How do I use functions from my file.c in Objective C - objective-c

How can I use functions from my file.c in Objective C
I tried #include < file.c > in file2.m where I want to call this functions and got Lexical or Prepocesor Issue < file.c > not found and when I use #include "file" i got Apple Mach-O Linker (ID) Error. Same errors when I use #import instead of #include.

If in "file.m" you have a function like this:
void hello()
printf("Hello world!");
You also have to create a header file possibly called "file.h" in which you only declare the function but don't actually implement it;
void hello();
Then you have to #import or #include thw file.h file from file2.m.

Does your file.c have a file.h with the function declarations? You will want to #include that, and also make sure that file.c is compiled and linked in.


Header file inclusion doesn't work in MPLAB X IDE

screenshot of my code and error data
This is my main.c file
#include "services_initialisations_prototype.h"
#include "services_functions_prototype.h"
void main(void)
updateMatrix(404, 1);
this is my services_initialisations_prototype.h
#include <xc.h> // include processor files - each processor file is guarded.
#include <stdint.h>
//these are my function declarations
extern void initInterrupt();
extern void initIoc();
extern void initAdc();
extern void initTimer2();
extern void initSfr();
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
this is my services_functions_prototype.h
#include <xc.h> // include processor files - each processor file is guarded.
#include <stdint.h>
//these are my function declarations
extern void updateMatrix(int, int);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
When I try to include two header files in MPLAB X IDE version 4.05, it seems like it is not identifying the second header file. i tried swapping the order, but still the second one is not detected.
The services_initialisation_prototype.h contains initialisations of SFRs and services_functions_prototype.h contains prototypes of other functions. these functions are independent of each other.
when i compile, it is showing that
function updateMatrix() is declared as implicit int.
conflicting declarations for variable _updateMatrix()
which shows that the header file services_functions_prototype is not identified.
the screenshot attached shows the code in services_functions_prototype.h in grey color, and it seems that part of code is not executed.
When I copied the whole declarations from header file to my main file, it is working perfectly fine.
You used the same include guard in both files. Because one file is included before the other, it defines XC_HEADER_TEMPLATE_H which makes #ifndef fail in the second file. Change them to something unique. Wiki include guard.
Remember that identifiers with two leading underscores or identifiers with a leading underscore and an upper case letter are reserved by C standard. Good documentation online is in gcc reserved names.
Empty parameter list in function declaration declares a function that takes unknown count and type of parameters. Prefer explicitly writing void inside function parameter list to define a function that takes no argument, to enable compiler static checking. Ie. do void initInterrupt(void);. cppreference function declaration
Identifiers declared at file scope are implicitly with external linkage. Ie. externis just redundant., just void initSfr(void); instead of extern void initSfr(); cppreference storage-class
The extern "C" { part makes no sense in your headers - there is nothing inside it. It's typicall to put extern "C" { on top of the header file to include everything inside. If your headers would be used by a C++ compiler, the functions names would be mangled and not properly resolved. I believe I would suggest to just remove the extern "C" { part.

Xcode 11 Objective C++ - Can't separate implementation from Header in ObjectiveC++ Project

I have created an Xcode standard Objective-C Project wanting to test integration with C++.
I have renamed my file accordingly to .mm etc.
I have created a C++ Class with a .hpp header and a .cpp imp file.
This is the header
class a {
int anInt = 1;
int getAnInt();
this is the imp
#include "PrismMatricies.hpp"
int a::getAnInt() {return anInt;}
in my file I do this after importing the .hpp header
a ar;
NSLog(#"Some Log %i", ar.getAnInt());
Build Error Code in Xcode =
Undefined symbol: a::getAnInt()
If I move the function definition inside the header like this
class a {
int anInt = 1;
int getAnInt();
int a::getAnInt() {return anInt;}
The project works
Can anyone explain this to me as I simply don't get it
Note that "undefined symbol" is a link error, not a compile error, and your code certainly looks correct.
You will get that error if your .cpp isn't being linked into your build target. Make sure it's included in your build target's "compile sources" list. (You can also check that the target membership box is ticked in the File Inspector utility pane.)

Swift doesn't allow function overloading in objective-c or c headers

I have some swift code, which is not really important in context of question.
Also i have Objective-C bridging header ObjC-Swift-Bridging.h:
#import "my_objective_cpp_header.h"
And i have free C/C++ - style functions in that header:
inline void foo() {
inline void foo(int i) {
When i try to compile it in xcode 9.2 with enabled swift 4.0 i get error:
my_objective_cpp_header.h:29:13: error: redefinition of 'foo'
inline void foo(int i){
my_objective_cpp_header.h:26:13: note: previous definition is here
inline void foo() {
ObjC-Swift-Bridging.h:22:9: note: in file included from ObjC-Swift-Bridging.h:22:
#import "my_objective_cpp_header.h"
The same happens if i put these functions to C/C++ header and write
#include "my_cpp_header.h"
into ObjC-Swift-Bridging.h
So... Swift doesn't support code which was supported in Objective-C++? Did i miss something?

Linker error calling C-Function from Objective-C++

I've got a weird linker issue. I have code that looks like so:
double given_amount = self.modelController.levelCompleteRewardAmount;
swrve_currency_given(swrve, (CFStringRef)#"currencyName", given_amount);
I have this code in two separate places: In an objective-c and an objective-c++ file. It compiles fine in objective-C land, but the swrve_currency_given() function causes the following in my file:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"swrve_currency_given(Swrve*, __CFString const*, double)", referenced from:
-[WGController giveTheUserSomeCashForPlayingThisLevel] in WGController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I'm not entirely sure if this error is related to the Obj-C vs. C++ thing, but it feels like it. My theory is that it perhaps thinks that it is a function on the Obj-C class? The 'swrve' code is 3rd party code, one .h and .c file and I'm importing like so:
#import "swrve.h"
Any help is appreciated!
You may need to surround the function prototype with:
#if defined __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void swrve_currency_given (...whatever goes here...);
#if defined __cplusplus
That tells the compiler that it's a C function and not a C++ function.
If you are using c function in c++ file. you should use extern "c"{}.
In .h file
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
swrve_currency_given(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3);// a c function
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" is meant to be recognized by a C++ compiler and to notify
the compiler that the noted function is (or to be) compiled in C
If you're linking to a library that was compiled as C code. use
extern "C" {
#include "c_only_header.h"
Take a look at When to use extern "C" in C++?

Objective-c++ symbol not found strangeness

void hej();
void hej(){}
#import "hej.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
This gives me:
"hej()", referenced from:
_main in main.o
symbol(s) not found
If I rename to main.m (single m), or hej.m to mm or cpp, then it works. (Though none of those "solutions" are preferable. Imagine you want to use a c-lib in a objc++ environment - you wouldn't wanna change the entire lib, maybe even couldn't, and you need to use it in objc++.)
What exactly is going on here?
When compiled in a C file (*.c, *.m), the declaration void hej() generates a linker reference to a C function named _hej. When compiled in a C++ file (*.cc, *.mm, etc.), the declaration generates a linker reference to a C++ 'mangled name', that includes in it a description of the arguments. (This is done to support function overloading, e.g. to differentiate void hej(int) from void hej(char*)). hej.m always creates the C name. When references the C++ name, it won't be found.
To resolve, ensure looks for a C name, not a C++ one. If you control hej.h, it's common to add something like the following, which would work when hej.h is included in either a C or a C++ file:
/* hej.h */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void hej();
#ifdef __cplusplus
If you do not own hej.h, you could do the following in instead:
extern "C" {
#import "hej.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])