specflow fails when trying to generate test execution report - msbuild

I've got a project that's using SpecFlow, NUnit and Coypu to do acceptance tests on a web application. I've got the project building OK via Jenkins on a build server. Jenkins calls a psake script which runs msbuild on the specs project, then the script calls nunit-console to run the specs/tests, and then I want to generate a report from SpecFlow.
Framework "4.0"
task Default -depends RunSpecs
task BuildSpecs {
$env:EnableNuGetPackageRestore = "true"
msbuild /t:Rebuild ReturnsPortal.Specs.csproj
task RunSpecs -depends BuildSpecs {
exec { & "C:\path\to\NUnit 2.5.9\bin\net-2.0\nunit-console-x86.exe" /labels /out=TestResult.txt /xml=TestResult.xml .\bin\Debug\TheWebApp.Specs.dll }
exec { & "C:\path\to\SpecFlow\1.8.1\specflow.exe" nunitexecutionreport TheWebApp.Specs.csproj /out:SpecResult.html }
That last exec call to specflow.exe fails though, with:
The element <ParameterGroup> beneath element <UsingTask> is unrecognized. C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\TheWebApp\workspace\Web\Sites\TheWebApp.nuget\nuget.targets
A bit of googling hints that maybe it's a problem with the msbuild version being used (e.g. here, here). But I have Framework "4.0" in my psake script, and the Specs project is targeting .NET Framework 4.0, and it builds fine in the build step, so I'm not sure why specflow seems to be using an earlier version of msbuild. Or is maybe the problem somewhere else?

This was the answer for me, from the SpecFlow Wiki:
Important for .NET 4.0 projects: Because specflow.exe is compiled for .NET 3.5, it cannot load .NET 4.0 assemblies by default. To generate this report for .NET 4.0 projects, you have to force specflow.exe to use the .NET 4.0 runtime by using the config file. Just copy the config below and create a specflow.exe.config file and put it next to your specflow.exe and you will be able to create the step definition report.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0.30319" />

I attempted to use the config file solution suggested above. It worked for testing locally, but as soon as I pushed my code to our CI environment it choked on it since the CI environment doesn't have that config file. We restrict out CI environment to only use clean versions of the various packages, so we didn't want to try to inject the special config into the CI server.
We noticed that SpecFlow works just fine with several of our .NET 4.0 projects without the special config file. After a little research, the actual 'problem' appears to be NuGet 2.1. Everything works fine for .NET 4.0 projects with NuGet 1.7.
Somewhere between 1.7 and 2.1 NuGet introduced new features in the NuGet.targets file that aren't supported by the older versions of MSBuild. Specifically the problem seems to be the <ParameterGroup> beneath element <UsingTask>, as explained by the error message.
A cursory glance at the targets file indicates that the section is responsible for keeping NuGet up to date. Removing this section completely resolves the issue in the same manner that adding the config file above does, albeit also removing the self-update functionality that is seems to provide. Given that the .targets file is committed to the repository, this solution also works on our CI environment with out any changes on the CI side.
It's not necessarily a better solution than ngm's, it's just a different one. Depending on your environment, this may be a preferable way to go, or perhaps not.


Nunit-console fails to run tests depending on ASP.NET Core dependencies

I have an issue running nUnit Tests that depend on ASP.NET core framework.
They run perfectly fine and green in VisualStudio 2019.
I can also run them in command line using 'dotnet test'. However, whenever I run them using nunit-console I get the following error:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException : Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'.
The system cannot find the file specified.
This only applies to tests which use HttpContext or are mocking the session - so they indeed have dependency on ASP (rest of the tests run fine):
var mockSession = new Mock<ISession>();
// or
var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
All the projects are .net 5.0 and targeting only 5.0. I use nUnit 3.13.2 and NUnit3TestAdapter 4.2.1. I used nunit-consolerunner 3.14
The UnitTest project references my main ASP.NET Core MVC project.
I have tried numerous ways to get those assemblies into the output folder, but this particular one newer is copied and I don't want to do it manually.
I have also tried adding the framework reference to the UnitTest project directly (in csproj), but no help:
<FrameworkReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />
Since nunit-console normally runs in full framework, I have also tried running the core version of it: nunit.consolerunner.netcore (also 3.14). But with the same result.
The command line I'm using:
C:\Users\XXX\.nuget\packages\nunit.consolerunner.netcore\3.14.0\tools\netcoreapp3.1\any\nunit3-console.exe .\bin\Debug\net5.0\MyProject.UnitTests.dll
I also tried the version which was earlier recommended at github for forcing particular runtime to be used:
dotnet.exe --fx-version 5.0.13 "C:\Users\XXX\.nuget\packages\nunit.consolerunner.netcore\3.14.0\tools\netcoreapp3.1\any\nunit3-console.dll" .\bin\Debug\net5.0\MyProject.UnitTests.dll
Is it just a limitation of the not-so-mature yet nunit-consolerunner.netcore. Or maybe it's just missing setup of the project?

