How to query xml value inside a xml column in SQL server - sql

I have something like following code inside [XMLValue] column of a table called "AlgorithmLog":
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AdapterInfo xmlns:i=""
<TrackingGuid i:nil="true" />
<d1p1:XMLValue><?xml version="1.0"?><int xmlns="">1900</int></d1p1:XMLValue>
and I want to get the value "1900" inside the node <d1p1:XMLValue>
So here is my query:
'' As p,
''as w)
XMLValue.query('(/x:AdapterInfo/p:XMLValue/w:int)[1]')AS [XMLVaule]
FROM AlgorithmLog
But it returns nothing.
Could anyone tell me where I did wrong or how I can do it?
Thank you.

Since you have "encoded" XML inside another XML node, and you cannot automatically cast to the XML datatype using the .value() XQuery method, it all gets a bit involved - but this seems to work for me:
'' As p,
''as w)
CAST(XmlContent.value('(/x:AdapterInfo/p:XMLValue)[1]', 'varchar(2000)') AS XML).value('(w:int)[1]', 'int') AS [XMLValue]
FROM AlgorithmLog
WHERE ....... -- use whatever condition makes sense for you here


Snowflake Get value from XML column

I am working in Snowflake
I need a specific value from XML
SELECT data_xml,REGEXP_SUBSTR(data_xml,'<pinLessNetworkBin>(.*?)(</pinLessNetworkBin>)',3) as network
My results for now
I just need the value inside
Here the xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns0:FundingSource xmlns:ns0="" Id="12887819260" extId="">
How I can get that value?
the contents of an XML object is retrieved via GET(object, '$') thus for your regex result GET(parse_xml(network), '$') will get you the content. See GET
or you should really retrieve the pinLessNetworkBin via XMLGET:
SELECT data_xml,
XMLGET(parse_xml(data_xml), 'pinLessNetworkBin') as pinLessNetworkBin
which will give you the <pinLessNetworkBin>STAR</pinLessNetworkBin> thus you want to fetch the contents
SELECT data_xml,
get(XMLGET(parse_xml(data_xml), 'pinLessNetworkBin'), '$') as pinLessNetworkBin
should give you 'STAR'
see the PARSE_XML

How to filter data from xml content using xpath queries to create a temporary table

I am trying to create a sql query using xpath where i am looking to filter the data i need and put that in a temporary table.
and i am trying to get something like this but not working
with data(firstName,lastName) as
(select xmlparse(document superstar_doc))))::text as firstName
(select xmlparse(document superstar_doc))))::text as lastName
from dbname.superstartable
I tried searching for solution but i did not find anything specific for my requirement, i dont have any attribute to point to that record exactly.
I tried using the following solution but that is not working, i am getting syntax error.
XPath 1.0 to find if an element's value is in a list of values
Note: I typed the code here as i cannot copy paste my code exactly, so please excuse any typos
You should probably fix your XPath with :
Generic code :
with superstartable(superstar_doc) as (
values (
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xpath('/superStarsDoc/names/starname/firstNm[.="Bradd"]/text()', superstar_doc)[1] as "first-name",
xpath('/superStarsDoc/names/starname/lastNm[.="Pitt"]/text()', superstar_doc)[1] as "last-name"
from superstartable

PostgresSQL xpath with namespaces

I would like to know how to use the xpath funtion in the following example:
The xml is inside a table called SR_DATA, field XMLDATA of type TEXT
The following is the structure of the xml document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<modulo modelCodeScheme="DocType" modelCodeSchemeVersion="01" modelCodeValue="TYPE_20a" modelCodeMeaning="SCREENING" group="groupname" type="format" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<AAAAA modelCodeScheme="MAM" modelCodeSchemeVersion="1" modelCodeValue="AN_MAM_6" modelCodeMeaning="Family1" tipodato="booleano">
<BBBBB modelCodeScheme="MAM" modelCodeSchemeVersion="1" modelCodeValue="AN_MAM_8" modelCodeMeaning="Family2" tipodato="booleano">
Let's say I want to read the text about the element named AAAAA, so my query looks like this:
SELECT (xpath('/modulo/AAAAA/text()', XMLDATA::xml) AS status
My query doesn't raise any error but the resultset is empty; I suppose I have to map the NAMESPACES but I need a hint on how to do it.
You need to specify namespaces in the xpath function. The node contains multiple text nodes; you could combine the nodes together using array_to_string function:
SELECT TRIM(BOTH FROM array_to_string(xpath('/x:modulo/x:AAAAA/text()', XMLDATA::xml, ARRAY[
ARRAY['x', '']
]), ''))
-- false
Demo on db<>fiddle

