outline:none; does NOT WORK - Only -webkit-appearance:none; is working - what is wrong here? - outline

Edit: My concerns are for mobile websites.
Let me get right to the point. No matter what I do, outline:none; does NOT remove any default highlighting/glows from input form elements using an Ipod Touch/Iphone.
Everywhere I look, people say to use:
input:focus {
input {
.... and that this will remove the glow.... well it doesn't.
Another major problem is that there IS NO DEFAULT GLOW. I create a blank page with no styling and just a form input, view the page via IOS mobile, and there is no glow/outline on the input elements... it is just blank.
The only thing that works is using -webkit-appearance:none; - and that simply allows me to set a box-shadow on the input element. If I am not using the -webkit-appearance:none; - then the box shadow will not show properly.
When viewing this on a desktop browser however, the box shadows work fine even without webkit.
So my question is: why does outline:none; serve no purpose on input elements? I have seen some people say they only work on anchor tags, yet others say they work on input elements. Who is right here? Because so far, no matter what I do, outline:none; is worthless on input elements.
Here is a JSfiddle:
Viewing this page on iOS mobile, there is no "glow" or default styling to begin with. Where is everyone seeing the default glow behavior which requires outline:none; to work (which it doesn't)? This is driving me mad!

If you use outline:none; please add a focus style. See http://outlinenone.com/.
This feature is very helpful when a mouse isn't used. Outline provides an important accessibility feature, so please, if you must remove it, add back a style for your links focus and active states. Please help users understand where links exist.

Try with this:
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);

Use -webkit-appearance: none;
#yourElement:focus {
-webkit-appearance: none;
#yourElement:hover {
-webkit-appearance: none;
And it will do the trick.

a, :visited{
outline: 0;
outline: none;
:hover, :active, :focus{
outline: 0;
outline: none;
removed the focused glow for me on Chrome/osx, iphone/mobile safari, firefox/osx

In my case in Magento2 it was a border and box-shadow, instead of these things above.

Mobile Safari apparently just doesn't have a default outline style, so you don't have to worry about it. For a guaranteed consistent look in all browsers, desktop and mobile, I would recommend setting outline: none anyways, though.


Odoo 15 Label Field Too Wide

In the Odoo 15, I realize that the width of the label for the field is too wide. When I inspect the element in the browser, the CSS that causing this behaviour is this one:
#media (min-width: 992px)
.o_web_client:not(.o_chatter_position_sided) .o_action_manager .o_content .o_inner_group .o_td_label,
.o_web_client:not(.o_chatter_position_sided) .o_action_manager .modal-content .o_inner_group .o_td_label {
min-width: 260px !important;
I already try to change some CSS that I think related to this behaviour from the source code, but still not working. How to change this default width?
Are you using web responsive module ? If yes, look at
file as well to make same changes as you did.
Otherwise, changing min-width should work fine
Note: Do not edit at source. Make a new module, inherit those and change.

How can I fix rendering issue on safari while using nuxt?

I'm using Do Hyeon font and all browsers render fine except for Safari. It seems if text is too short or not upper case, safari ignores spaces. However, if I click or hover the text, it re-renders with space.
Does anyone know why this is happening and how can I solve this?
I already tried adding these css property but did not work.
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
-webkit-font-feature-settings: 'kern' 1;
(Second picture) When I selected text
I believe it was Safari issue but unfortunately, I could not find the reason why this is happening.
However, after testing some css properties, the one I am using for displaying ellipsis worked for this issue as well, so I will leave the code here in case someone is having the same issue.
display: -webkit-box;
-webkit-line-clamp: 10;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
max-height: 10rem;
Again, these properties are originally for ellipsis especially for safari:
https://stackoverflow.com/a/61515590/12332180 but propbably, this is related to modifing the text that is why it is working for my situation as well.

