smulwb assembly instruction - objective-c

I'm trying to understand this code:
inline SInt32 smul32by16(SInt32 i32, SInt16 i16)
register SInt32 r;
asm volatile("smulwb %0, %1, %2" : "=r"(r) : "r"(i32), "r"(i16));
return r;
Does anybody know what this assembly instruction does?
P.S. I use objective C. and I should understand some code from assembly. That's why it's difficult for me to understand this code.

It does signed 32 bit by signed 16 bit multiplication and returns the top 32 bit of 48 bit result. The b specifies to use the bottom 16bit of the third operand.
So, translating it into pseudo code:
int_48 temp;
temp = i32*i16;
result = temp >> 16;

See here for the description of the ARM SMUL and SMULW instructions:

by using asm you can give assembler commands.
and using volatile for the reason,
volatile for the asm construct, to prevent GCC from deleting the asm statement as unused
see this link for better understanding
command inside ask instruction means :
SMULWB R4, R5, R3 ; Multiplies R5 with the bottom halfword of R3,
; extracts top 32 bits and writes to R4.


Valgrind reports "invalid write" at "X bytes below stack pointer"

I'm running some code under Valgrind, compiled with gcc 7.5 targeting an aarch64 (ARM 64 bits) architecture, with optimizations enabled.
I get the following error:
==3580== Invalid write of size 8
==3580== at 0x38865C: ??? (in ...)
==3580== Address 0x1ffeffdb70 is on thread 1's stack
==3580== 16 bytes below stack pointer
This is the assembly dump in the vicinity of the offending code:
388640: a9bd7bfd stp x29, x30, [sp, #-48]!
388644: f9000bfc str x28, [sp, #16]
388648: a9024ff4 stp x20, x19, [sp, #32]
38864c: 910003fd mov x29, sp
388650: d1400bff sub sp, sp, #0x2, lsl #12
388654: 90fff3f4 adrp x20, 204000 <_IO_stdin_used-0x4f0>
388658: 3dc2a280 ldr q0, [x20, #2688]
38865c: 3c9f0fe0 str q0, [sp, #-16]!
I'm trying to ascertain whether this is a possible bug in my code (note that I've thoroughly reviewed my code and I'm fairly confident it's correct), or whether Valgrind will blindly report any writes below the stack pointer as an error.
Assuming the latter, it looks like a Valgrind bug since the offending instruction at 0x38865c uses the pre-decrement addressing mode, so it's not actually writing below the stack pointer.
Furthermore, at address 0x388640 a similar access (and again with pre-decrement addressing mode) is performed, yet this isn't reported by Valgrind; the main difference being the use of an x register at address 0x388640 versus a q register at address 38865c.
I'd also like to draw attention to the large stack pointer subtraction at 0x388650, which may or may not have anything to do with the issue (note this subtraction makes sense, given that the offending C code declares a large array on the stack).
So, will anyone help me make sense of this, and whether I should worry about my code?
The code looks fine, and the write is certainly not below the stack pointer. The message seems to be a valgrind bug, possibly #432552, which is marked as fixed. OP confirms that the message is not produced after upgrading valgrind to 3.17.0.
code declares a large array on the stack
should [I] worry about my code?
I think it depends upon your desire for your code to be more portable.
Take this bit of code that I believe represents at least one important thing you mentioned in your post:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
long long foo (long long sz, long long v) {
long long arr[sz]; // allocating a variable on the stack
arr[sz-1] = v;
return arr[sz-1];
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
long long n = atoll(argv[1]);
long long v = foo(n, n);
printf("v = %lld\n", v);
$ uname -mprsv
Darwin 20.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.5.0: Sat May 8 05:10:33 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195.121.3~9/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 i386
$ gcc test.c
$ a.out 1047934
v = 1047934
$ a.out 1047935
Segmentation fault: 11
$ uname -snrvmp
Linux localhost.localdomain 3.19.8-100.fc20.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 12 17:08:50 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64
$ gcc test.c
$ ./a.out 2147483647
v = 2147483647
$ ./a.out 2147483648
v = 2147483648
There are at least some minor portability concerns with this code. The amount of allocatable stack memory for these two environments differs significantly. And that's only for two platforms. Haven't tried it on my Windows 10 vm but I don't think I need to because I got bit by this one a long time ago.
Beyond OP issue that was due to a Valgrind bug, the title of this question is bound to attract more people (like me) who are getting "invalid write at X bytes below stack pointer" as a legitimate error.
My piece of advice: check that the address you're writing to is not a local variable of another function (not present in the call stack)!
I stumbled upon this issue while attempting to write into the address returned by yyget_lloc(yyscanner) while outside of function yyparse (the former returns the address of a local variable in the latter).

