One efficient SQL call instead of 500 - sql

In my view, I've got a fiddly loop which creates 500 SQL queries (to get the info for 500 books). How can I avoid lots of SQL queries by loading a variable up in the controller?
My current (pseudo) code:
controller index action:
#books = Book.scoped.where(:client_id =>[:query])
#feature_root = Book.multiple_summary_details_by_category( #books )
#...returns a hash of books
#features = #feature_root.to_a.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 4)
= render :partial => "feature", :locals => { :features => #features }
- features.each_with_index do |(cat_name, array_of_books), i|
= cat_name
- array_of_books[0..10].each do |feature|
= link_to image_tag(feature[:cover], :class => "product_image_tiny"), book_path(feature[:book])
# more code
- array_of_books.sort_by{ |k, v| k["Author"] }.each do |feature|
- feature.each do |heading,value|
= heading + ':'
= value

What have you tried so far? It should be quite easy with standard ActiveRecord queries as documented in
Also, instead of
array_of_books.sort_by{ |k, v| k["Author"] }
try something like
Book.order("author DESC")
(not sure about your exact model here) to let the db do the sorting rather than putting them in an array and let ruby handle it.


Mongoid dynamic query

This must be an easy one, but I'm stuck...
So I'm using Rails#3 with Mongoid and want to dynamically build query that would depend upon passed parameters and then execute find().
Something like
def select_posts
query = :all # pseudo-code here
if (params.has_key?(:author))
query += where(:author => params[:author]) # this is pseudo-code again
if (params.has_key?(:post_date))
query += where(:create_date => params[:post_date]) # stay with me
#post_bodies = []
Post.find(query).each do |post| # last one
#post_bodies << post.body
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => #post_bodies }
You have a few different options to go with here - depending on how complex your actual application is going to get. Using your example directly - you could end up with something like:
query = Post.all
query = query.where(:author => params[:author]) if params.has_key?(:author)
query = query.where(:create_date => params[:post_date]) if params.has_key?(:post_date)
#post_bodies ={|post| post.body}
Which works because queries (Criteria) in Mongoid are chainable.
Alternatively, if you're going to have lots more fields that you wish to leverage, you could do the following:
query = Post.all
fields = {:author => :author, :post_date => :create_date}
fields.each do |params_field, model_field|
query = query.where(model_field => params[params_field]) if params.has_key?(params_field)
#post_bodies ={|post| post.body}
And finally, you can take it one level further and properly nest your form parameters, and name the parameters so that they match with your model, so that your params object looks something like this:
params[:post] = {:author => "John Smith", :create_date => "1/1/1970", :another_field => "Lorem ipsum"}
Then you could just do:
#post_bodies = Post.where(params[:post]).map{|post| post.body}
Of course, with that final example, you'd want to sanitize the input fields - to prevent malicious users from tampering with the behaviour.

