Yii + Zend gdata. Youtube upload - yii

I want to upload videos with next way:
I just upload file to server (as usual)
My server-side Yii-application takes that video and uploads it on Youtube from a special account on youTube
What do i have:
My YouTube (google) account name and email. "name" or "name#gmail.com"
My password
A developer Key, which I found in Google's "Product Dashboard"
A name of the application, which names 'myapp':
Product Dashboard: myapp
So, I read some docs in google and decided that best way for me is to use ClientLogin auth type, because I have only one account to use and I have all necessary data. I found an example for ZendFramework's GData and I imported it into my Yii application.
I specially simplified the code just to upload one single video from /upload directory to test that it works. I expect to find a video in my YT account uploaded. Of course there is no video and here I am :-) Complete code of the action is below:
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
$yt_user = 'myYTname';
$yt_pass = 'myYTpass';
$yt_source = 'myapp';
$yt_api_key = 'veryVERYlongKEYhere';
$authenticationURL= 'https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin';
$httpClient = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient(
$username = $yt_user,
$password = $yt_pass,
$service = 'youtube',
$client = null,
$source = $yt_source,
$loginToken = null,
$loginCaptcha = null,
$yt = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube($httpClient, $yt_source, null, $yt_api_key);
$myVideoEntry = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry();
$filesource = $yt->newMediaFileSource(Yii::getpathOfAlias('webroot').'/upload/videos/video.mp4');
$myVideoEntry->setVideoTitle('My Test Movie');
$myVideoEntry->setVideoDescription('My Test Movie description');
$myVideoEntry->SetVideoTags('cars, funny');
$myVideoEntry->setVideoDeveloperTags(array('mydevtag', 'anotherdevtag'));
$uploadUrl = "http://uploads.gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/{$yt_user}/uploads";
try {
$newEntry = $yt->insertEntry($myVideoEntry, $uploadUrl, 'Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry');
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $httpException) {
echo $httpException->getRawResponseBody();
} catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
As you can see, there is a lot of default code from the official example. But it doesn't work. Noone echo shows me information. But when I deleted try-catch, I got an error:
Read timed out after 10 seconds

So, this problem is solved by myself :)
First of all: don't try to upload from localhost!
Then in my case I got an error, that I didn't say my dev-key! So, if you got the same error, try to change this:
$newEntry = $yt->insertEntry($myVideoEntry, $uploadUrl, 'Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry');
by adding the 4th parameter - extra headers:
$yt->insertEntry($myVideoEntry, $uploadUrl, 'Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry', array(
'X-GData-Key' => 'key=yourBIGbigBIGdeveloperKEYhere'
Good luck and have fun with youtube API!


html2PDF work on local , but wont create a pdf on server (blank page)

I'm coding since 2 year and learning cakePHP since a few weeks , and i'm actually in internship trying to deploy a website.
I have trouble with Html2PDF , as it work well on the local version, but not on the server (a new page is opened , with the right url , but the pdf is blank).
the newly opened blank page contain this error message (displayed on the f12 debug console) :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
the Html2PDF code :
function exportFicheVie() {
$Equipement = $this->Equipement->getEquipement($_GET['Id']);
$PersonnesRessources = $this->Equipement->getPersonnesRessourcesOfEquipement($_GET['Id']);
$Prestataire = $this->Equipement->getPrestataireOfEquipement($_GET['Id']);
$Verifications = $this->Equipement->getVerif($_GET['Id']);
$Contrat = $this->Equipement->getContrat($_GET['Id']);
if (count($Contrat)==0)
$Contrat[0] = "Non";
$Vide = array(
if (count($PersonnesRessources)==0)
$PersonnesRessources = array($Vide, $Vide);
elseif (count($PersonnesRessources)==1)
$PersonnesRessources[] = $Vide;
if (count($Prestataire)==0)
$Prestataire = $Vide;
// convert in PDF
$Html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'fr');
$NbPages = $Html2pdf->pdf->getAliasNbPages();
$NumPage = $Html2pdf->pdf->getAliasNumPage();
include($Html2pdf->getHtmlFromPage(__DIR__.'/../View/Equipements/export_fiche_vie.ctp', $Equipement, $PersonnesRessources, $Prestataire, $NbPages, $NumPage));
$Content = ob_get_clean();
$Html2pdf->addFont('Century Gothic', 'normal', __DIR__.'/../webroot/theme/plugins/html2pdf/vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/fonts/centurygothic.php');
$Html2pdf->addFont('Century Gothic Bold', 'normal', __DIR__.'/../webroot/theme/plugins/html2pdf/vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/fonts/centurygothic.php');
$Html2pdf->setDefaultFont('Century Gothic');
$Html2pdf->writeHTML($Content, isset($_GET['vuehtml']));
catch(HTML2PDF_exception $e)
echo $e;
I don't expect an miracle answer , because this question appear a lot without any clear solution , but any hint, advice or supposition would be welcome .it's my first time putting a website on a real server they might be some obvious things I miss.

