OLAP Cube deployment issues - sql

I'm really new to this, so I am probably making a simple mistake.
I need to make an OLAP cube using a remote database.
After I set up the dimensions and measures and create the cube, I can not get the cube to launch to the local server.
I keep getting the error,
"The project could not be deployed to the 'localhost' server because of the following connectivity problems : A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running. To verify or update the name of the target server, right-click on the project in Solution Explorer, select Project Properties, click on the Deployment tab, and then enter the name of the server."
However, the local SQL server is running(from as far as I can tell), and I have no idea on how to go about fixing this. I've tried replacing "localhost" with "." and the IP, but that hasn't worked either.
Here's the guide I was following:
Maybe the SQL Server isn't really running? How can I check?
Or am I skipping over something important when I try to process the cube?

you need to deploy the cube to a SSAS instance. See here I have the SQL Server instance and the SSAS instance (check the icon to see the difference):
you can check if you have it running on the services:
if you dont have it, yo ucan install from the sql server installation CD

You need to change the target Server name as the remote sql server name or ip.
In BIDS right click on your project solution and select properties window. There you can give the server name as given below figure.
Hope it helps...

OLAP cubes will not deploy to a SQL server instance. They must be deployed to an Analysis Services instance. It will be listed as 'SQL Server Analysis Services' in your service list.

This is what solved it for me:
Copy the connection from the MSSQL Server Management Studio:
Project > Properties > Deployment > Paste:

"localhost" refers to the machine you are running the Business Intelligence Studio from.
You say you want to deploy to a remote server, so replace localhost with the server name or the ip address (e.g. "")

to deploy a cube AS you need an SQL instance as source, and an SSAS instance as destination.

I got the same error while following that tutorial. I solved it by:
Double Clicking the Project Data Source
In the Impersonation Information Tab, I entered the credentials for the Windows user instead of using the service account.
Make sure you have the proper Server\Instance name instead of local host in the project deployment server.

One more reason can be Express version of SQL Server. Only standard version has Analysis Service.

In Microsoft SQL server go to registered servers and click on:
Analysis services icon -> open local server groups
Click right on your username for the server and
service control -> start
It will work ;)


Not able to connect to local SQL Server 2008

I have just recently downloaded and installed SQL Server 2008 on my laptop. I want to login using my local details.
I tried like this in my image below
but I get this error:
Kindly let me know how to connect it as I am new for doing first time installation.
There are many reasons..few listed below
Instance name may be incorrect..So try searching for all the available instances ..when you are connecting from local ,you can check that easily by try clicking on server name drop down and browse for more and clicking database engines
Once instance name is correct, you can try checking if SQL Server services are running by opening configuration manager
If SQL Server is running , you may want to check if network protocols are enabled in same configuration manager
One more reason could be SQL Server browser service not running..this helps you to connect to right instance when you have multiple instances running on same box and you don't specify port number while connecting
Do the following to troubleshoot:
Go into sql server connection manager and check if sql server services is running. If it is not running then start it.
If it is running, right click it and open it.
Copy name of instance from and paste that name in management studio connection window.
If you still get error try connecting it with ‘.’ In server name in ssms connection window.
If its still not working, go in sql server connection manager and check protocols. Check if named pipe protocol is enabled. If not enabled, enable named pipe protocol.
If you follow above steps you should fix the error you are getting.

How to create Tabular Project for Analysis Services using REMOTE workspace server

I am trying to create a Visual Studio SSAS Tabular project connecting to a remote workspace server without success. I have no problem creating and deploying using localhost.
However I need the remote server to deploy to production or shared development server. I get error: "Cannot deploy model to the deployment database server 'xxxx.cloudapp.net'. Reason: You are not an Administrator on the deployment database server 'xxxx.cloudapp.net'."
I know I am reaching the server as otherwise the error is about not connecting to the server. I am already running Visual Studio as mydomain\adminuser and added it to the Analysis Server to make it administrator. However I am still getting that error. I can also connect remotely to the Analysis Server in Management Studio using that same user.
All the examples I've seen use localhost but have not found any using a shared/remote server even though some say it is possible without showing how. By the way, I understand using a local instance is better for development but I still need to deploy to a remote server. Hope that makes sense. Please help.
I ran into the same issue when trying to deploy a SSAS Tabular model remotely. The corresponding MSFT docs further even discourages to deploy to production via Visual Studio.
But, a viable alternative is to deploy via XMLA:
Create your SSAS Tabular Model in Visual Studio and use your local SSAS instance for your workspace database
Launch SSMS connecting to your local SSAS instance
Right-click on your workspace database, and select Script > Script Database As > CREATE to > File
Open the generated XMLA file, and a) replace the temporary workspace database name with the database name on the deployment server, and b) search for the database connection string and re-add the password (see the note here)
Launch SSMS connecting to your deployment SSAS instance
Open the XMLA file, and Execute it (by pressing F5)
Refresh the list of databases, right-click on the new one, and select Process Database
In case you already have a deployed database, then you need to select the ALTER to option instead of CREATE to in step 3 above.

