Good examples of object-oriented vs. procedural design - oop

I keep reading that object-oriented programming can basically be done in any programming language, and that in order to do so, explicit language support is not required. I.e. one can write object-oriented programs in, say, plain C.
What good examples of OO design using a procedural language are there, apart from GTK+?
Which open source projects are good examples of procedural design, on the other hand? (preferably C)

In C, OO programming usually takes the form of calling particular initialization and cleanup functions on struct pointers, and for polymorphism, passing around structs of function pointers. One example I can think of offhand is KVM.


Programming with ADTs without OOP?

Does OOP mean that the paradigm is around ADTs, since ADTs are the base of objects? If so, if ADTs are used procedurally, what does this make the procedural code?
I am not sure I totally understand your question, but even so, ADTs predate OOP direct support in languages (or language compilers). This usually means that you can(could) emulate OOP support, when it does(did) not exist(ed), by manipulating ADTs and following certain conventions your respect (yourself, not forced by the compiler). If you do that, you are writing code in object-oriented style, although only using available procedural mechanisms.

How is it possible to have a purely object-oriented language?

Java is considered an OOP language, despite it not quite being purely OOP. Java contains 8 primitives, and in an interview, James Gosling explains why:
Bill Venners: Why are there primitive types in Java? Why wasn't
everything just an object?
James Gosling: Totally an efficiency thing. There are all kinds of
people who have built systems where ints and that are all objects.
There are a variety of ways to do that, and all of them have some
pretty serious problems. Some of them are just slow, because they
allocate memory for everything. Some of them try to do objects where
sometimes they are objects, sometimes they are not (which is what the
standard LISP system did), and then things get really weird. It kind
of works, but it's strange.
So it seems that both memory and speed are issues that Java's primitives solve. However, this got me wondering how can a language be true, pure object-oriented?
If only a byte primitive existed, you could build from there. Creating integers, chars and eventually floats and doubles. But without any base structure at all, how could you build anything? Isn't at least some base primitive necessary? In other words, isn't a base data-structure needed in to expand from?
If you're asking if there are languages that have no way to interact with primitive types, then you might want to look at something like Scala. From that page:
Scala is a pure object-oriented language in the sense that every value is an object.
However, as you point out (for Kotlin):
the compiler maps them to JVM primitives when at all possible to save memory
If your definition of what object-oriented languages can be requires that everything is always represented as an object, then a purely object-oriented language is impossible. You can't build a language that runs on a real computer that only has objects. This is because the computer must have a way to represent the data natively. This is essentially what primitives in object-oriented languages are: The native forms of data that the underlying computer (or VM) can represent. No matter what you do, you will always need to have some non-object representation of data in order for the computer to do operations with it. Even if you built a JavaScript interpreter that really represented primitives as objects, in order to add two integers, the interpreter would have to have load the integers into CPU registers and use some form of an add instruction.
But that explanation sort of misses the point of object-oriented programming. A programming language is not the same as a program. Languages are just a tool for us to make computers do what we want - they don't actually exist at runtime. You would probably say that a program written in Kotlin or Scala is more object-oriented than a program written in C, despite both languages compiling to the same assembly instructions at runtime.
So, if you relax your definition of pure object-oriented programming to no longer be concerned with what the runtime representation of data is, then you'll find that purely object-oriented languages are possible. When programming Scala, you never interact with anything that's not an object. Even if your Int becomes a 'primitive' at runtime, it doesn't really matter, because you, as the programmer, never really have to think about that (at least, in an ideal world where performance and memory never matter). The language definition of Scala doesn't include the concept of primitives at all - they are part of the implementation of the language, not the language itself.
As far your example of Java goes, Java probably isn't a purely object-oriented language by most definitions. It is, however, mostly object-oriented. Java is often mentioned as the de facto object oriented language because it was much more object oriented than what came before it.
Even further, the term object-oriented doesn't really have a definitive meaning. To some people it might mean that everything has to be an object, and to others it might just mean that there need to be objects, some definitions require the concept of classes, some don't, etc.

Categories feature of objective-c comes under which OOPS feature?

As per my knowledge, Objective-C is an Object oriented programming languge and Categories is a feature provided by Objective-C.
So I would like to know that Category feature is coming under which OOPs concept
Inheritance, etc.
Thanks in advance.
#Abizern's answer is good. I would add that categories are a form of dynamic dispatch, in particular that they can be used to extend existing classes without subclassing.
That said, Object Oriented Programming is more a design philosophy than a set of language features. One might ask "what OOP feature does postfix increment correspond to?" The answer is "none; it's a language feature." Categories are not primarily used to implement OOP design (though sometimes they are, as noted above). Their original use was to break up large implementation files. Their later use was to provide informal protocols due to a flaw in the language (lack of #optional). And today, they're primarily used to split code along platform-specific lines (NSString+UIStringDrawing vs NSString+AppKitAdditions).
Extensions are similar to categories, and similarly are primarily a language feature rather than an OOP design feature. They facilitate encapsulation to some extent, but mostly are a side-effect of an arbitrary compiler requirement to define methods before they are used (I say "arbitrary" because this is not related to design or developer needs; it just simplifies the compiler). Extensions should not be confused with some deep OOP requirement.
So using categories to attach additional functionality at runtime is dynamic dispatch. Beyond that, it's just a language feature that's used for several non-OOP things.
According to the Cocoa Design Patterns book by Buck and Yacktman. Category is a pattern in itself, and one that is supported by the Objective-C programming language directly.
Probably closest to Encapsulation, when it comes to academic OOP concepts. But this really shows the difference between academic definitions of OOP, and the practical world of OOP Design Patterns.

