Word 2003 vba cannot change bookmark font - vba

The following code does not work
objDoc.Bookmarks("SomeBookMark").Range.Font.Bold = True
objDoc.Bookmarks("SomeBookMark").Range.Text = GetSomeText()
objDoc.Bookmarks("SomeBookMark").Range.Font.Bold = True
When I run the code the text that is retrieved by GetSomeText() still has the default font.

Why don't you just style the bookmarks?
I searched for this in the past and also didn't find a proper solution back then.
However, since a bookmark represents a fixed field in a text template, usually the format shouldn't change so easily.
I'm sorry to put this in the reply field, but I can't find the "comment" button :-s


Update [Style] to Match Selection option on Character Style via macro

I'm having an issue with some character style that doesn't reflect the style change when applied (this doesn't happen always):
Example: I have a character style for italics, and when I apply the character style, the word still appears as normal (but the char style is applied, and checking the properties, the style has the check ok for italics).
In order to fix this, I select the word with the issue, right click on the style and use the option "Update [StyleName] to match selection", and it displays the italics correctly.
The problem here is that when I try to replicate this behavior with a VBA Macro (via recording macro), the macro that Word writes has this error:
Run-time error '5900': The property is not allowed for character styles. This is the line with error:
ActiveDocument.Styles("StyleItalic").AutomaticallyUpdate = False
Looking at the code created via Macro, seems that it is not possible for a character style to be automatically updated.
The character style is also created via macro, and I can't see anything wrong in the style:
Private Sub Creo(style As String, fontName As String, fontSize As Integer, hasItalic As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
ActiveDocument.Find.style = ActiveDocument.Styles(style)
If ActiveDocument.Find.Found = False Then
ActiveDocument.Styles.Add name:=style, Type:=wdStyleTypeCharacter
ActiveDocument.Styles(style).QuickStyle = True
ActiveDocument.Styles(style).font.Size = fontSize
ActiveDocument.Styles(style).font.name = fontName
ActiveDocument.Styles(style).font.Italic = hasItalic
End If
End Sub
Is there a way to fix this? Hope I explain myself. I am working with 1000+ pages Word Document, so this becomes a bit too tedious for manual editing. Also, sometimes the style in other word works ok, but other doesn't. (All the words have both paragraph style and character style)
Your question describes two unrelated issues.
Applying a character style with the same property as the underlying
paragraph style will cause that property to be turned off in the
text. Updating the character style to match the selection will have
the opposite effect to what you want.
To demonstrate: in a new document type a paragraph of text and apply
a style that is defined as italic, e.g. Quote or Intense Quote.
Select the whole paragraph and press Ctrl+I to turn off italics. Now
select just part of the text and apply the character style named
Emphasis. You will see that it has no apparent effect on the text.
This is because both the paragraph style and the character style are
italic, cancelling each other out and having the same effect as
turning italics off manually.
Now right click on Emphasis and select Update to Match Selection.
The selected text will now be italic but, as the text preview in the
Quick Styles gallery will show you, Emphasis is no longer italic.
Only paragraph and linked styles have the Automatically Update
property, which is why you get an error when attempting to set it on a character style.