How to get specific XML namespace in XQuery in SQL Server

I have a XML that I need one specific namespace according to node like temprature with hls i need namespace of that "" I have tried with these
SET #EventXML='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns:test xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns:hls="" creationDate="2007-01-25T00:00:00Z"
OE.value('#ns','varchar(50)') + '#' + OE.value('fn:local-name(.)[1]','varchar(50)'),
CONVERT(VARCHAR(4000),CASE WHEN OE.exist('./*') =1 THEN OE.query('./*') ELSE
OE.value('./text()[1]','varchar(100)') END)
FROM #EventXML.nodes('//TestEvent/*') TestEvent(OE)
WHERE OE.value('fn:local-name(.)[1]','varchar(50)') IN --(#tag)
(SELECT Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS extag
FROM (SELECT CONVERT(XML,'<M>' + REPLACE(ISNULL('temperature','0'), ',', '</M><M>') + '</M>') AS String
) AS A CROSS APPLY String.nodes ('/M') AS Split(a))
I am using these in SQL query window but getting only third column value 20 not get namespace by #ns
Please suggest how to get the namespace
by these.
thanks in advanced.
Your code and XML somehow just don't quite match up - and the query is really quite confusing....
If you want to fetch the data, you must respect the XML namespaces in play. You need to declare them with a WITH XMLNAMESPACES() construct, and you need to use them in your XPath.
But also: the node you're selecting (<hls:temperature>) doesn't really have any id and ns attributes..... so of course you're not getting any values!
I tried to use a trimmed down version and I added the two attributes - just to show how to use the XML namespaces stuff in your code.
Here it comes:
SET #EventXML =
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns:test xmlns:xsi=""
creationDate="2007-01-25T00:00:00Z" schemaVersion="1.0">
<hls:temperature ns="test" id="42">20</hls:temperature>
-- define your XML namespaces that are in play.
-- You *MUST* match the namespace definition, but the *prefixes* that you define
-- can be something else entirely than in the XML document!
-- Of course, inside your XPath, you *MUST* use the defined prefixes!
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES('urn:global:test:xsd:1' AS x1,
'' AS x2)
OE.value('#ns', 'varchar(50)'),
OE.value('#id', 'varchar(50)')
#EventXML.nodes('/x1:test/TestBody/TestList/TestEvent/x2:*') TestEvent(OE)
This code - using the XML namespaces defined and used in your XML - produces this output:
(No column name) (No column name)
test 42
So this shows how you can access the attributes - if they are present! - on your XML nodes, even with the presence of XML namespaces.

How can I select tags from an SQL XML Query?

How can I retrieve the fields within an XML field in MS SQL?
Every query I try does not work as intended whenever I use this XML code:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="[URI]" xmlns:xsd="[URI]" xmlns:soap="[URI]">
<RunPackage xmlns="[URI]">
I don't know how to reference the first two tags. I've tried
SELECT TransactionID, T2.Loc.query('data(Request/SubscriberCode)') as 'SubscriberCode'
FROM TempWorksRequest
CROSS APPLY RequestXML.nodes('soap:Envelope/soap:Body/RunPackage/xmlDoc') as T2(Loc)
With no luck.
You need to declare the XML namespaces ("soap" in this case, plus another one for the node and anything below) in your XQuery operations:
T2.Loc.query('declare namespace ns="[URI1]";data(ns:Request/ns:SubscriberCode)')
as 'SubscriberCode'
RequestXML.nodes('declare namespace soap="[URI]";
declare namespace ns="[URI1]";
soap:Envelope/soap:Body/ns:RunPackage/ns:xmlDoc') as T2(Loc)
[URI1] needs to be the URI that's defined on the <RunPackage> tag.