways).

Read up on IBOutlet and consider linking the views that you need directly from Interface Builder.
For example, your NSWindowController subclass might have:
#interface MyWindowController : NSWindowController
/* can also use more specific classes if you need them, e.g. NSButton if it's really an NSButton */
IBOutlet NSView* firstViewIWant;
IBOutlet NSView* secondViewIWant;
. . .
Your implementation might have:
- (void)
[super windowDidLoad];
/* make sure the views were connected properly */
assert(nil != firstViewIWant);
assert(nil != secondViewIWant);
. . .
Then in Interface Builder, hook up these outlets from "File's Owner" to the exact views that you need them to be.


Container View Controllers pre iOS 5

iOS 5 adds a nice feature allowing you to nest UIViewControllers. Using this pattern it was easy for me to create a custom alert view -- I created a semi-transparent view to darken the screen and a custom view with some widgets in it that I could interact with. I added the VC as a child of the VC in which I wanted it to display, then added its views as subviews and did a little animation to bring it on the screen.
Unfortunately, I need to support iOS 4.3. Can something like this be done, or do I have to manage my "alert" directly from the VC in which I want to display it?
So if I create a custom view in a nib whose file owner is "TapView" and who has a child view that is a UIButton. I tie the UIButton action to a IBAction in TapView.
Now in my MainControllerView I simple add the TapView:
TapView *tapView = [[TapView alloc] init];
[[self view] addSubview:tapView];
I see my TapView, but I can't interact with the UIButton on it and can interact with a UIButton on the MainControllerView hidden behind it. For some reason I am not figuring out what I'm missing...
Not sure if this helps, but, in situations where I've needed more control over potential several controllers, I've implemented a pattern where I have a "master" controller object (doesn't need to be descendent from UIViewController), which implements a delegate protocol (declared separately in it's own file), and then have whatever other controllers I need to hook into declare an object of that type as a delegate, and the master can do whatever it needs to do in response to messages from the controllers with the delegate, at whatever point you need; in your case, that being displaying the alert and acting as it's delegate to handle the button selection. I find this approach to be very effective, simpler and usually cleaner. YMMV ;-)
Regd. your second query, where you are trying to create a custom view using nib. Don't change the FileOwner type, instead set "TapView" for the class property of the top level view object.
Once you have done this, you might experience difficulty when making connections. For that just manually choose the TapView file for making connections.
Also, to load the view you need to load its nib file. For which you can create a class level helper method in TapView class like below
+(TapView *) getInstance
NSArray *bundle = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"TapView" owner:self options:nil];
TapView *view;
for (id object in bundle) {
if ([object isKindOfClass:[TapView class]]) {
view = (TapView *) object;
return view;
Now, you get a refrence to you view object like this
TapView *tapView = [TapView getInstance];