Set PPT Font to 'Body' Type

I am not able to paste the entirety of my code, but the crux is that I have a textbox in PPT 2013, myTb, that I have (programmatically) pasted some text into. I now want to perform the following two actions:
See if the original text was the PPT 'body default' font (e.g. 'Calibri (body)' vs. 'Calibri' in the MS Ribbon)
If it was the body default, set the new text to also be the body default.
I can't seem to figure either part out, even though I have experimented with reading/writing from/to most of the Shape.TextFrame[n].TextRange.Font.Name... fields. I also had two confounding points to ask about, regarding the Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.NameComplexScript field:
This field does not seem to be a 'complete' indicator of body-default vs non-body-default font. The reason is that if this textbox is originally the body-default ('Calibri (body)'), it will read '+mn-cs', but then I can change the font to the non-default variant ('Calibri'), and it still reads '+mn-cs'.
I then proceed to change the textbox to an entirely different font, which changes this field to the font's name as expected. However, if I then change back to the body-default font (or any other font, for that matter), this field remains on the previous font's name.
To set the font to the body or heading font, you need to use a weird bit of syntax:
{object}.Font.Name = "+" + FontType + "-" + FontLang
FontType is "mj" or "mn" for Major (headings) or Minor (body) respectively.
FontLang is "lt", "cs" or "ea" for Latin, Complex Scripts or East Asian
For example to set the font to the theme's body text font for Latin text:
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "+mn-lt"
A bit late to the party, but I found this in case anyone needs it.
Edit: This is C# code, using the Interop PowerPoint namespace.
string headingsThemeFont = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeFontScheme.MajorFont.Item(MsoFontLanguageIndex.msoThemeLatin).Name;
string bodyThemeFont = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Theme.ThemeFontScheme.MinorFont.Item(MsoFontLanguageIndex.msoThemeLatin).Name;

VBA Macro for MS Word to Ignore Spelling Errors in Selected Block of Text

VBA Noob here. I take my python programming notes in a word document since I can import images into it and align/format text quickly. Any code pasted into this document comes up as a spelling error. I'm trying to find a way to ignore spelling errors within a selected text area so I don't have to deal with ignoring each spelling error line of code individually. I don't want to turn off spell check in the document.
Ideally, I'd able to write a macro that read:
Selection.ShowSpellingErrors = True
but ShowSpellingErrors() can only be used with ActiveDocument. I was able to a record a macro that ignored spelling errors with:
Selection.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS
Selection.NoProofing = True
However, any new text I type into this also doesn't get proofed, which is something I don't want. I want to be able to write new text and see any errors I make. Thanks for any help!
Not a VBA Macro, but I think this answer may be relevant to your problem anyway.
Try creating a style for code which does not include spell check. Anything with this style does not get spell checked, while the rest of the document does. Sometimes I find the code shows the red underline, but if you run spell check it should just disappear without needing to be 'fixed'.
Create a new style, in the modify formatting dialog, go to Format > Language:
Tick the 'Do not check spelling or grammar' checkbox:
Highlight your code and use the new style. Any text not in this style will still be spellchecked:

How to check for particular text irrespective of the font of the text in excel VBA

I am writing a code piece as:
If Sheets("Data").Cells(27, 3).Value = "Date" Then
Even after having "Date" in particular Cell this If loop doesn't works. After lot of digging I found that Excel in which I am searching is using some pre-defined font. If I delete the text "Date" already printed in the report and put my text as "Date", same code piece works perfectly. Please suggest way to make this codepiece work.

automating word 2010 to generate docs

the webapp was already done on office2007 and i need to convert it so it'll work in office2010.
i was able to convert the header generator part of the code but i have problem with the body of the doc itself. the code copy the data from a "data" doc and paste it into the generated doc.
appword.activewindow.activepane.view.seekview = 0
'set appsel1 = appword.activewindow.selection
set appsel1 = appword.window(filepath).selection -that is the original one
appword.selection.insertafter("some text")
appsel1.endkey(6) -the code stops here
appword.selection.insertafter("some other text")
the iexplorer debuger says ERROR:appsel1 object required. and when i view its data using the iexplorer debugger its data is "empty" instead of "{...}"
can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong
if you need more of the code tell me.
After this method is applied, the selection expands to include the new
If you use this method with a selection that refers to an entire
paragraph, the text is inserted after the ending paragraph mark (the
text will appear at the beginning of the next paragraph). To insert
text at the end of a paragraph, determine the ending point and
subtract 1 from this location (the paragraph mark is one character).
However, if the selection ends with a paragraph mark that also happens
to be the end of the document, Microsoft Word inserts the text before
the final paragraph mark rather than creating a new paragraph at the
end of the document.
Also, if the selection is a bookmark, Word inserts the specified
text but does not extend the selection or the bookmark to include the
new text.
So I suspect that you still have no selected text.
I wonder if you can do a Selection Collapse(wdCollapseStart) but that's just a thought.