Writing to a config file dynamically using PHP

Implementing a SAAS (multi-tenant) app, I have a situation where an app would need to connect to different databases based on the user who wants to login. The databases are for separate institutions. Let's say MANAGER-A for institution-A, MANAGER-B for institution-B, want to login into their various institutions.
The process I'm implementing is this: There are 3 databases involved: DEFAULT-DB, INSTITUTION-A-DB, INSTITUTION-B-DB. The DEFAULT-DB contains all the login and database credentials of each user. This means that before MANAGER-A can login to his app, what happens is that, first, he will be logged in into the DEFAULT-DB, if successful, his details would be fetched and logged and set as the parameter of the config.php file. This means that connection will be dynamic based on the params fetched and passed by the DEFAULT-DB. My questions are these:
How do I write these params dynamically to the config.php file?
Secondly, I'm open to experts advise if my implementation is not the best.
Config.php file
global $CFG;
$CFG = new stdClass();
$CFG->dbtype = 'mysqli';
$CFG->dblibrary = 'native';
$CFG->dbhost = 'localhost';
$CFG->dbname = 'mydb';
$CFG->dbuser = 'root';
$CFG->dbpass = '';
$CFG->prefix = 'my_';
$CFG->dboptions = array (
'dbpersist' => 0,
'dbport' => '',
'dbsocket' => '1',
'dbcollation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci',
$CFG->wwwroot = 'http://localhost:8888/myapp';
$CFG->dataroot = '/Applications/MAMP/data/myapp_data';
$CFG->admin = 'admin';
$CFG->directorypermissions = 0777;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/setup.php');
This is Moodle. I have tried IOMAD, it is a great app but does not address my need.
That is a bad solution, IMHO. When you rewrite the configuration file, what happens when the next request comes in that loads that file? They will load the wrong configuration.
I would create two additional configuration files: config_inst_a.php and config_inst_b.php. Then set a session variable when the user logs in that contains the settings file name to load. You can then redefine the database information variables in the additional settings files. If the session variable has a filename in it, load that file AFTER the default config and the database connection values will be replaced.
Added sample code:
Really, really brief:
// Log in user here, and get info about what user company..
$_SESSION['User_ConfigFile'] = 'settings'.$userCompany.'.php';
// More code, or page redirect, or whatever, but the below goes on every page AFTER the default DB is included:
If it helps somebody, my solution, not in production yet, but for now it works like a charm.
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'institutionA.mydomain.com') {
$CFG->dbname = 'institutionA'; // database name, eg moodle
$CFG->dbuser = 'user_institutionA'; // your database username
$CFG->wwwroot = 'https://institutionA.mydomain.com';
$CFG->dataroot = 'dataroot_institutionA';
$CFG->some_custom_data = 'my_institutiona_data';
} else
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == 'institutionB.mydomain.com') {
$CFG->dbname = 'institutionB'; // database name, eg moodle
$CFG->dbuser = 'user_institutionB'; // your database username
$CFG->wwwroot = 'https://institutionB.mydomain.com';
$CFG->dataroot = 'dataroot_institutionB';
$CFG->some_custom_data = 'my_institutionB_data';
} else {
...... anything you need in this case