What are the advantages or features of object oriented programming?

What makes everyone went from sequential languages to ​​object languages ?
According to Wikipedia the features of object oriented programming are data abstraction, encapsulation, messaging, modularity, polymorphism, and inheritance. For me data abstraction, encapsulation, messaging, modularity also exist in sequential languages. Only the polymorphism, and inheritance are specific to object oriented programming. Is this correct ?
Many non-OOP languages can certainly build those features. Just looking from a C vs. C++ area, you can provide encapsulation in C by using opaque pointers, with a suite of functions that take/return these opaque objects, and an internal set of functions that are all file-static. You can even do polymorphism and inheritance with function pointers and encapsulated objects.
Then again, we could also all still be programming in assembly or machine language. The reason to bring any feature into a language is to make it easier to use that feature.
Again, looking at C vs. C++, dealing with opaque pointers and the like is annoying, repetitive, and semi-difficult. With C++, you can achieve the same effect with much less code. It's obvious to everyone what is going on. It's a lot more difficult to break (though not impossible). Plus, you make it easy to break encapsulation if you need, since you can define language constructs like friend that provide exceptions where necessary.
And then there are those things that are really hard to implement without direct language support. Operator overloading is impossible of course, but function overloading is really, really hard to do without language support.
Most important of all, if it's in the language, then everyone does it the same way. There are multiple ways of implementing inheritance and polymorphism in C. All of them are incompatible with one another. And while C++ users could do any of those methods, they opt to use the actual language feature 99.9% of the time. This means it's much easier to read someone else's code and know what's going on. You don't have to guess what is opaque and what isn't. You don't have to guess at what is derived from what. You know it, since everyone does it the same way.
In any case, most of the OOP-lite language (C++, Java, C#) can be used more or less like a procedural one if you want. You just ignore the objects. So in many ways, they get the best of both worlds.
The advantage can be summarized this way:
OOP can represent the real world more directly and precisely than previous paradigms, so the program becomes simpler and easier to understand.
And about this:
For me data abstraction, encapsulation, messaging, modularity also exist in sequential languages. Only the polymorphism, and inheritance are specific to object oriented programming.
Most human-readable language can provide data abstraction, encapsulation, messaging and modularity (otherwise they would be machine-languages), but OOP supports better these concepts. For example, to set text of a widget in C, you would do something like this:
HANDLE myEditBox = CreateEditBox(hParent, ...);
SetText(myEditBox, "Hello!");
Notice you have a handle to an object, not an actual object. Now in C++ (OOP) you can make this:
EditBox myEditBox(...);
The difference is subtle, but important. The C style SetText(handle, "Hello!") does not make any distinction between the handle and other parameters. You don't even know that there's a message to the object. Now the C++ style object.SetText("Hello!") it's like telling explicitly: Hey, object, set your text to "Hello!". Here, the notion of message and receiver (the object) are explicit.
C++ can also destroy objects automatically if they are not declared as pointers, which eliminates calls such as DestroyObject(myEditBox).
Also without OOP you have very poor encapsulation, because most things are implemented with structures which contains only public members. So you can't hide data from users, which mean somenone might try to change things in an unexpected way, that may cause bugs. This is quite common in large programs.

Can Procedural Programming use Objects?

I have seen a number of different topics on StackOverFlow discussing the differences between Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming. The question is: If the program uses an object can it still be considered procedural?
Yes, and a lot of early Java was exactly that; you had a bunch of C programmers get into Java because it was "hot", people who didn't think in OOP. Lots of big classes with lots of static methods, lots of RTTI in case statements, lots of use of instanceof.
GLib has GObject which is object oriented programming implemented in pure C. While you can build up an API which begins to "feel" like OOP, it's still just plain "C" code with no actual classes (from the compiler's point of view). If you get far enough so you're starting to implement Object Oriented design patterns then I would call that OOP no matter what language it's written in. It's all about the feel of the code and how you have to think to write against it.
Procedural programming has to do with how you structure your program and model your domain. Just because at some point you instantiate an object, doesn't alone make your program oriented towards objects (i.e., object-oriented).
The distinction is entirely subjective. For example, if you code a C library using state passing, you are implementing something of a "tell" pattern, with the state as the object.
Classes can be considered as super types. When we converted from VB3 to VB6 our first pass was finding all the types we used, then finding all the subroutines and functions that took that type as a parameter. We moved those into the class definition, removed the parameter and then tested leaving the original flow of control intact
Then we refactored our flow of control to use various patterns and object oriented techniques.
The heart of object orientation is about how you decompose the problem into smaller parts, and how these parts work together. It's about the philosophy. Using OO language does not necessarily mean a program written in it is OO; it's just easier to do OO with a language that supports common OO concepts out of the box.
To answer the question: "If the program uses an object can it still be considered procedural?" - That depends on what your definitions of object and procedural programming are. But in my opinion, the answer is resounding "Yes". "Objects" are only a part of the philosophy that is OO and using them "somewhere in your application" does not mean you're doing OO.
The answer to your question is, yes. For example. I've got an old php legacy page to maintain. Most of the code is procedural but I decided that some things can be maintained much easier if I plug Zend Framework into the existing stuff and write some of my own classes to replace some of the old code. In general this application is still written and functioning in a mainly procedural way but here and then a class or another are instantiated and used. I guess there is no clear border between procedural and OO. You can do it cleaner or less clean. If you don't have enough layers for the size and complexity of your app you'll end up with more procedural code automatically too...