Zikula add block to topnav position in Bootstrap Theme

When I add the search block to the topnav in Bootstrap Theme, the login button is "broken"
ZK2.0.13 with Bootstrap Theme. When the block is added, the user login appear in a new line (example)
I expect see topnav in a single line.
I found an answer for you. What I did was set up the page as you had it and then viewed it in Chrome. The app has some really nice dev tools for experimenting with css. Choose View->Developer->Developer Tools (Cmd-Option-I on a mac). From there right-click on the search box and choose inspect. You can then see on the right panel all the css that is affecting your element and see how the html gets laid out. I noticed that the search box was wrapped in a div with an input-group style so that was the one I wanted to mess with. I found if I added the below code it does what you want:
.input-group {
position: relative;
display: table;
border-collapse: separate;
float: right !important;
width: 200px;
padding-top: 6px;
The last three css commmands are the change that makes the difference. To fix the Bootstrap theme I went to themes/BootstrapTheme/Resources/public/css/style.css and added the above code to style.css. Don't forget to delete the cache folder in /var/cache (either prod or dev) before you test it out.
One concern I have with this solution is that .input-group might get used elsewhere and this may interfere. A quick inspection didn't show it being used anywhere else except the search box. If it is somewhere else, you will have to create your own theme (not hard) and manually write some code.
Thanks Paustian. It's working.
I have edited the file: Resources\ZikulaSearchModule\views\Block\search.html.twig in order to change the css class to "myInput-group". Then I have edited Resources/public/css/style.css and add your changes to the file.
Thanks for all guys.

What's the purpose of control-label?

I'm new to bootstrap. The control-label class seems to be undocumented at the bootstrap 3 website and i have noticed it just accidentally in the examples.
Could anyone explain it's purpose or guide me where I can get more info on it?
control-label is useful when we create forms. At the time of creation, you may come across in such situation like your text field is just after the completion of label.
So you have to write CSS to make it more attractive.
In bootstrap, they have provided class called control-label whose work is to automatically set the label. So that label and text field looks better and we don't have to write CSS for that.
CSS of .control-label:
NOTE : Here I have not include padding because padding may vary according to screen size.
If you want to know more about it, just look at that Demo.You will at least get some idea about it.
See http://getbootstrap.com/css/#forms-horizontal
It's for labeling a .form-group. For .form-horizontal it does
.form-horizontal .control-label {
margin-bottom: 0;
padding-top: 7px;
text-align: right;
... mainly for right-aligned labels.

Change zIndex of Dojo Tooltip

This question is similar to this one but I still cannot come up with a suitable solution.
On my site I am trying to implement the dojo Tooltip (not dialog Box as in the link above; click here to see Tooltip documentation). I would like to be able to change the zIndex of the Tooltip to whatever I need. I can only seem to get Dojo to work if I use a CDN such as http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.10.0/dojo/dojo.js or //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.9.3/dojo.js, so trying to alter the javascript of the tooltip file for Tooltip.js did not seem to do anything. Note: Tooltip.js was included locally as:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.10.0/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
<script src="dojo/Tooltip.js"></script>
Using info from the link at the top of the page, I was able to come up with a hack solution. Assuming the default z-index for the Dojo tooltip is 1000, I changed the z-indices of all other divs (that were previously > 1000) to z-index < 1000. This solved the problem, and now the Dojo tooltip can be seen in front of these divs (previously was behind).
Any suggestions on how to alter the zIndex property of the Dojo tooltip without altering Tooltip.js?
I would recommend to override css rule according to your requirement.
Like by default css rule on dijit tooltip is as follow:
.dijitTooltip {
position: absolute;
z-index: 2000; // You can write your desired z-index
display: block;
left: 0;
top: -10000px;
overflow: visible;
Or you can try via JS
dojo.query(".dijitTooltip:visible").style("z-index", 'You desired value'); // <1.6
require(["dojo/query","dojo/dom-style"],function(query, domStyle){
domStyle(query(".dijitTooltip:visible"), "z-index", "You desired value");
Not sure if I fully understand your problem. But maybe this will help in changing the z-index of a dojo object programmatically using javascript:
dijit.byId('<Dojo ID of Tooltip>').attr("style","z-index:999");
I would also stay away from altering Tooltip.js.
For dojo 1.10 you could use dom-attr to set/change the style.
The code above will then look like that:
Regards, Miriam
I would recommend using dojo/dom-style for this.
domStyle.set(tooltip.domNode, "zIndex", "999");
Do notice that FireFox will not accept "z-index" as a valid css property name, see http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_style.asp. Always camelcase the css property name.