Paypal Php Sdk - NotifyUrl is not a fully qualified URL Error

I have this code
$product_info = array();
$product_info = $cms['class']['product']->get($cms['site']['url_data']['product_id']);
echo 'No product info.';
$fee = $product_info['yearly_price_end'] / 100 * $product_info['fee'];
$yearly_price_end = $product_info['yearly_price_end'] + $fee;
$fee = ($product_info['setup_price_end'] / 100) * $product_info['fee'];
$setup_price_end = $product_info['setup_price_end'] + $fee;
$setup_price_end = $setup_price_end - $_SESSION['discountcode_amount'];
$error = false;
$plan_id = '';
$approvalUrl = '';
$ReturnUrl = SITE_URL.'payment/?payment_type=paypal&payment_page=process_agreement';
$CancelUrl = SITE_URL.'payment/?payment_type=paypal&payment_page=cancel_agreement';
$now = $cms['date'];
$now->modify('+5 minutes');
$apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(
new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential(
$cms['options']['plugin_paypal_clientid'], // ClientID
$cms['options']['plugin_paypal_clientsecret'] // ClientSecret
use PayPal\Api\ChargeModel;
use PayPal\Api\Currency;
use PayPal\Api\MerchantPreferences;
use PayPal\Api\PaymentDefinition;
use PayPal\Api\Plan;
use PayPal\Api\Patch;
use PayPal\Api\PatchRequest;
use PayPal\Common\PayPalModel;
use PayPal\Api\Agreement;
use PayPal\Api\Payer;
use PayPal\Api\ShippingAddress;
// Create a new instance of Plan object
$plan = new Plan();
// # Basic Information
// Fill up the basic information that is required for the plan
// # Payment definitions for this billing plan.
$paymentDefinition = new PaymentDefinition();
// The possible values for such setters are mentioned in the setter method documentation.
// Just open the class file. e.g. lib/PayPal/Api/PaymentDefinition.php and look for setFrequency method.
// You should be able to see the acceptable values in the comments.
$setFrequency = 'Year';
//$setFrequency = 'Day';
$paymentDefinition->setName('Regular Payments')
->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => $yearly_price_end, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
// Charge Models
$chargeModel = new ChargeModel();
->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => 0, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
$merchantPreferences = new MerchantPreferences();
// ReturnURL and CancelURL are not required and used when creating billing agreement with payment_method as "credit_card".
// However, it is generally a good idea to set these values, in case you plan to create billing agreements which accepts "paypal" as payment_method.
// This will keep your plan compatible with both the possible scenarios on how it is being used in agreement.
->setSetupFee(new Currency(array('value' => $setup_price_end, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
// ### Create Plan
try {
$output = $plan->create($apiContext);
} catch (Exception $ex){
echo $output->getId().'<br />';
echo $output.'<br />';
Been working with paypal php sdk for some days now and my code stop working.
So i went back to basic and i am still getting the same damn error.
I am trying to create a plan for subscription but getting the following error:
"NotifyUrl is not a fully qualified URL"
I have no idea how to fix this as i dont use NotfifyUrl in my code?
Could be really nice if anyone had an idea how to fix this problem :)
PayPal did a update to their API last night which has caused problem within their SDK.
They are sending back null values in their responses.
I MUST stress the error is not on sending the request to PayPal, but on processing their response.
BUG Report : https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK/issues/1151
Pull Request : https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK/pull/1152
Hope this helps, but their current SDK is throwing exceptions.
Use below simple fix.
Replace below function in vendor\paypal\rest-api-sdk-php\lib\PayPal\Api\MerchantPreferences.php
public function setNotifyUrl($notify_url)
UrlValidator::validate($notify_url, "NotifyUrl");
$this->notify_url = $notify_url;
return $this;
If you get the same error for return_url/cancel_url, add the if condition as above.
Note: This is not a permanent solution, you can use this until getting the update from PayPal.
From the GitHub repo for the PayPal PHP SDK, I see that the error you mentioned is thrown when MerchantPreferences is not given a valid NotifyUrl. I see you're setting the CancelUrl and ReturnUrl, but not the NotifyUrl. You may simply need to set that as well, i.e.:
$NotifyUrl = (some url goes here)
Reason behind it!
error comes from.
if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$urlName is not a fully qualified URL");
FILTER_VALIDATE_URL: according to this php function.
INVALID URL: "http://cat_n.domain.net.in/"; // IT CONTAIN _ UNDERSCORE.
VALID URL: "http://cat-n.domain.net.in/"; it separated with - dash
here you can dump your url.
public static function validate($url, $urlName = null)
And then check this here: https://www.w3schools.com/PHP/phptryit.asp?filename=tryphp_func_validate_url
you can check here what character will reason for invalid.

