ios - how to cause a delay in the middle of a method - objective-c

I'm working on a card game and trying to get cards to deal one after the other. I have a method that animated a card from the deck to a player, and in viewDidLoad I call this method four times. The problem is all four cards get dealt simultaneously. How do I stop a method in its tracks for a period of time?
I know that the scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval method calls another method after a delay, but I'm looking for a way to interrupt the current method after calling the deal method once and then continuing with the rest of the current method. sleep() also doesn't work. I tried putting it between calls to the deal method, but it just executed all the sleep()s and then did all the animation at once again. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

You are going down the wrong road. Attempting to sleep a method is not the way to approach this. You want to break the task into steps to be performed serially and perform each step only after the previous step is completed.
Say you have a variable called 'cardCounter' and one called 'cardMax'. Then you have a method called 'dealCard'. In viewDidAppear you intialize 'cardCounter` to zero and 'cardMax' to 4 (or however many cards are to be dealt. Then you call the 'dealCard' method.
(actually, you probably want a method called newGame or something since you will likely want to have multiple games and you don't want to tie your game setup to the viewDidAppear event. So in viewDidAppear you would call 'newGame' and do your initialization there.)
- (void)dealCard {
if (cardCounter > cardMax){
// all cards are dealt
// call some method to start game
// or do any other set up;
} else {
// call some method to animate the card
// using core animation with a completion handler?
// using a ^block with a completion handler?
// either way, in the completion handler call
// 'dealCard' again

A hint. Create a setup method which is called from your init only once! In that setup method you can work with `performSelector" as tomi said. The Selector is "your" method that moves a card from the deck to the player.
(void)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)anArgument afterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay


How to make a method to wait till another method complete it work in Objective C?

Consider this scenario.
-(void) mainMethod
[self subMethod1];
[self subMethod2];
My assumption:
When calling the mainMethod, it will call the subMethod1 first, then the subMethod2. But, there is no rule that says "After completing the subMethod1 only, the subMethod2 should get called". If I use some delay lines or some animation with duration in subMethod1, the control won't wait for it completion. It will just start the next process. So, the subMethod2 can be called before the subMethod1 completes its work. Am I right?
How can I make subMethod2 to wait, till subMethod1 completes its work?
Note: I don't want to place subMethod2 into subMethod1
You should use a completion block (like UIView animations have blocks that are executed after the animations happen).
If you're not familiar with blocks, take a look at Apple's Short Practical Guide to Blocks.

How to pause PerformSelector from execution?

I'm having serious problem whenever I pause the game, since most of my performSelector: has delay, so it will not execute immediately, but thing goes bad if I'm pausing the game then the performSelector is still calling... How should I overcome this?
I know there is one function under NSObject to cancel all the requests but that's not really what i'm looking for because I want the method to continue execute if the player resume the game.
According to cocos2d Best Practices you should not use performSelector:afterDelay directly but use cocos2d scheduler instead:
Try NOT to use Cocoa’s NSTimer. Instead use cocos2d’s own scheduler.
If you use cocos2d scheduler, you will have:
automatic pause/resume.
when the CCLayer (CCScene, CCSprite, CCNode) enters the stage the timer will be automatically activated, and when it leaves the stage it will be automatically deactivated.
Your target/selector will be called with a delta time
Here's how you schedule your method (assuming self is a CCNode):
[self schedule: #selector(tick2:) interval:0.5];
Don't forget to unschedule it in -tick2: if you want to call it once.

use applicationDidBecomeActive to call viewDidLoad

I want to make sure that all my initializations for my views and stuff are handled every time my application starts, even when it is called back after being sent to the background, such as with multitasking.
What's the best way to do this? should i use applicationDidBecomeActive to call viewDidLoad on my viewcontroller directly? I'm guessing this is not wise. I just want to make sure that stuff gets done on load every time the user calls up the app, no matter what state it is in at the time.
I have several apps published that do just that - call viewDidLoad on one or several UIViewControllers from applicationDidBecomeActive.
It works just fine. Apple doesn't object to it either.
However, be aware that if you have allocations in your viewDidLoad you need to either check for already allocated instances or release the instances you allocate in viewDidLoad when your app suspends. The same goes for DB connections that need to be closed, notification listeners, and so on.
As long as you watch for these elements and handle them correctly, the approach is valid and very usable.

