How Objective-C handles the memory of immutable strings [duplicate] - objective-c

This question already has answers here:
Do I need to release a constant NSString?
(2 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
In my research I've come across something peculiar.
#interface Class {
NSString *_string
- (void) Method1 {
_string = #"ASDF";
Intially I thought that _string was part of the autorelease pools and really didn't think about the memory aspect of it.
After reading this SO post Objective C NSString* property retain count oddity
I've realized that no, this is not the case, and that the retain count of _string is actually UINT_MAX
Obviously my thinking that _string was part of the autorelease pool was a fluke, and how I handled the variable just somehow worked out. What I would like to know, though, is: when does #"ASDF" get thrown away? I know I should be using properties and setters, but there is probably a lot of code out there that looks like this since assigning a constant to a variable is so intuitive.
What is the lifecycle of these immutable, literal NSStrings, and when will [_string length] actually return an error since #"ASDF" doesn't reside in memory anymore?

From Is a literal NSString autoreleased or does it need to be released?
Compiler allocated strings (of the format #"STRING") are constant, and
so -retain, -release, and -autorelease messages to them are ignored.
You don't have to release or autorelease foo in this case (but it
won't hurt).
Under the hood when you do
NSString* yourString = #"ABC";
the string will be stored in a area of memory called data segment. This area never changes after the application is launched. Here strings are treated as constants for your app. At the same time a string is an object, so if you want to keep it you call retain or copy.
On the contary when you do
NSString* yourString = // alloc-init
you create an object on the heap. If you forget to release you have a memory leak. If someone else destroy it, and you try to access it, you have a bad access to that memory location.
Hope that helps.

An immutable string (NSString) that is created manually follows the normal reference counting rules and thus life cycle.
In your example, the string is even more special because it is actually a string literal. As is the case for any literal, they reside in special memory and only get destroyed when the executable terminates.


Lifespan of NSString cStringUsingEncoding return value

I have an NSTextField and get its contents like so
NSString *s = [textField stringValue]
Now I want to convert this NSString to a string that my platform-independent C code can handle. Thus I'm doing:
const char *cstr = [s cStringUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding];
What I don't understand now is how long this "cstr" pointer stays valid. Apple docs for cStringUsingEncoding say:
The returned C string is guaranteed to be valid only until either the
receiver is freed, or until the current memory is emptied, whichever
occurs first. You should copy the C string or use
getCString:maxLength:encoding: if it needs to store the C string
beyond this time.
Two questions about this:
I suppose the aforementioned "receiver" is the NSString returned by the [textField stringValue]. Since I don't own this NSString how can I tell when this will be freed? Is it safe to assume that this NSString won't be freed before the NSTextField widget will be freed?
What does "until the current memory is emptied" mean precisely? I don't understand this at all.
Of course, I could just go ahead and make a copy but I'd like to understand how long the string pointer returned by cStringUsingEncoding is valid.
I know there are several similar questions here but none could really answer my question since in my case, the owner of the NSString is the NSTextField widget and I don't know when this widget will release the NSString or if it stays valid for the complete lifespan of the widget itself.
I suppose the aforementioned "receiver" is the NSString returned by the [textField stringValue]
yes, in this case the receiver is s
Since I don't own this NSString how can I tell when this will be freed?
you don't. you should retain s by storing it in an instance variable for as long as you need it
Is it safe to assume that this NSString won't be freed before the NSTextField widget will be freed?
no, because you don't know what or how the text field returned s to you
What does "until the current memory is emptied" mean precisely? I don't understand this at all.
good question. also, hard to tell, because you don't own the string or know about its underlying implementation. say it was a mutable string that was mutated and had to reallocate memory...
you can be pretty sure of your safety if you copy s, store the copy in an instance variable and then use the copy to get the C string (or just copy the C string).
Receiver for sure means the string s, and the danger to cstr is clear when s is freed. I think the phrase "or until current memory is emptied" is a documentation bug introduced by ARC. It can be read as "or until an ARC-implied release is executed".
See the doc quoted here in 2010 as evidence. I think the author, probably searching for 'autorelease pool' for places to update the docs, was grasping for a harmless, ARC-compatible synonym for "or until the current autorelease pool is emptied". I think it would have been better to just drop the disjunction.
Anyway, either take control of the NSString, or copy the cstring.