Update UI from another Class Method - Cocoa

I would like to update the UI in my application from the AppDelegate, but whenever I call it as so:
Controller *object = [[Controller alloc] init];
[object methodHere];
It doesn't seem to update the UI. What am I doing wrong here? I have put in a NSLog to see if it was being called, and it is. Here is a sample project that shows the error.
Edit: Can someone just show me what to change to the project I provided. I just don't know what to type into my project so that I can change the value of a simple NSTextField from another class.
When you write [[Controller alloc] init], you are not accessing the Controller object that is in your nib. You are creating a new Controller object that is unconnected to anything else in your application.
Remember, every Controller object is not the same any more than every NSArray is the same. Just because you made one Controller in your nib that's connected to an NSTextField does not mean some random Controller that you just created shares that controller's connections.
What you need to do is give the delegate a reference to the Controller that's in the nib.
This is really simple, and Chuck's comments basically explain what you need to do, but I will lay out the code explicitly for you. In testAppDelegate.h:
#interface testAppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate> {
NSWindow *window;
// You can make an IBOutlet to any kind of object you
// want; it's just a way for you to get a reference
// in code to an object that has been alloc'd and
// init'd already by the xib mechanism.
IBOutlet Controller *controller;
Then go into your xib in InterfaceBuilder and hook up that outlet from your Test App Delegate object to your Controller object (these objects are already present in the xib).
In testAppDelegate.m:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// This is the key:
// _Don't_ alloc/init a new controller object. The
// objects in your xib are allocated and initialized
// by virtue of being in that file. You just need to
// give your AppDelegate a pointer to it, as above.
[controller setTextValue:#"hello"];
It's being called all right, but it's not connected to the interface. There should be a view controller of some sort defined in your appDelegate.h file, call the method on that object instead.
Update for more detail:
One way you could pull this off would be to simply save the Controller when you originally create it (and not release it until later.)
Simply put your own controller object into your .h file
Controller* myController;
And when you create the new view controller you want to flip to, simply set myController to reference that object, and later when you want to update the UI, simply call
[myController methodHere];
A bit clumsy, but it works. Just don't forget to release myController when you're done with that view.
The other idea I'd suggest looking into would be to alter the method you're passing to your delegate. That is, instead of having the method as
put it in as
-(returnType)callDelegateToDoSomething:(id) sender;
You call the new method the same way, but your controller should automatically pass itself as an argument. Then, inside the method, simply use
[sender methodHere];
and it should hopefully work. (You may need to play around with it a little. I'm not an expert on delegates or the sender argument, but it's worth a shot.)

Class instances differ, which one to use?

I'm stuck with the following. In a program, I'm trying to communicate between different classes (View Controllers with NIB files attached in a TabBar application etc). I want to call a method 'OMFG' in a class called 'ProductViewDetailController'. This class is a UIViewController (SplitViewDelegate). It's loaded programmatically.
Anyways, I've been trying to get the right call to this controller, and I came up with 2 solutions. One is declaring the productviewdetailcontroller in the caller's .h file and .m file, making an IBOutlet, linking it in the Interface builder and calling it directly by the line
[productDetailController OMFG];
When I call this method, it calls the right method in the ProductViewDetailController, but the instance of this viewcontroller differs from the one I programmatically can reach with this code:
for (UIViewController *controller in self.tabBarController.viewControllers) {
NSLog(#"%#", [controller class]);
if ([controller isKindOfClass:[UISplitViewController class]]) {
UISplitViewController *cell = (UISplitViewController *)controller;
for (UIViewController *controller2 in cell.viewControllers) {
NSLog(#"%#", [controller2 class]);
if ([controller2 isKindOfClass:[ProductViewDetailController class]]) {
[controller2 OMFG];
Which one should I use, and why?
edit: When I try to add a SubView to both viewcontrollers, the one where the call is [controller2 OMFG]; actually shows the newly added view, where the [productDetailController OMFG]; doesn't show the newly added view... Why is that? Is there a shorter (and more chique) way to get access to the right ViewController?
You should use a IBOutlet. This makes sure your app can still call the correct target if you later decide to change the hierarchy of view controllers, for example if creating an iPhone compatible setup without a UISplitViewController.
Calling isKindOfClass: in Objective-C is a sure sign that what you are doing is probably wrong. Firstly in Cocoa Touch what you do is always more important than who you are. Secondly what you try to do is probably peeking inside something that should be left private.