Assembly x86 - variable assignment

Assume I have a variable called Block_Size and without initialization.
Block_Size db ?
mov DS:Block_Size, 1
be equal to
Block_Size db 1
No, Block_Size db ? has to go in the BSS or data section, not mixed in with your code.
If you wrote
Block_Size db ?
mov DS:Block_Size, 1
your code would crash. ? isn't really uninitialized, it's actually zeroed. So then the CPU decoded the instructions starting at my_function (e.g. after some other code ran call my_function), it would actually decode the 0 as code. (IIRC, opcode 0 is add, and then the opcode of the mov instruction would be decoded as the operand byte of add (ModR/M).)
Try assembling it, and then use a disassembler to show you how it would decode, along with the hex dump of the machine code.
db assembles a byte into the output file at the current position, just like add eax, 2 assembles 83 c0 02 into the output file.
You can't use db the way you declare variable in C
void foo() {
unsigned char Block_size = 1;
A non-optimizing compiler would reserve space on the stack for Block_size. Look at compiler asm output if you're curious. (But it will be more readable if you enable optimization. You can use volatile to force the compiler to actually store to memory so you can see that part of the asm in optimized code.)
Maybe related: Assembly - .data, .code, and registers...?
If you wrote
Block_size db ?
mov [Block_size], 1
it would be somewhat like this C:
unsigned char Block_size;
void set_blocksize(void) {
Block_size = 1;
If you don't need something to live in memory, don't use db or dd for it. Keep it in registers. Or use Block_size equ 1 to define a constant, so you can do stuff like mov eax, Block_size + 4 instead of mov eax, 5.
Variables are a high-level concept that assembly doesn't really have. In asm, data you're working with can be in a register or in memory somewhere. Reserving static storage for it is usually unnecessary, especially for small programs. Use comments to keep track of what you put in which register.
db literally stands for "define byte" so it will put the byte there, where the move command can have you place a particular value in a register overwriting whatever else was there.

Setup / Errors with Floating Point on TI AM3517 Cortex-A8

I'm getting an undefined instruction exception when executing:
0xED2D8B0E VPUSH {D8-D14}
(Note: The statement was generated by the compiler as part of C language function entry protocol.)
Initialization code:
;; Initialize VFP (if needed).
MRC p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #2 ; r1 = Access Control Register
ORR r1, r1, #(0xf << 20) ; enable full access for p10,11
MCR p15, #0, r1, c1, c0, #2 ; Access Control Register = r1
MOV r1, #0
MCR p15, #0, r1, c7, c5, #4 ; flush prefetch buffer because of FMXR below
; and CP 10 & 11 were only just enabled
; Enable VFP itself
MOV r0,#0x40000000
I get the undefined exception when the target FPU is set up as VFPv3 or VFPV3 + NEON.
The initialization code is placed in the "cstartup.c" file, at the __iar_program_start and ?cstartup code, following this code snippet:
MRC p15,0,R1,C1,C0,0
AND R1,R1,R0
ORR R1,R1,#(1<<12)
MCR p15,0,R1,C1,C0,0
Registers (before VPUSH):
CPSR: 0x80000113
APSR: 0x80000000
SPSR: 0x000001D3
IAR Embedded Workbench IDE & Compiler - 7.40
I-Jet debugging probe
Zoom AM3517 eval board
TI AM35X Cortex-A8 processor
In the initialization code above, which statements are required for
NEON and which for VFP?
Are there any initialization instructions I'm missing for NEON and
VFP initialization?
Are there statements I need to place in the macro file for the debug
The code presented in the question correctly initializes the floating point processor on a Cortex-A8 processor.
The issue of getting undefined instruction exception (which led up to this question), was caused by the O.S. writing an invalid value to the FPEXC register, causing the Floating Point Processor to be disabled.