Best allocation for NSString when alternating between constant and non constant strings

I would like some help better understanding the memory characteristics of Strings in Cocoa.
The app I am working with uses one view controller and n tool objects. The View controller lives for the life of the program but the tool objects are allocated and released.
Suppose I have a string toolName_ and in my implementation I configure the incoming tool object: if the object does not have a tool name, I want to set the toolName_ string to #"not set". If the tool has a name I want to set the string to the name of the tool.
I would like to know the proper way to store the incoming value into the toolName_ given that sometimes this will be an allocated object and sometimes this will be a constant string.
-(BOOL)setToolObject: ToolObject: obj{
ToolObject someObj = nil;
someObj = [[ToolObject alloc]initWithObject obj];
if(someObj != nil){
if(! [someObj.toolName isEqualToString: #""]){
self->toolName_ = Which method should I use given the above question?
The last instance may have been a constant string but may not have.
[self->toolName_ release] (can I send a release message to a constant
string without causing a problem?)
self->toolName = [[NSString alloc]initWithString:someObj.toolName];
self->tool name = [NSString stringWithString: someObj.toolName];
This method is self releasing but I don't own it and I'm still not sure
what happens to the constant string if it existed. I think I read it's
not recommended to use this on member vars.
self->toolName_ = #"not set";
return YES;
return NO;
Advice appreciated.
I highly suggest to (possibly) use ARC, and if you can't use it (or maybe you just want to understand how memory management works?), to don't send retain and release messages from outside the class. Instead you should do this in the accessors.
So you should create a retain or copy property (usually with immutable strings is preferable to use copy, because they may be assigned to mutable strings, so making invalid the assumption that you are working with an immutable - thus thread safe - property).
So in your case I suggest a setter like this one:
- (void) setToolName: (NSString*) toolName
if(_toolName== toolName)
[_toolName release];
_toolName= [toolName copy];
This way you're doing it fine, you shouldn't be concerned about what is the retain count of the setter argument. In case it is a string literal which has an unknown retain count, the object does not even respond to a release message, so it will stay alive for all the program (unlike it seems it is efficient because it avoids the overhead of creating an object at runtime). If you copy an immutable object (unless it something like a cached NSNumber, or a string literal), the code just does a simple assignment and the retain count gets increased.
So if you just follow the rule of "I retain (or copy) what I need to use, I release what I don't need to use anymore", you're doing it fine and you shouldn't worry about what happens in particular case like with string literals.

Does #"some text" give an autoreleased or retain 1 object back?

Given this code:
// Initialize string
NSString *name = #"Franzi";
#"" macro creates a NSString with given text (here the name Franzi) and a RETAIN COUNT OF 1?
So #"" gives an NSString with have to be released or not? Am I responsible for this object?
Second code example then confuses me, even though I am using it that way:
NSSting *message;
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Hello #%!",name];
//message = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Hello Girl!"];
So message gets released in next run loop, k. But what is with the NSString given as argument for stringWithFormat?
Does the class object NSString release the NSString #"Hello %#"/#"Hello Girl" given as arguement?
Or does #""-Konstruktor only give back autoreleased NSStrings?
The NSString literal notation #"" gives you compile-time constant strings that reside in their own memory space and have constant addresses.
Contrary to popular belief, the reason why you don't release literal strings is not because they are part of the autorelease pool. They aren't — instead, they spend the entire application's lifetime in that same memory space they're allocated at compile time, and never get deallocated at runtime. They're only removed when the app process dies.
That said, the only time you need to memory-manage constant NSStrings is when you retain or copy them for yourself. In that case, you should release your retained or copied pointers, just like you do any other object.
Another thing: it's the literals themselves that don't need memory management. But if you pass them as arguments to NSString's convenience methods or initializers, like you do with stringWithFormat:, then it's those objects returned by the methods and initializers that follow all memory management rules normally.