Update screen in Cocoa/Objective C following button press

Newbie Objective C/Cocoa question: I have an application with some data entry fields and a "do it" button. When the button is pressed, some computation takes place and output data is displayed in a table view and some text fields in the same window. What I'd like is that when the button is pressed that the text fields and the table view are both cleared while the computation takes place.
I've tried making the appropriate calls as the first few statements of the action routine for the button press, but that doesn't work. I would imagine that the runtimes don't get called to do the screen update until after my action routine is finished.
Is there a simple way to do what I want to do? Thanks.
You imagine correctly.
The usual way to do this sort of thing is to use NSObject's performSelectorInBackground:withObject: to start the heavy calculation in the background. Then once the background code finishes doing its work, use performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: to call another selector on the main thread to update the UI (remember, UI calls may only be done from the main thread).
You're correct about the screen updates not taking place until after your routine finishes. Most drawing to the screen is queued to improve performance.
When you change the value in an NSTextField, it knows to call [self setNeedsDisplay:YES] in order to queue its need for redrawing. If you want to force it to display, you can call [textField display]. (Note that calling [textField setNeedsDisplay:YES] will not cause immediate display). Things get a bit more difficult with an NSTableView, as this -display method is unlikely to work for it.
While you could create a secondary thread to do your processing, that would create a lot of complexity that may not be worth it. You might consider using -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: to begin your processing routine rather than calling it directly.
- (IBAction)buttonClicked:(id)sender {
[textField setStringValue:#""];
[tableView reloadData];
// instead of doing the following:
// [self processData:nil];
// do
[self performSelector:#selector(processData:) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
- (void)processData:(id)sender {
// process the data
[textField setStringValue:#"the results"];
[tableView reloadData];
Using -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: is different than calling the method directly, as it causes the method to be called not immediately, but scheduled to be called "ASAP". In many cases, your app will be able to squeeze in the updates to the UI before it can get to performing that computation method. If testing reveals this to be the case, then you can avoid having to go to the trouble of creating a secondary thread to do the processing.
If you want to force updating screen then call setNeedsDisplay from your UIView.
I would imagine that the runtimes
don't get called to do the screen
update until after my action routine
is finished.
Bingo. Your button's action method is called on the main thread, which is the same thread that is responsible for updating the user-interface. So the interface will not update until after your action method returns.
To get around this, you can split your action method into two parts. The first part makes the calls to clear your previous view and set whatever new state you want to use for rendering. The second part does the new calculations, and is moved to its own method. Then, at the end of the first part, add something roughly like:
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(myActionSecondPart) withObject:nil]; run the computation part in the background. Then your UI will update while the computation runs.