enter low power mode within u-boot, wake up on interrupt

I try to implement a low power "deep sleep" functionality into uboot on button press. Button press is handled by linux and a magic code is set to make u-boot aware of the stay asleep do not reboot"
printf ("\nDisable interrupts to restore them later\n");
rupts = disable_interrupts();
printf ("\nEnable interrupts to enable magic wakeup later\n");
printf ("\nSuspending. Press button to restart\n");
while(probe_button()/*gpio probe*/){
#if 1
//FIXME recheck if that one actually needs an unmasked interrupt or any is ok
__asm__ __volatile__(
"mcr p15, 0, %0, c7, c0, 4\n" /* read cp15 */
"mov %0, %0"
: "=r" (tmp)
: "memory"
udelay (10000);
if (rupts) {
printf ("\nRe-Enabling interrupts\n");
Unfortunatly the power dissipation does not change at all (got power dissipation measurment tied to the chip), no matter if hotspinning is used or not. Beyond that, if I use the Wait-For-Interrupt CP15 instruction, it never wakes up. The button is attached to one of the GPIOs. The plattform is Marvell Kirkwood ARM9EJ-S based.
I enabled some CONFIG_IRQ_* manually, and create implementation for arch_init_irq() aswell as do_irq(), I think there is my issue.
According to the CP15 instruction docs it should be just enough that a interrupt gets triggered (no matter if masked or not!).
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong or what needs to be done beyond the code above?
Thanks a lot in advance!
I'm not sure if it is the only reason your aproach isn't working on power saving but your inline assembly isn't correct. According to this article you need to execute:
MOV R0, #0
MCR p15, 0, r0, c7, c0, 4
but your inline assembly
__asm__ __volatile__(
"mcr p15, 0, %0, c7, c0, 4\n" /* read cp15 */
"mov %0, %0"
: "=r" (tmp)
: "memory"
0: ee073f90 mcr 15, 0, r3, cr7, cr0, {4}
4: e1a03003 mov r3, r3
8: e12fff1e bx lr
I am not sure what's your intent but mov r3, r3 doesn'αΊ— have any effect. So you are making coprocessor call with a random value. You also need to set r3 (ARM source register for mcr) before mcr call. Btw when you put 'memory' in clobber list it means
... will cause GCC to not keep memory values cached in registers across the assembler instruction and not optimize stores or loads to that memory.
Try this line,
asm("MOV R0, #0\n MCR p15, 0, r0, c7, c0, 4" : : : "r0");
it produces
c: e3a00000 mov r0, #0 ; 0x0
10: ee070f90 mcr 15, 0, r0, cr7, cr0, {4}
For power saving in general, I would recommend this article at ARM's web site.
Bonus section:
A small answer to your claim on backward compability of this coprocessor supplied WFI:
ARMv7 processors (including Cortex-A8, Cortex-A9, Cortex-R4 and Cortex-M3) all implement the WFI instruction to enter "wait for interrupt" mode. On these processors, the coprocessor write used on earlier processors will always execute as a NOP. It is therefore possible to write code that will work across ARMv6K, ARMv6T2 and all profiles of ARMv7 by executing both the MCR and WFI instruction, though on ARM11MPCore this will cause "wait for interrupt" mode to be entered twice. To write fully portable code that enters "wait for interrupt" mode, the CPUID register must be read at runtime to determine whether "wait for interrupt" is available and the instruction needed to enter it.

Add two 32-bit integers in Assembler for use in VB6

I would like to come up with the byte code in assembler (assembly?) for Windows machines to add two 32-bit longs and throw away the carry bit. I realize the "Windows machines" part is a little vague, but I'm assuming that the bytes for ADD are pretty much the same in all modern Intel instruction sets.
I'm just trying to abuse VB a little and make some things faster. So as an example of running direct assembly in VB, the hex string "8A4C240833C0F6C1E075068B442404D3E0C20800" is the assembly code for SHL that can be "injected" into a VB6 program for a fast SHL operation expecting two Long parameters (we're ignoring here that 32-bit longs in VB6 are signed, just pretend they are unsigned).
Along those same lines, what is the hex string of bytes representing assembler instructions that will do the same thing to return the sum of two 32-bit unsigned integers?
The hex code above for SHL is, according to the author:
mov eax, [esp+4]
mov cl, [esp+8]
shl eax, cl
ret 8
I spit those bytes into a file and tried unassembling them in a windows command prompt using the old debug utility, but I figured out it's not working with the newer instruction set because it didn't like EAX when I tried assembling something but it was happy with AX.
I know from comments in the source code that SHL EAX, CL is D3E0, but I don't have any reference to know what the bytes are for instruction ADD EAX, CL or I'd try it. (Though I know now that the operands have to be the same size.)
I tried flat assembler and am not getting anything I can figure out how to use. I used it to assemble the original SHL code and got a very different result, not the same bytes. Help?
I disassembled the bytes you provided and got the following code:
(__TEXT,__text) section
00000000 movb 0x08(%esp),%cl
00000004 xorl %eax,%eax
00000006 testb $0xe0,%cl
00000009 jne 0x00000011
0000000b movl 0x04(%esp),%eax
0000000f shll %cl,%eax
00000011 retl $0x0008
Which is definitely more complicated than the source code the author provided. It checks that the second operand isn't too large, for example, which isn't in the code you showed at all (see Edit 2, below, for a more complete analysis). Here's a simple stdcall function that adds two arguments together and returns the result:
mov 4(%esp), %eax
add 8(%esp), %eax
ret $8
Assembling that gives me this output:
(__TEXT,__text) section
00000000 8b 44 24 04 03 44 24 08 c2 08 00
I hope those bytes do what you want them to!
Edit: Perhaps more usefully, I just did the same in C:
int f(int a, int b)
return a + b;
Compiled with -Oz and -fomit-frame-pointer it generates exactly the same code (well, functionally equivalent, anyway):
$ gcc -arch i386 -fomit-frame-pointer -Oz -c -o example.o example.c
$ otool -tv example.o
(__TEXT,__text) section
00000000 movl 0x08(%esp),%eax
00000004 addl 0x04(%esp),%eax
00000008 retl $0x0008
The machine code output:
$ otool -t example.o
(__TEXT,__text) section
00000000 8b 44 24 08 03 44 24 04 c2 08 00
Sure beats hand-writing assembly code!
Edit 2:
#ErikE asked in the comments below what would happen if a shift of 32 bits or greater was attempted. The disassembled code at the top of this answer (for the bytes provided in the original question) can be represented by the following higher-level code:
unsigned int shift_left(unsigned int a, unsigned char b)
if (b > 32)
return 0;
return a << b;
From this logic it's pretty easy to see that if you pass a value greater than 32 as the second parameter to the shift function, you'll just get 0 back.