VB.NET Active Reports - vb.net

I have a VB active report which has many different attributes. The report contains attributes area, balance, id and status and is currently grouped my area. What I need to do now is remove all lines from the report where the balance is equal to 0 and the status equal to deactive. The information for the active report is from my database. Thus I think the best way would be to only select records where the balance is not 0 and status not equal to deactive. Is there a way I can query my database and have the active report be based off the query results? Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks for any help.

Yes, the best way to do this is to change the query so that only the minimum records you need are actually coming into the report. The Modify Data Sources at Run Time topic from the documentation shows how to modify that SQL statement in the code dynamically at runtime.
If you can hard-code the SQL query for the report you should probably just modify the SQL at design time inside the designer. This Bind Reports to a Data Source topic shows you how to do that.
You can also programatically control the visibility of fields/textboxes based on the data using the Format event of the section containing those controls (most likely Detail_Format), but it sounds to me like modifying the SQL query is your best bet.


SSRS 2008 Add value to parameter resultset

We implemented a new system. Read-only access to the database. Writing reports for current and historical data. Using drill through report to display location and number of people there. Select the count of the location and go to details.
I query the location table to populate a parameters values. This works properly.
What I want is to ADD "Pre-Implementation" to the Parameters result set to cover the NULLS that exist because the data was before the implementation date. The phrase needs to appear in the drop-down list of locations so the user can select it. The phrase listed above needs to appears on the report. How would you do this?
What I have tried:
Have query that returns "Pre-Implementation" along with active locations for the time period. SSRS will not display as a choice in a drill through report.

How do I get the index of each record displayed on crystal reports?

I'm developing winform application using vb.net. I use crystal report in my application. Now i need to store the index of each record that is displaying in current report into database. Then i create another report which displays the index of all the records. My plan is to read the page number of each record and save them on database. I have a group field in the report. I don't know how to scan one by one record and get appropriate page number. I tried the following code to get the field value but did not work.
It displayed the formula of that field.
I don't know in which order the records fetched using following.
Please Help me out....
The way your question reads, it sounds like you're trying to generate an "index" for the order records appear in a report and store that index in a database for use in another report. I am not clear at all what you're trying to do with the page number.
In any case, I need to make something clear: the definition of the report (which you're accessing in your code sample) only represents where data will go when the report is formatted - it is not the actual data itself.
At the most basic level, Crystal Reports takes data out of a database and formats it nicely for you on pages. Rather than trying to take data out of a database, put it into a report, then try to read that report to put it back in a database to make another report, why not just do all your data manipulation at the database level itself before going to a report in the first place?
If you really must have that first report, the easiest option you'll have for getting at the formatted data is to export it to excel and access it programmatically through an Excel API - Crystal Reports doesn't have an API for getting at your formatted data (including things like generated page numbers, whatever you're trying to do with them).
You are trying to break few basic rules. For example a report should never change the data. The right way is to handle data processing in a stored procedure or command and to call the report in a separate process. In such way you will be able to control the data change and data visualization separately.
P.S. You probably mean "Identifier" not "Index"

Access: Workarounds for updating data in not updatable query?

tldr: Can not update records from query because of aggregate functions. What workarounds do you suggest?
I have a table containing decision criteria to which a user can assign a relative weight. I calculate the absolute weight in an SQL query using an aggregate function (as described here Divide the value of each row by the SUM of this column).
name relative_weight absolute_weight (calculated)
price 2 50 %
quality 1 25 %
experience 1 25 %
I would like to present the query result in a form, where the user can update the relative weights, and then sees the absolute_weights.
However, the query results are not updatable, because the query involves an aggregate function.
What alternative methods or workarounds could I use, so that a user can edit relative_weights and view absolute_weights as a kind of visual feedback?
I read about temporary tables here http://www.fmsinc.com/MicrosoftAccess/query/non-updateable/index.html but I'm not sure, how to implement this.
Maybe I could also create an additional "edit form" based on a simple query, that is automatically invoked when the user selects a record in qryDecisionCriteria data?
Or maybe just display data from two queries (one updatable, one with the calculated field) next to each other in the form?
Which options would you recommend and why?
Make the Record Source for the form the updatable base query. In the text box which shows the calculated absolute weight set the control source to
=DSum("relative_weight","<base table name>")/Forms!<Form Name>!relative_weight
You'll need to be sure that you do two things with this
When you drag fields onto a form in Access it makes the name of the control the same as the control source column. this is really annoying and can cause a lot of headaches. Rename your control to something like txtColumnName. That way Forms!<Form Name>!relative_weight is guaranteed to reference the field and not the textbox.
in the AfterChange event for the relative_weight textbox you should add an event handler in which the following code is run
This will make sure the formula is recalculated whenever someone changes a weight. Otherwise they need to hit F5.

Display row with condition in Pentaho Report Designer

Assume I have one data set with following fields:
Name, Amount, Time, etc
How can I display only those records with Amount > 100, for example?
Since I need this data set for other report, I can't filter these records when I prepare data set.
I searched around, but couldn't find any answer. I will really appreciate if anyone can help.
By the way, I used Pentaho Report Designer 3.9.
Thanks a lot.
Yes, you can.
You have to find your Details Band - not Details Body -, within your Report Structure, and set up the Style Attribute visible the expression:
Besides, if you want your summaries to consider only the shown data, you can also add an Open Formula function field, that would say:
And you'd summarize it at the end of the report.
Here's the link with the full example built to your situation.

Access Database

I need help in creating an query interface with access database.
In brief, with this query interface I want to see calculated future dates for different steps of a process based on the date the process actually started.
The future dates will always be at a fixed number of days after the start date. I hope I am able to explain this in an understandable manner.
I was thinking of using access forms? Please help me in this. I am not sure of how to proceed with this.
If your data is already in MS Access, then using Access Forms would be your easiest method of displaying that data. If the data is elsewhere, such as in Sql Server, you may be better suited in the long run using a different display technology.
That being said, to select a number of dates, as you would do in Access, you can use the Date Add function. If you had a table Processes with a column StartDate, you could use the query
SELECT *, DateAdd("d",5,StartDate) as "5 Days", DateAdd("d",36,StartDate) as "36 Days"
FROM Processes
to generate a record set to bind your form to. Binding that query to a new form is easy. You just need to change the record source by:
Right click anywhere blank in your new form
Select Properties
Change to the data tab
Click the button next to the text box labeled "Record Source"
Build your query using the built in editor (or, to paste the given SQL, right click in the designer view and select SQL view, then paste)
Close the query building dialog and use your new fields. You can drag them from the field list onto the design surface.