ExtJs 4 Store's AJAX proxy is not called on Store add — what is missing? - extjs4

I have a Grid, a Store and Model for its data and AJAX proxy for the Store that is pointing to my self-written PHP back-end. The PHP backend writes to log each time it is called.
The system works OK for Read, Update and Delete calls. However now I need to add new field to Store, which I do in such a way:
(here, some new data were generated...)
var newEntry=Ext.ModelManager.create({
title: title,
url: '/php/'+fname,
minithumb: '/php/'+small,
}, 'MyApp.model.fileListModel');
var store=Ext.getCmp('currGallery').getStore();
I have the new line appearing in the Grid.
But with or withour sync() call, I have no calls going to my PHP back end. It however reads one more time. Store has parameter autoSync :true and does great updating data automatically when I edit existing line in the Grid.
What am I missing?

Try not to set id when creating new record.

In fact I was missing a
newEntry.phantom = true;
flag. After I set it before adding to store, Store and its Proxy started to send data to server.
Maybe ID solution also works, dunno.


Adding an encryption layer to DataTables.js

I’m currently using DataTables.js with server-site data source written on PHP.
The server-side script gives out the data exactly as required by datatables:
Now I would like to add an additional security layer with encrypting the response from the server and decrypting it after it is received by datatables.
I need this as I noticed some of the clients work through HTTPS proxy and the content of some rows get mistakenly blocked.
I’m using this solution for server-side PHP script to give out encrypted content using openssl_encrypt.
Then at client side I have:
function datatable_init (source) {
$.getJSON(source, function(data) {
decryptedContent = JSON.parse(CryptoJSAesDecrypt(“password”, data));
oTable = $(‘dtable’).dataTable({
“bProccesing”: false,
“bServerSide: true,
//“sAjaxSource”: source,
“data”: decryptedContent
I had to replace ”sAjaxSource” to ”data” as it is different datasource type now which requires different type of datatable JSON format:
and I can’t to pass iTotalDisplayRecords anymore.
Is there a way I can keep feeding server-side format of JSON to datatable but feed it as a local JS object/array?
P.S. Another idea I had is to encrypt/decrypt each individual row of the table but that’s probably going to be more complicated and slower
The ajax.dataSrc option seems to be helpful, because it provides the possibility to modify the data received via ajax and thus allows you to define a function which takes care of decrypting the received data again. Especially the last example given on the reference page looks promising in my opinion.

CSRF failure in custom mongoose pre-hook (Keystone.js)

using keystone LocalFile type to handle image uploads. similar to the Cloudinary autoCleanup option, I want to be able to delete the uploaded file itself, in addition to the corresponding mongo entry when deleting entries through the admin ui.
in this case, I want to delete an "Album", and it's corresponding album cover.
Album.schema.pre('remove', function(next){
var path = this._original.album_cover.path + "/" + this._original.album_cover.filename
fs.unlink(path, function () {
I get "CSRF failure" when using the fs module. I thought all CSRF protection was handled internally with Keystone.
Anyone know of a better solution to this?
Took a 10 minute break and came back and it seems to be working now. I also found this, which seems to be the explanation.
"Moreover double check your session timeout. In my dev settings the session duration is set to 3 minutes. So, if I end up editing something for more than that time, Keystone will return a CSRF error on save because the new session (generate in the meantime) invalidates the old token."

MVC4 Force session update before request ends

We are developing using VS2010 and MVC4, deploying our web app on an IIS 7.5 on Windows7.
Our project has a long running process for which we want to display status and progress.
In order to accomplish this we have a small serializable class with properties that describe the current status. The long operation pseudo code goes like this:
int curentPercentComplete = 0;
EngineStatus status = new EngineStatus();
while (!done) {
status.PercentComplete = curentPercentComplete;
Session['status'] = status;
// do lengthy operation
curentPercentComplete = compute();
done = isJobFinished();
We also have an other controller action that tries to retrieve the current status from the session
which then encodes to json and returns it to the browser via an Ajax request.
Our problem is that we always seem to get the last saved data from the previous request, in other words the session object does not seem to update the Session['status'] field during the execution of the while block.
We have tried the session state mode both InProc and StateServer with exactly the same behavior.
Thanks in advance.
It turns out that the MVC framework performs a single update of the session data at the end of the request which means that only the last value is saved.
Since the "lengthy" operation is performed in a single request-response cycle, the idea of storing intermediate status information in the session is plain wrong.

Docpad : show error/success message on contact form

I added a route in my docpad.coffee file to handle form submissions, that I validate using the express-validator middleware. Now depending on the validation, I want to redirect the users to the same contact page but displaying either a success message when validation is successful (here I'll send an email), or display the error messages.
I didn't manage to pass the validation message to the template to display it. I tried almost all combinations of dynamic: true/false, res.locals = validationMessages, res.sessions = validationMessages, res.templateData = validationMessages with no success.
Furthermore, adding dynamic: true made the changes to the content not appear at all, whatever refresh strategy I use (private mode, cleaning cache, relaunching Docpad, refreshing without cache, etc.). I should probable file a bug about it.
How to ?
I'm using Docpad 6.53.0 (latest to date), node 0.10.15, on OS X 10.8.4
I cheated on this one a bit by appending a hash to the redirect url (eg: "www.mywebsite.com/#messagesent"). I then use client side javascript to read the hash and then show the appropriate message. Something like this:
if (location.hash == "#messagesent") {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
Not quite what you were asking though :)

Update Rails session with Backbone.js history navigate?

I have a Market stored in a user session in Rails, set via session[:current_market] in my application_controller.rb.
I have my front-end interface served with Backbone.js, and I have a little market selector widget that calls
BackboneApp.data.currentMarket = market.toJSON()
Backbone.history.navigate market.homeUrl(), trigger: true
... when a user selects a market. This works except that if a user hard-navigates to another page, the market reverts to whatever it was set on the initial page load (whatever was originally loaded in session[:current_market] in Rails.
How can I update the user's market in session when a Backbone.js navigation event occurs?
I tried manually doing this by triggering a silent GET:
$.get '/api/v1/reset_current_market', { market_id: market.toJSON().id }
... but that doesn't seem to work.
I assume that when the user switches market then some ajax request will be fired to hit your rails api and fetch the data for that market. What you could do is make the controller action for that route update the current users session to whatever market got requested.
how about wrap this market info to new Model and handling change with that? This is just a pseudo code examlpe.
var marketModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
marker: ""
initialize:function () {
BackboneApp.data.currentMarket = new marketModel(market.toJSON())
Set selected market to this new model, and call save().
At rails change session info at your /your/url/marget POST method. If this object have id property then impelent also PUT method.