How are #"Strings" allocated in memory?

I am curious of the memory allocation for the following code.
NSString *myString = [NSString string];
I know this will create an autoreleased empty string, #""
What happens when I then call
myString = #"Hello world";
Is my reference the same as the autoreleased object NSString provided or did I just allocate a new object that I am responsible for releasing?
When wondering whether you own an object, ask yourself:
Does the method I used to create this object...
begin with new?
begin with alloc?
contain copy?
equal retain?
If you can answer "Yes" to any of those, then you are responsible for invoking release or autorelease on the returned object. (Note that the rules for Core Foundation objects are slightly different. Also note that anything that the documentation explicitly says that contradicts this wins. The documentation always supersedes the guidelines)
In the case of your string, the answers to all your questions are "no", so you are not responsible for the object. Constant strings (of the style #"foo") are hard-coded into the application binary and cannot be deallocated. That, however, is an implementation detail. As long as you follow the memory management rules, you'll be good!

Does this Objective-C code leak memory?

One thing I'm concerned about is I create two ints, but don't release them. Would it be better to make them NSIntegers?
-(void) flipCoin {
int heads = [headsLabel.text intValue];
int tails = [tailsLabel.text intValue];
if (random() %2 ==1 )
else {
headsLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", heads] ;
tailsLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", tails];
As sha notes, local variables get allocated in the current stack frame. As soon as the current function call returns, the stack gets "popped", and the memory occupied for the current call is not released so much as abandoned, until it is overwritten by the next call that gets pushed into that part of the stack.
So why do we have to release variables like this:
MyClass *myObject = [[MyClass alloc] init];
Well, you actually don't have to worry about "myObject". It's on the stack, just like your ints, and it will get cleaned up when the current call finishes.
What you have to worry about is the memory that myObject—which is a pointer—points to. It's off somewhere on the heap. Constructing an object involves asking the runtime for some semi-permanent place to put it; that process returns a memory address, which your pointer stores.
alloc and release are Objective-C idioms that largely replace C's malloc() and free() functions, but all of them ultimately are asking the computer to set aside memory on the heap, and all of that memory must ultimately be returned, either through an autorelease pool, a release message, or a free() call.
int is what is known as a primitive type. It is not a pointer to an Objective-C object so you cannot release it. You can't even send a message to it.
NSInteger is also a primitive type in the sense that it is a typedef to a primitive type (long usually). So you can't release that either.
What do you need to release? You need to release any object you obtained by sending new, alloc or a method containing copy. You also need to release objects to which you have sent retain. So all of the local variables in the following must be released:
-(void) foo
NSString* aString = [[NSString alloc] init];
NSString* aString2 = [aString copy];
NSString* aString3 = [someOtherString retain];
NSString* aString4 = [#"some string" copy];
NB due to implementation details, you would actually get away with not releasing the aString4 but you don't need to worry about it.
No. Your heads and tails variables are local and stored on the stack. This won't cause a leak. Your two NSString assignments near the bottom are created using convenience constructors and will be autoreleased for you.
All default datatypes (int, char, BOOL, etc) are automatically managed for you, and do not (and cannot) be released (for all intents and purposes).
NSIntegers behave likewise, as they are just signed ints (or signed longs on 64-bit machines).
Objects you initialize, however, like NSString or NSArray will usually have to be released (unless they are autoreleased, like the NSStrings at the bottom of your code). If you ever call -alloc and -init on something, you will have to later release it. If you ever doubt whether a method returns an autoreleased object, just read the documentation (it will tell you).
Also, if you want to read up on memory management, there are plenty of wonderful sources that will teach you (Google is a great place to start!), and if you ever think that your code leaks memory, run it through Instruments, and you'll be able to tell...