Ransack gem choose predicate and custom predicate names

I'm a bit confused with using an advanced ransack search. I'm trying do make a custom search where not all table names can be selected as search terms and not all predicates are used. I used railscast as a tutorial for this but I can't find anything how to limit the number of predicates. Is there also a possibility to use the names of preicates and table fields in different language (just labels)?
My search form
= search_form_for #q, :url => search_offers_path, :html => { :method => :post } do |f|
= f.condition_fields do |c|
= f.attribute_fields do |a|
= a.attribute_select
= f.predicate_select
= f.value_fields do |v|
= v.text_field :value
= link_to "#{t :destroy}", '#', class: "remove_fields"
= link_to_add_fields "#{t :add}", f, :condition
= t :sort
= f.sort_fields do |s|
= s.sort_select
= f.submit "#{t :search}"
My controller
def index
select_offers = Offer.where { (user_id != id) & (ended == false) & ((created_at + life_time ) > }
#q =[:q])
#offers = #q.result(:distinct => true).page(params[:page])
#q.build_sort if #q.sorts.empty?
I have found a solution.
To change predicate labels I used i18n.
asc: "ascending"
desc: "descending"
cont: "contains"
not_cont: "not contains"
start: "starts with"
end: "ends with"
gt: "greater than"
lt: "less than"
There is also a possibility to change the names of attribute fields
model_field1: "field name1"
model_field2: "field name2"
To limit the search predicates instead of
= f.predicate_select
I used
= f.attribute_fields do |a|
= a.attribute_select
= :p, { 'custom predicate name1' => :predicate1, 'custom predicate name2' => :predicate2 }
To limit table search fields I added to model
UNRANSACKABLE_ATTRIBUTES = ["id", "published", "created_at"]
def self.ransackable_attributes auth_object = nil
(column_names - UNRANSACKABLE_ATTRIBUTES) + _ransackers.keys
To limit the predicates in the predicate_select form helper you can pass an array as :only-option:
<%= f.predicate_select only: [:cont, :not_cont, :eq, :not_eq, :blank, :null, :not_null] %>
Unfortunately the element order in the passed array doesn't matter at all so sorting the predicates doesn't work this way.
If you don't like the compounds (_any & _all) or don't even know what they are good for (as I) you can also pass the :compounds-option:
<%= f.predicate_select compounds: false %>
Hope that helped. Ernie did a lot of interesting and amazing stuff so far but their documentations are sort of sticky tape: very, very thin and you'll get stuck if you try to get your hands on it.

complex search with thinking sphinx

I'd like to do a complex search with thinking sphinx:
Search for users which:
-> live in a city (city_id attribute)
-> or has hability to move to a city (mobile_cities association)
-> or live at a maximum distance from a lat/long point, the maximum distance is different for each user and set in a mobility_distance attribute.
For now I did that with 3 differents search, I volontary set a big per_page number, then i merge the 3 results on a single array, an then paginate this array :
#users living in the #city
search_set_living = search_set.merge({:city_id => })
users_living = :with => search_set_living.dup,
:page => 1, :per_page => 1000
#users declaring hability to move to the #city
search_set_mobile = search_set.merge({:mobile_cities_ids => })
users_mobile = :with => search_set_mobile.dup, :page => 1, :per_page => 1000
#users living at a maximum distance from the origin point(custom distance for each user, max 30km)
search_set_around = search_set.merge({"#geodist" => 0.0..30_000.0})
users_around = :geo => [#search_latitude * Math::PI / 180 , #search_longitude * Math::PI / 180],
:with => search_set_around.dup,
:page => 1, :per_page => 1000
users_around_filtered = users_around.dup.delete_if{|user| (user.mobility_distance * 1000 )< user.sphinx_attributes['#geodist'] }
#merge the 3 results in a array
all_users = (users_mobile.flatten + users_around_filtered.flatten).uniq
#look for facets and paginate the array
#facets = User.facets :with => {:user_id =>}
#users_to_display = all_users.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)
This is working fine but i'm not satisfied:
-performance are not so good,
-I want the ability to sort on multiple attributes like this :order => "created_at DESC, #relevance DESC"
I want to do the exact same search but in a single sphinx's search.
I know that I should use the "OR Logic with Attribute Filters" from the docs but I don't know how to mix it with a geo_search call...
I really have no idea how to do that,
can you guys help me ?
Many thanks,
The :sphinx_select option is definitely your friend here, as you've guessed. Let's piece it together bit by bit:
logic = [
"city_id = #{}",
"IN(mobile_cities_ids, #{}",
"GEODIST(lat, lng, #{lat}, #{lng}) < (mobility_distance * 1000)"
] :sphinx_select => "*, #{logic.join(" OR ")}) AS valid",
:with => {:valid => true}
Add pagination as you like, tweak the attribute names if needed (maybe your lat/lng attributes are named something else). I don't think you need the IF call around that custom attribute like in the docs, but if things aren't working when they should be, maybe give it a shot. Should be good in a facets call too.
Great ! Thank you so much. I just needed to correct a little your syntax (some parenthesis missing) in order to get it work.
I had to add per_page and page arguments too, don't know really why.
logic = ["city_id = #{}",
"IN(mobile_cities_ids, #{})",
"GEODIST(latitude, longitude, #{#search_latitude * Math::PI / 180}, #{#search_longitude * Math::PI / 180}) < (mobility_distance * 1000)"]
search_set_logic = search_set.merge({:valid => true})
#users_to_display = :sphinx_select => "*, (#{logic.join(" OR ")}) AS valid",
:with => search_set_logic.dup,
:sort_mode => :extended,
:order => "visibility DESC, last_login_at DESC",
:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10

How can I pass an object via params in rails?

