Bare bones Facebook integration demo app - objective-c

So I just started looking into integrating FB into my app and whipped up this little test app. I wanted to have a bare bones app without all of the bs that's in the Hackbook demo app. Basically, it's overly complicated for what I want.
The problem is that something I'm doing isn't working. My app tries to authenticate with FB, but doesn't return auth tokens. Something else that I noticed is that...
If I have the facebook app installed... it switches to it, shows a white loading screen for a second, then dismisses it and pops back to my app.
If the facebook app isn't installed... it will open in safari and actually show the app approval window, let me login and then it pops back to my app.
Both ways fail with getting and storing the auth tokens however.
What the heck am I doing wrong? Would someone mind seeing if this code works for them?
Full source here: Deleted.
Thanks for looking.

It definitely sounds like you don't have your app registered in the Facebook developer portal.

Looks like Facebook just updated their SDK which now includes some simplified example apps. Much better than just hackbook.


Open page via web if app is not installed in react native

The best example that I can think of to describe this is how VSCO does this, if you click someone's VSCO profile link, from an Instagram bio or something, you get the page via web, at the bottom of the webpage it asks you if you would rather use the app, if its installed, clicking yes will open, if its not it will link to the download page. I really don't even know where to start with the development of this so really any links and terms that I can look into are helpful.
Sorry for the somewhat open-ended question but at a loss as to where to start. If it is all using the same firebase database, could I do this all in one react native code base? Or would I want a standalone web application. Thanks ahead of time.

Using Branch links to deeplink to unpublished app

I'm working as a web developer for a start-up that has a andriod app prototype. I'm not an app developer ( still learning) so I'm a little unsure how to approach this.
I wanted to deeplink the app to the webpage. I came across this solution called . It looks like exactly what we need but I'm not sure how to link it with an unpublished app. Maybe I'm missing something. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The Branch service actually doesn't depend on the App or Play Store at all. The link will first try to open up the app, but fallback to the store pages if not installed. You can override this fallback to any website, and the links will still function as usual.
To test an app not in the Play Store, first choose 'Custom URL' in the Link Settings dashboard, and fill in the page you'd like to send users when the app is not installed. It's common for people to send users to either their home page or TestFlight app.
Then, to test the deep linking through install and download tracking, just do the following:
Create a Branch link
Click it on your phone or on simulator and wait to be redirected
Run the app from Android Studio/Eclipse
Here are some more testing considerations. Happy linking.

Google hangout API console appear to be broken

I had a working hangout app until yesterday - but now now I can no longer launch the app in the developer sandbox.
In the process of diagnosing the problem I have tracked back to simply trying to launch one of the Google sample apps ( in the developer sandbox.
This fails in the same way as my app: the hangout says loading app along with a lovely animation but never loads.
I have tried this from different Google accounts and OS's but the problem is the same whatever.
The js console shows the following error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <…
Interestingly I can launch the hangout apps (mine and the sample ones) outside the sandbox. For example,
To me it seems as if Google has deployed a breaking change but I can't believe that there would be no activity on twitter or the google plus developer group if they had.
My questions are:
1) Can anyone launch an app in the developer sandbox
2) If not, anyone got any idea what the problem is.
Thanks in advance for any help. As usual in these situations, I was planning on demoing my app to my colleagues in a couple of days to show them how cool the hangouts api is :(
There was a problem on Google's side over the weekend and has now been corrected.

Launching Facebook and Twitter application from other iOS app

Hey guys,
I am still continuing to build my iPhone project and I am having trouble with launching the facebook application. First of all, I am assuming every SDK Xcode developer knows that the Facebook application doesn't have the facebook or twitter app in the simulation. Since I have a facebook page and a twitter account about my company, I can't seem to test to launch my facebook page from the facebook application or my twitter page from the twitter application because they are not there in the iOS Simulator. So I was wondering how can I open my facebook and twitter page from the facebook and twitter application if they are not there? I don't want to use a Facebook or Twitter URL, then load it into a UIWebView, I want to open the Facebook and Twitter application to launch after the click of a button in my project, then the project will close and open either Facebook or Twitter application (the ones from the app store), so hopefully someone know how they can help me step by step or if they have a code that knows how to run the facebook or twitter application and sorry if my english is not clear enough, but hopefully you can help me or have a better solution to help solve my problem, thanks
I believe the facebook app listens to URI's like fb://, so I would suggest googling around for that.
Look here for example:

How to launch Facebook with Button

Hey friends
I created a button on my app called: "Find us on Facebook". Right now I ran into a situation where I need the button to launch the Facebook application. I could really use some help such as launching the facebook application, detecting if there is a facebook application, and all the sorts of stuff like that, thanks
Some googling shows that the facebook app apparently registers to receive urls with the fb:// scheme. So you can construct a fb:// url (like, say fb://notes or something) and then ask the UIApplication object if it can open the URL. If it says that it can, then open it.
there is a tutorial and sample app at
Basically you need to try to call fb://profile/yourpageid to load the FB app on your page.
The sample app shows you how to do this and fall back to loading in Safari if the app is not installed on the device.