Objective C Delegate for the Main Application Window

So I'm trying to do this exercise where I need to set a delegate for the main window. The purpose is to make sure that when the user resizes the window, it's always twice as wide as it is high.
This is my AppController.h file:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface AppController : NSObject
NSWindow *windowWillResize;
and this is my AppController.m file:
#import "AppController.h"
#implementation AppController
- (id) init
[super init];
windowWillResize = [[NSWindow alloc] init];
[windowWillResize setDelegate:self];
return self;
- (NSSize) windowWillResize:(NSWindow *)sender
NSLog(#"size is changing");
return frameSize;
However, I can remove the line
[windowWillResize setDelegate:self];
since I set the delegate in Interface Builder, but I'm not sure why this works.
How does windowWillResize know that I'm referring to the main application window since I'm doing a completely new
windowWillResize = [[NSWindow alloc] init];
I have a feeling that I am completely doing this wrong. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Indeed, you don't need to create a NSWindow *windowWilResize since a newly created Cocoa app already has a main window. You don't need to implement an -init method either.
You only need to set you appController as a delegate of your main window in Interface Builder and to implement the -windowWillResize: method in your appController.
If you are familiar with french language, you can take a look at a blog entry I have written on this subject: Délégation en Cocoa.
You're leaking an instance of NSWindow. In -init you create an NSWindow instance. However, that is not used because when the NIB loads, it sets up all the connections that you specified in Interface Builder and you start using the window from the NIB instead. Do not create a window object in code - Interface Builder does it for you! :-)
In fact, it's not quite "instead"; your app controller is now the delegate for both NSWindow instances - the one that comes from the NIB and the one you instantiated in -init. However as the in-code NSWindow is never used anywhere else, it's still redundant and should be removed.
If you just want to maintain the aspect ratio of the window you can use either of these two NSWindow methods:
The first method locks the entire window size, including the title bar. The second one just the content. You can call this method during the initialization of your window inside the delegate (for example: -applicationDidFinishLaunching)

iPhone subview design (UIView vs UIViewController)

I'm designing a simple Quiz application. The application needs to display different types of QuizQuestions. Each type of QuizQuestion has a distinct behavior and UI.
The user interface will be something like this:
alt text
I would like to be able to design each type of QuizQuestion in Interface Builder.
For example, a MultipleChoiceQuizQuestion would look like this:
alt text
Originally, I planned to make the QuizQuestion class a UIViewController. However, I read in the Apple documentation that UIViewControllers should only be used to display an entire page.
Therefore, I made my QuizController (which manages the entire screen e.g. prev/next buttons) a UIViewController and my QuizQuestion class a subclass of UIView.
However, to load this UIView (created in IB), I must[1] do the following in my constructor:
+(id)createInstance {
UIViewController *useless = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"MultipleQuizQuestion" bundle:nil];
UIView *view = [[useless.view retain] autorelease];
[useless release];
return view; // probably has a memory leak or something
This type of access does not seem to be standard or object-oriented. Is this type of code normal/acceptable? Or did I make a poor choice somewhere in my design?
edit (for clarity): I'd like to have a separate class to control the a ViewController but apparently that's only for entire windows. Maybe I should make a MultipleChoiceViewManager (not controller!) and set the File's Owner to that instead?
You're on the right track. In your QuizController xib, you can create separate views by dragging them to the xib's main window rather than to the QuizController's main view. Then you can design each view you need according to your question types. When the user taps next or previous, remove the previous view and load the view you need based on your question type using -addSubview on the view controller's main view and keep track of which subview is currently showing. Trying something like this:
[currentView removeFromSuperView];
case kMultipleChoice:
[[self view] addSubview:multipleChoiceView];
currentView = multipleChoiceView;
case kOpenEnded:
[[self view] addSubview:openEndedView];
currentView = openEndedView;
// etc.
Where multipleChoice view and openEndedView are UIView outlets in your QuizController connected to the views you designed in IB. You may need to mess with the position of your view within the parent view before you add it to get it to display in the right place, but you can do this with calls to -setBounds/-setFrame and/or -setCenter on the UIView.
Yeah, IB on iPhone really wants File's Owner to be a UIViewController subclass, which makes what you want to a bit tricky. What you can do is load the nib against an existing UIViewController instead of instantiating one using the nib:
#implementation QuizController
- (void) loadCustomViewFromNib:(NSString *)viewNibName {
(void)[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:viewNibName owner:self options:nil];
That will cause the runtime to load the nib, but rather than creating a new view controller to connect the actions and outlets it will use what you pass in as owner. Since we pass self in the view defined in that nib will be attached to whatever IBOutlet you have it assigned to after the call.