I'm sure there is a better way to do this, but in my inexperience, I'm having trouble sorting that better way out. I have a link that needs to send and object to controller for processing. It isn't working properly:
<% search_term = "pizza" %>
<% #tag = Tag.find(:all, :conditions => ["name = ?", search_term ]).first %>
<li> <%= link_to(search_term, {:controller => "restaurants", :action => "index", :search_item => #tag}) %> </li>
def index
search_tag = params[:search_item]
#restaurants = Restaurant.search_by_tag(search_tag)
Class Restauarant < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.search_by_tag(search_tag)
search_condition =
#tags = Tag.find(:all, :conditions => [" name = ?", search_condition ])
#tag = #tags.first
#Restaurants = #tag.restaurants
This causes a NoMethodError in ResataurantsController#index
{"searchitem" => "15"}
For some reason, the tag object isn't being passed properly from the home/index.html.erb and is only passing along the Tag-object :id to the restaurants controller. Isn't possible to pass a full object this way. what am I doing wrong?
You can't submit an object through get params like that. Typically, you'll just pass the object's id (which you are already doing), and then do a lookup in the controller:
#tag = Tag.find(params[:search_item])
It would make more sense to rename the "search_item" param to "tag_id".

Will_Paginate and order clause not working

I'm calling a pretty simple function, and can't seem to figure out whats going on. (I'm using rails 3.0.3 and the master branch of 'will_paginate' gem). I have the following code:
results = # returns an array of articles
#search_results = results.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page=>8, :order => order_clause
No matter what I make the order_clause (for example 'article_title desc' and 'article_title asc'), the results are always the same in the same order. So when I check using something like #search_results[0], the element is always the same. In my view, they are obviously always the same as well. Am I totally missing something?
I'm sure its something silly, but I've been banging my head against the wall all night. Any help would be much appreciated!
Edited to Add: The search clause does the following:
category_search(params[:article_category].blank? ? '' : params[:article_category][:name]).
payout_search(params[:payout_direction], params[:payout_value]).
length_search(params[:length_direction], params[:length_value]).
where each of these guys is a searchlogic based function like this:
scope :text_search, lambda {|query|
:joins => "INNER JOIN users ON IN (articles.writer_id, articles.buyer_id)",
:conditions => ["(articles.article_title LIKE :query) OR
(articles.description LIKE :query) OR
(users.first_name LIKE :query) OR
(users.last_name LIKE :query)", { :query => "%#{query}%" }]
scope :distinct, :select => "distinct articles.*"
def self.payout_search(dir, val)
return no_op if val.blank?
send("payment_amount_#{dir.gsub(/\s+/,'').underscore}", val)
def self.length_search(dir, val)
return no_op if val.blank?
send("min_words_#{dir.gsub(/\s+/,'').underscore}", val)
If you look at the example from the will_paginate github page you can spot one important difference between their use of the :order clause and yours:
#posts = Post.paginate :page => params[:page], :order => 'created_at DESC'
This calls paginate on the Post object (with no objects being selected yet - no SQL has been executed before paginate comes along). This is different in your example: as you state in the first line of code "returns an array of articles". The simplest I can come up with showing the problem is
results = Model.limit(5).all
#results = results.paginate :order => :doesnt_matter_anymore
won't sort, but this will:
results = Model.limit(5)
#results = results.paginate :order => :matters
It should suffice to take the all out of the search method. It makes ActiveRecord actually perform the SQL query when calling this method. Will_paginate will do that for you when you call paginate (if you let it...). Check out the section on Lazy Loading in this post about Active Record Query Interface 3.0