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 no database engines

I just installed MS SQL Server 2012 (Express). I went through the whole install process from SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe (other things were already installed) with checking all the checkboxes, so I thought I had everything necessary.
When I try to connect to .\sqlexpress, I get a message saying "Cannot connect to .\sqlexpress". See below for message detail, I copied it from another question because mine is in Dutch :-)
Cannot connect to .\sqlexpress
I did some research through my friends Google and Stackoverflow, but none of the solutions work.
1. There is nothing in Database Engine -> Local Server Groups -> Register Local Servers (it says "No local servers of type "Database Engine" were found"
2. I cannot restart the services as I only have one "SQL related" service (SQL Server VSS Writer)
3. There are no services listed in Sql Server Configuration Manager -> SQL Server Services
Does anybody know what's wrong? Please let me know if you need additional details.
Thanks, a SQL Server newbie
The SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe as the name says only contains SQL Server Management Studio, which is the GUI used to manage servers. It does NOT includes any DB engine or anything else but the client tool, so it's normal that you don't have the service installed.
Look at the downloads at the official download website. The file named SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe or SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe are the full installs that includes both the client tools and database engine together. It's normally the best possible download I can think of from all the choices.
If I recall correct the file SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe only contains the management tools and not the server software. You need to download another file (SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe if you want the complete package with server and reporting services etc.).
See this page for more information
I assumed that you have completed whole installation process without any error.
It may possible that you have installed it with another instance name and possibly because of that you are getting this message.
Following thing you have to check.
Try to access on Same machine where you have installed SQL Server using Management studio.
Start menu or Search for SQL Server Configuration tool. At that tool you will find SQL server instance. name.
Make sure that your instance is running mode.
Which authentication mode you have choose during installation and take proper step during making connection
If above step will not work then please provide more detail.
You need to Download the SQL Server Express Edition with the Advanced Services option.
ADV - with advanced services (reporting services)

Connection failing when I try to process a cube in BIDS

There is probably a simple answer to this question but I do not have much experience with SQL Server/SSAS. I can connect to my local server PCNAME\SQLEXPRESS in SQL Server 2008. On that server I have made a database, some dimension tables, and a fact table that I intend to build a cube from.
I have been following tutorials on the internet on how to build a cube. I can successfully make a data source that connects to PCNAME\SQLEXPRESS, as well as make a data source view from it.
The problem is that after I build the cube, I get A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running. and cannot process the cube. BIDS is displaying the star schema of my tables just fine, recognizes the relationships via foreign keys, etc... so I figured the server was running since it could access all of that data.
Does anyone know why this is happening, and if my server really isn't running can someone tell me how to start it? I am using SQL Server 2008 R2.
edit: I just tried to change the server name to PCNAME\SQLEXPRESS instead of localhost in the Properties->Deployment option menu. I get A connection cannot be made to redirector. Ensure that 'SQL Browser' is running.
I solved this problem - for people that find this page on Google in the future: when I first installed SQL Server, the SSAS part failed to install. I uninstalled SQL Server and when I reinstalled, I looked deeper into the issue. Apparently one of the services needed to run SSAS has a weird bug where it cannot be started if your Event Log is full. I finished the installation of SQL Server, cleared my Event Log (Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer -> Click Each Log and go to Action -> Clear All Events), and then started the SSAS service in the SQL Configuration Manager.
You can start by going to "Programs->Microsoft SQL Server 2008->Configuration Tools->SQL Server Configuration Manager". Once there, you need to start the services "SQL Server", "SQL Server Analysis Services", and maybe try starting "SQL Server Browser", though I believe that is not necessary.

When trying to access a SQL Server 2008 server in my domain, I get a "server not found or was not accessible" error

When setting up a system that requires a remote computer to access SQL 2008 stored on another computer in the same domain, I'm running into the following error:
The server was not found or was not accessible.
Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server
is configured to allow remote connections.
When I installed SQL Server, I was sure I set up the system just so. How can I troubleshoot this?
I appreciate this thread is old now and already has an accepted answer, but I found a slightly different solution with regards to this issue that others may find useful. From reading this issue description I found that there were two SQL Server services in the standard Windows Local Services control panel: MSSQLSERVER and SQLEXPRESS (see below).
I found that SQLEXPRESS was running, but MSSQLSERVER was not. So I simply started that service, and I was able to connect to SQL Server again.
A couple of things to try...
check the Configuration settings to ensure that the TCP protocol is enabled.
try accessing the remote server via IP instead of the server name, this has worked for me in the past (oddly).
I'm assuming its running on the default port, if it isnt then you will need to specify the port number after the server-name / ip separated by a comma:
Look at the name of the SQL server instance and make sure it is what you are using to connect to it. Also, look at the SQL Server Network Configuration under Configuration Tools. I worte an article about a very similar problem (if not the same) here:
Having had this a few times even with named pipes the first thing I always try is pre-pending the server name before the named instance; so SERVER\namedinstance. You can manually overwrite the dropdown values in the connect . So ideally in the setup it should have a brief tip below the named instance box like Enter SERVER\namedinstance. Although knowing MS if you entered this you'd probably end up with SERVER\SERVER\namedinstance...!
You can also use the browse option (bottom of server dropdown) and if you're lucky it may be in the 2nd tab (Network Servers) - even if it's a local install.
The program you are running needs to be running under an account which has access to the network (and depending on protocol chosen, may need access to the SQL Server by role or whatever). This error indicates that it is not finding the server on the network by name or IP.
The most common case I have seen this is when you have a web app running under a local account which does not have network access attempting to access SQL Server on another machine.
If you have access to the server that SQL Server is running on, you can try:
-Opening SQL Server Configuration Manager
-In the left pane, click 'SQL Server Network Configuration' and then 'Protocols for [instance name, possibly SQLEXPRESS]'
-Right click TCP/IP again and you'll see the port used. Mine was listed under IPAll/TCP Dynamic Port.
-In SQL Server Management studio add the port name to your connection string as follows:
if you were connecting to:
the port is specified as