how to update UI controls in cocoa application from background thread

following is .m code:
#import "ThreadLabAppDelegate.h"
#interface ThreadLabAppDelegate()
- (void)processStart;
- (void)processCompleted;
#implementation ThreadLabAppDelegate
#synthesize isProcessStarted;
- (void)awakeFromNib {
//Set levelindicator's maximum value
[levelIndicator setMaxValue:1000];
- (void)dealloc {
//Never called while debugging ????
[super dealloc];
- (IBAction)startProcess:(id)sender {
//Set process flag to true
//Start Animation
[spinIndicator startAnimation:nil];
//perform selector in background thread
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(processStart) withObject:nil];
- (IBAction)stopProcess:(id)sender {
//Stop Animation
[spinIndicator stopAnimation:nil];
//set process flag to false
- (void)processStart {
int counter = 0;
while (counter != 1000) {
NSLog(#"Counter : %d",counter);
//Sleep background thread to reduce CPU usage
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.01];
//set the level indicator value to showing progress
[levelIndicator setIntValue:counter];
//increment counter
//Notify main thread for process completed
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(processCompleted) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
- (void)processCompleted {
//Stop Animation
[spinIndicator stopAnimation:nil];
//set process flag to false
I need to clear following things as per the above code.
How to interrupt/cancel processStart while loop from UI control?
I also need to show the counter value in main UI, which i suppose to do with performSelectorOnMainThread and passing argument. Just want to know, is there anyother way to do that?
When my app started it is showing 1 thread in Activity Monitor, but when i started the processStart() in background thread its creating two new thread,which makes the total 3 thread until or unless loop get finished.After completing the loop i can see 2 threads.
So, my understanding is that, 2 thread created when i called performSelectorInBackground, but what about the thrid thread, from where it got created?
What if thread counts get increases on every call of selector.How to control that or my implementation is bad for such kind of requirements?
how to update UI controls in cocoa application from background thread
Simple: Don't.
How to interrupt/cancel processStart while loop from UI control?
Outside of processStart, set a flag variable. Inside of processStart, check that flag and exit the loop if it is set.
Don't try to “kill” a thread from another thread. It's always a bad idea. Tell the thread it's time to stop by setting the flag, and have the thread check that flag and stop at an appropriate time.
I also need to show the counter value in main UI, which i suppose to do with performSelectorOnMainThread and passing argument. Just want to know, is there anyother way to do that?
When my app started it is showing 1 thread in Activity Monitor, but when i started the processStart() in background thread its creating two new thread,which makes the total 3 thread until or unless loop get finished.After completing the loop i can see 2 threads. So, my understanding is that, 2 thread created when i called performSelectorInBackground, but what about the thrid thread, from where it got created?
Profile your app using Instruments or Shark and look. It's probably the heartbeat thread for the progress indicator.
What if thread counts get increases on every call of selector.How to control that or my implementation is bad for such kind of requirements?
Every performSelectorInBackground:withObject: message starts a thread. If your thread count isn't going down, it's because your thread method didn't exit. If your thread count is too high, it's (probably) because you started too many threads.
There is a much better way to do this.
First, the general rule in Cocoa is never sleep. Think of this as special ultra-caffeinated Cocoa. For anything you might sleep for in another framework, there is almost always a better, usually easier, way in Cocoa.
With that in mind, look at processStart. All it does is do something every centisecond. How best to do that?
Cocoa has a class for this specific purpose: NSTimer. Create a timer that sends yourself a message at the desired interval, and respond to that message by updating the progress bar—that is, your timer callback method should essentially just be the loop body from processStart, without the loop.
By the way, 100 updates per second is overkill. First off, the user does not care that you have made 1/5th of a pixel's worth of progress since the last time you updated the bar. Second, the screen only updates about 60 times per second anyway, so updating anything visible faster than that is pointless.
- (void)dealloc {
//Never called while debugging ????
[super dealloc];
Assuming you put your app delegate in the MainMenu nib, the application object owns it because of that—but it doesn't know that, because it only knows about the app delegate as its delegate, which is a non-owning relationship. (And even if it were an owning relationship, that would just be two ownerships, of which the app would release one, which wouldn't help.)
However, the lifetime of the app delegate doesn't really matter. Its purpose as the delegate of the application means that it needs to last about as long as the application does, but when the application goes away, the process is exiting, which means the delegate will be deallocated as well, as part of the reclamation of the process's memory space. That's why dealloc isn't called—the whole process space goes away at once, instead of objects being deallocated one at a time.
So, in principle, yeah, the app delegate not getting explicitly cleaned up is kind of dodgy. In practice, don't put any temporary-files clean-up in its dealloc (use applicationWillTerminate: instead) and you'll be fine.
I typically work around the problem by putting all my real work in one or more other objects which the app delegate owns. The app delegate creates these other controllers in applicationWillFinishLaunching: and releases them in applicationWillTerminate:, so those objects do get dealloc messages. Problem solved.