How can I get GitVersion /UpdateAssemblyInfo to work with ASP.NET Core 2.0 project

We have been using a Bamboo build server for a while now and we have GitVersion installed so it can be selected as a task in the Build plan. We typically use the /UpdateAssembleInfo argument when we run the task. For .NET Framework projects, this would update the assemblyinfo file in the source with the bamboo versioning settings so the .NET assemblies had the same version info as our Bamboo builds and subsequent Bamboo deployment, allowing us to know the version of the deployed project in the field by examining the assembly file properties. This was all working quite well.
However, we are now building and deploying .NET Core 2.0 solutions and are finding that GitVersion /UpdateAssemblyInfo is not working.
I searched for a fix for .NET Core but was only able to find solutions that involved using the project.json file, which is no longer used with .NET Core 2.0 ( it changed to the *.csproj file).
I looked at http://gitversion.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage/command-line/ and I tried running
gitversion.exe /UpdateAssemblyInfo MyProjectName.AssemblyInfo.cs /EnsureAssemblyInfo
where MyProjectName represents the actual project name suffix for the assemblyinfo.cs file in the .NET Core 2.0 ..\\obj\release\netcoreapp2.0 folder. But it did not update that file.
I have to assume that there has to be a solution for using GitVersion with Bamboo and.NET Core 2.0 but I am having a hard time finding one.
Any ideas?
The latest version of GitVersion provides /updateprojectfiles switch to update version info in the Sdk-style .csproj/.vbproj/.fsproj recursively.
From GitVersion/Usage/CommandLine/Arguments:
Will recursively search for all project files
(.csproj/.vbproj/.fsproj) files in the git repo and update them
Note: This is only compatible with the newer Sdk projects
It produces the needed attributes even if they are not present in the project files, resulting in following properties:
As a workaround, you may consider specifying the assembly info as project properties in .csproj
and then setting values during dotnet build. In addition to its options, the dotnet build command accepts MSBuild options like /property
Set or override the specified project-level properties, where name is the property name and value is the property value. Specify each property separately, or use a semicolon or comma to separate multiple properties.
So your build command will be something like
dotnet build /p:Version=;AssemblyVersion=

An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (...) was not found

I upgraded Microsoft.AspNetCore from 2.0.3 to 2.0.5 and my WebAPI project, although running successfully locally, fails to start in production (IIS). Everything was fine in production until this upgrade. The error message produced in the log directory is as follows:
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (MyProject.WebAPI.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions', version: '2.0.2'
path: 'lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions.dll'
This assembly was expected to be in the local runtime store as the application was published using the following target manifest files:
Could someone explain to me the details of exactly what this means? I assume it's a version mismatch of sorts, but why is this occurring? I thought the latest stable releases of NuGet packages weren't supposed to have such issues.
I was able to resolve the issue by downgrading Microsoft.AspNetCore.All from 2.0.5 to 2.0.3, but would like to find a better solution to the issue so I can use the most up-to-date version of this package.
Development machines usually have the SDK installed but on production the runtime only.
Add the following to your .csproj file and publish again.
Sometimes this is related to the Startup Project, For example if the migration is a class library in Azure Functions project. You have to make sure when you run Add-Migration while the EF Library project is selected as Startup Project.
For me, the marked answer didn't solve the issue. My issue was when trying to Add-Migration
Add-Migration -Name initial-migration -Context Mysln.Data.MyDbContext -StartupProject Mysln -Project Mysln.Core
And the error was like this:
I solved it by downgrading all my Entityframework packages to 2.0.0 instead of the latest 2.2.0-preview one.
If you have more than one project in your solution like me:
and if you want to scaffold dbcontext in your "non startup" project (InstantOrder.Functions.Data in my case)
then you should add the -StartupProject parameter of the Scaffold-DbContext command like this -
Scaffold-DbContext "Server=..." -Project InstantOrder.Functions.Data -StartupProject InstantOrder.Functions.Data
I know this may be old, but just in case it can help some one else, this one worked for me:
To the PropertyGroup in the .csproj file.
To solve the first half of the error message, An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (…) was not found be sure to always use the publish output when deploying to a target sever.
For a self-contained application it can be found in
or for framework-dependent deployments in
The output in the directories above are meant to be used in development only, since they are specific to machine and user configuration built with.
Taken from a related answer.
2 cents: If you just take from the build folder, the dlls for the dependency aren't provided. If you publish the folder, they are. This was the fix for me.
I had this error however my solution was somewhat different from what was posted above. My problem was that I was deploying via a zip file and while building the zip file I wasn't including sub directories therefore required files were not being included.
So if you are publishing via a zip file make sure to include all sub folders while building the zip.
I got this error while running Scaffold-DbContext command on the Library project.
Remove the Azure Function project from the solution, and then run this command.
After that, use add an existing project feature to add the Azure Function project again in the solution.
The correct .NET Core runtime was not installed on my PC. I had NETCore.App 2.1 and 2.2, but the project was targeted to 2.0.
dotnet --list-runtimes
I installed the correct runtime from the dot.net site and it resolved the issue.
In most case you get that error because there's misalignment of versions.
I changed the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design version, an it worked.
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design" Version="3.1.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design" Version="2.2.4" />
This happened to me when I published my Lambda to AWS after renaming the project. I deleted both the obj and bin folders, rebuilt, republished and that fixed it.
I changed filters in Yaml.
Had projects called TestHelper etc...
Testrunner tried to run projects without tests, and the build was flagged as failed.
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
command: 'test'
projects: |