export data from bigquery to cloud storage- php client library - there is one extra empty new line in the cloud storage file

I followed this sample
public function exportDailyRecordsToCloudStorage($date, $tableId)
$validTableIds = ['table1', 'table2'];
if (!in_array($tableId, $validTableIds))
die("Wrong TableId");
$date = date("Ymd", date(strtotime($date)));
$datasetId = $date;
$dataset = $this->bigQuery->dataset($datasetId);
$table = $dataset->table($tableId);
// load the storage object
$storage = $this->storage;
$bucketName = 'mybucket';
$objectName = "daily_records/{$tableId}_" . $date;
$destinationObject = $storage->bucket($bucketName)->object($objectName);
// create the import job
$options = ['jobConfig' => ['destinationFormat' => $format]];
$job = $table->export($destinationObject, $options);
// poll the job until it is complete
$backoff = new ExponentialBackoff(10);
$backoff->execute(function () use ($job) {
print('Waiting for job to complete' . PHP_EOL);
if (!$job->isComplete()) {
//throw new Exception('Job has not yet completed', 500);
// check if the job has errors
if (isset($job->info()['status']['errorResult'])) {
$error = $job->info()['status']['errorResult']['message'];
printf('Error running job: %s' . PHP_EOL, $error);
} else {
print('Data exported successfully' . PHP_EOL);
I have 37670 rows in my table1, and the cloud storage file has 37671 lines.
And I have 388065 my table2, and the cloud storage file has 388066 lines.
The last line in both cloud storage files is empty line.
Is this a Google BigQuery feature improvement request? or I did something wrong in my codes above?
What you described seems like an unexpected outcome. The output file should generally has the same number of lines as the source table.
Your PHP code looks fine and shouldn't be the cause of the issue.
I'm trying reproduce it but unable to. Could you double-check if the last empty line is somehow added by another tool like a text editor or something? How are you counting the lines of the resulting output.
If you have ruled that out and are sure the newline is indeed added by BigQuery export feature, please consider opening a bug using the BigQuery Issue Tracker as suggested by xuejian and include your job ID so that we can investigate further.

How to work with youtube api V3

I need help with youtube API V3.
as when on the browser I type:
it's show return values.
However I am trying to collect the array from php.
How can I use GET https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&maxResults=1&q=Titanic%201997%20Official%20Trailer&key= in php so I get the result in php?
or is there any option to get the search result in a rss feed format.
Thanks in advance
Make a simple video search on YouTube API and you will get video title, description, video id and image source so best approach full code is given below.
$search = "Search Query"; // Search Query
$api = "YouTube API Key"; // YouTube Developer API Key
$results = 10; // Max results
$link = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?safeSearch=moderate&order=relevance&part=snippet&q=".urlencode($search). "&maxResults=$results&key=". $api;
$video = file_get_contents($link);
$video = json_decode($video, true);
foreach ($video['items'] as $data){
$title = $data['snippet']['title'];
$description = $data['snippet']['title'];
$vid = $data['id']['videoId'];
$image = "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/$vid/default.jpg";
// Output Title/Description/Image URL If Video ID exist
echo "Title: $title<br />Description: $description<br />Video ID: $vid<br />Image URL: $image<hr>";