receiving "error ASPPARSE: Could not load type ..." error with msbuild on MVC webapp

We have CCNET and msbuild creating our regular builds. I am trying to update our process so msbuild creates zipped deployment packages and msdeploy sends them out to the target IIS7 web servers. I was having trouble doing the end to end solution, so for testing I'm trying to just call msbuild from the command line for now. I execute this statement:
msbuild /target:Build;Package /P:Configuration=Staging;OutDir=D:\Builds\Viper.ProdSupport\MSDeployPkg\ /verbosity:diagnostic D:\builds\ViperPortal.ProdSupport\Code\Viper\Viper.UI.MVC\Viper.UI.MVC.csproj
and I get this error:
/temp/global.asax(1): error ASPPARSE: Could not load type 'Viper.UI.MVC.MvcApplication'. [D:\builds\ViperPortal.ProdSupport\Code\Viper\Viper.UI.MVC\Viper.UI.MVC.csproj]
Oh, and for our specs: .NET4, MVC3, IIS7/Win2k8 64bit for web server. Build server is Win2k8 as well, but I'm testing the scripts locally on a win 7 32bit box with ccnet and a full dev config mgmt environment setup locally.
Does anyone have any ideas why I'm getting this error? I read some messages complaining about the aspnet compiler or changing where your bin deploys assemblies to, but none of those seemed to really apply here. I am simply trying to call msbuild, which has been working all along til now. We have a custom msbuild script for our solution. I tried using both that and the mvc csproj file as the build configuration file. Please help! Thanks!
this happens if you've set to precompile views, i.e. you changed:
This is because MSBuild throws the output to different places than Visual Studio might, so you should change the folder on which the precompiling runs on from:
<AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="temp" PhysicalPath="$(ProjectDir)" />
<AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="temp" PhysicalPath="$(WebProjectOutputDir)" />

Nant msbuild task with .net 4.0 rc

How do I need to indicate to the msbuild task in my nant script that it should use .net 4.0 rc?
I think the latest NAnt/NAntContrib defaults to .NET 3.5, so you'll have to change that to 4.0. There is a NAnt property to handle that (<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-4.0" />), which should go near the top of your NAnt build file.
Next, you'll need to go into your NAnt's configuration file and add the 4.0 node, so that NAnt (and by extension NantContrib) are aware of the new CLR version.
The first option is to change the executable that MSBuild task uses. According to the doco this is a framework property so you would need to change it in the main nant config file rather than in you're individual script, and you would have to do it on every machine you plan on building the script on.
The other option is to use the exec task instead. This question and answer should help with that.
EDIT: Forgot to mention the directories MSBuild is in. To change versions just use a different MSBuild.
2.0: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\MSBuild.exe
3.5: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe
4.0b2: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.21006\MSBuild.exe